VS 2008 Intercept Specific URLS - Create A Listener Type Application

Sep 30, 2009

I'm wondering if it's possible to create a listener type application that would monitor webaddresses that the user attempts to go to. And can then either block or redirect the browser to another website. Purpose: I know this seems to sound a little weird but what I'm attempting to do is a NetNanny type application that can run on the user's PC and the allow, prevent, rewrite (would look for particular keywords and rewrite them "words I wouldn't want my 7yr old seeing or reading), or redirect to other webpages. I would also like to be able to handle both IE and Firefox browser with this one application.


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Possible To Create A TCP Listener That Does Not Need A Specific Number Of Connections Initialized?

Jan 30, 2009

I am totally new to socket connections, so I've pieced together code from the internet to try and start a TCP Listener object. [code] Is it possible to create a TCP listener that does not need a specific number of connections initialized? Can I just have it listen on an open port until data is received? I will be receiving a lot of data at once from many servers...

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Create A Specific Type Of Priorityqueue?

Mar 5, 2010

I want a priority queue that takes two or more entries and sorts by the first one. I already have a priority queue from some programmer named ookii. I had another one and tried that too. Both of them only take one entry, and that just seems useless to me.

Both of them are classes that say like, Dim pq new PriorityQueue(of T)You see, that of T is one element. I don't know what to do to make 2 or more linked elements that can be easily called from existing variables and stuck in a queue sorted by the first element. Basically what I'm used to using is like,Dim sl as new SortedList(thekey,thevalue)When i put things in there, I know what's going on at least.I don't have the experience required to create my own class unless you can walk me through what I need to alter in some other class. I barely know how to go to references and double-click a .dll file that someone else made so I can use functions from it.

I thought to put an array in the "of T" part of the priority queue I have already. But then I'm dimming a whole array every time I want a new entry to the queue. So I want like, a vector? Or some other multi-part entry for the "of T". Two "of T" parts would be ideal because I worked with Sortedlists well already.

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Create A Http Listener?

Jan 4, 2010

create a http listener using vb .net.

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Making A Specific Node Expand Based On The Navigate URLs Of Its Children?

Nov 8, 2009

So I have a TreeView and it has about 7 parent nodes that have 3-5 children each. All of these children nodes when click navigate to a URL. What I would like to do is have one parent node auto-expand based on the URL and the other parent nodes to collapse.


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Asp.net - Create Querystrings In URLs For Languages?

Jan 30, 2012

I somehow managed to make my company's website in 9 languages, using Visual Studio 2010 / VB / ASP.NET 4.0. I believe I'm using sessions. But you can tell for sure if you see the code provided below. I know this message is long, but I really need help.

It's a multilingual site, and I managed to put flags on the homepage. When I click a flag, the page's text changes to that language. When you click the French flag, it gets the information from the "FR" .resx resource file in my apps_GlobalResources folder. It stays on that language for the end-user's entire session. Great! Well, not so great.

The URL, for instance, about.aspx, remains about.aspx. Granted, the text changes to French, but I've been told that it's recommended to make it look like, if the client chooses French, for example, [URL] (For reference, if anybody is kind enough to delve into this issue, which may be a simple one, all of my files I've used in this are included below -- and they're kinda lengthy)

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton6" runat="server"
CommandArgument="de" OnClick="RequestLanguageChange_Click"


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VS 2010 Create Rss Feed With Urls?

Dec 27, 2011

how to build a rss feed.xml with a url list in visual basic 2010? for example [URL]

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Remove Duplicate Urls From List Of Urls

Jun 22, 2011

I have a list of 100,000 urls in list(Of string) which can contain urls in the form. [URL] i have tried using a combination of regex and the Uri class, but that didn't help, so i dumped the code. How do i filter these duplicates and keep just one of these url

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Create An Application That Will Allow To Type A Search Term?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm trying to create an application that will allow me to type a search term, corresponding to any field contained in a database, and have the results displayed in a datagrid view. The idea is that the application will display any records that have the search term in any of the fields, rather than just allowing the user to search based on one field only.

I keep getting an error on the dataAdapter.Fill(dt) line. I've tried reorganising lines of code just in case my logic was wrong, but the result is the same. The program just crashes when it reaches this line.

My code is:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub AuthorsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AuthorsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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VS 2008 Intercept Clicked Link In Webbrowser?

Apr 26, 2010

For my webbrowser application I would like to have a separate form to display online pdf files.Does anyone know how I would check to see if a clicked page link points to a pdf file and if so open form3 and load the file into the pdf reader component (pdfread) without causing the webbrowser to navigate to the link, this always seems to open the pdf file in a new instance of internet explorer.

I realise that to load the file into the pdf reader the code would be

pdfread.loadfile(whatever file)Hope I've explained this properly.

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VS 2008 TCP Listener - Only Responds To 1st Message?

Apr 8, 2009

OK this is my third thread on TCP problems and the first two I managed to figure out for myself within 10 mins of posting before anyone had a chance to reply so lets see if it works again - failing that if you have any advice I'd be most grateful.

I have a server app which should be sitting and listening for messages on one port (4000) and then processing requests and sending data back via another TCP client on a different port (4001). My code is based on someone else's example and it works fine sending and receiving the first message, however after the first message the listener seems to stop listening and never gets any further messages.

Am I misunderstanding how they work? After I get the first message do I need to close the listener and create a new one, or should the same listener keep working until I close it?


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Create A Small Program That Runs In Taskbar To Monitor Browser Urls For Particular Words.

Dec 5, 2009

I need to create a small program that runs in the taskbar to monitor browser urls for particular words.We are using it at work to catch people going to certain banned websites in the work place.Right now it works if i hand code each banned site into the code directly and run with a timer:[code]This works perfectly. Problem now is the Admins want direct access to add/remove different sites to the list.There is no way I am giving them access directly to my code (a bad day comes to mind).So I am attaching a small database with a small table to the server and allowing them to add URLS there. I am stuck in how to use this data though.I have tried pulling up the database column into a listbox but can not configure the code to check each line in listbox to compare to each browser window.

I also tried listed the items in a one column datagrid and try to loop through each row to compare each window.I need each browser window to be compared to a list of items and trigger events if a match is found.If your wondering why I am building this, our IS security people are all or nothing. Either no Net or Full Access.Also our people are a bit to smart to be tracked through history or simple blocking methods.

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Create An Application That Allows User To Type In A 32 Bit Number Using Binary System

Jul 13, 2011

Can anyone help me to break down the instructions for this assignment.Create an application that allows the user to type in a 32 bit number using the binary system, and convert that number into the decimal numbering system.For example, the user types 000000000000 0010 (where there are 30 leading 0's, 1 then 0 from left to right), and the output would be 2.The user will type a string that is 32 characters in length.A For loop 'reads' each character using the x.substring(i,1) where i is the current character we are reading and 1 means one character only,and x is the entry the user typed (use a Textbox to get the entry but Inputbox is also ok).When you start at the first character (from the right) then that value is to be * 2 ^ 0 then the second character is to be * 2 ^ 1, then the third character is * 2 ^ 2, hence:( x.substring(i,1) converted to Integer ) * 2 ^ j represents the decimal value of the current number (0 or 1) we are reading.A variable is needed to accumulate all those values.After the loop is done, display the accumulated value.To test this code on a simple version, enter a 4 digit binary number, where 0010 is decimal 2, 0110 is decimal 6, 0111 is 7, and 1000 is 8.

My understanding is the user must enter 32 digits into a textbox. The textbox should place limitations that only allow the digits "0" and "1". This error could be displayed to the user with a messagebox that then asks to reset the value orginally inputted into the textbox. My understanding is I should continue creating the formula of the position of each character where the third character is *2^2, fourth is *2^3, fifth is *2^4 and so on? I don't understand the formula and how it works.

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VMWare Specific Or Perhaps The Type Of Install Specific?

Apr 27, 2010

Strange story... I downloaded VMWare but it has since advised of an available update. I downloaded the update and when I click to install it, a window comes up with VB Code from a project I created a while back in a completely separate folder from this install file. I then tried downloading the trial of VMWare Workstation and when running the installer it shows the same thing. I don't know of anyway to contact VMWare support since I don't pay for any services or products and all there is available is a FAQ type section. Of course this problem would not be in there, nor can I find any such related issue online. his is VMWare specific or perhaps the type of install specific. I have no other issues with any other app installations other than with VMWare installations.

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Create Websetup For Clickonce Type Windows Forms Application By Publishing It To Some Folder

Feb 28, 2012

Trying to publish a click once type app to a local directory and create a websetup with the published contents- so that i can give tat setup to install in two different servers. but as the publishing wizard takes a URL - separate setup is required for each server. Is there any way that i can create a single setup which i can use it in two servers..?

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VS 2008 Alert When A Specific Application Is Brought To Top?

Sep 7, 2009

Is there any way in vb .net to trigger events when a specific application's window is brought to top?

As in, imagining that there's some program that at times pops his window up and I want to make a program of my own that will also produce a sound when that happens, is this viable?

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VS 2008 : Create A Specific Area To Drag Form (ie: Image, Label)?

Sep 13, 2009

how to create a specific area to drag my form (ie: image, label). I found some code that works, however you can click anywhere and have it drag...

Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
Const HTCLIENT As Integer = &H1
Const HTCAPTION As Integer = &H2


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VS 2008 Create New Type To Add To A List?

Dec 24, 2009

When you use List(Of ) you can add different data types to that list, and a while back I remember JM told me to make a new type to list or something and I was wondering how to do that. I want to be able to make a list that has a large amount of text and each item is named so I can gain easy access to that item.

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VS 2008 Get A Combobox With List Of Items And A URLs Binded To Them?

Dec 14, 2009

Im planing to make a little radio application for my own use,I want a Combobox with list of items and a URLs binded to them.for example i got 3 items in the combobox:


I want it to be like when im choosing the "Radio1" and press my Play button ( AxWindowsMediaPlayer2.Ctlcontrols.play() ), the will open.

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VS 2008 : Create And Read A Custom File Type?

Aug 15, 2010

i am using VB 2008 and i was wondering if it was possible to have my program create and read a custom file type?

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VS 2008 How To Merge Urls And Transferring Them In Form2 Listview By Clicking Button

May 24, 2009

I have 2 forms '' Form1 and Form2 ' in Form1 i have a Text field, checkboxlist and a button in Form2 i have a Listview in the textfield the user has to put a forum url..How to merge the urls and transferring them in Form2 listview by clicking the button.url...

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VS 2008 Write A Small Application That Simply Monitors Website Watching For Specific Hyperlink Text To Appear?

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to write a small application that simply monitors my web site watching for specific hyperlink text to appear. I have been searching around and trying different approaches for a few days and have to accept defeat on this.Basically I need to be able to type in part of a hyperlink or the actual text of the hyperlink into a textbox to be watched for. When it is seen it opens the link in a new window.

Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection
theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection


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IDE :: Vs 2008 - Make Sure The Application For The File Type (.vb) Is Installed

Aug 7, 2009

My Visual Studio 2008 seems to be corrupted. I can not use the Windows Forms designer. I get an error about: "Make sure the application for the file type (.vb) is installed." Also, under menu item Tools>Options, it says "an error occurred loading this property page" when I try to look at the options for 'Data UI Customization' under 'Windows Forms Designer'


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VS 2008 - Create A Page Where A User Can Type A Document And Have It Be Bold Italic Or Underlined?

Jul 2, 2009

I am trying to create a page where a user can type a document and have it be bold italic or underlined. When the user clicks on bold and italic it should be bold and italic. when they are not clicked it should not be. I am having trouble finding a stable solution. I can only seem to change it to either bold or not bold or italic or not italic and not bold and italic.

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VS 2008 Having A Ini Type File So My.settings Don't Get Over Written When Load Newer Versions Of An Application?

Aug 23, 2009

how I can go about having a ini type file so my.settings don't get over written when I load newer versions of my application?

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.IO.FileStream' To Type 'Excel.Application'

Jun 1, 2009

I'm having a problem with converting from one source type to a destination type. I have a form with 2 buttons (button 2 uses the OpenFileDialog to have the user open an excel file set to NewFile),(button 1 takes the contents from specific cells in NewFile and arranges them how I need into oXLApp1).

The error I get is "Unable to cast object of type 'System.IO.FileStream' to type 'Excel.Application'." in line 14 of the code below.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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VS 2008 Finding A Specific Row And Specific Columns In Data Base File (Access)?

Jul 24, 2011

I wonder if it is possible to find a specific row and specific columns in data base file (Access) . You see , I am using a DataGridView control to show only SOME of the columns (fields) of a table from an Access file . For example , lets say that in the DataGridView control I only show the following fields :Field1 , Field2 and Field3 .Now , when the user selects an entry in the DataGridView control , I want to insert the text from Field4 into a text box on the form .

The problem , however , is that I don't know how to get the specific row in the data base file and also I don't know how to get the text in column (field) Field4 of that row .One thing that might be important is that the index of the row in the data base file is not necessarily the same with the index of the current row in the DataGridView control . This is because in the DataGridView control the rows are order by the contents in the ID Field .ol .

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IDE :: Can't Create Asp.net Application Is VS 2008

Mar 3, 2009

When I try to create a new asp.net application in vb.net vs 2008, visual studio just hangs without any error messages. It does create the virtual directory on iis but nothing happens. I have checked and iis is installed, then i re-installed vs 2008 and used the aspnet_regiis -i command to register aspent. but sitll no success.

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VS 2008 How To Create A Frontend Application

Sep 14, 2010

I would like to create a windows forms frontend application to some command line utilities.

1. How can I launch a command line program with arguments from a vb application?

2. How can I pipe information that is returned by that program back into a textbox? Such as status information.

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Create 2008 Windows Application Setup?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to create a setup for windows application using 2008 including crystal report libraries (DLL files)and should create a icon on desktop

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