VS 2008 Raw Socket Don't Works With Vista

Aug 12, 2009

my goal is to control the incoming and outgoing packets to a game server, to alert when a game round finishes the main code is this:

Private Buffer(65535) As Byte
Private RawSocket As Socket
Public Event PacketReceived(ByVal PacketBuffer() As Byte)


this code works perfectly with XP (you can read both incoming and outgoing packets to the game server)... with Vista the same code displays ONLY the incoming packets....

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VS 2008 : USB Code Works On Vista And 7 But Not XP?

Dec 26, 2011

my code doesn't seem to work on windows XP but does work on Windows Vista and 7.


Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class Form1
Dim rValue, rsvalue As Int32
Dim Regkey, RegKey2 As RegistryKey


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Communications :: Socket Raw And Vista II ?

Aug 7, 2009

Using the Socket raw, with XP I can read without problems both the incoming packets and the outgoing packets. With Vista (I have tried also others Sniffers) is impossible to see the outgoing packets...WHY? what I have to do to see alse the outgoing packets? In reality I have not to read packet data or packet lenght... I need only to count the number of incoming packets and outgoing packets... but with Vista this job seems impossible... or not?

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Images Into RTB, Works On Xp Not Vista?

Jun 30, 2009

We are creating a Chat Application for our chatnetwork, we originally made it in VB6 works like a beauty and converting to VB.NET At the moment, it joins the channel fine, nothing wrong with this displays everything it needs to however we are in the process of showing emoticons.While we were on XP in debug mode and release mode, the emoticons showed... Once we moved the compiled version over to Vista Home and Ulitmate the emoticons would not show, we have looked and looked all over google and have not come to a conclusion, today we even moved the whole Project folder over to Vista, ran it in debug mode, and the images still wouldn't show in the RTB. Works fine in XP but not Vista? Edit/Delete Message

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Vb6 Exe Works In XP But Not In Win7/Vista?

Jan 24, 2011

how to get my vb6 exe to run in any win7 or Vista?The error I'm getting is: Component comdlg32.ocx or one of it's components is not correctly registered or missing. I've tried using the P&D Wizard to specifiy loading it into the SysWOW64 folder but I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly. I use the P&D Wizard then load everything into Inno for delivery but my customers who now have Win7 or Vista can't use my product.

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Code Works Only For Windows 7 And Not Vista/XP?

Aug 25, 2009

I made a bluring tool of some sort and you basicly drag an area of yuor picture and it blurs that certain selected elipsis.. the problem is THis only works on Winsows 7 Im trying to understand the diffrence but I can't. The PC uses the same graphic card same hardware just a diffrent OS but it wont do that Code. Anyways here is how I blur

Private m_ActiveControl As Point
Private m_CurrentPoint As Point
Private ileft As Integer


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Forms :: Images Into RTB Works On Xp Not Vista?

Jun 30, 2009

We are creating a Chat Application for our chatnetwork, we originally made it in VB6 works like a beauty and converting to VB.NET At the moment, it joins the channel fine, nothing wrong with this displays everything it needs to however we are in the process of showing emoticons.While we were on XP in debug mode and release mode, the emoticons showed.Once we moved the compiled version over to Vista Home and Ulitmate the emoticons would not show, we have looked and looked all over google and have not come to a conclusion, today we even moved the whole Project folder over to Vista, ran it in debug mode, and the images still wouldn't show in the RTB. Works fine in XP but not Vista?

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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WinMM Audio Recording Code Works In XP But Not In Vista

Dec 29, 2010

I have written a console app in <acronym title="Visual Basic">vb</acronym> .net 2003 to capture audio data (albeit not for an audio application) using the WinMM API. This works well in XP and also on my own Vista PC. However when others try to use in on Vista or Win7 it stops working after about 10 - 30 seconds (so it manages to initiate recording from the default input device but eventually stops). The only error given is "Program has stopped working". I am wondering if this is related to the way I recycle the input buffers?

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FREE Hard Drive Software - Works With 32 Bit VISTA Editions

Sep 15, 2009

In case you want FREE HARD-DRIVE PARTITION SOFTWARE see here.>>


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VBscript Works Normally On Windows XP/Win2003 But Not On Win Vista -> "Invalid Class" Error

Sep 23, 2009

<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:0 0 0 0 0 0;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-


I have a customer who is using a VB Script to create one swbemrefresher object which works normally on Win XP and Win2003 platform, but on Windows Vista platform prompts with "invalid class" error...

View 6 Replies

Identify Connection Lost Between Socket Server And Socket Client?

May 21, 2011

I wrote a Socket Client which will send the Socket Server some data and get some response from Server. This process will be running once in every 2 seconds.

Now what I need to know is How we can identify the connection lost between Server and Client?

I need this to be implemented in the Client side. If there is no connection then Client should automatically close the connection. Once the connection with the server is available in the next attempt it should connect automatically.

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Client Socket - Send Message Through Client Socket Receive Specified Argument Was Out Of Range Of Valid Values

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code, but when i send the message thru client socket i receive Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: size

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim serverStream As NetworkStream = clientSocket.GetStream()
Dim outStream As Byte() = _


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Form.Webbrowser Control Different Between Vista 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Oct 11, 2009

I am been working on an a small app that has a Forms.Webbrowser control that navigates to a Adobe Flash program. I have developed the app on Vista 32bit platform and have had no problems. I have sent the app to a couple of people to test out and one is using Vista 64bit and is running into a problem. I know the webbrowser control just uses the underlying base framework of IE. The problem on the 64 bit machine is when the site is navigated to it says that it needs to have Flash installed. When the user goes to Adobe's site it says they need to use a 32bit browser.

As stated on Adobe site here:[URL] the Flash player need to be in a 32 bit browser. What options do I have to be able fix this problem? Is there another control that I can use that would be the same in a 32bit platform and 64bit platform? Besides navigating to the Flash program, the browser also goes to standard web pages.

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Socket Programming In .NET 2008?

Jan 25, 2008

how to do socket programming in VB. I'm using VB.NET 2008 and i'm a novice but with a reasonable understanding of programming so I want to learn by examples and understanding it in a novice/intermediate point of view. Essentially, I want to create a simple TCP or UDP client that can connect to an IP and port and retrieve the stream for parsing of content.

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VS 2008 Socket Programing?

Oct 30, 2009

before you say something like "just search the forum for socket programing examples" I did and came up with things that were to complicated for me e.g multi threaded etc even a chat server that holds users names in a hash table i couldnt quite grasp so im asking if anyone can give me a few pointers maybe link me to a website that i havnt stumbled apon in my google seaches that contain infomation just about basic tcp server that recieves text strings no fancy users or anything like that.

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VS 2008 Socket Programming?

May 4, 2010

i'm currently using my computer as host and client.. i ran the program and the console application for the server started.. but how will i be able to run the form application for the client? can VS run 2 programs at the same time?

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VS 2008 Closing The Asynchronous Socket?

Feb 6, 2011

I have closed the client socket using client.close() but netstat command shows the same socket in time-wait state.Because of this I am unable to reuse the socket..

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VS 2008 Socket Exception Was Unhandled

Apr 27, 2010

i got a program thats checks IP adresses and their host names by loking at the ip adress, but 1.- sometimes one ping responds but i get a socket this is the code hello = its the ip (it gets the ip from a list from a datagridview list)

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim hello As String
Dim sum As Integer


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Windows Socket Error (VB 2008)?

Jan 25, 2011

My code works fine under xp pro but not under windows 7 ?System.Net.Sockets.SocketException = {"The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call"}

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VS 2008 - How To Get Image From HTTP Server Via Raw Socket

Apr 7, 2010

I am using Async socket class to handle HTTP data. The OnRecieve event handler looks like this:
Private Sub sck_onDataArrival(ByVal sData() As Byte, ByVal BytesTotal As Integer) Handles sck.onDataArrival
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(sData)
Dim returnImage As Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
Picturebox1.Image = returnImage
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

I realize this will not work because the byte array still contains the header information from the response from the server. How to strip this data without converting the byte array to a string. I need to strip the header response information and just be left with the image data and from there convert that data into a stream so the stream can be loaded into an image and displayed in my picturebox.

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VS 2008 Socket Connection For Realtime Data?

Feb 28, 2011

i need a little advice/help here. There is a particular scenario that is coming up and I am clueless as to how to go about it."I will soon have a lease line through which I will get realtime stock market data. This data will be available every second and it will contain prices of stocks. Now assume I am able to get that data on my local computer. How can I transmit data so that users can get that data through my software.

For e.g. assume it's 11 AM. Now if you select a stock e.g. Google, then my program should fetch data for google till 11 AM and also show new data every second or so with minimum lag. Something like a terminal where you see stock prices getting updates every second. In my case I need to get past data and show current data which get updated at short intervals."

Now I have a linux vps webserver which hosts my site. (I get one or two static ip free) What to do so that data goes from my local computer to my server and then my program (developed in vb.net) is able to get it and show it to end user. This whole system should such that its fast (real-time) and delay is minimum.

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VS 2008 System.Net.Socket Connection Status?

Dec 8, 2009

im trying to detect if the connection is still active upon trying to send or receive anything. Now I have checks in place if it's connected then it will send or receive however... it's saying it's connected when it is not connected... and therefore my program tries to send and receive and errors.

I am determining if it is ok to send and receive by using the Socket.Poll(-1, SelectMode.SelectWrite)

if it's true then im connected and data can be passed..This seems to always be true until I send something and it fails..How can I catch the socket not being connected before it fails upon sending or receiving?

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Communications :: [2008] Socket Programming - Receive / Send?

Mar 6, 2009

I realize this is a broad question, but how do I recieve / send packets. I know what packets I need to send and what Im going to recieve, but I dont know how to send / recieve them.

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Does ADO Works On VB 2008

Aug 17, 2009

does ADO works on VB 2008 ?i have this error when i tries to run this code

'Item' is 'ReadOnly'

and below is my code:

rs!("pwd") = TextBox1.Text (it gives me the error here )

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Works In Vs 2008 But Not Outside?

Feb 17, 2010

So my vb program works inside of vs 2008 with the code below but when i build it and put it in windows home server it crashes. The problem is with the if statement. If i take it out the program works just fine. the if statement searches the output from the shell.

schedule = "SCHTASKS /Create /SC " & Often & " /RU Administrator /RP " & password & " /ST " & TextTime.Text & ":00" & " /TN " & title & " /TR " & path & " > C:copypalslogs" & title & ".txt"


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VS 2008 - How To Store User Numeric Index / Socket Number

Sep 7, 2009

I have been working on recoding a VB6 client/server application of mine and have run into a bit of an issue with storing the players location on the tile map which means I will need to rework the way I am storing the user connections. In my VB6 application I would store the user's numeric index/socket number/whatever you'd like to call it as the Key, however, in VB 2008 I can't seem to find where, or if, the numeric index is stored. If this isn't possible then does anyone have an example of how they store user connections using some numeric index as the key of a hashtable?

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VS 2008 Socket Application - Transfer Packets From The PC To The Mobile Phone

Nov 2, 2009

i try to transfer packets from the PC to the Mobile phone~ my PC is act as a Server and Mobile as a Client. My Mobile is successfully connect to my PC, but when i try to pass a packets from Mobile, it went failed without any error. The Server didn't receive any packets from Mobile. i had test my code on PC to PC and it's work fine. Anyone have this kind of experience?

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[2008] Vista/Server 2008 Event Log Entries?

Feb 19, 2009

windows service app I am developing to audit events in the Windows Security Event Log. I am using the EventLog class to read entries from the "Security" event log. I have set the log to raise events when an entry is written so I can parse the data. Here is where my problem comes in. If I run the service on Windows 2003 I can get all the data I need from each entry, but when installed on Server 2008 the EventLogEntry ".message" property comes back with useless data like this, "The description for Event ID '4738' in Source 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' cannot be found." Under Server 2003 the message property has good data. Using the Event Log Viewer in Server 2008 I can see that it is rendering the correct data, but I am having a heak of a time doing the same. The "replacementStrings" property has the corresponding data that I need, but it appears to involve some other steps to get the data localized to the event provider, but I do not know how to do that.

I also checked the registry HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesEventlogSecuritySecurity on both the 2003 servers and 2008 servers. They are identical execpt the 2003 has an entry the 2008 server does not:

String Type: GuidMessageFile
Value: %systemroot%system32NtMarta.dll

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VS 2008 : How A Module Works

Jul 8, 2009

Im on Chaper 10 of Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Step By Step, and I just dont understand how a module works. Ive the chaper over and over and i still don't get it.

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