VS 2008 How To Open Other .exe Inside Project

Jan 18, 2011

i want the .exe file inside my project open when i click the button i add.someone said, try this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(GetType(TEST), "firefox.exe")


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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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How To Run A .exe From Inside A VB 2008 Project

Oct 20, 2008

i was wondering if anyone knows how to get a VB 2008 project to run a .exe from withinside it???say i wanted a muti installer...with the installer packages embedded inside it....is it possible to call tghe .exe by clicking a button?

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VS 2008 : Open A Folder Inside A Form?

Feb 5, 2010

Is it possible to open a folder inside a form?

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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Open And See Data Inside A .ISO Bin File From Inside An Application

Mar 30, 2010

im new to coding (started coding last month) so im a little stuck on how to do this, im making some emulation programs to learn coding with, and a part of it is to point the app to a .iso/.bin file and scan the data inside of the iso/bin to check if a file exists.[code]My issue is i cant find any class examples, or any information etc on how to code it so my application can see the data inside of the iso/bin instead of just see'ing the iso/bin file, so that i can then check the data inside the iso to see if the file exists etc.Im a novice still at coding so making a new class myself to look inside the iso/bin is to complex for me.

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VS 2008 : Can't Open New Project

Jul 21, 2010

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional.I can't open new project.I am clicking File-->New Project then selecting "Windows Forms Application" and name it. I am clicking OK and nothing happend. Just return to the openning screen.

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VS 2008 Cannot Open Project

Jun 8, 2010

on my desktop computer, i first installed VS 2005.. after few weeks i installed VS 2008.. i created a project on VS 2008..on my laptop, i installed VS 2008.i transferred the project from my desktop to my laptop but i can't open it.. one of my clasm8s said told me that even if i created it on VS 2008 on my desktop, it still uses framework 3.0 because VS 2005 was the first installed.. is he correct? what should i do?

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VS 2008 Cannot Open Project Containing WCF Service

Apr 16, 2011

I'm trying to open a project we did in class the other day at home.

When I try to open the project in VB, I get an error that's not terribly helpful. It basically says the project cannot be opened because its project type () is not supported by this application.

I believe that the information I need should be contained within the paren which is blank in my error message. I've looked up the error message and all the examples I've seen contain some information there.

The project was done using VS 2008 in VB in the classroom. That's exactly what I have at home. The only thing that I can think of is that something is missing from my version of VS2008 at home. The reason why I believe this is because when we needed to use SQL, it was already installed at school whereas I needed to go out and download then install it at home. So I assume my install at home is somehow incomplete. I've thought about uninstalling everything at home and re-downloading it and selecting all of the "add-ons" when I do it. This could be a total waste of time though since I don't really know what's going on.

I just thought I'd ask around before going through that.

EDIT: I downloaded VS 2008 Pro from dreamspark. Everything seems to be working.

how to add a service to this project

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VS 2008 Visual Basics - 2008 - Open Up A Project Again?

Dec 5, 2010

I have put a ton of effort into my new project, and I have saved the coding and designer part. I never did publish it, and when I came back to open it later to work on it, I can't seem to get to the screen that allows you to move items, and edit the looks of the project. I have to files that say RSEB.Designer.vb and RSEB.Vb - So how do I open the screen that allows me to edit the damn project?

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VS 2008 Open Project, Compiler Crashes?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to move a project from my old laptop to my new laptop. But I'm running into a problem: whenever I open the project on my new laptop, it crashes!I can open other projects on my new laptop, including some copied from my old laptop. I can also open the project in question on my old laptop. So the problem must be some combination of things in the project, and the fact that it was moved

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Close Project And Open Another In Multi-Project Solutions?

Apr 11, 2012

I am developing a Multi-Project solution (A, B) in Visual Studio 2008.

I need to run a second project from the start up one and then the first project should be closed.

The matter is that I want to Exit the A.exe and kill the process and the dll that are depending on it. And then Run the B.exe.

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Open A Project Using A Command Button From Another Project?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a number of independent visual basic applications. Now I want to develop a window that will have command buttons to open each of the applications. How do I write the code in these buttons?

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Open Another Project From Within An Existing Project?

Jul 25, 2011

If there already is a thread for this, then appologies.I have a VB project which displays a message to the User and has a button they can click on to continiue.What i would like is for when the user clicks this continue button another VB app opens up All straight forward so far.The problem is that in the second app id like to open, i have a few different tab pages and id like to be able to open the second app on a specific tab page (Which is not the default when the app opens). Is this possible?

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Reference A Folder Inside A Project?

Jun 24, 2011

I have added a folder with a bunch of images inside my vs2010 project. I want to reference this folder through code.Since the final prog may be deployed into different location absolute path won't do!

What is the standard way to get the folders relative path?

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Run A .exe File From Inside A VS2010 Project?

Aug 22, 2011

I am currently working on a school project in VS2010. I have added a .exe file in the project folder and added it to the Project as a 'Existing Item'. In Project Properties -> Publish -> Application Files the .exe file is shown.

The .exe file runs quite nicely when I use the Process.Start("C:\NameOfMyApplicationFolder\MyProgram.exe") hard code path to the .exe file. However, I am faced with two(2) challenges that I need to overcome. These are they:

1. If published on another machine the .exe file will not run as the hard code path to the .exe file will be different from that on my machine. Therefore I need a way to create a generic path to the .exe file. I have tried these [Process.Start("C:\|DataDirectory|\MyProgram.exe")] AND [Process.Start("Localhost\|DataDirectory|\MyProgram.exe")]; I got an error message that "The system cannot find the file specified".

2. I am putting the Process.Start("xxxxx.\MyProgram.exe") on a button click event. I also want to put the running of the .exe file between two(2) lines of code. The first line of code is basically asking "Do you wish to run the executable file" - YesNo. If 'Yes' is selected the .exe file is run. Here is the problem: When the .exe program is closed the second line of code is to be executed. I have gotten the .exe to run (using the hard code file path) when 'Yes' is selected, and the second line of code to execute if 'No' is selected, but I have not been successful in getting the second line of code to execute after closing the .exe program. I have tried this: [If Process.Start("C:\NameOfMyApplicationFolder\MyProgram.exe").CloseMainWindow = True Then Do line 2 End if]. nothing happens when I close the .exe program.

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Run A Csharp Form Inside A VB Project?

Apr 16, 2011

i want to know how I could run a Csharp form from a VB project by pressing on a button.

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Use The Images Inside The Resources Within Project?

May 6, 2010

I am trying to use a combobox that when a user selects an item than that particular item (image) is drawn on the form.

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Forms :: Set The Path To A Directory Inside The Project?

May 2, 2010

I have a directory listbox, I try to set the path to a directory inside the project. how do I do that?

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Get Path Of The Directory Inside WinForm App Project?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a directory named reports inside my winform project in .net. My project name is AccountingReports and inside that Directory reports exists. So i need the way to access this path via code. In Asp.net we use Request.PhysicalApplicationPath property. So is there any method or property exists that will give me the root of my project

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Include Git Revision Number Inside .NET Project?

Feb 5, 2012

I am using Git for source control on a .NET project. Is there any way to include the current Git revision number in my EXE upon compile time?

I'd like to be able to have the revision number available for an "About" dialog, or similar. Perhaps there is a way to update Settings.vb right before build?

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Working With A Text File Inside My Project

Feb 22, 2011

I have no code specifically for this part of my project just saying this ahead of time.I have not used text files that are inside my project but I want to be able to open the file when I load my form and save it when I close my form.I know how to save manualy and same with opening but that defeats the purpose this has to do as much as possible on its own.All I have are code from a project I made a while back which was a notepad program.[code]however I need this to all happen on its own and it needs to install these text files with the program hence why they are in with the project there are about 30 text files that will need to be with it so if I can get help with one then I can figure the rest out.

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Open .exe File Inside VB Form?

Oct 22, 2010

How do i open, for example .exe file, when i click the button, but not in new window, in my VB form? I have no idea how to do that .

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Open Xml File Inside Application?

May 2, 2012

I have made a form that exports to xml and refer's to a xsl sheet to open into html format. Now what I want to do is build this program with these xml and xsl files in it. I also want the user to push submit and the xml inside the build opens up.

I understand the Diagnostics.Process.Start but for some reason its not referring to my xsl file its just loading all the values in order. My question to yall is how do i set a path inside my application for the xsl and xml to refer to each other.

Is it a dll i need to compile if so any guidance their. Im a beginner and am still learning.

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Add A Desktop Shortcut Icon To Inside The Project Settings?

Nov 25, 2010

I just created a game program out of VBE2008 and did the build process to turn it into a .exe file.When I did the build function I apparently missed the step of attaching an icon to the project.Now when I do a desktop shortcut to the .exe file there is no pretty icon - just an ordinary looking window box.How do I add a desktop shortcut icon to inside the project settings?

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Create A Sub Main Inside A Class Which Is Itself Part Of A Project

May 17, 2009

why, when i create a sub main inside a class which is itself part of a project, i need to create it as a shared sub like this.[code]

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How To Access To A Folder Created Inside The Project From The Code

Apr 4, 2009

how to access to a folder created inside the project from the code

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Reusing A Menu Strip On Another Form Inside Project?

Mar 26, 2010

created a menustrip (MenuStrip1) by dragging the tool onto my form (form1.vb). And designed the headings/items etcI have now created another form (form2.vb) within the same project.I would like to use MenuStrip1 that i designed for form1.vb in my new form2.vb.

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Save File To A Folder Created Inside Project?

Sep 1, 2011

I am confused on saving a file to a certain folder. I know how to save files and what not but what I can't figure out is this:I right clicked my project name in VS2010 -->New Folder and added a new folder. Now this folder shows up in my Solution Explorer. How to I reference this folders location?

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Open External Application Inside MDI Form?

Jan 9, 2012

I need to open some external applications such as notepad.exe inside the VB.NET MDI form, and also I need to make sure that there is exactly only one copy of this running always.[code]....

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