VS 2008 The My.Setting Value Is Wrong Aftar Application.Restart

Apr 14, 2012

I'm using my.settings to save the load time of the solution. When my.settings.load_time value is changed and use my.settings.load_time.save() to save them. When I quit the application and manually start it again, the newly saved settings are used.

When I use either application.restart. The application will use the old values for my.settings.

My question is.. Is there a way to restart the application using either application.restart which will use the newly saved my.settings values?

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My.Setting Value Is Wrong Aftar Application.Restart

Apr 14, 2012

I'm using my.settings to save the load time of the solution. When my.settings.load_time value is changed and use my.settings.load_time.save() to save them. When I quit the application and manually start it again, the newly saved settings are used.When I use either application.restart. The application will use the old values for my.settings.Is there a way to restart the application using either application.restart which will use the newly saved my.settings values?

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C# - Printing From WebBrowser Control Prints To Wrong Printer After Setting Default?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.

For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then


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Restart Application In Mobile?

Sep 14, 2009

I dont know use application.restart() in vb.net i dont found this command

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Using New My.settings After Application Restart

Apr 13, 2010

I'm using my.settings to store different communication parameters. After changing parameters, for several reasons, it's easier to restart the application then to re-initialize all objects/variables/etc using program code.

When I change my.settings and use save to save them. When I quit the application and manually start it again, the newly saved settings are used.

When I use either .restart, or application.exit in combination with process.start. The application will use the old values for my.settings.

If I read up on .restart there's a remark mentioning that it will restart the application using the initially used settings.

Before restarting the application, I manually checked if the new settings were really save to the user.config file, and they were.

My question: Is there a way to restart the application using either .restart, or application.exit in combination with process.start which will use the newly saved my.settings values?

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VS 2008 Application To Reject Serial And Count How Many Times Entered In A Wrong Serial

May 16, 2009

I made my program and now I just need to add in the serial and trial part of the application. I know the application must connect to the host and go to a txtfile. How would i do the trial and serial. Also If the serial is already activated I want the application to reject that Serial and Count how many times they entered in a wrong serial.

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Restart Application With A Button Press?

Apr 22, 2012

Is it possible to restart your application with a button press?

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Application Restart Necessary Immediately After A Clickonce Update?

Jul 25, 2011

I've deployed an application inside a corporate network and I want the update process to require less attention from users. Giving them a choice to update is not a porogative.I've written code to detect when new updates are available automatically rather than letting ClickOnce check on application start. I'm wondering if its necessary to restart the app after the update has completed. Currently I invoke at the end of my update script:Application.Restart()

But what if (to make the update process more transparent for the user), I performed a 'silent' update in the background on a separate thread, and then displayed an icon prompting the user to restart the app to apply the changes? Would it work this way?

Furthermore, if I ran my custom InstallUpdate() process on a timer, say every 2 hours, would ClickOnce be happy to continue to update for every new version that was released even thought the user has not restarted (and I'm expecting the updates only to apply once the user restarts the app)?

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Application.Restart With Different Command Line Arguments?

Jan 27, 2010

Is it possible to restart a VB.NET application, but with different command line arguments than it originally had? Here is the challenge. I want to write a single instance application. If the second instance has the same CL args as the first, then the built-in behavior is fine (second instance never opens, e.BringToForeground=True brings 1st instance to foreground, everything is great). But if the second instance has different CL args, then I would like the first instance to close and the second instance to start. However, once you mark a VB.NET app as "single instance only", it appears that you can never get the second instance. I think: OK, fine, I can just restart my first instance from the StartupNextInstance event. But how do I use the new command line arguments from the second instance? The Restart() method does not take CL args that I can see.

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Change The Image On Picturebox And Restart Application?

Sep 11, 2011

I have a picturebox and I want when i change the image on picturebox and restart application it be the same we choose....

So: I want my application save image of picturebox ....

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VS 2010 Application.restart() After Downloading A New Update

Sep 9, 2010

I was trying to use application.restart() to restart my application after downloading a new update. It seems to run into the problem where it is trying to start the new application before the original is closed so it errors out and never starts. After reading through some threads here I determined the better way to handle it would be

application.exit() process.start(application.executablepath) This didn't work and gave me what seems to be the same problem. I would also like to note this works fine when running the application through visual studios, it is only when I try to run this independent of VS2010 that the application never restarts.

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VS 2008 Binding NumericUpDown With Application Setting?

Jul 21, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application
LANGUAGE: Visual Basic
IDE: Visual Studio 2008

I am attempting to get 7 NumericUpDowns to display the value of the application setting they are bound to. Each UpDown has its own setting binding. The setting is a decimal datatype with a value of either 4 or 6 as default. I need the UpDowns to display the setting value when the form loads. At the same time, I need any change made to the UpDowns to be saved to the same setting so that the application can both display and use the new value the next time it runs. Unfortunately, the only way I can get them to display anything other than "1" is to hardcode a constant value, and I don't want it to be constant. I think this is the last bug in my application and would love to get it figured out, but I've spent over 8 hours on it with no luck. Here is the applicable code.


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IDE :: Debugging - Declarations Fails To Initialize After Application.Restart

Apr 14, 2009

In my code the application will restart using the Application.Restart statement from another form named frmDatabase.

The application seems to restart while debugging but yet the dataset, tables etc which is declared right below the class declaration for the startup form seems to fail initializing when the restart is done.

Compiling and running the application works like a charm and there is no error like this when running the executeable.

I also Inserted a breakpoint in the Form_Load event and the debugger seems to skip all the statements when the application is restarted all the way down to where the exception occurs.


Public Class frmMain
Public objConnection As New OleDbConnection(strConnectionString)
Public objDataSet As New DataSet
Public objCommand As New OleDbCommand
Public objDataAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter(objCommand)

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VS 2008 Setting The Installation Location Of A Published Application?

Jan 11, 2011

I have published a vb.net application and installed it on my PC. When I try to locate the installed application, I dont find the location where its been installed.

How to install a publish application on a specified location in C:Program FilesProject?

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Database Cannot Update - Restart The Application All The Entered Data Were Missing

Oct 23, 2011

i am just developing a library management system as one of my project. i using vb.net 2010 and the MS Access 2007 as back end. when i save some records into my database through my application it is correctly saved and i confirmed it through opening the relevant table in the database. but when i restart the application all the entered data were missing.

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Forms :: Disabling A Splash Screen When Application.Restart Is Called?

Dec 28, 2011

I have an application with a splash screen which gets shown before the application starts. One of the requirements of the application is to allow users to restart (or atleast clear the form) so that other test cases can be ran. Because there are so many forms and variables, we elected to simply call Application.Restart() to accomplish this.

What we would like to do now is disable the Splash Screen when Application.Restart() is called. That is, only show the Splash Screen when the application is initially started, not when it is restarted.

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Php - Automatically Restarting A Chat Server Application On System Restart?

Jul 22, 2009

I developed a chat application with an attendant chat server. Everything is working fine. The issue now is the fact that whenever the chat server goes down (for instance, the server system shuts down as a result of power failure or some other problem), by the time the server system come back on, the chat server would have to be restarted manually.

I believe (and I know) it is more appropriate for the chat server application to restart itself when the computer comes back on (and of course regardless of who is logged in and of course, even before anyone logs in). I have a batch file that executes the chat server. My attempt was to create a windows service that start automatically and runs this batch file using a Network Service account on the server system. Although, I'm having a hard time with this (temporarily), I would love to ask if there are any alternatives to using a windows service.

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Datagridview - Remove Wrong Columns And Display The Wrong Data

Jan 12, 2010

I've got a DataGridview I want to remove columns from as it greatly increases performance when I format the DGV. The first time I remove columns in a loop (using the removeat) property, everythings fine. But when I try to remove more columns in another loop, it appears to remove the wrong columns and displays the wrong data. In other words, it displays the wrong data and headers; and the columns it does show has headers and cells that don't match.


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Use Of Server Side MsgBox Is Wrong In Web Application?

May 9, 2012

I have a web application based on vb.net.I used MsgBox() in my MYPage.aspx.vb where my expectation is that the user on client should click on a button and based on it I would process further.But I heard a suggestion the MsgBox() is working fine in my code cause on developer machine(my dev box) webserver is running locally. This does not work on a remote web server or in any hosted environment outside of a local server.

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IDE - My.Application.Info.Version.Build Returns Wrong Value

Mar 6, 2009

We're using team build with AssemblyInfoTask to increment the build number in a nightly build. The build number is displayed in the application using My.Application.Info.Version.Build.This has been working fine for years. But since we branched the sources and started using file references instead of project references (have no idea if that's what causes the problem), the last build number is displayed instead of the current one.

The compiled files (dll's and exe's) have the correct build number, if checked by right clicking the file in Explorer and viewing detailed properties. However when the same exe-file is executed, the UI displays the previous build number.If I edit the AssemblyInfo.vb file manually (just set another number, save the file, and set it back again), both file properties in Explorer and the UI at runtime displays the correct build number. How can this happen? What can be done to avoid this strange behavior?

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Service Writing Log Files With My.Application.Log To Wrong Folder

Nov 5, 2010

I have written a VB.NET (2005) service that is using My.Application.Log to write log entries to a FileLogTraceListener. I have configured the Listener in app.config to write the log file to the executable file's directory by using


When the service runs, it writes log entries just fine, but they are not in the executable file's folder, but rather in Documents and SettingsLocalServiceApplicationData....

Why is the location parameter not being honored?

Here is the complete system.diagnostics section from my app.config.

<!-- This section defines the logging configuration for My.Application.Log -->
<source name="SplintService" switchName="DefaultSwitch">


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VS 2008 Log Off - Shutdown - And Restart

Dec 24, 2009

I'm trying to create a way for the User of my application to Log Off, Shutdown, or Restart the PC.

The idea is that User can more quickly access these options from my application and if they choose, force these actions instead of waiting for the OS to respond.

Here's how I'm trying to do it:


Log Off works just fine. It's shutdown and restart that doesn't work. From the research that I've done, the Consts seem fine and the function obviously works correctly because Log Off works. I am running the application as an administrator, so that should affect it.

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Restart Computer To Mac Partition In VB 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

I have to create this program for school to restart a bootcamped mac back onto mac from windows with an application made in visual basic.So I need my computer to restart which I have successfully completed. Now I just want to find out how to get the application to make my computer restart on the Mac Partition ( E: ).

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[2008] Restart Timer From Saved Value

Feb 21, 2009

Below is my timer code, click the buttons it start and stops.

What I want to do is retreive a elapsed time from a db say 01:40:00

and make the timer start from that value as opposed to starting over again if the application crahes. how to set the saved time and start from that point.

Public Class Form1
Private stopwatch As New Stopwatch
Private Sub counter_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles counter.Tick


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VS 2008 - Clear IE Cookies Without Restart Program?

Jan 19, 2011

I use this to delete cookies
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("rundll32.exe", "InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2")
works fine I checked the folder myself it deletes all .txt files.

But here Is the problem lets say I log into hotmail, Clicked the button to Clear my cookies. And navigate to log in page again, It will navigate me straight to inbox just as if I have cookies but the folder doesn't have .txt cookies file. just (index.dat). Is this means we must restart the program to this to take effect? (Works if you restart it) If so, how can I turn off webbrowser1 for a sec and turn it back? or something like that just to make sure it takes effect without me reopening the program.

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VS 2008 Close Tcp Connection Restart Listen?

Nov 1, 2009

How do i make it so when i close my client the server will restart listening and allow another client to connect.

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VS 2008 Get Checkbox Checked When Restart The Program?

Mar 9, 2011

how you could let you're programme remember which checkboxes were checked the last time and which weren't. So, for example: I've checked two out three checkboxes in my form (form1) at moment x, I closed the programme and reopend it at moment y and the same checkboxes are still checked.. (doesn't care if I have to press a button first..)

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VS 2008 System Restart Corrupting Files?

Nov 30, 2011

I'm coding an application, it gets you some info and then saves in a .txt file like every 10 seconds on a timer. Testing the app, everything goes okay, on "accidental" application exit it goes well doesn't "corrupt" the file that I'm saving. But on "accidental" system restart the file just turns blank. 0kb, nothing in it. I don't get it. Here's my code about the file I'm talking about, it's a simple streamwrite function.


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VS 2008 Kill Windows Process Then Restart At Later Time

Jan 27, 2011

I have some old VBscript code to kill a windows process but am having trouble gettign it working. here is the code


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VS 2008 Show Restart Form After Idle Time

Dec 28, 2009

My main form has a timer that monitors idle time in my app: no mouse movements and no clicks.If the idle time reached 3 seconds, in *this example below*, then I want to show frmRestart, which will call the UnloadAllFormsExcept(Me) function from frmMain.When three idle seconds are reached, frmRepeat starts to show on the screen but never does!! I just see the border of the form and nothing else. My mouse goes into "thinking" mode forever.[code]

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