VS 2008 Show Restart Form After Idle Time

Dec 28, 2009

My main form has a timer that monitors idle time in my app: no mouse movements and no clicks.If the idle time reached 3 seconds, in *this example below*, then I want to show frmRestart, which will call the UnloadAllFormsExcept(Me) function from frmMain.When three idle seconds are reached, frmRepeat starts to show on the screen but never does!! I just see the border of the form and nothing else. My mouse goes into "thinking" mode forever.[code]

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VS 2008 Determine Mouse Idle Time On Form?

Mar 31, 2009

way to reset a timer if there is form activity so it will not expire until the mouse has been at rest for 2 minutes.

This timer runs for 120000 milliseconds usually, and sometimes it lapses (and logs you out) when you are in the middle of editing. Sometimes 2 minutes is not enough time to do all the edits. So I wish to reset the remaining interval as long as there is mouse activity. But I am not sure the best method to do this?

I have found the mousemove event but to me this seems like it's going to fire way too often and tax the resources if I preform operations here, maybe not? Is there a better way to get this functionality?

I want this functionality so that if someone starts editing on the UI and walks off/gets distracted it will lock the grids back so that some other user can't come dork things up.

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 Kill Windows Process Then Restart At Later Time

Jan 27, 2011

I have some old VBscript code to kill a windows process but am having trouble gettign it working. here is the code


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[2008] Pause To Give Form Time To Show Before Executing Routine?

Feb 10, 2009

Is there a command in vb that can be used to pause a routine to give time for the form to show before the routine starts as my routine is running and completing before my form shows up?

View 13 Replies

.net - How To Know Time For Which System Is Idle

Nov 26, 2011

I'm making an application in which I'm implementing auto-monitor turn off when system is idle, i.e. when user is not interacting with the system. [URL]it does provides the componenent to know when system is idle. But when I include:

Public WM_SYSCOMMAND As Integer = &H112
Public SC_MONITORPOWER As Integer = &Hf170
<DllImport("user32.dll")> _


It shows this error: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Get Application Input Idle Time?

Dec 7, 2011

I would like to get the idle time of my winforms application (not the system). This will enable me to update the database to show which users are online/offline amongst other things.

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System Idle Time Calculation Using Vc++?

Apr 8, 2009

I need to get the sytem idle time.It must be developed in vc++ and the code should not use hooks is there any possible way of getting SystemIdleTime from taskmanager

View 1 Replies

C# - Programmatically Reset Windows XP Idle Time

Feb 11, 2011

Windows resets the IDLE time every time the user touches the keyboard or the mouse. My application needs to reset the IDLE time at specific moments, but how to do this programmatically.

The following does NOT reset the IDLE time using VB, C# or QT4.
- Programmatic mouse movement / click.
- Programmatic keystroke.
Somehow Windows knows these actions are simulated. How can I reset the IDLE time?

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VS 2008 - Code That Will Reload A Form - Restart Level Button

Feb 11, 2010

I'm looking for some code that will reload a form, so its like a Restart Level button which when clicked will reset the form to its original look.

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How To Make Only One Windows Form Show At A Time

Feb 16, 2012

i have a combobox that has 3 cases. case "0" opens a dialog saying, "Not a valid choice"but case "1" and case"2" open up there own separate forms. (FormMain and Form3)How do i make it so if Form3 is open FormMain Can not be opened, And a messagebox appear saying so. I do not just want the ".hide" function. I already have that set.I have tried a few differant things, none of which worked. And i tried them in the formload and in the combobox selected index

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IDE :: Close Form-1 At The Time Of Form2.show?

Mar 1, 2009

My Project having form-1 & form-2. Project starts with Form-1.From the form-1, button1 - click() I want to close the form1 and from2.showform2.show showing form2, but the form-1 is also still opened. How to close form-1?I tried from Form-1 as me.close(). then Form-2 is not showing.So how to close form-1 at the time of form2.show?

View 2 Replies

Show Form Once Not Other Time When Click A Button

Sep 7, 2011

I want when I click a button , it show form2 but if i click it again , it don't show form2...

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.net - How To Show A Form's Custom Property At Design Time

Oct 22, 2010

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown:

<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles
Return mDataEntryRole
End Get


When I view the designer for my form, DataEntryRole doesn't appear in the property box. I assume that it should appear if I were to create another form that inherited from this base form, but that's not what I want. I want this property to show up in my current form.

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Make A Form Show When A User Uses My Application For First Time?

Apr 10, 2011

How do i make a form show when a user uses my application for the first time and only shows that time.

View 4 Replies

Make Column Not Show Every Time Form Loads?

Jan 2, 2012

The first column in my Data Grid is actually not my first column. It has an arrow pointed to the first row and then the last row has an asterisk by it. Is there anyway to make this column not show every time my form loads?

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How To Close Form When The Form Is Idle

Jun 22, 2010

I need to detect when no moving of cursor or keyboard then my form will automatic closing...how to do that.

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VS 2008 Detect User Idle?

Mar 30, 2010

Adding How would you detect if the user is using the computer? I want a program to detect if the user is using the computer (i.e. mouse and keyboard movements), and if the user doesn't type or move the mouse for a specific amount of time, it executes a command. Normally I would do this with the Application.Idle, but I want it to be detected throughout the system. Any starters?

View 22 Replies

VS 2008 - Editing Date Time Picker So Only Dates From Today Onwards Show Up

Mar 24, 2010

New to VB.NET Programming. Im trying to set the dates pickable on a Date Time Picker to the current day and onwards, i do not want someone to be able to chose DateToBeShipped to yesterday for example.

View 7 Replies

List To Update Every Time And Show The Values Each Time To Which The Previous Value Is Added To The New Calculation?

Jun 22, 2010

The idea with this form is to add the futures which is calculated when the button is pushed but I need the list to update every time and show the values each time to which the previous value is added to the new calculation, e.g. of what it should look like in listbox:

Year 1: $1,290.93
Year 2: $2,724.32
Year 3: $4,350.76

I have been working on this a while and I am at a standstill, I was given a function to clear the form everytime it calculates but I don't know how to implement it, I am new to VB. Here is what I have so far:

Public Class frmFutureValue
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click


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Show Messagebox/play Sound When System Time = Time Displayed In Listview?

Nov 13, 2010

Basically i'm trying making a task manager program for myself. I want to know how I can display a message box and or play a sound when system time = time displayed in listview. I have used a dropdown box for the user to select which option they would like to select - sound or message box to popup. The data for the task will be stored in a listview box. I want it so that when the date and the time is = to the date and time set for the reminder the action will follow.Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim notext As String = ""
If TextBox1.Text = notext Then[code]....

View 12 Replies

VS 2008 Close Current Form And Show Different Form?

Sep 4, 2009

When I use

It closes the whole app.

How would I change it so that it only closes the current form while opening a new one? EDIT: I put [Not Resolved] Because I accidently pressed the resolved thing

View 8 Replies

Date Time Picker In Form 1 And Show The Date?

Jun 1, 2010

How do i code a date time picker in form 1 and show the date and time in a label in another, I have 2 forms and a module to transfer.

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 Log Off - Shutdown - And Restart

Dec 24, 2009

I'm trying to create a way for the User of my application to Log Off, Shutdown, or Restart the PC.

The idea is that User can more quickly access these options from my application and if they choose, force these actions instead of waiting for the OS to respond.

Here's how I'm trying to do it:


Log Off works just fine. It's shutdown and restart that doesn't work. From the research that I've done, the Consts seem fine and the function obviously works correctly because Log Off works. I am running the application as an administrator, so that should affect it.

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VS 2008 : Why Instantiate A Form Instead Of Form.show

Dec 18, 2009

why I need to instantiate a form instead of form.show?

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VS 2008 Form Show Form Hide?

Sep 28, 2009

Private Sub HideShowTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2008 Form.Show / Form.WindowState?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a dual monitor setup on my computer. My program has multiple forms. I've designed the program to check which monitor the main form is currently on and to open the secondary forms on the current monitor. When the main form is on the primary monitor the secondary forms open as FormWindowState.Normal which is the design-time setting for the secondary forms. If the main form is on the secondary monitor and I click to open a secondary form then the secondary form is to be displayed as FormWindowState.Maximised.


So I moved the Form.Show line to after the Form.WindowState line. This works fine when the Form.Show process is very quick. The problem is that one of the secondary forms downloads some information from the internet so it takes about a second to finish the Form_Load process. When I had Form.Show first the form would not appear on screen until the Form_Load process is complete, so the delay was in the form appearing at all which is how I prefer it. With Form.Show last the form appears on screen immediately but appears mostly blank and unresponsive until the Form_Load process completes.

I would prefer that the form not appear at all until the Form_Load process is complete but I would like it to appear in an already Maximised state. Is this achieveable? It doesn't seem that complicated but I just can't figure it out.

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Restart Computer To Mac Partition In VB 2008?

Aug 15, 2011

I have to create this program for school to restart a bootcamped mac back onto mac from windows with an application made in visual basic.So I need my computer to restart which I have successfully completed. Now I just want to find out how to get the application to make my computer restart on the Mac Partition ( E: ).

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[2008] Restart Timer From Saved Value

Feb 21, 2009

Below is my timer code, click the buttons it start and stops.

What I want to do is retreive a elapsed time from a db say 01:40:00

and make the timer start from that value as opposed to starting over again if the application crahes. how to set the saved time and start from that point.

Public Class Form1
Private stopwatch As New Stopwatch
Private Sub counter_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles counter.Tick


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VS 2008 Can't Show Form 2 When Use TAB

Jan 6, 2012

[code] I can't show the form 2 when i use TAB.tabindex already set into 1.

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VS 2008 - Clear IE Cookies Without Restart Program?

Jan 19, 2011

I use this to delete cookies
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("rundll32.exe", "InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2")
works fine I checked the folder myself it deletes all .txt files.

But here Is the problem lets say I log into hotmail, Clicked the button to Clear my cookies. And navigate to log in page again, It will navigate me straight to inbox just as if I have cookies but the folder doesn't have .txt cookies file. just (index.dat). Is this means we must restart the program to this to take effect? (Works if you restart it) If so, how can I turn off webbrowser1 for a sec and turn it back? or something like that just to make sure it takes effect without me reopening the program.

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