VS 2008 Get App To Remember Previous Position?

Nov 16, 2009

I created a app that is multithread with threadloop and reads a large text file. The problem is if the app is closed while it is still running and open again the app will start from the beginning of the file. How can I have the app remember its previous location/position?

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Previous Button Is Click The BindingSource Position?

Feb 24, 2009

I would like to make data binding using BindingSource whereby whenever either Next Button or Previous Button is click the BindingSource position will change to display the data at that position.

I know that if I want use a loop of the BindingSource I could do somthing like vb code below but I am not sure if of binding it seperately. I usually bind it through the properties but this I cant because is an image column which I want to bind and I have to us memorystream to display it to reduce memory usage, so I asign it to arrPic so that whenever the BindingSource position changes the image column will be asign to arrPic.

Dim MyRow as DataRowView
For Each MyRow In dtView
'only use non-repeating names
CurrentPicture = Trim(CStr((MyRow("FileName"))))
If CurrentPicture <> LastName Then


The BindingSource filter the picturenames and add to a listbox. One name may contain about 4 or more pictures so when you select a name from the listbox the bindingsource populate only the pictures have the selected name and you can navigate forward and backwards.All what I want is how to bind a column to a textbox or picturebox by code. I know if it is a dataset I can declare a datarow and bind anything to the columns.

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VS 2008 BindingSource.Position - Event To Fire Only Once After The Position Command

Dec 5, 2010

I am using the following code to populate data in Textbox1:


I have few functions assigned in TextBox1_TextChanged event. The problem i am facing is this event is fired twice, once after the Fill command and another after the Position command whereas i want the event to fire only once after the Position command. What should i do?

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VS 2008 Store / Remember Certain Values?

Jul 18, 2009

Using VB express 2008 here. I am just wondering about the best way to store certain values like the last browsed folder even if a user closes the app and starts it again. I dont want to go the route of making a text file in the installation directory and storing the values there. Seems clunky.

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VS 2008 - Remember Checked Radio Button

Sep 14, 2011

can anyone tell me how to make my program "remeber" checked Radio button.

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VS 2008 Combo Box Remember User Input

Jul 28, 2011

i have a combo box without a list of item now i want to do is when a user input a number or text in combo box the text value of the combo box will be saved and when the user input the same number the combo box will not save the same text value. and when the user logout and login back again i want to load the list of item that he or she inputted earlier in the combo box.

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VS 2008 Make VB Program Remember Destination?

Aug 12, 2009

Is it possible for me to make a VB program I make remember a destination?

1. User opens program
2. User presses "Launch" (OpenFileDialog)
3. User selects exe
4. Next time user presses "Launch" the same EXE as before is launched

Is there any way to do that?

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VS 2008 Remember Textbox Text When Form Reopens?

Nov 5, 2011

VS 2008 Remember Textbox Text when Form reopens

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IDE :: In Datagridview, Read Only=True When Add A Row, It Is Copying Previous Row Data To New Row And Blank The Previous Row?

Jul 16, 2011

In Datagridview, Set as DatagridView1.ReadOnly=True,


When i tried to add a Row, it is copying previous Row data to new row,and also blank the previous row, why?Like Insert Row, Why...?

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Coding For Next And Previous Button In .net 2008?

Jun 5, 2011

This is my coding for button Next and Previous but when I click on next it just goes to next like from pictures 1 and 2 to pic 3 and 4 but not any more because i have pictures in two imagelist upto 20 but it doesnt work and the coding for button previous also doesnt work same problem.

Next Button Coding
Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click
Static imagenumber As Integer


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VS 2008 Find Text: Previous?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm making a notepad program and i want the user to be able to search for text. I got the code working for the "Find Next" button, but I cant get the code for the "Find Previous" button.Here's what I have for Find Next:

Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click

Dim x As Integer
Dim opt As RichTextBoxFinds = 0
If chkCase.Checked Then opt = opt Or RichTextBoxFinds.MatchCase
x = CType(frmMain.TabControl.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), RichTextBox).Find(txtFind.Text, PlaceHolder, opt)
If x < 0 Then


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VS 2008 Next And Previous Button With Images

Aug 13, 2009

I want to load multiple image in one picturebox using these two buttons which Previous and Next buttons.... I have no errors with that but the image is mark "x" in runtime when i press Next and Previous button....

How can i display my Image...

Public Class Form1
Dim m_files As String
Private m_CurrentFile As Integer


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[2008] Save Previous Settings?

Mar 2, 2009

E.g. default setting for serial port after start up is COM1. If user sets COM2 and restarts program, is it possible to store port setting, COM2, other than still start from COM1?

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Display Previous Saved Data In VB 2008?

Dec 2, 2011

I am a freshman by using vb and I had search several website to learn the method to display the previous saved data in a label but none of it is related to my problem.

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VS 2008 - How To Get Previous Selected Path In OpenFileDialog

Jun 26, 2011

I am working Vb.NET 08 Windows Applications. I have OpenFileDialog in a form. I have to connect the Database Based on the selected Path in OPenFileDialog. At Present, I Connect the Database and run the application Successfully. But What i need is .... After close the Application I open the Application again, the Previous Selected Path should be display. How can I get the Path when load the form? Is there any functions to use or any type of variables?

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VS 2008 - Viewing Several Pictures By Hitting Next Or Previous

Apr 25, 2009

I do not know how to setup a loop for several pictures and displaying them in a picturebox by hitting a next button or previous button. I have two picture boxes on my form, I have a previous and next button on the bottom of the form, then I just need to know how to setup my loop for cycling through each picture. I have several pictures to go through.

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VS 2008 Displays A List Of Previous Draws

Apr 7, 2010

In my application for checking Irish Lottery numbers I have a form which displays a list of previous draws. The form contains a listview which is populated from a setting in my.settings as follows: [code] I would like to replace "Wednesday" with "Wed" before adding the item to the listview. I have tried using strings.replace to acheive this in various parts of the above code but each time the code runs the listview still displays the full day.

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VB 2008 Won't Load Previous Projects - Files Have Been Moved?

Sep 28, 2010

I created a visual basic express edition project and when completed pressed Save All. Then proceded to work on another version and saved that one as well, Now the project cannot find the original version which is the only working one. I have all of the projects backec up but they will not load. Where do I have to move the files so Visual basic can find them?

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VS 2008 - If Previous Instance Of App Running SetFocus And Then Exit

Aug 21, 2009

If the application is already running, and someone tries to launch it again, set the focus on the already-running program, and exit the one recently launched. I found this, but I don't know how to get the already-running process hwnd. It should be
Dim handle As IntPtr = Process.MainWindowHandle
But that doesn't work.

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VS 2008 Drag In A Listbox Looses Previous Items In The Box?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a form with a ListBox and AlloDrop property to TRUE.If I DRAG a file (FILE1) into the ListBox the Item is added nicely.However when I drag a next file (FILE2),even when I am dragging the FILE2 and LISTBOX takes focus, looses the previous item already in the box...(ie FILE1)....

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VS 2008 Draw In Picture Box Without Deleting Previous Graphics?

Apr 15, 2009

crashed a while ago and i didn't bother fixing it since my new laptop was due to come shortly after, because of this i am a bit out of practise with Visual Basic .NET. My problem is that my application allows a user to draw a rectangle with their mouse on a picturebox called picimage. When the user is done drawing their rectangle and tries to draw another one the previous rectangle gets deleted. I was playing around a bit with the

Public Class Form1
Dim DrawRectangle As Boolean = False


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VS 2008 Always Display Previous / Next Week Starting From Monday And Ending With Sunday

Jun 1, 2010

I have a two buttons: Previous Week & Next Week When i run the app the LabelDate needs to shows up "May 31, 2010 - June 6, 2010" When i click a previous week button i want to set LabelDate's text to "May 24, 2010 - May 30, 2010" If i click Next Week button i want it shows up "June 7, 2010 - June 13, 2010" Means it should always display previous/next week starting from Monday and ending with Sunday.

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Saving Window Size And Position Multiple Monitors Toolbar Position Etc.

Aug 24, 2009

I have looking for a tutorial or class that demonstrates more than a trivial example of saving a windows position on closing. The ones I have found don't seem to work on all systems because of:

1. Multiple monitors. (and resolution between those monitors)

2. Toolbar size and position (toolbar is only on the primary monitor, well sometimes)

3. Sometimes the programs dont open on the right monitor they were closed on.

Is there an extensive class or tutorial on all the stuff a programmer needs to get right to have a window size and position persisted between executions?

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Navigate Records - Add First Previous Next Last Buttons To Windows Form (visual Studio 2008)

Jun 9, 2011

Below is my code to call the records or save/update to the database which works fine


I have been trying to add First Previous Next Last buttons to my windows form (visual studio 2008), everything I have tried or found does not work.

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Can't Remember The Name

May 4, 2009

I'm using RichTextFormat, and i'm using cf to change the color of strings. I have this


Its actually like this though

cf2 2dgreengiant

But the parser thinks that the 2 in his name is part of cf. There's a character, in many different formats (usually ) that will fix it, but I can't remember what those characters are called so I can't look it up. It would be like this, assuming ! was the character. This would make it parse correctly


So what is that character called? Sorry for the dumb question, but I can't for the life of me remember.

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Get My Program To Remember Settings?

Mar 15, 2009

How can i get my program to remember settings?I have made it so that they click on a register button, if they enter the correct registration code, it will unlock these features. How can i make it so it remembers that the key has been inserted, so when the user next uses the program, they dont have to re enter the key. I think it has something to do with ini files, but im not sure how i can implement it.Here is the

Private Sub Register_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Register.Click
If UserID.Text * (KeyID.Text / 2654) > "2234047144494" And UserID.Text * (KeyID.Text / 994) < "213725721516" Then
MsgBox("The User ID and Key are Correct! Registration is now complete. You now have full access to EVERY feature.

Base.CalenderToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
Base.ShowTrackBarToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True
Base.HideTrackBarToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = True[code].....

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IDE :: Change Backround Remember

Jun 1, 2010

So heres the change backround code

Dim Fd As New OpenFileDialog
Fd.Filter = "Image Format(*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg)|*.bmp;*.png;*.jpg"
Fd.Title = "Add Background Image"


now what could i add to that to make it save the backround change?

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Implementing A 'Remember Me' And 'Keep Me Logged In?

Jan 5, 2011

On Form1 I have two textboxes (Username, Password), two checkboxes (Remember me, Keep me logged in) and a 'Login' button. I am using a MySQL database. Here is my code (w/out my database info, of course):

MySQLConnection = New MySqlConnection
MySQLConnection.ConnectionString = "server=REMOVED;Port=3306; user id=REMOVED; password=REMOVED; database=REMOVED"


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Remember Last Used Image In Picturebox?

Dec 22, 2011

so here is what I have. I built a program for myself, it runs great so far. I have it all set up so it remembers what ListView items I put in and all that. But Now I want the picture box to save an image location into a text file then read the text file when it starts up then load the image from that file. I tried adapting the same code that I used for the ListView items but I just don't know enough yet to do that very successfully.

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Remember Results From Lucky Seven?

Nov 26, 2011

For a project at school, we have to write an application with a database.I'm going to make a mini-casino where people can deposit money on their accounts, where they can lose or win money.Since I'm a beginning programmer, I'm kinda stuck. I want to write the lucky seven game with classes. It's easier to do it in a form directly, but we have to do this with a class.

I want to keep track of the users account (this is a class as well). So each time you press the button,you pay 1$ or . If you win, you get the prizes on the central account. So when you quit the game and play another, you play with the updated saldo. i'm not busy with the database, but the label won't change. It gets stuck at -1. When you win, the label gets updated but every time I lose, nothing happens.


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