VS 2008 Object Locations?

Apr 23, 2012

I would like to make a simple functions for my program but I can't figure out what to do. I want the picturebox PBplayerbullet to be moved in the midle top of the picture box PBplayerim I know that if I use PBplayerbullet.location = PBplayerim.location will it to the top left part of the picture, but how it can be moved to the midle ?

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Logic - Whenever Object Move To Locations, It Will Turn One By One ?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a variable called Map(19,19) is List Of Point and a Object(x,y).i want whenever my Object move to locations like Map(0,Y) or Map(19,Y) or (Map(X,0) or Map(X,19) it will turn one by one part of my Object to the other side for example when my object at location Map(0,Y) firstly, Object'head immediatetly appear at Map(19,Y) and then one by one part of it moves like that.Here my code: you can start watch from rbGeneral.checked, i already get a current position of my snake by declare 2 variables X and Y, but at If Clause i dont know put anything there to solve my trouble.

Private Sub tmr_tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmr.Tick
'Move Snake
Select Case currentDirection[code].......

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VS 2008 - Deployment Locations ?

Feb 14, 2010

The file locations for a setup package using Standard Edition? I have added an .xls file to my project, marked it as Content and as Copy Always in the properties for that file. The XLS file I added to the project is from my user Apps folder in the Roaming sub folder. Other simple .TXT files are in my UserMy DocumentsData folder and each file is also maked as Content and Copy Always. When I create the setup package all goes well. I have a setup.exe and an .msi file. When I test it by installing it on my PC of course the program knows where the files are because it's my PC. In the program folder created as C:Program FilesMyProgram I find the .exe plus the XLS and TXT files, but these XLS and TXT files are not used from the program folder. How might I know if an installation made by another user on another PC elsewhere is going to load files in their user apps or user documents? I need to be sure that the additional data files deploy to the correct location (whatever I want that to be) on a remote PC.

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VS 2008 Rectangle Of Control Locations (in A Panel)?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a panel (A) which has movable panels (B) inside of it. How can I get a rectangle that contains all of the child panels (B)?

I tried to loop through the controls in the panel and get their x y height and width, find the highest, most to the right, most to the left, and lowest and put those numbers into a rectangle, but no luck.

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VS 2008 : Set Locations Of Textboxes/labels According To Graphics In Container?

Mar 11, 2010

VB2008 I have a panel in which I draw some graphics. Parts of the codes which I have successfully wrote & drawn are shown below:

Dim scaleX1 As Single = CSng(Me.pic_pcg.Width / 1.355)
Dim scaleY1 As Single = Me.pic_pcg.Height / HGT
e.Graphics.ScaleTransform(scaleX1, scaleY1)


I want to add some labels and textboxes in the panel so as to add remarks & captions to certain parts of the graphics.How do I set or modify the "scales ?" of the locations of these labels & textboxes so that they will be placed correctly, corresponding to the above scaletransform/translatetransform/rotatetransform.

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Get All Picture Box Locations?

May 12, 2012

I want to get all picture box locations. I am remotly creating them so i couldent just get each one individualy.

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VS 2008 - Error With Arraylist In My.Settings - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 14, 2010

The issue is when I try to add a new item to the ArrayList with the following code, it gives me an error:

vb Private Sub btnLabelAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLabelAdd.Click
Dim result As String = InputBox("New Filter Label:", "Label List")


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing with this. It's a new setting I just added and it's empty, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. Anyone know what's going on and what needs to be done to get it to accept a value and not want to be "initialized"?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Error - System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Sent To An Instance Of An Object

Oct 23, 2009

I have recently gotten my hands on a free, open-source IMAP connection API.So far, I have been successful in creating a connection to one of my accounts.Where I'm getting stuck is retrieving folders and/or emails from those folders.Does there happen to be anyone here that is familiar with this API, or even Gmail (particularly the folder structure for IMAP)?

If not, here is a link to the DLL that is listed on sourceforge and the company's website that created it (if you feel like testing):

Sourceforge - Koolwired API

I have created a test account so feel free to use the code below without worrying about username/password issues; I'll just delete it when I'm done with it.Here is the code I have made so far for making a connection:

Dim gSession As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapConnect("imap.gmail.com", 993, True)
Dim gAuthenticate As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapAuthenticate(gSession, "imap_test@serysoft.com", "imap_test")


When I run that code, I get an error that states:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not sent to an instance of an object. (The bold line in the above code).

Now, I'm not sure exactly what that means. Does that mean it tried to access the server and "INBOX" doesn't exist so it gets returned a NULL value? Or is it possibly the coding itself?Maybe the Gmail folder system is weird due to the fact they use labels (even though from what I have read online, the labels act as the folders in the IMAP system).

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 FindControl - Error : Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Sep 15, 2010

What is the problem in below code.

d Public Sub filltextbox(ByVal dlist As String) Dim tb As TextBox = CType(Page.FindControl(dlist), TextBox) tb.Text = "hello" End Sub

Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 26, 2011

look after the error i'm having.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module dbconn


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.net - Compiled Class In Two Locations

Aug 22, 2011

I'm a tad stuck trying to get a List to load from the ViewState using ASP.NET 4 and VB.NET. When I try to retrieve a collection using:


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Drawing A GDI+ Path In Several Locations?

May 4, 2011

After a path is defined with all its components, is there a version of the DrawPath that allows the composite object to be drawn in locations other than the initial locationsFor example, the code shown below displays an ellipse and two rectangles in a specificocation. To also display the same objects in one or more other location,s, is it possible to disply the defined path at other locations or is it necessary

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Picturebox Clicking Certain Locations?

Jan 13, 2011

I am working on making a picturebox that when clicked in a general location it will do something. Is there a way to make a grid out of a picture so when a certain slot on that grid is clicked an event will happen? It cant be an exact location, because that will be too hard to click. but a relative location would be perfect.

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VS 2008 : Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Dec 5, 2010

I create one function to run any select query. and return the OdbcDataReader type.But some time if there is no data it through error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object I need to know how i can control if there is no data.

Public Function Select_From_AnyTable(ByVal sqls As String, ByVal ConStr As String) Dim conn As OdbcConnection conn = New OdbcConnection(ConStr) Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = conn.CreateCommand() conn.Open() cmd.CommandText = sqls Dim reader As OdbcDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader While reader.Read() Return reader End While conn.Close() End Function Dim ei As OdbcDataReader = Select_From_AnyTable("SELECT loginname from usertable limit 1", conStr) msgbox(ei.item("loginname "))

If there is data it work well but if no record found it through the error.

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VS 2008 Convert A DataGridViewRow Object To A DataRow Object?

Aug 31, 2009

Is there a way to convert a DataGridViewRow object to a DataRow object?

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VS 2008 Create A Bitmap Object From A Graphics Object?

Jun 3, 2009

i have drawn on a e.graphics object and now want to transfer the drawn stuff onto a bitmap object how can i do this?

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VS 2008 Error : Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 21, 2010

Like every other program that you make when you code a button to open the next form it should open right. Well not in my case. I don't understand the problem that Visual Basics is not seeing my next form that I'm trying to open. When its in the Solution Explorer plain as day. Error below.An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.show is not set to a object. All its doing is opening the next form. Ive use this code over an over. Now its giving me this C.O.S. error.

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VS 2008 Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 16, 2010

Basically all I am trying to do is to insert data entered in a text box(description) on the application form into database(sql2008) in vb.net. The vb code I wrote is below:

Protected Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
Dim note As String = Description.Text


However when I click on save button, I get following message:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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VS 2008 Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Nov 30, 2010

What in this code might be causing this??This part of the code is Hilighted as causing the error.

My.Settings.Item(Holiday_" & i) = DirectCast(Me.Controls("ComboBox" & i.ToString), ComboBox).SelectedItem
Public Sub btn_Update_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Acceptable Application Folder Locations?

Jan 29, 2009

My application may be run by a number of different users and needs to be able to read and write to the same filles irrespective of what user is logged on to the PC.What is an acceptable location to store these files?i.e. a folder that has read/write permissions set as default.

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Allow The User To Add Locations For Direct3D Icons?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm making a scripter to allow the user to add locations for Direct3D Icons, but I'm trying to make a sub for it...

Public Sub icoadd(ByVal mod1 As String, ByVal mod2 As String)
loc.X = defined.Location.X
loc.Y = defined.Location.Y


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Application Settings File Locations

Dec 16, 2009

I want define where my application and user settings files will be located.I would also like to rename them.For example my project will have a number of folders located inside the application folder when deployed.One of those folders is labelled "Cfg" and i want my application settings files to be saved in there.This is including the user settings, i dont want to localize the user settings file as is done automatically (at least not at this stage).

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Collection Of Locations - How To Skip First Record

Apr 7, 2009

I have a collection of locations for a sales person, allowing them to send an item to multiple locations. I want to start reading at index 1 since I am using a collection. I saw an example where you can say something like "+ 1" (e.g. myitem.SelectedIndex + 1) to skip the first record. How can I skip the first record for the following:

Public ReadOnly Property Customer() As ICustomer
Return CType(Me.CustomerList.Item(Me.CustomerNumSelected), ICustomer)
End Get
End Property

I tried to say Return CType(Me.CustomerList.Item(Me.CustomerNumSelected + 1), ICustomer) but it returns an error saying "string cannot be converted to a double". without the + 1 in there, I get an error that says "collection index must be in range 1 to size of collection".

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Comparing Characters At Different Locations In A File?

May 2, 2009

My card program generates a text file AllCards.txt - I want to know when the first character in this file is identical to the 3rd, 5th, 7th, or 9th. In this case I would need A (1st char) checked against the 5 (3rd char), 5 (5th char), 7 (7th char) and 8 (9th char).


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Get X And Y Locations Of A Moving Butto In Vb 2005?

Mar 15, 2009

I used the code below to make the button move but now i need to get the current location of the X and Y and show it in a label on the form..ex


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Move The Mouse To Different Locations In Another Application?

Feb 11, 2012

How can I move the mouse to different locations in another application. Currently, I used HDC and HWND to get my window's handle. (Also FindWindow). So, is it possible to like MouseMove(HDC, 5,5)?

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Moving A PictureBox To Predefined Locations?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm working on a little board game we play here in Jamaica just to see how it would look and as a sort of challenge for myself while on vacation. I'm however stuck on how to make my markers (PictureBoxes - two per player) move along the board.So heres my problem; I have 40 slots where the picturebox can be moved to (eg picturebox1.Top = 324, picturebox1.left=243). Now moving to these slots are determined by the roll of a pair of dice. How can I assign a variable preferably an integer for each slot so when the dice is rolled I can just do a little addition as to where the markers can be moved?

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Put Files In Certain Locations And Create Own Installer

Feb 11, 2009

I am trying to create an install for my application that I have just created using visual basic express. I want to be able to tell it to put files in certain locations and create my own installer. For example I want to make a license page with a read me on the installer. From what I understand the clickonce technology is what comes with express editions and you cannot do it with them. Is there an alternative to being able to accomplish what I want to do without having to purchase the full version of visual studio?

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Saving Streamwriter In Two Seperate Locations

Jun 11, 2011


My app saves a bunch of stuff to an XML file. This is my line of code-
Using writer As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create("C:vdx2kMWSREEXTReportsInboxTK" & frmCitation.txtCiteNumber.Text & "Traff.xml", settings)

So that saves it at that specific location.

I need to duplicate the XML and have it also save in another location. I've been at this for days, Googling, searching, trying different things and now I need to turn here for help.

Any ideas?

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Show Some Forms But Want Them To Appear On Specific Locations?

Sep 27, 2010

I want to show some forms but I want them to appear on specific locations . The problem is I don't know how to specify the coordinates . Using :

frm.Location = "0,0"
frm.Location = (0,0)

tell what is the correct syntax ?

And more thing : when a form is maximized or minimized , it looks like "flying" upwards or downwards . Is it possible to stop that visual efect ?

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