VS 2008 - Making A Game Which Would Be Playable On Internet?

Jul 12, 2009

I have created a game and I would like to make it so that you can play over the internet. The game is Blackjack and I need some help and advice on how I can get people to play it over the internet.

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VS 2008 Making Forms Interact With Each Other Over The Internet?

Mar 12, 2010

This part of visual basic is new to me. How can i make multiple forms that each operate on different computers but can interact with each other and influence each other over the internet?

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VS 2008 - Making A Tool For The Game?

Aug 23, 2009

Well the thing is im making a tool for a game(No hack)the display is like this Name : [here a text box] Time : [Here can be laber or textbox] [start] [stop] [reset] in the first textbox the user who is using the program have to put a player name and in time when they click start in the second textbox or labe it should start countingdown from 1 hour 1:00:00.Stop only stop the time but let the time where it was and reset to reset the time.so when the time get to 0 something should pop up with the name of the player that the user put in the text box like MsgBox Frolox's time has finish or something like that but it have to appear in top of everything.

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VS 2008 Beginner Making Hangman Game?

Mar 31, 2009

Im using Visual Basic 2008.Okay I got all the design, and everything set up, even the hangman body parts coming on the screen and stuff. So my problem is creating the BLANKS, the underscores "_", and replacing them with a letter...

I was thinking creating Lables which i have no idea how to dynamically. Then giving each label name the letters they belong to, and everytime the user gets the rigth letter they get replaced.

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Making A Hangman Style Game In VB 2008 Express?

Jun 1, 2009

I am making a hangman style game in VB 2008 Express. I am a beginner and instead of making any graphic related content (i.e. the hang man), I am using a 3 strike system. So far, I am just about finished. Only problem is whenever I choose a letter that is incorrect, it adds 1 to the strike label. The problem is, the second time I choose an incorrect letter, the "1" does not change to 2! The line is as fallowed:

strikelbl.Text = +1

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VS 2008 - Making An Auto-clicker For A Video Game

Nov 7, 2010

Im making an auto-clicker, for a video game. And i have the design down, and the coding, except i have one problem, I made it so F1, starts the clicking, F2 is supposed to stop it... but it doesnt, i dont get any error messages or anything?

Heres the code.

Public Class Form1
Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)


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VS 2008 Making A Pictionary-type Game Like ISketch?

Apr 29, 2009

As the topic says, I'm trying to make a game like the famous online game iSkecth [URL]how I can make a box that people can draw in with their mouse.

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Making A Game In Visual Basic Express 2008 With Several Forms?

Nov 18, 2010

Here is a wierd case - I am making a game in Visual Basic Express 2008 with several forms. Each windows form I've given a quit command that works well to end the game. (Me.Close) However if instead I click on the big X button that windows provides in the upper right hand corner - it does not look to truely stop the program.

I'm running this program in debug mode from the MS VBE editor, but when I click that X it tells me that program is still running even though all

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Game Programming :: Foray In Game Making?

Jun 3, 2011

Have attached the code so far and would like to be able to rotate my car sprite through 360 degrees and have it move in diagonal fashion.

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Card Game Over Internet?

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to make a card game which can be played over the internet between users. I have already downloaded the cardGame Starter kit for Visual Basic. I plan to modify it to the game I want.I had worked with Sockets (Client-Server App) a long time ago for a small chat program for computers connected in LAN.I had the following questions:How should I start off with this Application, should I first just concentrate on making the game and then progress to trying to figure out how to make it playable over the internet?

Or should I do it the other way round?Can I attain my objective using Sockets? or do I have to use something else?Is there a tutorial available to start me off? (I Googled and "Bing"ed it but to no avail)

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 VB Game Via Internet?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm planning on a very basic game created in VB.Net WinForms and a web server(shared) which will host PHP and MySQL.I think, I can create this basic game with no problems. But my headache is with the communication part In the db(MySQL db in the web server), there'll be usernames and password listed in a table. When my vb app is opened, it would ask for the username and password. The user enters his username and password. This data is compared with the data in the db. If a match is found, then the game starts and the user can play the game. At the end of game, it will ask for the confirmation to send highscores to the webserver. When confirmed by the user, the highscore will be send to the webserver, which will be then stored in the MySQL db.

The game will be a simple one just like Tic-Tac-Toe or a text based game.What all things do you recommend for the development/communication part of this game ?

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Making An App Chat Over Internet?

Apr 28, 2011

VB users i have vb2010 express and fancy having a go at making a simple over internet chat application but i am a beginner at all this.all i have at min is a form with

1x read only textbox
1x textbox
1x button

and now from that i am lost as i never done anything with networks.

View 6 Replies

Making An Internet Radio?

Jun 22, 2010

I've got everything ready to go except for genre selection. I have a combo box added to the bottom of the player at the bottom of the program with a list of different genres. My question is, how do I get the radio to load one of the genres when clicked?The guide that I followed said that I can add a button to change stations and add this line to the button's code to make it change to that station.

player1.URL = "URL Here"

View 1 Replies

Making A Web Browser That Does Not Run Off Of Internet Explorer?

Jul 7, 2011

in my web browser I am trying to make it run off it's own engine, not off of Internet Explorer.

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Making A Program That Gets Files And Folders Off Internet

Apr 30, 2010

I am making a program that gets files and folders off the internet.I want to make a window simular to a windows explorer window only these would get the files online.My problem is href tags for each one of the nodes and then get the files into the listview control. [code] I can get one node but after that I can't figure out how to get the other nodes to work.

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Game Programming :: Send Words And Numbers To Another Computer Using Internet?

Mar 16, 2009

ability to send words and numbers to another computer using internet. (I would prefer if a server computer wasn't needed.)

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Making ActiveX Exe Work Inside Internet Explorer?

Mar 4, 2010

I have an ActiveX exe that works on word document. I want to make the ActiveX exe to work inside internet explorer. For Ex: if there is a link in a web page pointing to word document, clicking that link should open the word document in my application but inside the internet explorer itself. What i am able achieve till now is i am able to open the word document in my application but in my application window using MIME.

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Making A Game Editor?

Aug 30, 2010

Recently I had the urge to make my own 2d game editor and I don't know where to start and I have searched the web but my results were not

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Making A Game Trainer In .net?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making a Game Trainer in vb.net, this is the current code I have.

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1


I can read from the memory address fine, but when I try to write to it nothing happens, no errors and the value does not get written. What am I doing wrong?

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Making A Launcher For A Game?

Jan 8, 2012

Alright, well im making a launcher for a game i play. and i want to make it so it says how many users are online. and im not sure how to code that out??

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Making Solitaire Game In VB

Jun 29, 2010

would like to make a solitaire game in visual basic however do not know where to start. Could someone please give me some direction and help as to how to build this?

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Adding LAN / Internet Network Support To My Game In Microsoft 2010 Express

Feb 4, 2011

I've been working on my game for a while, in a non-online multi-player state it is complete. My goal is to add LAN or Internet Play support.My game is coded in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express, It relies heavily on timers.Currently you play against the AI, and there is a Local multiplayer mode, using mice, controllers or the keyboard.At the moment, it is a two player, (Or 1 player against the AI) game, from my understanding the standard Client-to-Server option wouldn't very efficent, the best choice would be a peer-to-peer system.That being said, a lot of the stuff could be done client side, like for instance, the particle engine and Dynamic Rendering.[code]

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Game - Making The Map Scroll With The Player

Mar 21, 2012

I am working on a game using Visual Basic.NET and XNA. I am having trouble making the map scroll with the player. I can move the map at a square at a time(32x32) but I don't like the way it looks. I want to move at a fluid rate if possible. I want the player to be able to walk half-way through a square then see a half-square to either direction your moving. IE: Walking left, walk half-way through a square then to the far left of the map see half of the next square going to be drawn. But I don't want just half-way, I want to be able to just have fluid movement where you can walk to an 1/8th of the square and see the next 1/8th on the other side of screen if possible... To open this project and view you must have Windows Phone SDK installed can get it from Microsofts website......Note:Only up and down movement have been added into the game.

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Game Programming :: Making Two Dialogs Pop Up On After The Other?

Jun 18, 2011

I can currently make a dialog1 pop up, then the user clicks "Yes" for dialog1, then dialog2 pops up, and if the user clicks "no" instead of "yes", dialog2 reappears again. I've got a headache now, but I will re-look over my code to see if there are logic errors.

I originally had dialog2 and form1 (the form1 was acting as dialog1). But The thing was that I do not how to give properties of a dialog to a form (i.e. not make the user be able to click other windows while this form is open) IF I could have code that says Me.bringtofront (which I have tried) didn't work though. If I apply this command to a form I get an error:

code: Form1.showdialog()
error: Please make form1 not visible. something a long those lines. But what I don't understand is form1 was never open.

What do the standard lines of code do?:

Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK
Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel

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Making A Blackjack Game For Class?

May 2, 2011

I'm making a blackjack game for class. It's been better programming in VB than it has in C#, but I don't know how to link button subs (BTN_Deal_Click or BTN_Deal; I can't decide which one will work) to one another. For example, after the code in BTN_Deal has been run, the program is supposed to wait for the user to click either the Hit or the Stand button.


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Making A Chess Multiplayer Game

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to make a Chess multiplayer game in Visual Basic. Its a two player which will be played in a normal way and not even over LAN. So far, I am done designing the board.

My logic is: First, on clicking any square, the click event handler will check whether a piece resides on that square. If not, then it checks if a piece is to be moved to that square. If both are negative, then it does nothing.

Now, the problem with this is, how do I code the click events? Also, I have represented the board using a 2dimensional array. But how do I update the positions after every move? And how do I check whether legal move is being executed? One more thing I want to add is whenever a piece is clicked, the possible legal squares should be highlighted.

For this, what I did was, for every click event on any square it checked if there was a piece. If there was a piece, then it highlighted all possible moves for that piece using If-Else-If logic, but it turned out to be too cumbersome and too long. And another problem which arose was, how do I know that if the user clicks an empty square to move the piece there?

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Making Cards For Card Game?

Mar 11, 2012

I am using Visual studios 2010, And what I am trying to do is make a card game, and I have some ideas for how to put a lot of it together however I am having trouble getting started with making the cards to begin with.So I need something to call to represent the cards with numerical values with ace being 1 and king being 13.

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Process Of Making A Snake Game Using .NET?

Jul 23, 2010

I am currently in the process of making a snake game using VB.NET... I was just wanting to gather ideas on how to do the body of the snake..Currently I have a class called SnakeBody which contains the following code:


I guess what I am asking is if Dim body As PictureBox a logical thing to put in my class. As in, I am not sure if that is the correct thing to do? To create the actual body of the snake I will have an array of these SnakeBody objects. If `'Dim body As PictureBox is valid How do I reproduce the same picturebox everytime my snake eats something?

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Snake Game Food-Making?

Mar 3, 2009

I just started a snake game. This is what I have so far:

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VS 2010 Where To Get Started Making A Game

May 23, 2010

Where should i start? any tutorials out there? I only know the basics of VB and how to works.

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