VS 2008 Make A Video Converter Using .Net?
Dec 26, 2009It is possible to make a video converter using VB .Net? If yes with what I should start?
View 2 RepliesIt is possible to make a video converter using VB .Net? If yes with what I should start?
View 2 RepliesAnyways, i have coded a video downloaded and i want to include a converter as a separate exe file. But obviously people may have different file directories so a simple piece of code i have used won't work. This is what i have: Also where would i place the exe file?
View 3 RepliesI have been researching how to create a multimedia sound/video converter
View 1 RepliesI'm a bit new to these forums but anyways let me get to the point. I'm trying to make a Unit Conversion Program on VB 08 and I am trying to make it so I don't use too many radio buttons, however I may use it if there is no other option. And I also have to make the program do it both ways
For Example I want to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit in the same textbox or some sort of box.
I'm trying to make a simple character converter i.e. (A converts to O) or (C converts to V) I need to make defined parameters for the entire alphabet.I have two text boxes set up and a command button. I'm trying to make it so the text inputted into the first textbox is converted (using the defined parameters) Into the second textbox with a click of the button.
View 5 Repliesi want to make a video streaming server or a Video Lan chat programe in VB.net
View 1 RepliesI just want to ask or I need some idea on how to convert wav files to mp3 and compressed the file to make the size smaller. I've search on the internet and find vorbis.dll as a reference object and lame.exe for converter. With regards to the audio compression, i downloaded monkey's audio software but doesnt have an idea on how to incorporate it.
View 2 Repliesi'm trying to make a converter, i have 4 textboxes, 2 of them are encode, the other 2 are decoders.
on the encode process i use:
I want it to be decoded when a button is pressed, because I cant use the KeyPress or KeyDown function because it will most likely be copy-pasted.
how would i do that, for instant the char A Will be converted from "W11" to "A".
Now i know there is a function called Convert, but i have no idea on how it works or if it even is proper for this task.
I am trying to make a currency converter but i have forgotten how to do it. I am looking to convert at least 10 currencies from combo boxes.
If cboConvertfrom.Text = "British - Pounds" Then
Currency = GBP(0)
End If
I am looking to have a text box were people insert a number then select which currency to convert from and to and display it in another text box or label
Basicly I'm trying to make a 1 lined binary converter. Ill send you guys some screenshots If (tb1.Text) * (CInt(tb2.Text) + (tb3.Text)) * (CInt(tb3.Text) + (tb4.Text)) * (CInt(tb4.Text)) Then Label6.Text
Screenshots: What it's going to look like:
How can I make a hex converter to any kind of sort (integer , decimal , etc...).
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I'm trying to make a metric to kilogram converter and I am having trouble starting it out. With my Answer label being txtAnswer and the Inches button being btnInches, I have ran into snags with trying to get it formulate the 37, 370 into 1 Kilometer I believe that it needs to be a sring but I am stuck.
View 3 RepliesWell how can I make an Audio Converter?
View 6 RepliesI am working on a school project to make a temperature converter that when fahrenheit is entered into textbox1 and then tabbed, the conversion to celsius, rankine, and kelvin is displayed in textbox 2,3, and 4.My instructor showed me how to input the code for this, but it isn't working correctly. I know I need more code to get this right but I am a newbie to programming and my instructor doesn't insruct very well. Can someone please tell me what I need to do to finish this coding? This is what I have so far:
Public Class Form1
I decided to make a simple temperature converter (C to F vise versa) for class since I already had made a calculator. But for some reason, it won't work because it can't convert from string to double. How do I fix it?
get VB 6.0 to Visual Studio 2008 converter?
View 1 Repliesi am new to VB and am trying to make a metric to imoerial unit converter in VB 2008. I have created a form with 2 list box's with MM, CM, KM etc ....... and the other Inches Miles etc I have added 2lables with convert from and convert to and also 2 blank text box's the first one to choose the number i would like to convert and another to show the converted unit, I have also added a convert button.I am really struggling to find the correct code to make this work.
View 2 RepliesPublic Class Form1
Dim Character As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
So i decided to make a units converter for my term's project and my teacher insisted on including the combo box in this project. I'm not really familiar with the combo box as i am still a beginner in visual basic. I've looked around and learned a bit about using the combo box but later i faced a problem. First i created a Main combo box and placed it in the middle of the form. I managed to use the select case command to make other combo boxes appear and disappear as i wish. I don't really know how to describe the problem, i want to make it that if i choose the input as a unit and the output is any other unit from two different combo boxes, the value in the input text box would be multiplied by a certain conversion factor and the result will be shown in the output text box.
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to create a program that takes 7 numbers and converts them to Letters. To do this I have created a TextBox to enter the 7 digit number in , a CONVERT Button, and a LIST BOX to display the thousands of results. This is created using a Windows Application Form.
At the moment im tryng to create a celcious to fahrenheit i already got the formula and so i put it into visual basic. My goal is to create a programm with two textboxes
one celcious and the other one fahrenheit.[code...]
THen i realized that loop is created because if i write 12 in celcious it outputs to fahrenheit which outputs back to celcious ecc.. infact when i debug it says
Make sure you do not have an infinite loop or infinite recursion .I would like to have a programm with 2 textboxes. If in one i put 12 then the respective fahrenheit comes out; If in fahrenheit i put 55 then the respective celcious comes out.
after numerous google searches and comparing excerpts from different peoples' various codes I could not get this program to work, though I came quite close. I'm attempting to make a program that will tell me the time in different parts of the world, a personal use program that I thought would help me exercise my vb skills.
The problem I'm having, however, is that when it should be showing my time it is either 5 hours ahead or 5 hours behind. I tried adding variables and deleted them again time and time again trying to make adjustments but all I managed to do was make the timer get stuck at 12:00:00 AM.
im trying to make a chat program.im already done with the chat but i dont have any idea now to make the video.
For the chat i used this :(url)
how do i make it work, what do i need to add into the form to make it work?I like..Understandable Answers
View 7 RepliesIs there anyone here know how to make a chat bot with video?
View 2 RepliesI have a Vb.Net app to make with desktop video streaming. have anyone a sample so i can learn how to do it?
TcoUpLoad (Vb6 and VbNet | starting learning C# and LINQ)
I have 1000 frames and id like to create an application that will use all those frames and create a video file. I dont care about the file format(.wmv/.avi/...). Google isnt really showing any good results. Just this: [URL] The solution is to make PictureBox and quick load the pictures and will look like Video. I need it as a video file. Where can i look? is there a built-in function in VB.Net?
On the other hand it doesnt make sence at all: id like to create an application that will use all those frames and create a video file. What will be the time difference between two frames? What about the quality? ...
i need Help to make Audio or Video Player With Using DirectX. how many Different b/w DirectX and Windows Media Player???
View 8 RepliesIm still a bit newb to coding in Vb but Im trying to figure out how to make a simple inventory system for my video game. I need it to do a few simple things and Ive never made a inventory system before so im a bit lost on how to approach it.
Functions Needed:
Player has 40 pb that act as the visual inventory or display the item in that slot.
I set up my armor menu to allow drag an drop of the item but again not sure how to even get the inventory system created to finish the armor menu to allow the object to be dragged into its box and remove its self from the player inventory.I think I need to make a array for 39 or 40 in my adventurestorage class. That part Im pretty certain of but how do I set that part up? I have over 200 images that need to act as a item that can be dropped into the inventory.
Basically I download lots of TV shows and they're never named in the way I like; they're named like this "The Office.S06E22.HDTV.XviD-NoTV."So I was wondering if I had a .txt file with all the episode names I could make a program to rename all the video files in the right order so they're named like this "The Office Season 6 Episode 22 - Secretary's Day."So I want to copy and paste a list of correct episodes names into a text file. Then I want to read the text file, which I already know how to do. Then, and this is the bit I'm struggling with, I want to read the text file, one line at a time, and it renames the top video file with the top episode name and so on.
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