VS 2010 : Encryption - Allowing User To Set Key?

Oct 6, 2011

I am using the code from the following link. Basically I am using the built in functions in visual basic for encryption (Cryptography). Seeing as there is a lot of code for it, I posted a link to the code I am using.


I get what this is doing and how it is doing it...for the most part. My question is how do you let the user set the key to be used instead of it randomly generating one? One of the reasons I want this over the random key is that the user will be able to remember it easier and the key generated sometimes has weird characters in it that not everyone will no how to use. I have tried everything I can think of.

The encryption works good, all I am using it for is to encrypt/decrypt a text document. If this is not too good of an encryption, that does not matter as I am not using it to encrypt any highly sensitive information. All I need is a way to be able to allow the user to set the key, but every time I try to pass a string through the encryption() method instead of a generated key (in the generateKey() method) it will give me an error.

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Allowing User To Resize Trackbar?

Jul 15, 2009

i would like to allow the user to play around with the size of the trackbar in vb.net. is there an easy way to do this?

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Not Allowing User Input In Text Box

Feb 13, 2012

I am using a text box to display a list of items in which I want to be for reading only. Is there any way that I can not allow user input into this text box? Right now I have the text changed set to show an error message, that works but the text entered before the message box appears, still shows.

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Allowing A User To Add Items To A List View?

Mar 19, 2009

I have a list view with 2 columns. I want the user to be able to add there own values to the listview and have them save so that they will always stay there.I would also like users to be able to delete specific items from the saved list.

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Allowing A User To Setup An Account On A Program

Mar 27, 2010

I'm wondering how would I go about allowing a user to set up an account on a program and as button whn they click on asking their log details? And when they do log On. A pop up saying their name welcome to this program?

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Allowing Controls To Be Resized By User During App Runtime?

Jun 3, 2011

I am developing a science application on VB.NET. I want the controls to be edited, resized, and drag & dropped (like in Visual Studio IDE) by the user during runtime. How to achieve this functionality?

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Allowing User To Copy / Paste PictureBox?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a program in which the user should be able to copy and paste picturebox. So there is a drawing panel in which the user puts a Picturebox and then the user can select the picturebox by double clicking on it and after that the user can copy and paste it.

The copy code is as followed:
Private Sub Bcopy_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bcopy.Click
Cheight = PB.Height
Cwidth = PB.Width
Cname = PB.Name
Casname = PB.AccessibleName
[Code] .....

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Allowing User To Rename Items In ListBox?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a function which searches a folder for text files and adds each text file's name to a listbox. I want to allow the user to rename each item in the listbox while still letting the program know the original name of the file. (I dont want a rename in the box to rename the file itself)

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Allowing User To Choose Color For Form Background

Jul 31, 2009

How do I give the user a color chooser for the background of a form or anything else? I would like to be able to give him all colors in vb.net.

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Disable A Form From Moving Still Allowing The User Close It?

Jan 21, 2010

Is it possible to disable a form from moving still allowing the user close it? How?

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Form - Allowing User To Register New Tools With Database?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a form that allows users to register new tools with the database. I know how to update the sql server with that information, but there's quite a bit of code that accompanies specific tools (which alter labels on textboxes, etc.) Is it possible to programmatically update the software according to information put into a 'add new tool' form without touching the source code?

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String.Format - Allowing User To Change Case?

Feb 25, 2009

Any way to change the case of a string using the String.Format command. For example, you can do this:
String.Format("{0,50}","My Info")
And it gives it a fixed width string output, I need to allow the user to change the case. All they can pass in is the format "{0,50}" so NO .net functionality, we wrap it up for them. In VB6 you could use a ">" "<" to change the case, surely M$ must have added a way to do this?

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Allowing User To Switch From Metric To Imperial When Ok Button Pressed

Mar 3, 2011

I am making a program that calculates various results with variables entered by the user. What I am trying to do is incorporate a function that will allow the user to switch from metric to imperial easily but only when the ok button is pressed. Now I got all the coding done for the metric and everything is working fine. My problem is when I use the radiobuttons to switch the entered variable in the text box to the desired unit it gives me a 0 or a random number in the textbox...

I also have labels indicating each variables unit which I easily managed to change with the text box using this code. :
'Change Labels to Metric
lblMDegreeC.Text = "Degree C"
lblMDegreeC2.Text = "Degree C"
lblMmm.Text = "mm"
lblMmm1.Text = "mm"
lblMmm2.Text = "mm"
lblMm.Text = "m"
lblMm2.Text = "m"
lblMm3.Text = "m"
lblMDegreeC3.Text = "Degree C"

I created all the coding to convert the metric variables to imperial. My problem is changing the textbox text when the user switches the units during run time. The labels change without a problem but the textbox never works. I have attached the coding for the file.

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Calendar For The Current Month And Allowing The User To Go Back To Other Months?

Nov 8, 2009

I am writting software for a touch screen (windows CE) as well as a desktop pc (windows XP)I have the software working for both, but the problem I am having is the Calendar.I need a Calendar for the current month, as well as allowing the user to go back to other months.I was going to use the control in vb.net called 'MonthCalendar' but when I add it to the form and make the control bigger (as in font) it adds to months when viewed on XP but when I copy the exe to the touch screen it only shows the 1 month like its ment to.Is there a better Calendar control I can use or does anyone know how to make it so that it only shows 1 month in the 'MonthCalendar' control?I am using VB.net 2008

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C# - Allowing User To Save Contents Of Html List To Text File?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm working on an application (ASP.NET, Webforms) that generates a list of outputs based on a user input. I want to allow the user to save the contents of said list as text file, or possibly as other filetypes such as .csv.Can it be done client-side with Javascript?

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Display Previous Shadow Copy Versions Of File Allowing User To Choose One?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm writing an Excel file recovery program with VB.Net that tries to be a convenient place to gather and access Microsoft's recommended methods. If your interested in my probably kludgy, error filled, and lacking enough cleanup code it's here: http:[url]..... The basic functionality seems to work although I haven't tested graph macro table recovery yet.

It occurred to me that Vista and Windows 7 users could benefit from being offered a list of previous versions of the file within my application if the Shadow Copy Service is on and there are previous copies. How do I do this?I looked at a lot of web pages but found no easy to crib code. One possibility I guess would be to use vssadmin via the shell but that is pretty cumbersome. I just want to display a dialogue box like the Previous Versions property sheet and allow users to pick one of the previous versions. I guess I could just display the previous version property sheet via the shell by programmatically invoking the context menu and the "Restore previous versions choice", however I also want to be able to offer the list for Vista Home Basic and Premium Users who don't have access to that tab even though apparently the previous versions still exist. Additionally if it possible I would like to offer XP users the same functionality although I'm pretty sure with XP only the System files are in the shadow copies.

I looked at MSDN on the Shadow Copy Service and went through all the pages, I also looked at AlphaVSS and AlphaFS and all the comments. I'm kind of guessing that I need to use AlphaVss and AlphFS and do the following?Find out the list of snapshots/restore points that exist on the computer.Mount those snapshots.Navigate in the mounted volumes to the Excel file the user wants to recover and make a list of those paths.With the list of paths handy, compare with some kind of diff program, the shadow copies of the files with the original.Pull out the youngest or oldest version (I don't think it matters) of those shadow copies that differ from the recovery target.List those versions of the files that are found to be different.This seems cumbersome and slow, but maybe is the fastest way to do things. I just need some confirmation that is the way to go now.

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Login Into A Database That User MD5 Encryption ?

May 21, 2012

I have my code here I am trying to mod it so users can login into a database that user MD5 encryption


I have a read a few things on how to do it but, I really don't understand.

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VS 2008 - CipherText Encryption (User Input)

Jun 15, 2010

I'm a complete beginner to programming alone, let alone VB.net. What I need to do is encrypt a block of text inputted by a user using a keyword that will also be inputted by the user. This is all to be done using ciphertext, so naturally the user would be informed the keyword can not have any repeating characters. I figure the English alphabet will be predefined in capitals and lowercase, then the keyword will be read character by character, removing those characters from the alphabet array and then appending them to the end of it (to create the new encrypted alphabet). How to read the keyword character by character, and then removing the corresponding letter from the alphabet. The best I can think is to check each character of the keyword against each character of the array which I'm sure is much more work than I need to do.

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VS 2010 Aligning Webpage And Allowing Multi Logins?

Sep 9, 2011

I am new with VB 2010, I am starting a new personal project to control a browser based game for meWhat i have done so far is made a Windows Forms Application, with three tabs all with web browser and directing to the game.What i am having trouble with so far is to align the page so it is just the flash box of the game on the web site, so all i see in my window is the game and nothing more of the website.Also trying to work out how i can allow each tab to have a different account but on the same url address. A little bit like multifox made by firefox.

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VS 2010 Getting The AES-256-CBC Encryption?

Apr 19, 2012

i have in php two functions, one to encrypt and one to decrypt.

function Encrypt($message) {$Method = "AES-256-CBC";$passPhrase = "key";$iVector = 1234567890123456;$encryptedMessage = openssl_encrypt($message, $Method, $passPhrase, $iVector);return $encryptedMessage;}function Decrypt($message) {$Method = "AES-256-CBC";$passPhrase = "key";$iVector = 1234567890123456;$decryptedMessage = openssl_decrypt($message, $Method, $passPhrase, $iVector);return $decryptedMessage;}

what i want to do, is encrypt a message, using the same method in vb.net as i do in php, how would i go about doing this?

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VS 2010 Encryption With FIPS 140-2

Apr 5, 2012

Looking to make my program FIPS 140-2 compliant and found this project code in vb:[code...]

It converts to VS2010 just fine so, thought I'd try to use it as a starting place. The problem right now is that the key is in the executable, I know it's just a sample but can't figure out how to hide the key. So, thought I could take the user who is logged onto the computer and use a hash of their password as the key, and don't store it anywhere or better put it in a public encrypted variable (not sure about this part either). Anyway, getting stuck on this part and can't continue testing, looks like a conversion error:[code....]

I want to encrypt various credentials stored in my.settings and a few other files but using a hash of a users password but not stored on the computer. I might be a little fuzzy on the whole idea of being FIPS 140 compliant. Looks like I need to probably use AES and a non stored key somehow.

Right now my program loads a first form that loads up two text boxes username and password. If the (decrypted) password that gets typed in matches what the (decrypted) value of my.settings.password then it will continue to load the next form. The encryption is not currently AES and the password key is stored in the .exe. So, I'm trying to change that.

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VS 2010 : Error : Encryption.specified Key Not Valid

Jan 25, 2012

I tried to follow this method from microsoft i added the whole code to a module and tried to call EncryptFile in a form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
EncryptFile("C: est his.txt", "C: est his2.txt", "nothing todohere")
End Sub

However I got this error message Error "Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm."in

DES.Key = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sKey)

the this.txt contains only the text whatitdo btw, can this process handle large text files? about 100KB?

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VS 2010 Filesize Is Same As Original After Encryption / Decryption Process

Jun 22, 2011

I have (using some examples) created a program which reads from a file, encrypts the content and writes it to a new file. The file can then be reopened in the program and decrypted.Now I am trying to adapt the program to split the file into pieces as specified by the user whilst it is been written to the hard drive. This also works, but when the files are read and decrypted the original file seems to be corrupted. I have been testing it using a JPG which turns out viewable, but is distorted. However the filesize is the same as the orignal after the encryption/decryption process. [code]

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.net Encryption Result Does Not Match The Xcode Encryption Result Given The Same Input Parameters?

Jun 21, 2011

I have set up a method in vb.net and in xcode for encrypting a string using as far as i can tell the same parameters for an AES encryption.I've looked all over the place but cannot find information on whether they use the same encryption algorithm and settings.

this is the vb.net code:

Dim encryptAES As New AesCryptoServiceProvider()
Dim encoding As New UTF8Encoding()
Dim encryptor As ICryptoTransform
encryptAES.Key = encoding.GetBytes("12345678901234567890123456789032")
encryptAES.IV = encoding.GetBytes("1234567890123416")
encryptAES.Mode = CipherMode.CBC


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VS 2010 - File Saving - Simple Pseudo-encryption Program That Changes Each Character Into Another

Apr 22, 2011

I recently made a simple pseudo-encryption program that changes each character into another. It is capable of encrypting and decrypting a string. This can also be done to any text file as well. The characters range from ASCII 32-254 (This on it's own may be an issue because of #127 being DEL).

Because I believed my own coding may be at fault, I attempted this with Triple Des with identical results.For Triple Des, the requirements for en/decryption was:

Encrypt: String to Byte
Decrypt: Byte to String

And to change them either direction, I used UTF8. I also attempted ASCII and UTF32, but I don't know what I should do. I am considering dropping this but I want to learn problems like this because I am currently in college and haven't started my core classes for programming yet and want the head start.

The point where I have come into a problem is attempting to do this to another file type like an image. I looked at the results from encrypting then decrypting and the results were similar, but it seems file encoding must be the culprit.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Techniques For Not Allowing Program To Enter "Not Responding Mode"?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a program that runs a pretty long operation in the background once a user clicks the button. I have implemented a progress bar but if the window is touched or moved then it grays out and says (Not repsonding). Everything still works and when the operation finishes the program resumes function. (But a user would not know this

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VS 2010 Can Use Timer When User Tries To Log-in And User Entered A Wrong Password 3 Times

Jan 6, 2012

Can i use the timer when the user tries to log-in and the user entered a wrong password 3 times.i will give the user 5 mins to log-in again with the correct password and if the user enters the wrong pass. 3 times again i will give another 10mins also this is what i want when the user close the program the timer is also their and running that it will give the user the remaining tym on how much tym left 4 him to log-in again.Can i do this in vb.net??i dont know how 2 do this i dont have a clue if it is possible can someone give me a code??

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Show The Log In User On The Pc User Name On A Lable [2010]

Mar 16, 2012

show the log in user on the pc user name on a lable [2010]

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Allowing Two Windows From The Same APP To Move?

Aug 19, 2011

I'm making a VB.net application. I have a dialog that pops up at some points. It is set as TopMost. The problem is, when it pops up, you can't move the main form. How can I make it so it shows and is usable while allowing the main form to continue to be usable?

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Allowing A Class To Be Customized By Other Developers

Sep 12, 2010

UPDATED: Feel like this shouldn't be that complicated, but I think I just don't know the proper name for what I'm trying to do. I'm dealing with an ASP.net project. The concept is pretty simple: I have a library that supplies some ecomm functions. One class in the libary contains functions around calculating tax. One class in the library revolves around the cart header. This class is consumed by a web project.


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