way to reset a timer if there is form activity so it will not expire until the mouse has been at rest for 2 minutes.
This timer runs for 120000 milliseconds usually, and sometimes it lapses (and logs you out) when you are in the middle of editing. Sometimes 2 minutes is not enough time to do all the edits. So I wish to reset the remaining interval as long as there is mouse activity. But I am not sure the best method to do this?
I have found the mousemove event but to me this seems like it's going to fire way too often and tax the resources if I preform operations here, maybe not? Is there a better way to get this functionality?
I want this functionality so that if someone starts editing on the UI and walks off/gets distracted it will lock the grids back so that some other user can't come dork things up.
My main form has a timer that monitors idle time in my app: no mouse movements and no clicks.If the idle time reached 3 seconds, in *this example below*, then I want to show frmRestart, which will call the UnloadAllFormsExcept(Me) function from frmMain.When three idle seconds are reached, frmRepeat starts to show on the screen but never does!! I just see the border of the form and nothing else. My mouse goes into "thinking" mode forever.[code]
I wanna know how to make a Idle event that sets a timer to determine if my system idles for a minute and pop outs a form and stop the timer if that form loads?
I'm making an application in which I'm implementing auto-monitor turn off when system is idle, i.e. when user is not interacting with the system. [URL]it does provides the componenent to know when system is idle. But when I include:
Public WM_SYSCOMMAND As Integer = &H112 Public SC_MONITORPOWER As Integer = &Hf170 <DllImport("user32.dll")> _
It shows this error: Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Form1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
I would like to get the idle time of my winforms application (not the system). This will enable me to update the database to show which users are online/offline amongst other things.
I need to get the sytem idle time.It must be developed in vc++ and the code should not use hooks is there any possible way of getting SystemIdleTime from taskmanager
Windows resets the IDLE time every time the user touches the keyboard or the mouse. My application needs to reset the IDLE time at specific moments, but how to do this programmatically.
The following does NOT reset the IDLE time using VB, C# or QT4. - Programmatic mouse movement / click. - Programmatic keystroke. Somehow Windows knows these actions are simulated. How can I reset the IDLE time?
I Making A Tile Map but i ran into a problem.How can i determine what tile the mouse is on?Here is some code of my project:
Private Sub GameMap_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles GameMap.MouseMove mousex = e.X mousey = e.Y
Adding How would you detect if the user is using the computer? I want a program to detect if the user is using the computer (i.e. mouse and keyboard movements), and if the user doesn't type or move the mouse for a specific amount of time, it executes a command. Normally I would do this with the Application.Idle, but I want it to be detected throughout the system. Any starters?
I'm creating a type of drawing program. The user can draw a line, much like in word or paint, etc. But once the line is drawn (to a picturebox or bitmap in memory), I want the user to be able to click on the line and drag it around (translate it).
If I know the coordinates of the endpoints of the line, as well as the pen width it was drawn with, how can I tell if a certain coordinate (mouse location) is contained by the line?
My first thought was to take a mathematical approach, like get an equation for a line, and check to see if the coordinate belonged to it. But for a higher pen width, the line is thicker, and thus contains more points.
How can I tell what coordinates are part of the line? Is there some sort of intersect function in the gdi that takes a line?
I have a form, that acts like a drop-down, that I display non-modal. I attach a mouse hook to the form to determine when the mouse is clicked out of it, so that I know to close it - by setting Visible = False.
Because I want the HookProc to handle the last click, I can't dispose the Hook or my Dropdown until I'm sure that my event handler has returned to the HookProc.[code]...
I want to detect when my touchpad is clicked! I normally use a usb mouse, so I don't use the touchpad for anything. Instead I'd like to make it possible to perform an action in .NET, when the touchpad is clicked. This way I can use it as a shortcut: One tap and something cool happens.
Is this possible, and if yes, any clue how? I'd prefer if it could be working in VB.NET or C#. My theory is that I'd have to make a mousehook, which then somehow determines which device the click is coming from. If the click is determined to be from the touchpad, then cancel the click and doWhatever().
I have a program that has two list boxes. I want to have the user right click either listbox and remove an item using the context menu option. I have tried to use GetChildAtPoint (control.mouseposition) but I cannot return a control the mouse is over. I then tried to use the _Click event of the context menu to get the sender, but the sender is the contextmenu control. Here is the code I am using:
Dim ctrl As Control = Me.GetChildAtPoint(Control.MousePosition) If ctrl Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
I'm a really beginner so i want to know if its possible to make the mouse move to certain co-ordinates outside of your form and then click , and then pause before repeating.
Hey guys I am developing a project in which I need to create kind of like a virtual mouse within the form that can move around the form and click buttons and such without taking control of the person's mouse.
I am having hard time determining how to get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place determined by time. I was thinking about bubble sort through an array, but since I am determining lowest to highest based on numbers = runner it just sounds more confusing. The code to determine second is not that efficient, I know there is an easier way. That is the part where I am stuck.
Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.
how to raise the mouse leave and mouse hover events for VB when i place my mouse cursor over the button.
When my mouse cursor is over the buttons, it will raise the mouse hover event and open the form, then when the mouse leaves the button, it will close the form upon raising the mouse leave event.
but currently, When i excute this two events, the for will open and close very,very fast. so fast that it is like spamming the VB.
So i am wondering how to change the code that i have to excecute the event one time every time the mouse is over the button which is created at run time.
the codes to execute these two events are:
Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) For Each ctl As Control In PictureBox1.Controls
[URL] I have tried heslacher's method which is Hi clzanas, you problems had been the result of calling a for each loop inside the events. If you only want for the button you hoover / leave to call the ShowDetails.Open/close, then you can take the code below:
Private Sub Button_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) If TypeOf sender Is Button Then ShowDetails.Close()
But i got the same results as my previous code, resulting in the form opening and closing so fast that it is like spamming the window.
How Should I Use Diffrent Types Mouse Pointers in .Net for Each Form? How Should I Play a mp3 sound File From "D:My Locationsound.mp3"? How Should I Create an Set up File in VB.Net 2008? How Should I Make a Form Shaped Round? How Should I Use The Mouse as Mouse Touch Event?
Basically I want to move my mouse to the coords that is received based on the location of a certain coloured pixel. I can get the coords of the pixel but when using them on mouse position, the mouse position is based on the entire screen rather than the form. How could I change the position coords based on the form rather than the entire screen. E.G. If a certain coloured pixel is 2,2 in a form and I put that as the mouse position, it would go outside the form but I dont want that. I want it to hover of the pixel coords
This is my Dim bmp As Bitmap = DirectCast(PictureBox1.Image, Bitmap) For x As Integer = 0 To bmp.Width - 1 For y As Integer = 0 To bmp.Height - 1 If bmp.GetPixel(x, y) = (Color.FromArgb(108, 90, 60)) Then Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = End If Next Next
Is there a way in VB.Net to determine if the timezone the current system has daylight savings time in effect? Of course I can get the offset from GMT using the "z"/"zz" formatting option, but that doesn't tell me if DST is in effect for the current timezone or if the current timezone is in standard time...or if DST/Standard time aren't even an issue in the timezone for the system.
Is there a way to determine whether processes have been opened or closed during a given time frame? I'm working on code that will take an initial copy of your processes list, and then based on a timer, continue to take copies, which will compared to the initial processes list to determine which processes have been opened or closed until the timer ends. I'm capturing the processes list's in an Array list.
Dim processesList As String //Initial processes list Dim processActivity As String //Opened or Closed processes Dim processesAtStart As New ArrayList // Initial processes as ArrayList (To Compare) Dim processesCheck As New ArrayList // Latest processes as ArrayList (To Compare)