VS 2008 Select Only Text (excluding Images) In A RichTextBox?

Jul 1, 2010

I want to select all text in a richtextbox excluding any images in it.richtextbox1.SelectAll() will select all objects in the richtextbox not only the text

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Select A Line Of Text In A RichTextBox?

Jun 13, 2010

I have a RichTextBox in a VB2008 Windows Form application. The RichTextBox has tabs set at 250 and 400. The following code snippet is used to populate the RichTextBox using the result of a LINQ query.

{4}{1}. {4}{2}{3}", strTitle, strAuthor, strBook, ControlChars.CrLf, ControlChars.Tab))

I've noticed that most of the time it takes several mouse clicks to highlight a desired line of text in the RichTextBox. Is there some code that will allow selecting the entire line that a user clicks on? The length each line in the RichTextBox is not the same.

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VS 2010 Select Word In Richtextbox.text

Jan 8, 2012

i have this code to select a word in richtextbox.text


i want to select all the word Hello and color it.how can i do that

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VS 2008 : Save/retrieve RichTextBox Content W/images To/from MSSQL 2005 DB?

Apr 4, 2009

Does anyone have any suggestions how I might store the contents of a RichTextBox that also includes images to a MSSQL 2005 database?I suppose a possible answer to this would be to convert the entire content of the RichTextBox to a Byte Array, and then insert the array as a varbinary(max) datatype.But how do I convert the content ?

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[2008] Richtextbox Substring - Select A Substring With 2 Criteria?

Feb 3, 2009

How will I select a substring with 2 criteria? I have a Richtextbox where I select a number after a : with this code; For Each line As String In Richtextbox1.Lines Dim equalsPos As Integer = line.IndexOf(":") + 1 txtFound.AppendText(line.Substring(equalsPos, line.Length - equalsPos)) Next This is working ok, but the whole line.length is appended for number2. The line ex. Some text:my number some text-my number2. I want my number appended to txtFound, and my number2 appended to txtFound2. With my code only number2 can be appended correct.

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Drag N Drop Images To Richtextbox

Apr 15, 2010

dragging n drop in image (image files) to richtextboxes always adds the file name and icon after the image.[code]

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RichTextBox And Displaying Jpeg Images

Sep 4, 2009

I'm having a problem with displaying JPEG images in a RichTextBox. When I insert a JPEG image into a RTB it automatically gets converted to a wmetafile8 and displays correctly - however, if i insert a JPEG image into file via another method (currently using the web) it get saved as a jpegblip (as you would expect) but the RTB will not display it. Opening the rtf document in Word displays the image correctly.I have tried this with png and gif files also but none of the images will display unless they are wmetafiles. Is this a limitation with the RichTextBox or is there another reason?

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[2008] Make The Textbox Select A Random Text And Put It In Its Text Box?

Feb 7, 2009

How can i make a textbox so like when a button is pressed how can i make the textbox select a random text and put it in its text box.

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VS 2008 - How To Get Text By Line From RichTextbox

Jun 20, 2009

I have a richtextbox control. It contains many lines of text (multiline is enabled). My goal is: When user clicks with right-click mouse, I'd like to display all the text of the line where the cursor is. I'm using this method to get the cursor's line:
Dim line As Integer = RichTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(RichTextBox1.SelectionStart)
But how do I get the text of the line? Should I copy the whole text to a string array , and then just print the relevant line item?

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VS 2008 Bold Text In A RichTextBox?

Jun 18, 2012

on a timer that ticks every 1ms have it:

if RichTextBox1.Contains "begin" then
change "begin" to "begin".bolded
end if


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VS 2008 Finding Text In RichTextBox?

Aug 29, 2009

Is there anyway I could find text in a RichTextBox? I want to put the code in here


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VS 2008 Parsed Text Looks Bad On The RichTextBox?

Apr 3, 2012

When i parse text from a website ( Such as a description of something ) and it has symbols in it such as

Any symbol that get parsed out in the description looks like this on the richtextbox or any textbox I'm using a noob way to eliminate the problem by replacing each gibberish character to his normal font like this


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[2008] RichTextBox Search Text

Feb 21, 2009

I have a text box called "txtDescription" and listbox called "lstDetails" and a RichTextBox called "rttFullDes.

When the User inputs the search query into the description box(txtDescription) e.g "books" then it returns all the records that contains the word "books" and displays their Id in the listbox(lstDetails). When you click on the IDs it returns the full description in the Description box(rttFullDes)

This all works fine. But i want all the words to be hightlighted. i have got this code which i found.

Dim wordToFind As String = txtDescription.Text
Dim index As Integer = rttFullDes.Text.IndexOf(wordToFind)
While index <> -1


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[2008] RichTextBox Text Color?

Feb 11, 2009

I searched this topic and set RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red after click button1, and set RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.DarkBlue for button 2 click event. But after I clicked either button, the text color was always black as forecolor set.

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VS 2008 Images Contained Within Buttons With Text

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to incorporate images into my buttons, but am having some difficulty doing so.

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VS 2008 Text/images In Program Window?

Sep 2, 2009

i want to put text/images in a window i choose im useing this code to put text into notepad

Imports WindowsApplication1.Class1
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Display_Loop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim hWnd As IntPtr = WinApi.FindWindowA("notepad", Nothing)


but it is a blinky and doesn't look good at all just keeps Bliking and mix's with stuff is there a better way to put text into a window ? and is there a way i can put images ?

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VS 2008 Find And Select Text In Text Editor?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm adding a method to find and select text in my text editor. Everything worked fine, including the ability to find all instances of the text. My problem came when I tried to make it more user-friendly (doesn't it always?). Originally I had only a menu item with a shortcut( Ctrl + F) which invoked an input box.

Then I added a textbox and a button (similar to that seen in a web browser's Find() method) that calls the method in the same manner as the Find/Replace menu option and displays the desired text in the textbox. Everything works fine except that the text is not selected. I have MessageBoxes displaying the values of required variables in 3 places (marked ***FOR DEBUG ONLY***) to make sure that no values are being changed, but all variables are the same. The method still locates the text, but it is not highlighted.

I think it could have something to do with which object has focus. (When I click the button, the selected text loses focus?). But if I click everything with the menu items, it still works...

Here is the

*****code with [code] tags in the 4th post on this thread****
Public Sub FindText()
'Make sure there is text in the textbox...If txtTextbox.Text <> "" Then'Find the end of the current selection... Dim curSelectionEnd As Integer =


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VS 2008 Save The Text Being Entered Within The Richtextbox?

Mar 31, 2011

Is richtextbox can save a text within its control? What control in vb.net that could save the text being entered within its control paticularly, if any? I need somebody that could give me an idea on what control to use to save the text within the control. I'm not trying to save the text anywhere. I want to save it within the control. I don't have to save it with a filename and a path location. Just like this forum, which everytime you post and reply to a thread, you will have to enter your message in a certain workspace and after you submit, it will save within the control so everytime you open your thread you will see the messages. What control do I need to use in vb.net to do that? info especially the codes to save the text string within a certain control?

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[2008] Text Placement And Scrolling In Richtextbox?

Jan 26, 2009

I'm trying to do two things. I have a Richtextbox which i'm continously adding text to from a standard text box. I want that new text to appear at the beginning of the existing text, not at the end of the existing text.I've got the following code but it's not working. The new text keeps going to the end of the existing text.

Dim newtext As String
newtext = TextBox1.Text


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VS 2005 Replacing Textual Smileys With Images In A RichTextBox

Aug 12, 2010

I'm experimenting with the RichTextBox control. My goal is to replace certain user input with an image object. For example, when the user used ":-)" in the RichTextBox it will be replaced with a simple image (like ).

I use the TextChanged event on the RichTextBox to replace any found textual smiley with an image. The code below works, but only works on the first found ":-)". When the user used ":-)" twice the first image is being removed from the RichTextBox. No matter howmuch times ":-)" is found, there will only be one image in the RichTextBox (for the last found ":-)").

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
Dim LastIndex As Integer


I also don't know if the whole clipboard thing (clearing it, storing the image, restoring the original data) is the best way to do it, but I will look at that later.

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VS 2008 - How To Split RichTextBox Text Into Array List

Aug 6, 2010

I have seen and used Text.split with a single delimiter such as " ",-","-".". However I cannot find a method which allows multiple delimiters. I need to be able to split a richTextBox's text into an array list.

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VS 2008 Changing The Mousepointer When The Forecolor Of Text Richtextbox Changes

Sep 9, 2009

I have an ap that requires the user to fill in information in certain areas in a richtext box. The areas that the user needs to complete is colored blue. To give the user some cue that input is required, I would like to change the mouse pointer when the pointer moves over blue text in the rtb.

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VS 2008 Display A Text From Database Table In Richtextbox?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to display in my richtextbox1 a text from a table in my database according to some conditions that I decide by filtering. I worte a code for this but I think I am making a mistake because it gives errors all the time with Richtextbox (it does not accept datasource). Could you please help me on this?

Here is the code I have:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


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VS 2008 Loading 10 MB Text File To Richtextbox And ProgressBar

Nov 20, 2009

im working on the project and loading 10 MB text file to richtextbox, but problem is my application freezing during that time. Can anyone post the solution for progressbar during the file is loading?

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Load Images And RTFs Into RichTextBox And Picture Box At Runtime Using Menus?

Jun 19, 2010

I am not a total newbie to Visual Basic. However, the last time I used it was back in the days of DOS and Windows 3.11. Now I am using VS10 on a Windows Vista machine and it so different, I feel like a total newbie.

I am working on a project that I wish to load RTF files into a RichTextBox and an accompanying image into a PictureBox at runtime. I want this to happen when the user clicks a Menu Choice.[code]....

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Get Text From Richtextbox In A Form To Another Inside A Richtextbox?

Jul 25, 2011

I am creating a text editor like notepad. Well its an advance type because it is a tabbed notepad type. It saves html files.

I only created tabcontrol on the design time named TabControl1. the tabpages and the richtextbox are created on the form load and when adding tabs. [code]...

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Set Text To A Richtextbox In Form To Another Inside A Richtextbox?

Jul 26, 2011

I have 2 forms. The 1 is named frmMain. inside of it is a Richtextbox named RTB.

The other form is named frmInsert. Inside of it is a Richtextbox named rtbtext.[code]..

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Select Case - Represented By Images?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a question about a Select Case, and how to go about writting it.In my pages, I call to a SQL Database, that returns values from a column. The columns present two types of data, numeric and varchar

e.g 2N or .10 (they present nickles) I would like my onscreen to display images, instead of that value (once they have been found). Where 2N = imageNickle + imageNickle, as well as .10 = imageNickle + imageNickle (or display 2 of the images in place, rather) I would like to just focus on the (varchar) at this point. Is their an easier way to write a select statement than say:


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[2008] TONS - Set Of Default Images And Then The User Created Replacement Images

Feb 11, 2009

The app i am working on is for creating theme for the iPod touch... It has to deal with LOTS of images (100's potentially) There will be the set of default images, and then the user created replacement images. I started loading all the defaults into a resx file... thinking then I could just pull them out. now that I started setting the default, this sucks! lol the app will do this, on load it will set all the images (variables) to the resx images then when a theme is loaded, it will replace the default with the user image (if the user img exists) otherwise, the default stays. Then the "screen" is drawn to show the user. so, here is just the images to build the wallpaper, dock, and status bar...


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RichTextBox On Click Select The Lines?

Jun 20, 2012

when I click on rtb how do I assign clicked line (text of that line) to a variable 'x' and a line below to a variable 'y'? I have so far this

SendKeys.Send("{DOWN}") 'Move cursor to next line
SendKeys.Send("{HOME}+{END}") 'Select the line

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