VS 2008 Menu Save In This Program?

May 21, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim ISsaved As Boolean
Dim Fpath As String
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Open File RTF"


source above is parts of my source code.i'm learning to make a simple wordpad.when i edit some text in RTF file and then i choose SAVE,why command to save my file to computer appear(like SAVE AS in Microsoft Word)? i think i have saved my file in computer before that.

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VS 2008 : Assign Ctrl+s To Automatically Save The Labels Text Once Pressed Instead Of Going Through A Menu To Choose Save?

Jan 20, 2011

so i have a quite huge program. but lets say i have one label. and i want to save that. i have the code and everything for saving the text of the label. now i want to assign ctrl+s to automatically save the labels text once pressed instead of going through a menu to choose save.this is like a regular texteditor where u press ctrl+s and it saves.

ive used this

If (e.KeyCode = e.Control & Keys.S) Then
MessageBox.Show("Ctrl+S pressed")
End If


but it doesn't do anything once pressed.im also using the keydown declaration for the form.

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VS 2008 SAVE Menu In Wordpad ?

Jun 1, 2009

Public Class Form1
Dim ISsaved As Boolean
Dim Fpath As String


source code above is a part of my wordpad's source code. in my wordpad,why SAVE menu(SaveToolStripMenu) is function like a SAVE AS menu?

for example:i save a RTF file in my PC.and then i open it with my wordpad and edit that file.when i click SAVE menu,why this wordpad command me to save this file?I think this file is saved before.

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VS 2008 Inject Menu To Another Program?

Nov 8, 2010

at my work I make a lot of macros in Excels VBA, some of them don't even use a single cell in Excel. From some time my employer gave me access to VB2008 and now I'm transferring most of my macros to small programs that don't need excel to be run. Each of my little program make the work in my department easier, by performing additional work which does not carry out our main program.

I wonder whether it is possible to "inject" into my main program menu a button or additional menu that would run my "small programs". It would be easier (and much cooler) for users to simply run from menu of our main program then run separate file.

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Writing The Save Option - Code Up The Save Menu Option So That It Updates The Current Document?

Jun 10, 2010

I am writing a text editor program and I have written the new, open, save as, exit menu items but I am struggling with writing the save option.Now I have created the menu itself (well vb did, I just used insert standard items) but how do I code up the save menu option so that it updates the current document or if the documnt has not yet been saved bring up the save file dialog.Here is the code I have so far

Public Class Main
Private Sub NewToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewToolStripButton.Click, NewToolStripMenuItem.Click[code]....

I know I have some finishing touches such as messages and error handling and stuff but at the moment I want to get all the basics working,I think the save menu option is all I am struggling with at the moment.

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VS 2008 Program That Can Save Info?

Aug 21, 2009

How could I make a program that goes soemthing like this

1. I open program
2. I log in with my user and pass (User doesnt have to be case sensative)
3. A form shows up where I can store Usernames to differnt things
4. It gets saved into the form

View 12 Replies

How To Save Sites Into App Favourite Menu

Aug 5, 2011

I made a web browser and I wanna to add to it the favourite menu feature how?

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Save Dialog Coding - Set Up Along With The Menu Bar ?

Apr 10, 2009

I've got everything set up along with the menu bar etc. Could anyone show/explain to me the code for the save dialog?

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Using Settings Save With Menu Strip?

Feb 21, 2010

I have coded my application to run at startup now this is done by clicking the "run at startup" submenu from the menu strip I'm using when it's click the submenu auto checks and adds a key in the registry to make the form load at startup now I want to make the form "remember" the checked state of the menu even after form restarts I read somewhere that I can do that with the my.settings code

Private Sub SettingsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SettingsToolStripMenuItem.Click
If SettingsToolStripMenuItem.CheckState = CheckState.Unchecked Then


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VS 2008 Woodcutting Program / Draw Image & Save Cuts

Jan 27, 2010

I'm currently working on a VB 2008 course of Michael Halverson, and I'm stuck at an assignment where I'll have to expand a previous wood order program so customers can add woodcuts to their orderIn the newer program a customer can define 4 coordinates (x & y for startpoint and x & y for endingpoint), after clicking on the button 'Next cut' a line will be drawn on screen (in PanelCuts) with a maximum of ten lines. After finishing, the coordinates must be saved in the order.txt, and when the client re-select the order in the main order program, they can review and adjust / remove the already specified cuts.Right now I'm at the point that the you can enter the coordinates, and the line will be drawn.

- What's the best way to store the submitted cuts, in a Label? array? or something else?

- When the form reloads, how to displays all previous made cuts? Can i count the numer of cuts and with For i = 1 to combined with SelectedItem. Split() ? [code]

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.net - Save Context Menu Items In My.settings?

Jan 12, 2010

How can I store the items in a context menu strip in the Settings so they are in the context menu when the application is next started?

Or is there a better way than using settings? (they are recently opened files in the cms)

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Cant Get The Save As Menu Option To Work Correctly?

Aug 5, 2010

I have written an MDI text editor, its almost complete, but I cant get the save as menu option to work correctly.

'This sub routine controls the save as menu option
Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles[code].......

So whats happening is that it opens the dialog ok, saves the document to my chosen location correctly, but opens a new document and gives the new document my chosen file name and leaves my saved document with the file name New Document.But when I close all the open screens and then re-open my saved document its all as it should be.

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Mdi Parent Menu Save Child Text?

Jun 9, 2011

Ok So I am trying to save text from a textbox to a rtf file. The Saves Text would come from the active mdi Child. However I can not figure out how to Save using active child just calling the actual form name. Below is my code so far.

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Save Menu Option Sytax Error?

Aug 1, 2010

I have written a sub routine for a Save>Menu option for a MDI Text Editor, see my code below

Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim f As Form2


Now if I take out the ( I get yet another error which states

"Argument not specified for perameter "File" of public sub WriteAllText(File as string, text as string, append as boolean)

All I want is when the user clicks the save menu item the document either saves the changes made to the current document or the save as routine is involked.

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Sub Routine For A Save>Menu Option For A MDI Text Editor?

Mar 11, 2010

i have written a sub routine for a Save>Menu option for a MDI Text Editor, Please see my code below

Private Sub SaveToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim f As Form2
If f.Text = "Text Editor V.2 - New Document" Then


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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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VS 2010 - Creating A Program - To Secretly Save When The User Clicks On Save

Feb 7, 2011

I'm creating a program and i want it to secretly save when the user clicks on save.

In other words, i have made it so that it saves twice. Once for the user to read (like a fancy copy) and another that the program uses to open up the form.

Currently when pushed, 2 save dialog boxes come up after each other. I don't want this to happen. I want 1 to come up (the user friendly, fancy version) which is the easy part, but i also want the other 1 to save automatically and secretly without asking the user to set the destination.

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FAQ Item: Save An Existing Project To Different Local Location Via IDE Menu?

Jun 20, 2010

How do I save an existing project to different local location via IDE menu?

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VS 2008 - Change The Hover Color Of Menu Items And Dropdown Menu Items?

Feb 18, 2011

I have currently changed the color of background Menustrip using this code


How do i change the Hover color of menu items and dropdown menu items to orange including the background color which holds icons in menustrip dropdown.....

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VS 2008 MENU Bar - Don't Have The "Step Into Option" From My DEBUG Menu

Aug 7, 2009

Two(2) Things. I don't have the "Clickonce Option" when I select BUILD for the menu bar. I also don't have the "Step Into Option" from my DEBUG menu. Do I have a problem? Or do I need to turn something on?

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Text Editor Program - Save And For Save As?

Feb 28, 2010

I almost have this text editor/Stopwatch/Calculator program done. I am having mojor difficulties to get this code for Save and for Save As to work properly. I do not have code for save yet. When I click on Save I want it to save without popping up the dialog box. I do not have code for Save yet. When I click on Save As I want the popup box to show. Here is the code I have for Save As:


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Add Program To Context Menu?

Oct 27, 2010

How to put my video player to the context menu? But I also need to know how to make it so that when my video player opens that it will it will load the file that I wanted to open with my video player.

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Making A Menu-like Program

Oct 13, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was setup.exe.it appears in the solution explorer.Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Making A Menu-like Program?

Jan 25, 2009

i am making a menu-like program.i added an existing item, which was setup.exe.it appears in the solution explorer/Now, i want to run it using shell or something else at the click of a button. how do i do this?

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Place It Under The Menu Bar Of Program?

Apr 28, 2012

I am making another program. An Enrollment System.This is the screenshot of the recently started program. I added a child form.And I want to add the portion with the red box of this program. I don't know what they call it nor how to do it.I want to place it under the Menu Bar of my program.

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Set Up A Right Click Menu For Program?

Mar 24, 2012

How can I set up a right click menu for my program? Which tool do I use and where do I place the code? include anything to be dimmed or imported along with the actual code.

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Forms :: Paint Program (graphics Disappearing) - Add A Save Feature To This Program?

Jul 22, 2010

Ok major problem with a paint program i am making. When i have a window overlap or anything and move to side of screen and minimize and maximize i lose whats in the picturebox...Here is an example of the code I use to draw a line after click a button:

Private Sub btndraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnlinedraw.Click
lxs = txtslinelocationx.Text
lxe = txtelinelocationx.Text[code].....

Here is a picture of my program running: How do I stop everything being deleted when things pass it...? how can i add a save feature to this program?

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VS 2008 - Simple Text -> Xml Program - Save The Contents Of The Bottom Text Window To An Xml File

Dec 23, 2009

I have this Quiz software that lets you create online multiple choice quizzes which are great for studying (I am in grad school and I'm trying to use everything I can to learn). So the Quiz software is great but it only lets you input questions by hand, one by one. I took a look at the .xml file that the quiz program spits out and came up with the idea to try and make a converter so that I can import many questions at once. I was hoping to try and solve this limitation by doing the following:

Take a .doc that say a tutor gives us with a bunch of practice questions, and then take that into Crimson Editor, and then format it so the question is on line 1, the multiple choice answers are on lines 3,4,5, and 6, (for the next question, the question would be on line 11, and the answers on lines 13, 14, 15, and 16, and so on) and then take that saved .txt file into my program, hit the generate button, and it will spit out the .xml file, and then import that into the quiz software to generate the online quiz.

Here is an attached screenshot of my program layout so far:

I figured out how to open a text file by watching simple youtube tutorials, but I don't know how to have it generate the stuff and have it show up in the bottom text box. I know how to do the coding to convert the txt to proper xml code but I don't know how to be able to save the contents of the bottom text window to an xml file.

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Add Program To Windows Context Menu?

Jul 9, 2011

i want to add my program to the windows context menu so that whenever user right clicks on any file of folder my program should display on the context menu so that the user can use my program to do some operation on the selected file or folder.

I know how to add a new program to the windows context menu manually. by editing the windows registry we can do that. but i want to do when user istall my application it has to add to the context menu automatically.

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Add The 'run As Administrator' Menu Item For Program?

May 31, 2011

i've written a database program which runs fine from the ide (vs 2008).when i install this program, all database operations do not work.i tried running it as an administrator using an admin command prompt, it worked.now for my less tech savvy clients, is it possible that when they right click the programs icon they can use the 'run as administrator' menu item? how can i achieve this.if it's too much to implement, will moving the database from the application path to, say, documents?

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