VS 2008 Method Of Retrieving Hardware Information?

Nov 17, 2009

I need to pull hardware info and display into some type of a control like a ListView. I've been doing some general research and found that most people have used WMI. I would like to avoid WMI if possible because of possible compatibility problems.However, if that's the best way, then that's the way I'll go.I was wondering if anyone knew of other methods, perhaps an API or other unmanaged code?

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VS 2008 Getting Information From Calling Method's Class

Apr 11, 2009

I'm working on a base class right now, here's a basic rundown of it:[code]The problem is, in the Public Class bar example, some classes may implement MyInterface, and others don't. What I'd like to be able to do is have the sub New() in the structure in the base class "Foo" be able to tell if the class calling it (either the Base class, or the child class) implements MyInterface or not.

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Method Which Check If A Certain DSN Exists Then If It Does Extract Information And Use Information For Connection Purposes

Feb 2, 2011

I was looking for some stuff online, and i was looking through my reference sheets for vb.net, but it seems in the code i have found, there is declare in methods. Below is an example i am talking about. The thing is, that i dont recognize it and believe that it is an earlier version of Visual Basic ( 6 or earlier) which used it. Should i just keep looking for different code?

Public Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal _
lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long

Goal: Find information on how to implement a method which will check if a certain DSN exists, and then if it does, extract the information and use the information for connection purposes.

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Retrieving DLL Information In .NET?

Apr 8, 2011

My problem:

Given a list of DLL paths, find their version number and all assemblies referenced. Some may point to the same DLL but with a different path or version.

My Code:

Dim otherDomain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("otherDomain")


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Retrieving Information From A Web Page?

Feb 4, 2010

how to collect a piece of information from a web page. Here is the web page I want to retrieve the information from: RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game

I would like to retrieve the first "Price" of the item and collect the price every time I execute the code.I understand how to retrieve the source code of the webpage and split strings but how would I retrieve that price?

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Retrieving Information From A MySQL Database

Mar 15, 2009

I'm new to VB.NET and having problem with retrieving information from a MySQL database, when populating the datagrid. [code]

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Retrieving Information From Access DB In VB 2010?

Oct 24, 2010

I've been trying to get information from a Access DB that I have added into VB 2010, the code is as follows:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Private Sub login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd_login.Click


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Retrieving Information From Access To List Box?

Nov 7, 2010

Am using MS Access as my back end and I am having a table called "Dept" with 2 columns (dename & cname). In Vb.Net when I click a command button, all the data's of the first column should be displayed in ListBox1 and the Second column in ListBox2. I do not know how to proceed

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Retrieving Task/Service Information?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm trying to understand how I would retrieve information about a running process on my machine from a VB.Net routine.For instance, Assume I open Task Manager and see a process called "Bob.exe".From Task manager I can see the PID for Bob.exe, the memory it uses, the I/O information, etc.I want to be able to query the machine for this information for Bob.exe from a method within VB.Net.

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Automatic Logging Into Website And Retrieving Information From It?

Aug 8, 2009

I want to create a program in Visual Basic Express which will log into a website by inputting the user name and password for that site and then retrieve certain data from

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C# - Retrieving Data From A POST Method In ASP.NET

Sep 28, 2011

I am using ASP.NET.

There is a system that needs to POST data to my site and all they asked for is for me to provide them with a URL. So I gave them my URL [URL]

Now I do not know exactly how they POST it but now on my Test.aspx page I need to write code that will save that data to a database.

But how would this work and what must I do on my Test.aspx page?

I wrote some code in my Page Load Event that sends me an email on Page Load to see if they actually hit the page and it does not seem like they are even?

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Method Of Storing And Retrieving Data?

Apr 23, 2009

I basically need to hold a lot of data - the structure is that of a five dimensional array holding integers.What would be the most efficient way of storing this in a file (I was thinking of XML - your opinion?) that would also be quick to extract.

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Forms :: Find A Method Of Looping Through A Listbox And Retrieving The Index Number And Values?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to find a method of looping through a listbox and retrieving the index number and values - quite straightforward in asp, but turning out to be something of a nightmare in winforms!Here is the scenario - The user can add values in a textbox, that are in turn added to a DataTable that gives it a unique ID and a row number, this is then bound to the listbox. The user can then move the items up or down the list by adjusting the row number in the datatable and rebinding to the listbox..

The problem that I am hitting is when the user needs to delete an item -the first part is easy - delete from the DataTable and rebind to the listbox. The bit where I hit the proverbial brick wall is needing to loop through the listbox rows and getting both the index number and the ValueMember - that way I can change the row numbers in the DataTable based on the index number against the ID number.

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Retrieving Information - Retrieve The First Product And It Repeat E Same Product In My Second Textbox

Aug 11, 2009

Right now i have a form in the VB where there are 2 combobox in it. user can choose from a range of products that comes together with some description and these are to be stored in a database table.. when i retrieve these data from another form in VB, i'm only able to retrieve the first product and it repeat e same product in my second textbox.

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Method - Form2 Has An Id That Form1 Passes In Order To Load Information From

Jun 9, 2011

Someone told me that i should stick with method #2, form2 has an id that form1 passes in order to load information from.

method #1


method # 2


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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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VS 2008 Retrieving Data From Html?

Oct 21, 2009

How are you all doing? I have finally left vb6 behind and moved to vb8 But i'm having a problem, I dont know on how to retrieve the data of all the input fields on my temp webpage: link.

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VS 2008 Retrieving Values From A File?

Mar 6, 2011

Dim swQuotation As StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(QCHome.QCQuotationsFile, True)
' Otherwise, write the data to the file
swQuotation.WriteLine(QuoationsCustIDTextBox.Text + ":" + QuotationIDtextbox.Text + ":" + ETC.... ETC...

I want to be able to retreive the Value of QUOTATIONID saved in the file, in another form, but i can't seem to get anywhere with it, and its bugging me.The following code Doesn't work, when it should :

'For Multiple Quotations.
Dim Quotationlines() = File.ReadAllLines(QCHome.QCQuotationsFile)
For i = 0 To Quotationlines.Count() - 1


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VS 2008 - Retrieving List Of Files From FTP Server?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm using this code to retrieve the list of files from a FTP server
Dim request As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create("[URL]")
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(username, password)
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails
Dim response As FtpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
Dim responseStream As Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(responseStream)
messagebox.show (reader.ReadLine)

It gives me alot of information that I dont need, I know that I can use:
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory
Which only retrieves the file name but when I try to change it, it gives me an error. Error number 550. ListDirectory so I can only get the file name?

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VS 2008 - Retrieving More Than One Line Out Of Text File?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm trying to retrieve line 5 - 8 from a text file, but I can't figure out how. I can retrieve a single line and I can retrieve all lines, but I can't figure out how to get those specific ones. I tried using substring but it didn't work.

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VS 2008 Retrieving Images On Combobox Selection?

Jun 10, 2010

I have developed a drawing tool that allows the user to add graphically referenced database records to a picturbox.While for testing purposes i was simply loading any picture into the picture box what i want is on selecting a building name from a combobox that it automatically populates the related floor levels (that apply to that building)to appear as a selection in a 2nd combobox. On selection of say 1st floor i want to load the relevant floor plan (JPEG)image into the picturebox.The tool i have developed has an estate builder function where you ccan build your estate profile i.e specify the buildings and floors etc and these are added to a database file. What i would like to do is at the same time specify the floor plan JPEG file location and for this to be stored in the database in a way which would enable me to load the image automaticaly when i select the floor level

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VS 2008 Retrieving Online Date And Time

Aug 28, 2010

What is the best way to retrieve the date and time from an online server instead of retrieving from the user PC? Some sample codes I found online can only request to a server which is window based which I can't find any free server to get. I thought of retrieving the value from a website like [URL] but I'm not sure is this feasible or not as their website content or html tag might change.

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VS 2008 Saving And Retrieving Radio Buttons?

Mar 1, 2011

im having trouble with several radio buttons. I have got a EMPLOYEE form, that saves Employyes to a file. I have used 3 radio buttons to state which department they are in.

Employee X is in GRP1 ... etc.

I can save X to grp 1, and retreive this record. BUT another record Y in grp 2, it reverts back to group 1...

If you see what i mean.

Therefore: How would i save which Radio button is selected from the three?

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[2008] Retrieving Data For Jukebox Application?

Jan 31, 2009

retrieving data for my jukebox application I cam developing.I have 3 tables, Songs, Artist, and fk_SongArt(link songs and artist together).I am allowing the users to set filters base on song category, artist, langage etc...Would it be better if I query the database each time a user change the filter or is there is a way to filter data in a dataset, even when my artists are stored in another table.

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VS 2008 Retrieving Rows From Datatable To Send To .csv File

Nov 17, 2010

I'm just new to the forums, so I hope you's don't mind me jumping in and asking a question Currently I am pulling out rows from my Datagridview and sending all rows to a .csv file. I now need to retrieve information from two different datatables and put them into the same .csv file I am using. Below is how I am currently retrieving the first part of my .csv file. The second part will below the rows supplied from the datagrid. Hope somebody could advise me on how i could go about or, or have support links.


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VS 2008 Retrieving Sections From .ini And Adding Item To Combobox

Nov 2, 2009

I'm currently trying to add all the sections of a specified .ini into a combobox.[code]Now that's my section in the .ini, but it's scrambled and placed into multiple lines. I just want it on a single line as said in the .ini.Does anyone have any idea how to get values between brackets "[hi]" and place the value between the brackets into the combobox items?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Retrieving Dynamic Text From A Website?

Nov 23, 2009

i want to be able to retrieve dynamic data from a web page (share prices). I started out by retrieving the html code before i realised that as it is live data, the html code will be of little use. Although i am looking to capture specific data, all i wish to do is process a webpage that i specify which will return the text off that website and not the HTML code.

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VS 2008 Checked Listbox Populated By A Table Then Retrieving Values

Feb 7, 2010

I have a checked listbox that I've populated with a table that has three columns, Name, Address, Phone - and have done so successfully, but when i display the items in the listbox, i would like to retrieve additional values of the checked items other than the primary displayitem.[code]'we now have an array full of the Name column only, from our checked items 'i'd like to grab the other two as well (not to display in the listbox, but to use elsewhere as variables) 'and keep the checked listbox as a control in the above code, the fill_array variable is only populated with the items displayed in the checkedlistbox - my question is, can i keep the display item the same and pull the other two columns from the datasource, but only for the ones that make the checkeditems list?

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VS 2008 Retrieving The Text Of A Specific Cell In A DataGridView Control

Jul 24, 2011

how could I get the text of a specific cell in a DataGridView control ? If it matters , in my case , all the cells contain strings or nothing . For example , in order to get the text from the cell on row 2 and column 3 , what code do I have to use ? I have tried the Value property but seems that's not it . I've found some examples on the web ,but they were all for C# ... I guess , though , it has to be easy .


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VS 2008 Textbox Refers User Specified Path - Retrieving Settings?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a textbox in my program which refers to the user specified path. Everytime the program is started it retrieve the setting :
Private Sub frmmain_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If My.Settings.path <> "" And My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(My.Settings.path) = True Then
txtpath.Text = My.Settings.path
ElseIf My.Settings.path = "" Then
When I try the program on my own system there is no problem. But the customers said that everytime they start the program the messagebox popups and they have to choose the path again and again.

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