VS 2008 Inserting Text Into RTB Without Knowing Name Of Component?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a RTB that I am generating during runtime. The users who will be using this app, need to be able to select unique IDs from a ComboBox and when they are selected, their value gets added to the RTB. Its ID is directly related to the their index in the combobox.


The problem, is that since the RTB is created during runtime, I won't know its created name. At anytime, there could be 10 RTBs inside of its own tab within a TabControls.So, anyone know how I can access the RTB without knowing its name?

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VS 2008 : Inserting And Entering Text In A Different Process?

Feb 11, 2010

My aim is to insert commands in to a console such as command prompt (except it isn't command prompt its actually a console engine for a game) and the commands will have shortcut buttons aswell which I can do my self, not a problem. My actual problem how ever is that I dont know how my vb form would recognise the process it needs to type in and how it would even find the text box to auto type the pre configured commands which I would have configured inside my form.

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VS 2008 Inserting A Space To A Line Of Text?

Feb 13, 2011

i tried this but it didn't work,

if label1.text.contains "$" then "$" = " $"

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VS 2008 Inserting A String Of Text At A Certain Position?

Sep 8, 2009

far it works! But it work's too well. What I'm trying to do is insert a string of text at a certain index position of a text file, underneath a certain line of text. So far I have:

'Controls Var 16
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
If Mytempstring.Contains("zrandomtextz=0") = True Then
Mytempstring = Mytempstring.Replace("zrandomtextz=0", "zrandomtextz=1")
ElseIf Mytempstring.Contains("zrandomtextz=") = False Then


It's inserting the text, but it's inserting it at every line of text in the file. So instead of one instance of "zrandomtextz" underneath "xinserttextx" I get "zrandomtextz" before every single line in the file. Can someone please help me as this has been an issue for months now? Edit: There are quite a few lines above this one, as in 50-150, so I removed all of the above section, however I can assure you that whenever it is simply replacing then writing to file it works flawlessly, it's only now that I'm having problems and this is when I try to insert new stuff under stuff.

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Set ListBox Item Text Without Knowing What Kind Of Object It Is

May 14, 2010

I'm creating an editable ListBox control, where the user can double-click an item to edit it. When double-clicked, I simply overlay a TextBox over the item, so the user can change the text and then commit it by pressing Enter or leaving the TextBox. The 'commit' is simply this:[code]where 'editingIndex' is the index of the item being edited, and 'textBox' is the TextBox object.If the ListBox contains strings, this works just fine. The item being edited is replaced by the textbox Text string.However, if the ListBox contains some other object (let's say a custom class), this is a problem! It still "works", in that it still sets the text of the item, but the item is no longer an instance of that custom class! It is now a String, and all other information about the item is lost. So, I really want to let the user be able to change the text representation of ANY object, without replacing the object with a string. Obviously, I cannot know how the object displays its text (well, by the ToString function of course, but I cannot know what the ToString function returns).Now, I am having a few ideas how to approach this, but none really work the way I want. I am pretty sure that I'm going to have to provide some kind of event that the user has to handle. I'm thinking something like this:

- When the item edit is committed, an event is raised
- This event contains the Item being edited (as an object, the user has to cast it himself), and the new text of the item.-
- The user handles this event, and assigns the new text to the correct property.

For the Person class, this could look something like this.My ListBox should raise this event, and assign the new item like this.[code]I think this should work (although I haven't tested it), but there's one problem with this approach:When the items are just strings, the user still needs to implement this event handler, while he shouldn't have to (I can simply assign the new text string to the item). So, if the user is simply using strings, he still needs to do this for every instance of my listbox:[code]So what I'm really looking for is a way so that I can implement the default behavior (for String items), and still allow the user to override this behavior if he is not using strings.I may be overlookihe obvious solution here, but I can't figure it out... Overriding is done when you inherit a class, but the user isn't going to inherit my custom listbox (well he CAN, but he shouldn't have to). He is just going to handle the event. And if he doesn't handle the event, my listbox uses the default implementation.

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Accessing A DLL Library Without Knowing It?

Feb 22, 2011

Basically I am creating a Windows Service as an 'updater' program to update all my software packages. Whats going to happen is every piece of my software that is installed in its program folder will have an Update.dll this DLL will be a library to do with the update of the software.

There will also be a database in the Updater program folder which will contain a list of all my installed software. So when the service starts it will open my 'database' which will load the paths to all my installed software to a string array. Each path in the string array will have a Update.dll in the folder.

What I need to do then is is in turn call a routine called StartUpdate() from each of those Update.dll which will then do all the work. So the service itself is fairly basic and doesn't really do much I just need to figure out how to access DLL's when I don't actually know what ones will be there while programming, Reason I am doing it this way is to support my future software programmes without having to update the updater.

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VS 2008 - Accessing File Path Without Knowing Full Name

Jul 16, 2010

I need to access a file path, but a part of the path is different on each PC. Mozilla creates a random profile name for each PC it is installed on. I can get most of the path through environment variables. I need to access the files inside of the default profile, but can't since I'm not sure how to access it.

Here's an example of the file path:
The only thing that stays the same with the profile name, is the '.default' part.

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VS 2008 Find Out File Extension Knowing Filename Only?

Jul 5, 2010

I am looking for an advise on how to find out the extension of the file only knowing the name and the location of it. I tried getextension method and some other but they don't seem to do anything to me.

Dim FileFullPath As String = "\SERVERPublicCRM_LibraryOrderMGMLetters" & datagridLetters.CurrentRow.Cells.Item(0).Value.ToString() & ".pdf"


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VS 2010 : Inserting Text Into A Text File?

Nov 30, 2009

How would i insert some text into a specific file?Like say i have a file named helloworld.txt it has Hello World as text inside it, how would i take some new data like "Bye World" and then remove the contence of helloworld.txt and replace it with "Bye World" ?

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Clean Elegant Solution To Form-class Level Component Collection Initializing Before Initialize Component?

Feb 3, 2011

I am converting an old Vb6 solution to .net 2.0 in vs2010. I've been working in C# for about 3 years now and .net for 5. I don't recall having this problem in C#, but if I want initialize a readonly collection of DerivedControlFoo Is there a clean way to do it besides creating a sub to do it all off somewhere else? I'd love to be able to do it at the class level at the declaration for readability and simplicity.

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Create A DLL Component For Database Operation And Use Created Component In Another Project

Mar 1, 2010

Create a DLL component for database operation and use created component in another project. Required methods, events and properties

a. Connect
b. Add
c. Delete
d. Save
e. Record navigation (first, next, previous, last)
f. Properties for all database fields
g. Events for validation of database fields.

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Inserting Text Into Web Textbox?

Mar 31, 2010

this program is going to take the username that is saved in a text file and is going to put it into a web text box, the problem i seem to be having is basically everything in the website. The username does not go into the text box and I can't get it to submit.

Public Class mainForm
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)


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Inserting A Gap In Each Line Of A Text File

Nov 12, 2009

I have a text file that I need to go to column 40 and insert 10 spaces. What appears to happen is it takes the filst line and appends 10 spaces for every line that occurs.[code]

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Inserting An Image Into A Rich Text Box?

Sep 11, 2010

I have created a basic word processor and come across a small speed bump; I have used a rich text box as the input, the user will be able to paste an image into it with no problems.

However I can't seem to find away of browsing for an image in a directory to insert into the rich text box.

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Inserting Text At Beginning Of Textbox?

Dec 24, 2010

I tried using Insert to insert text to the beginning of a textbox in Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition, but it isn't working, using code like below.

TextBox1.Text.Insert(0, "text")

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Inserting Textbox Text Into Datagridview

Aug 24, 2011

i am currently doing a billing project, i need to add values from textbox manually into a datagridview but i am having problem now as i click on the button, the datagridview refresh the whole table. what i want is to add a new row to the datagridview once a submit button pressed.


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C# - Change A Component Name In A Component Designer In WinForms .Net

Jan 8, 2010

I've created a component whose name I'd like to be able to change while editing in the component tray. I've added a Designer action for a name property, but now I'm stuck.

Looking at the property grid, I can see that the name property is parenthesised, indicating that it's not a regular property.

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Inserting Auto-text Into A Word Document?

Aug 28, 2008

I am creating a word document which has a table in the header. I want to add a Page x of Y autotext into one of the cells but no matter what I try I cannot seem to work out the syntax.

I tried (among other things)

tblTable.Cell(3, 8).Range.Select()
oWord.NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries("Page X of Y").Insert(Where:=oWord.Selection.Range)

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Inserting Image Into ListView SubItem Without Text

Feb 5, 2009

I want to know how to insert image into ListView Subitem. I know how to insert image into ListView first Subitem means. To insert an image into first item
dim lvitem as ListViewItem
set lvitem=ListView1.Items.add("Sonia",me.ImageList1.Images.count-1)
How to insert an image without text into subitem.

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Inserting Text Into A Textbox At The Cursor Position VB?

Jun 15, 2012

I am trying to work out how I can insert the string "End" into my textbox at a specific cursor point?
(where the '???' is in the code below)As you can see by the code below this will happen when the user clicks return on the keyboard within the textbox.

I have the code to get the cursor index which is being stored as integer 'intcurrentcolumn'. Private Sub Enter_Click(ByVal Sender As System.Object, ByVal k As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs)


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Inserting Text On Html Page (WebBrowser)?

Sep 3, 2010

As it doesn't seem possible to make a new reply to a vBulletin thread, I'm trying something different.A link to a New Reply page is like this http:[url]....I want to fill in the textbox, just as I'm typing now but with a report.I know that


So I can do this

If currentElement.Name = "message" Then
If currentElement.Id = "vB_Editor_001_textarea" Then
End If[code]......

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Inserting Values From Text File Into A Table?

Mar 21, 2012

i am trying to read from a text file and enter this into a table.The text file contains just 3 didget numbers sepearted by a line to distingues a new number. The table consists of 2 columns called ID (which is auto increment PK) and ISBN. The table is called IntTable in a database called book.mdf. I have found some code which i need to change to accumplish this task.Can someone direct me as to what i should be trying to change,add etc i would be very greatful. I am extremly new to all of VB,ASP and using Visual Studio 2010 so please bare with me if i ask what you may percieve as silly questions.


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Receiving Data From Text Boxes And Inserting It Into Database?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to accept two pieces of data from two textboxes, which will then be inserted into a database on pressing enter, along with a date stamp, and a time stamp. My two text boxes are called; txtindicatorand txtemployee, the database is called; Database11 (Database11DataSet1).

The data would be imported into a table named; Data_Collection and the fields would be; Employee ID (which would come from the info the user inserted into 'txtemployee'), Time (automatic time stamp), Date (automatic date stamp), Type (which would be identified from textbox 'txtindicator').

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Insert Query For Inserting Date Into Access From Masked Text Box?

May 3, 2010

Insert Query for inserting date into access from masked text box in vb.net

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Selecting Text To Format - Inserting Pages In Word Processor?

May 6, 2011

I am doing word processor but I cannot do the font it is not select fonting text in textbox what shall I do?
Font code=
In this case it can not do select text to format
2. In word processor how do insert many page?

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Missing Crystal Report 2008 Component From 2008?

Jul 2, 2010

after that, I try to add crystal report 2008 component to VB.net .By right click on toolbox choose items and checked crystal report viewerIt doesn't seem works, there is no crystal report 2008 component on toolbox

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Sql - Script Component To Convert Text File To Excel In Visual Studio 2005?

Apr 25, 2011

I would like help with a script component in Visual Studio 2005 to take a text file as a source and convert it to Excel file (output). The text file uses a ~ (tilde) as the column delimiter.Also, can this be done without installing Excel on the server? Any and all suggestions are welcome. Below is sample I am having a problem with in the script component:


I keep getting an error stating that Excel.Application is not defined and I also get Option Strict On requires all vairable declarations to have an 'AS' clause. Can someone point me into the right direction?

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Create Your Own Component In VB 2008?

Aug 27, 2009

How do you create your own custom component for vb.net 2008? I want it to simply output to a .dll, not a whole winforms app.

How can I control the component? For example, I want my component to not have a visible design view, I want it to stay below like the stopwatch component and the notifyicon component and such, it is not something to be designed. Then, how do I edit the possible properties a user can control, and make them effect the end result?

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How To Use ExtCursors (Component In Vb 2008)

May 5, 2011

Im using the component in visual basic 2008 it is ExtCursors. I get it here. Its fine and working great, but I want to change the cursor everytime the users mouse was hover in a button. I want my preferred cursor not the cursor in vb 2008.

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VS 2008 What Kind Of Component Is This

Nov 30, 2010

what kind of components is this? specifically the tab control that acts like a chrome browser wherein you can add Tab and remove it at the same time, in addition adding new tab displayed the Main menu for whatever tasks the user wants...

Here is the screenshot of the tab control.[code...]

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