VS 2010 Creating A 3D Image?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a list of points X(horizontal), Y(vertical), and Z(depth). I want to be able to plot them out so they can be viewed and since it is 3d I want to be able to rotate the image as well. There would be a line connecting each point to the next, until the end of my list. If possible I would also like to be able to click on an individual point on the image and be able to tell where that point is in my list.The problem is I don't have any idea on where to start on this. I know how to create some pretty basic/genaric 2d bitmaps but 3d and some of the features are an entire different story.

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Creating Table At Runtime In .net, Image Control Doesn't Have Image Url Property?

Mar 10, 2010

i am creating a table in vb.net code (htmltable) with htmltablerows and htmltablecell. I gave on image control but thatr control cant have the .imageurl property, which i need cause i have a handler image.ashx which brings image from the database.
heres' the code -

TD = New HtmlTableCell
Dim img As New HtmlImage()
img.ID = "image_" & rd("ID")


on the last line, "img.ImageUrl" i get this error -'ImageUrl' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlImage'how do i fix this?

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.net - Visual Basic: Creating A .png Image?

Jan 5, 2011

I want to create a Windows application with Visual Basic. The application is pretty simple: It lets you choose 2 images, and when you click "Create" the application will create a new .png image from combining the two images' bitmaps. This new file will be created on a specified directory.

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Creating A Temporary Copy Of An Image

Nov 17, 2011

How would one create a temporary copy of an image to use, and then dispose of it once finished? System.IO.File.Felete returns an error, stating that the file is still in use. How would I make the file delete-able? [code]As you can see, Ghostscript creates an image in a temporary location, then sets it into the pbPreview PictureBox.

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Creating Equivalent Of A HTML Image Map?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to make an application where i show a picture of the human body and i want to have clickable body parts e.g. arm, leg, head, torso and each of these opens up a form.

I already got the picture of the body as a background to the form but I need to create these clickable areas.

I can use the picture box and just leave it transparent without an image, but these can only be shaped as squares/rectangles etc, not ideal for create a clickable area conforming to the shape of a human body.

If there is an alternate way of doing this? or making those picture boxes a custom shape?

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Creating Image/dot/X On Click Location?

Jan 26, 2009

We want to find a solution to place a dot/X on top of an image to mark a location.

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Image - Creating Listview Icons On The Fly On .NET?

Aug 8, 2011

I want to pass my custom color as a parameter and I want to receive an Image (rectangle for example).

Public Function createIcon(ByVal c As Color) As Bitmap
Dim g As Graphics
Dim Brush As New SolidBrush(c)


I tried this way and couldn't success.

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C# - Graphics.CopyFromScreen Creating Blank Image

Sep 19, 2011

I am using VB.NET to try and capture a portion of the screen so I found this code in several places to capture the whole screen:

Dim screenSize = SystemInformation.PrimaryMonitorSize
Dim bitmap = New Bitmap(screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height)
Using g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)
g.CopyFromScreen(New Point(0, 0), New Point(0, 0), screenSize)
End Using
bitmap.Save("c:scratchscreenshot.png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)

This works with no error throw and the file is created successfully but the resulting image is completely transparent (it is the correct size) - This question relates to the same error but the solution is to use Win32 GDI which I want to avoid if possible

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VS 2010 - Image Resources - Make A Picture Box And Import An Image

Sep 17, 2010

I made a picture box and imported an image named Title.jpg. Later I made adjustments to the picture and imported it again without deleting the original(mistake). The new one had the name automatically changed to Title1.jpg. So I deleted the original image from resources and renamed Title1.jpg back to Title.jpg.

Now I got two problems. First, only Title.jpg is on the solution explorer, but Title1.jpg(along with Title.jpg) still pops up on the resource list when I click on Image property of the picture box. There's only the name and no picture, and I don't see a delete option. How do I get rid of it? Second, even though I changed the image to the new Title.jpg in the picture box, the old one is displayed when running the app. What's up with that?

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When Creating An Bitmap Image From Scratch, The Quality Stinks?

Mar 19, 2010

The Vb.Net application creates a bitmap from scratch and either converts to a tiff or sends it to a printer. In both cases, the quality of the image (in this case the font) is not good at all. The sample code listed below creates the graphics object that I use to write to the image.

Dim gr2 As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(New Bitmap(800, 1000), Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb))


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VS 2010 Image Wrapper Or Image Property Array?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to make an Image wrapper class or something. The reason for this is that I need to output a bunch of images only, without pictureboxes. I don't want an imagelist, because I need the images along with their associated image properties which an imagelist cannot provide. I ended up with this :


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Dynamically Adding Background Image - Creating A Button Control ?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm dynamically creating a button control, and I'd like to add a background image from my resources thing to the button.

Now, I'm pretty sure it would be:


But I don't know how to refer to an image that is in my project resources.

I've tried:


But that gives error:Value of type 'System.Drawing.Bitmap' cannot be converted to 'String'.

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VS 2010 Comparing JPG Image To An Image On A Specified Window?

Nov 19, 2011

I have a specific image that I want my application to look for on a specific window. I've done something similar to this along time ago with VB6, but it was slow, and it was checking for specific points in the picture rather than the whole image itself (for speed reasons). I named this image "Image1.jpg" and I want to compare it to the window with the handle "001C08F2" and class "SunAwtCanvas"

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VS 2010 Take The Image From PictureBox1.Image?

Sep 26, 2010

i have this

" Dim attatch As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment(D:MyImage.png)
mail.Attachments.Add(attatch) "

but i want it she take the image from PictureBox1.Image


" Dim attatch As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment(PictureBox1.Image)
mail.Attachments.Add(attatch) "

but he say error in the part "PictureBox1.Image"

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VS 2010 - Clearing List (Of Image) Storing Images In A List Of Image

Jun 10, 2011

I'm storing images in a List Of Image. When I want to clear/remove all the images it contains should I dispose & set each item to nothing before using .Clear? Or can you just call .Clear? I'm doing it like this for now...

' remove all images in list of image named "images".
For i As Integer = 0 to images.Count - 1
images(i) = Nothing

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Creating A Delay In VB 2010?

Jan 27, 2012

What I am trying to do is to implement a half second delay every time a flipper is flipped or reset. My example code of The flip and reset is below.

' Flipper 1 code
If Flipper1.droppedLeft = False Then


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VS 2010 Creating A Lan Game

Mar 22, 2012

i would like to get some ideas on how to connect computers to play a LAN game.. the deadline for this project will be on the 27th of march so.The game that i'll be making is a counter-strike-like 2d game.. is it possible that i can finish this project before its deadline?

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VS 2010 Creating An Installer

Apr 30, 2012

I'm normally an ASP.NET developer but my latest project has me writing a console app. For this console app to function, it needs two executables, two DLLs, an XML file that should be configured with a WinForm I've developed (so another .exe), and a working folder should be created (for when my console app runs). Further, it would be nice to have it automatically set up a Scheduled Task for batch operation.How do I package the various files into a self-extracting package? I'm playing with WinZip's self-extractor creator and it's okay, but I don't see a way for it to launch further processes, such as creating a working folder for the console or launching the WinForm above.Is there a way to create an auto-extractor in VB.NET where zipped contents are part of the "payload" of the .exe? It seems to me this would give me the most flexibility, as I could write a WinForm that does everything.

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VS 2010 Creating PDF Using Itextsharp.dll

Apr 8, 2011

Am having a series of picture to be written to PDF format using "itextsharp.dll" ..., this pictures must be at least two(2) pictures on a page.

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VS 2010 Creating Program For XP?

May 8, 2011

I'm a VB.net newbie and trying to write a simple program for installing in a few of my company's computers, most of which still use Windows XP.How can I specify when publishing in VS2010 that the program is for installation in XP?

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VS 2010 Creating The Standalone EXE?

May 25, 2012

Apps created using VB.NET requires Dot Net Framework to run on a pc, doesn't it? Is there anyway to create a standalone executable file in VB.NET so that i have to just give the executable only which will run on any system (which has not Dot Net installed) without any setup. What I want to mean is If I copy the executable file and paste it on other pc, it should work.

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C# - Creating Mailboxes On Exchange 2010

Mar 12, 2012

I have a project on VS 2005 which was running fine with exchange 2003, now the customer migrated to 2010 and my app. is failing when tries to create mailbox. My app. is console based and its running on windows 2003 and 2.0 .net framework. Exchange 2010 is running on a W2K8 and 3.5 framework. I guess a good option would be to develop a webservice (with VS 2010 for example) but not sure if EWS is able create mailboxes.

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Creating A Splash Screen Using VB 2010 Pro - Ed

Jun 1, 2012

I tried creating a splash screen that i watched on You Tube, but the progress bar didn`t show the line going across when it was loading form 2. And in the code i typed this,


And plus the splash screen didn`t disappear like it was supposed to and form2 was hiding behind the splash screen.

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No Forms In Creating New Project In VB 2010?

Dec 20, 2011

no forms can be seen when creating a new project.. i am going to choose a window form but there are no forms to choose.

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VB 2010 Creating Controls - How To Put In Toolbox

Dec 5, 2011

I'm creating a control. But I don't understand how can I put it in my toolbox?

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VB 2010 Creating Server/Client?

Nov 4, 2010

I just finished making my project, its a Registration System using Visual Basic 2010.

How can I make a server that allows client to open the system? so they can Add, Edit, Delete, Save, etc...

P.S. I try file sharing but it doesn't work. using win7 to winXP.

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VS 2010 - Creating Non Click Once Application

Jan 22, 2011

I want to create a simple Hello World or whatever kind of application I want but I don't want it to be a ClickOnce app and I'm using Visual Studio 2010. How would I do this. I'm interested in this because I'd like to have a custom add/remove program icon for my application and not the standard ClickOnce icon that you see. I'd also like to create a custom updater that wouldn't use ClickOnce, and I'd like to bypass all the "Are you sure you trust this publisher" messages that you get when using ClickOnce.

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VS 2010 - Dynamically Creating Button

Jul 1, 2010

I am stuck on the following:


Here I am creating a new button and wanted to use it when pressed. I don't know how to do it, you can have a look at IF condition above.

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VS 2010 : Creating .txt File Then Writing To It?

Dec 9, 2011

create a text file then write "0" (zero) to it.It is for a larger project but this is the code that I have been working with:

Public Class Loading
Dim Path As String = "C:NAME.txt"
Private Sub FileCreate()


It all seems to work fine until it tries to write "0" to the .txt file. It comes up with an error saying that the process cannot access the file because another process is using the that it just created! I have checked and the only process using it is the one above.

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VS 2010 : Creating A .rar File And Putting A .exe In It?

Jul 11, 2010

i have a code for making .zip files and putting stuff in them and it works fine. This one

Public Sub ZipFile(ByVal strFileToZip, ByVal strTargetZip)


But now i need a code for a .rar file, I tried to use the same code but change the .zip to .rar like so

ZipFile(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Tinternet.exe"), IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Test.rar"))

but it gave this error and in the details box it had this:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Security.SecurityException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet(Object o, Type objType, String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack)


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