VS 2010 Errors When Trying To Produce Reports From Inputted Data, And In The Code?

Mar 28, 2011

i'm a freshman and was handed this assignment a short while ago and i'm having extreme difficulty figuring out why i keep getting the following error message whenever i click btnGenerate.Click on the form:Error1: Unable to apply this change while debugging. 'Private Sub GroupBox1_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GroupBox1.Enter' was deleted that modifies 'Public Class Form1'. You must revert the change or stop the debugging sessionBasically the assignment is requesting that we build a 'Call Cost Calculator' and since im relatively new to this i've never worked with strings before and also get the follow errors:Warning2Variable 'sCountryBeingPhoned' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.Warning3Variable 'sPhonePlan' is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exception could result at runtime.

My form codes:
Public Class Form1 'heading Const sFormHeading As String = "Call Cost


I reals because it's driving me mad and i'm honestly quite literally stuck and can't move on until i get this sorted.

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C# - Produce A PDF Report From Code In .NET For Scientific Data (winforms)?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a "legacy" VB.NET application (winforms) written for .NET 1.1, and re-compiled under 2.0 that produces a report in HTML via a custom XmlTextWriter wrapper that is suited for HTML. The user then would print the report into pdf if they wanted to.

That was 2003, and now technology has changed a bit, especially within the C#/VB.NET world, and customers want to skip the HTML part, and go to PDF directly. What are my options for open source, or low cost PDF libraries that work well with .NET and must support tables with pictures (generated bitmaps from code) and text.


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Add-on/extension To Produce Quality VB Code In Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 28, 2011

Currently, Smart Indent in VS 2010 is giving me lots of headaches. Everytime I try to put each parameter of a Sub or a Function into one line like

Private Function Foo (ByVal a As String, _
ByVal i As Integer)


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.net - Errors Running VB 2010 XML Transform Code?

Mar 6, 2011

I have this code:

Public Class Transform
Dim inputFile As IO.StringReader ' Object variable
Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ofdOpenFile.FileOk


And I am getting these errors:

'Private Sub Transform_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures. Line 15
'strOutputPath' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Line 51
Type 'XslCompiledTransform' is not defined. Line 83

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VS 2008 Make Sure That The Old Code And New Code Produce The Same Results?

Dec 18, 2009

I am trying to rewrite some code and I am trying to determine if I am writing it correctly. My goal is to make sure that the old code and my new code produce the same results(i.e. are logically equivalent). Are the 2 code blocks below equivalent?


If a = 1 then
If b = 3 OrElse b = 18 OrElse b = 20 OrElse b = 21 OrElse b = 4 then
' Do something


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Save / Load User Inputted Data?

Jul 25, 2010

I have created a program in Visual basic 2010, the program contains many different objects e.g. datagridview, textbox, buttons, graphs etc, which can all be modified by the user. The user can also select a file using 'SaveFileDialog'.

Is there a way to save all the properties associated with each object to this file and later load the program back to exactly the same state it was saved in, after the user has selected saved file using 'LoadFileDialog'? Preferably in binary.

I can do this the hard way in ASC11 format by interrogating objects user editable properties and saving them. I would rather not use this method as it will require a lot of code and any future program changes will require a lot of extra work.

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Save/load User Inputted Data?

Aug 9, 2009

I have created a program in Visual basic 2010, the program contains many different objects e.g. datagridview, textbox, buttons, graphs etc, which can all be modified by the user. The user can also select a file using 'SaveFileDialog'.

Is there a way to save all the properties associated with each object to this file and later load the program back to exactly the same state it was saved in, after the user has selected saved file using 'LoadFileDialog'? Preferably in binary.I can do this the hard way in ASC11 format by interrogating objects user editable properties and saving them. I would rather not use this method as it will require a lot of code and any future program changes will require a lot of extra work.

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Forms :: Use Inputted Data From The NumericUpDown Control In A Statement?

May 13, 2009

I have a NumericUpDown control with a range of 10-50 and I want to have the selected number be multiplied by an amount of money to create yearly cost. I dont know, however, how to use inputted data from the NumericUpDown control in a statement because I cannot convert it to Integer and I also dont know how to call in the data even if a number is selected.

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VS 2010 Reports - Printing - Preview Reports From A Datagrid?

Dec 9, 2010

Basically, I am looking for a method on how to preview reports from a datagrid or it can be from the access database which populates the data to the datagrid (then displays this in the datagridview) in vb.net vs 2010.I believe there are two methods using the ReportViewer or using Crystal Reports, but so far, I have no idea how to get them to work. The first idea would be favourable - using the data from a datagridview (which may of already been sorted, filter etc) and be able to produce a report on that.

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VS 2010 : Errors Opening App And Data Won't Load From Access Database That Was Working

Jun 12, 2012

I must have inadvertly messed up my data connection but not sure how to fix it. when I check the table adapters I can view data but when I load the app I get these errors and no data loads, how can I look at this log and make sense of how to fix this?

************** Exception Text **************
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Configuration system failed to initialize ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Only one <configSections> element allowed per config file and if present must be the first child of the root <configuration> element. (C:BungeAppsBunge Post InstallerinDebugBunge Post Installer.exe.Config line 7)


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VS 2005 Why Does Code Produce 'WILD' Rather Than 'BILL'

Jul 25, 2011

Why does the following code produce 'WILD' rather than 'BILL'? [code]

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Getting The Sql Code In The Rich Text Box To Produce The Results For The Query?

Apr 12, 2009

At present i have an interface which displays a string of sql code in a rich text box.

I also have my microsoft access database connected to the form.

How would i go about getting the sql code in the rich text box to produce the results for the query??

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Search Network Code Sample To Produce VB Application?

Jun 7, 2012

I would like to ask something about Network in VB.NetI try to search network code sample to produce VB.Net application (Like Server and client)But I found a lot of codes (Server and client) and the codes are very complicated for me because codes are mixed with chatting process So I would like to know or want some sample Network VB.Net application(code) the application has two forms

form1(server) and form2(client)

form2(client) has (one button or textbox)

form1(server) can make visible or invisible (button or textbox) of the form2 (Like that code, I can able to make or learn other processes) I want to know how to code it. If I can get the code, I can learn more smoothly with various way

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Produce A Excel File From A Certain Series Of Code That Could Be Use For Report Generation?

Dec 7, 2011

Is there a way in vb.net to produce a excel file from a certain series of code that could be use for report generation.

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.net - Produce Excel Document From SQL Data Table?

Apr 11, 2011

In my project I have a summary data table which i want to export in Excel document, for this purpose i have deployed the following code:

Public Shared Function Main() As Integer
Dim exc As New Application
exc.Visible = True


I get the error of : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

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VS 2010 Produce An Onscreen System In Visual Studio?

Apr 12, 2012

I was just wondering I heard you can get an on-screen help system, a friend said you can change this in the settings or whatever and when running your application you hit F10 or another key and it will come up with an on-screen help system.

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Getting The Data From 3 Table In Linq And Produce The CSV File And Send The Mail

Jan 19, 2011

I am using window programming in visual studio(2008) and i am using LINQ and need to get the data from three table's column e.g A table's 1st column(x),b table's 2nd column(y) and c's table third column(z), and then i have to produce the excel sheet(CSV file).I want to get the table's data in string format in visual studio and then produce the excel sheet.I don't want to use Store procedure and grid view in my program.

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Writing Data Out Com Port Doesn't Produce Expected Results?

Apr 17, 2012

If I have the following code I expect to see FF and AA in a Realterm capture window.Instead I get C3 BF.why I cannot output data on a comport and expect to see the same data captured?

Dim aChars() As Char
ReDim aChars(1)
aChars(0) = Chr(255)[code]......

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Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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Getting Errors In Code VB 6.0 To .net?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm suppose to do an application as follows..I should dial a modem with Phone number using Gsm Modem. i Searched a lot in Google for some source/idea's in vb.net but i dint get .I have code in vb6.0 so I converted that in to vb.net. In that i'm getting errors correct my code.Here is my code.I'm fresher as well new to VB.net programming.Because of stress for urgent completion of work,not able to spend much time.


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Keep Getting Errors From Code

May 8, 2011

I'm new to visual basic 2008 and have worked on this question for quite a bit before deciding to come to this website and asking for someone to walk me through it."Write a program that requests an amount of money as input and displays the names of all liquids for which a gallon could be purchased with that amount of money. The information in the (table 6.2) should be read from a file. As an example if the user has $2.35, then the following should be displayed in the list box: "You can purchase one gallon of any of the following liquids:Bleach Milk".[code]

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VS 2010 Visual Basic 2010 And Crystal Reports 2010?

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to import CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, and CrystalDecisions.Shared. I'm getting a green line. What might be the problem?

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2 Errors Converting C# To VB Code

Aug 15, 2012

I'm converting some C# code to VB.Net, as it's a language I know better, I've got some code that I can't figure out...

Dim mybtn As New ImageButton()
mybtn.ImageUrl = _imgUrl
Select Case _buttonType
Case ButtonType.Backpage


This is giving 2 errors:

Me.btnBackpage_Click = Delegate 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventHandler' requires an 'AddressOf' expression or lambda expression as the only argument to its constructor.


mybtn.Command = 'Public Event Command(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.CommandEventArgs)' is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a 'RaiseEvent' statement to raise an event.

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Code Errors In VS 2008?

Mar 16, 2009

I am working on a project for school and I am encountering several errors in my code relating to the numeric up down boxes I have in the application. I have inserted my code and the error list below. I'm sure that it is probably something really simply but I am learning the language on my own and I am a little stumped here.

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Found Some Code But Getting Errors

Jul 28, 2010

I found a piece of code that I am trying to get to work because it could potentially solve an issue I am having. Here is the link to the site[url]...

the code can be downloaded here[url]...

I am using VB.net 2010 suite but I am getting a error that says "May return null value" I have been unsuccessful in debugging it.

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IDE :: Syntax Errors With Code?

Jun 10, 2011

I just started to build a website using visual web developer 2010 express.I am getting a syntax error when trying to program a submit button...this is the code i have in my Sub menu for the submit button.

Protected Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS2010 I/O Errors When Using Code From VB6

Sep 16, 2010

Open "c:Batch1Test.txt" For Output As #3 is used in VB6, will not work in vs2010. How can i get this re-coded to open a datafile on harddrive, then input the records 1 at a rtime (sequentially).

something about namespace.visualbasic, which i am not familiar with.

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Populating Rdlc Reports From Data In A Form OR Data From An MDF Table

Mar 27, 2008

I have a simple windows form that i would like to send the values of a few textboxes and comboboxes to an rdlc report after saving them (I have VS 2005 standard, so no crystal reports) - it's as follows:

-1 form
-3 textboxes - textbox1, textbox2, textbox3
-1 label - label1
-1 combobox - combobox1
-5 buttons - button1, button2, button3, button4, button 5

the textboxes are labeled length, width, height the combobox is labled unit of measure and contains two options - inches or centimetres the label has text of "your total cubic inches/centimetres is:" - followed by the unit of measure selected.the buttons are labeled save, calculate, print, print preview, and exit.Having said all of the above, the save, calculate and exit button code is easy enough and is good to go - it's print and print preview i'm stuck on the solution i'm after is to take those values and send them to an rdlc report that immediately prints (calls up the default printer dialogue) without preview or anything when the print button is clicked and also have a print preview function as well for when of course the print preview button is clicked.The report has already been created with the titles mentioned above..

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Add Some .net Code To Handle All The Errors In An Application?

Oct 4, 2009

is it possible to add some VB.net code to handle all the errors in my application. (and not to go in each sub and add the on error intruction) I want to handle every error.

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Build Fails But No Errors In Code

May 3, 2010

I have a VB.net Solution in VS 2008 with 2 projects in it (The machine is running Windows XP Professional). I can build the one project fine. The other one the build keeps failing. Their are no errors in the code. I don't get any message when the build fail except, VS ask me if i want to run the last successful build. I have tryed cleaning the solution and then building and rebuilding it.

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