VS 2008 - Any Way To Enter Variable To Set For Any ComboBox?

Apr 15, 2009

I have some subs that I use that I could make more universal if I could have a ComboBox variable so to speak.
Me.ComboBoxCMFrac.SelectionStart = Me.ComboBoxCMFrac.Text.Length

For the above code is there a way to enter a variable that could be set to whatever ComboBox you wanted. I tried
Dim ObjectComboBox As Object
ObjectComboBox = ComboBoxCMFrac
ObjectComboBox.SelectionStart = ObjectComboBox.text.length

It doesn't accept that in the editor but I'm showing you what I would like to do. If there's no way to do it fine but if there is a way I'd like to know how.

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VS 2008 When Enter Some Text In Textbox / Press Button Text To Be Added In Form1 Combobox

Jan 22, 2010

i have 2 forms.in form1: i have 1 combobox in form2: i have 1 textbox and 1 button...I want to make in form2 when i enter some text in the textbox and press the button the text to be added in form1 combobox

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VS 2008 - Storing Selected Item In ComboBox To Variable On Button Click

May 10, 2010

I have 13 variables, all called Items1, Items2, Items3 and so on. I have a combo box with items in, each time I click a button I want it so whatever is selected is stored in a variable and if the button is selected again then it stores whatever is selected in the next variable. I know all the code for selecting items in a combo box and transferring it to a variable but the problem I cannot do is the part where each time a button is clicked it stores whatever is selected in the combo box to the next variable.

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2008 Send A Formula Array To Excel That Requires {CNTRL} {SHIFT}{ENTER} Characters To Enter The Spreadsheet?

Aug 23, 2009

I am trying to enter the following on an excel spread sheet from vb.net:applic.activesheet.cells(1,1)="=server|topic!" & Item & My.computer.keyboard.sendkeys("{CNTRL} {SHIFT}{ENTER} ")The error says: "Expression does not produce a value"I tried even {ENTER} and still the same error.

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VS 2010 How To Enter Value Of Variable

Mar 10, 2012

I have the following line of code which keeps giving an error.[code]I know what is causing the error, it is the ItemCount which remains as ItemCount in the command line not the value of ItemCount but I can't work out how to get the integer value.

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Get The 'Enter' Key To Behave Like The Tab Key In A Combobox Control

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to get the 'Enter' key to behave like the tab key in a combobox control. I've placed the following code in the keypress event: If e.KeyChar = ToChar(Keys.Enter) Then NextTextBox.Focus()End If When ran, nothing happens. I've placed a break point at the 'private sub' line, and the code is not breaking. What am I doing wrong?

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VS 2005 Combobox Hitting Enter Key Or Tab Key?

Sep 16, 2010

1. I type the first letter of the username i want in the combobox text area, the combobox drops down and shows me all the usernames starting with that letter. I scroll down to the name i want (as i scroll down, the text area holds each name but the SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire each time), then hit the Tab key, the SIC event fires and i get the result i want.

2. I do the same as above, but instead of hitting Tab key, i hit the Enter key. The same thing happens and i get the result i want.

3. This time, i first click on the dropdown arrow of the combobox such that it shows all usernames starting from the first name. I then type the first letter of the name i want. I saw that another drop down appeared in front of the first one and it was a smaller subset of names starting with the typed letter. I scroll down this smaller dropdown to the name i want (here also, as i scroll down, the text area holds each name, and the SIC event doesnt fire each time), then hit the Tab key, the SIC event fires and i get the result i want.

4. I do the same as #3, but this time i hit the Enter key instead of Tab key. But this time, the combobox text blanks out and the SIC event is not fired (although the name showed up just before i hit the Enter key). So i do not get any results back.

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Combobox - Dialog Exits When Enter Pressed?

Aug 29, 2009

I'm designing a Windows Forms Application, and there is a dialog that should NOT exit when the enter key is pressed, instead it has to validate data first, in case enter was pressed after changing the text of a ComboBox. I've tried by telling it what to do on KeyPress event of the ComboBox if e is the Enter key:


But no success so far. When the Enter key is pressed, even with the ComboBox on focus, the whole dialog is closed, returning to the previous form. The validation is NOT done at all, and it has to be done before exiting. In fact, I don't even want to exit on the form's enter KeyPress, the only purpose of the enter key on the whole dialog is to validate the ComboBox (but only when in focus, for the sake of an intuitive UI). I've also tried appending the validation to the KeyPress event of the whole dialog's form, if the key is Enter. NO SUCCESS! It's like my code wasn't there at all.

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Make Combobox Run An Event When The Enter Key Is Pressed?

Nov 7, 2011

I know the answer to this is out there somewhere, but my Google isn't being much help on this one. I am trying to make my combobox run an event when the enter key is pressed. Here is my code.

Private Sub CmbQuery_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles CmbQuery.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(13) Then
End If
End Sub

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Make Tab Key Or Enter To Move Focus From A Combobox Control?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a combobox on an Excel worksheet that I can tab into, then pick my data (located on another worksheet) after activating the "arrow". But the tab or enter key does not allow me to navigate away from the cell after it is populated. The only action that allows the user to move to another cell is by mouse/click to another cell. I am trying to make navigation through though worksheet as user friendly as possible.I can't seem to find any sample code that will take the focus away from that cell using Tab or Enter.

I have no problem with ListBoxes created using the Data Validation method but I have to create a ComboBox control on the active worksheet in order to return the data chosen (in this case a code that corresponds to a description). If this was a Form I wouldn't have any problem as the properties would allow me to set that up, but this is essentially a spreadsheet I've inherited and the current users do not want to go to a Data Entry Form.

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Replace The Enter Key Event Present In An ASP Variable With A White Space?

Sep 27, 2006

how can i replace the enter key event present in an ASP variable with a white space i tried a lot but bad luck...Actually there is no character like vbCrlf or <br> in the string actually I am getting ...it is an enter key event present in the string taken from a textarea ..... My attacks on this issue:

replace(request("textarea"),"vbCrLf"," ")
replace(request("textarea"),"&vbCrLf"," ")
replace(request("textarea"),"Chr(10)"," ")


Is there any third party component that has to be used to solve the problem...

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ComboBox + Enter = Ding - Created A New Separate Class Within Project

Jun 21, 2010

I didn't think this would be a problem, but it appears that others also search for this solution. There is an annoying DING! when hitting the Enter key in a ComboBox in VB.Net so I sought solutions. Here is the solution I am working with. I created a new seperate Class within my Project...

Public Class ClasscboBox
Inherits ComboBox


Looks good, but I am having a problem calling it from the main project. Here is what I have tried using...

Dim objcboBox As New ClasscboBox

However, it says thatKeyPressEventArgs is a Type and cannot be used as an Expression. I tried 'e' but no go. I am a little ahead of my classes (no pun intended) so I am likely missing something about what I am doing wrong.

I have three comboboxes so I though this would best suit my needs in the interests of writting decent code and not populating each call with repeating code.

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Combobox Press Enter = Go And Find Word In Tabbed Web Browser

Aug 31, 2010

2 things im wondering about.

1) is there a way once you input a web address in the combo box to press enter and simulate "go" instead of having to press go every time.

2) is there a Find word application for tabbed web browser? i need something that can send keys ctrl + f


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Filter The Rows In DataGridView Based On The Enter Text In Combobox?

Jul 10, 2011

I am Working VB.NET 08 Windows Appl.I Have Combobox and DataGridView in the Form.In the Combobx Having Names list Called "SurName".In The DataGridView on of the Column is "SurName".So when change the data on the Combobx list the dataGridView is Filtering and displaying the values correctly.For this i wrote a code in Select IndexChanged or SelectionCommitedChange Event.

But now my task is when i Type the text in the Combobox the related data should be filter in the DataGridView.If i type any letter in the Combbox the datagridview rows starts filter.

For Ex: Names are like 'Mali', 'Malu','Maal','Mouli'.

If i type 'M' letter in the Combobox then 4 rows Filter in the DataGridView.
If i Type 'Ma' then 3 rows ,
If i type 'Mal' then 2 rows,
If i type 'Mali' then 1 row.

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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Assign The Value Of A Combobox To A Variable?

Jul 18, 2012

i would like to assign the value of a combobox to a variable and use this variable as a parameter on the insert statement.see code below,code 1 works ok,but code 2 brings an error relating to wrong datatype,i cant seem to find where the problem because i think i am doing everything right.


i would like code 2 to work so that i can assign the variables different values at different scenarios. column serialno is a foreign key from table Stock.

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Combobox Assignment Of Variable?

Apr 4, 2011

If I put:

variableName = namecombobox.selectedItem


Dim variablename as type = namecombobox.SelectedIndex

Visual studio gives me the error: "Option Strict disallows conversions from object to string.

I can fix this by putting:

variableName = convert.ToString(namecombobox.SelectedItem)

Are all values contained in a combobox automatically treated as a non-string even when they are string values (in this case "Male" & "Female") and what is the correct way of assigning the value selected in a combobox to a variable?

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Set ComboBox Choice As Variable?

Feb 17, 2009

I made a combo box and i need to know how to set one variable for each choice in the combo box. for example, my choices are poor, average, good, and superior. I want to set the "poor" variable as the poor option in the combo box and the "average" variable as the average option in the combo box and so on and so forth.

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Assign Combobox.selectedvalue To A Variable?

Jul 31, 2009

I would like to assign cboBegCust.SelectedValue to c and cboEndCust.SelectedValue to d

Dim c, d As String
cboBegCust.SelectedValue = "customer"
cboEndCust.SelectedValue = "customer"


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Create A Combobox As A Global Variable?

Jul 28, 2011

Where and how do i create a global variable for a combobox? I need to use it on different forms.

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On Combobox How To Assign Variable To Those Stings?

Mar 30, 2012

On Combobox how do I assign variable to those stings?

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ComboBox.Text As Table Name Variable In FROM Clause

Sep 23, 2009

I'm getting the following error:"Incorrect syntax near 'Sysco' " when running the following statement using SqlDataAdapter:[code]

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Have The Index Value Of A Selected Item In A Combobox Returned To A Variable?

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to have the index value of a selected item in a combobox returned to a variable. Then, if the variable = 1 (which would be the index of th second item in the combobox), I want a groupbox to be hidden (be invisible) on the form. Here is my code...Getting an error that says:

'ListIndex' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox'

Private Sub cbxAccounts_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim selection As Integer = CInt(cbxAccounts.ListIndex)
If selection = 1 Then gbxCheck.Hide()
End Sub

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Index Value Of A Selected Item In A Combobox Returned To A Variable

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to have the index value of a selected item in a combobox returned to a variable. Then, if the variable = 1 (which would be the index of th second item in the combobox), I want a groupbox to be hidden (be invisible) on the form. Here is my code...Getting an error that says:[code...]

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VS 2010 - How To Make ComboBox Array Global Variable

Feb 23, 2012

I have an array of comboboxes on a form. They are declared at the beginning. I wish to make these global variables so I can access them in another form. This does not appear to work.

Code something like this:
Public Class SecondScreen
Public OutputSelectControl() As Combobox = {O1, O2, O3, O4}

Where O1 O2 etc are the names of my comboboxes on this form. I wish to be able to address them from another form like so
localformvariablehere = OutputSelectControl(integervariablehere).Index

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Enter Key Event - When Pass Enter Key But For Somehow Enter Key Event Doesn't Get Triggered

Jul 8, 2010

What did I do wrong below? When I pass the enter key but for somehow the enter key event doesn't get triggered.


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VS 2008 Combobox Properties - Make The Combobox Not To Be Able To Write Yourself?

May 13, 2009

I have completed my project and i have one remaining thing to settle... I want to make the combobox not to be able to write yourself. for example there are 4 options ,"A","b", "c","d".If i type w in the combo all the project is ruined!i want not to be able to type at all to prevent this...Which property should i change?

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Enter The Minus Sign To Allow Users To Enter Negative Values?

Jun 8, 2012

I have a function that allows a user to enter numeric vallues and also a period for the decimal points but I also want to allow for users to enter the minus sign to allow users to enter negative values . How would I go about it.

Public Function SingleDecimal(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal eChar As Char) As Boolean
Dim chkstr As String = "0123456789."
If chkstr.IndexOf(eChar) > -1 OrElse eChar = vbBack Then
If eChar = "." Then


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VB2008 Program - Enter A Data That Enter In Textbox To A Datagridview?

Aug 29, 2010

how to enter a data that i enter in textbox to a datagridview... for example i enter in the textbox is round and when i click add it will go to database... im using ms access database

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VS 2008 Use The Value Of One Variable To Call Another Variable Of The Same Name?

Feb 7, 2011

I am trying to use the value of one variable to call another variable of the same name.I have 2 variable one called VAR1 and VAR2.

The variable VAR1 has a value of "VAR2"
The variable VAR2 has a value of "HELP"

I want to be able to get the value VAR2 from the variable VAR1 I have defined the value of VAR2 early in the code and now I want to call that value by using the value of VAR1.The reason I am doing it this way as I have a list of 50 variables that are pulled from one system. Each of these variables have the same name as the columns of a spreadsheet. The total number of Variable stay the same but the total column headers may vary each time. I need to loop through each of the column headers match them with the variable names and add the data to the spreadsheet.

VAR1 = "VAR2"
i =1


This is the tricky bit...if the value of the cell(1,i) = "VAR2" How do I get it to display the value of the variable of the same name In this case how will I get it to display "HELP" when I only have from the VAR1 value "VAR2" I know my code will bring back the value as a string but I want it to bring back that string as a variable and display the value of that variable?

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