VS 2010 - How To Mirror Text (Value Not Image)

Apr 23, 2011

I would like to know how to mirror text, in a certain public function. That would be great because I am learning functions right now, so basically what I need to happen is on FirstText_TextChanged:
{Mirrored Text Example: VBForumssmuroFBV }
'Public Function
SecondText.Text = MirrorText(FirstText.Text)
How to use arrays and certain functions as of right now....

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Mirror Image - Mirror The Top Half Of An Image Of The Bottom Half?

Feb 28, 2010

how to mirror the top half of an image of the bottom half, i already mirrored the left half of an image over the right half, as shown in the 2nd block, but i need to modify the 3rd block correctly to get the top half to mirror over the bottom half, how do i do this, - visual basic express 2008

Dim mb, rb, cb, db As Bitmap
mb = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)
cb = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)[code].....

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Graphics.DrawImage Mirror (Flip) Image?

Feb 20, 2009

How do I flip the image upside down (below the first image) Like as if a house were at the waters edge and you can see the house, and the reflection in the water?

code for drawing the image (which is a battery)

'Finding center'
Dim batX As Integer = 160 - (imgDct(cbo_Battery.Text).Width / 2)
Dim batY As Integer = 200 - (imgDct(cbo_Battery.Text).Height / 2)
'Draw Battery


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Flip An Image So Its A Mirror Image?

Feb 28, 2010

this code currently takes a jpeg image [] and copys the left half and pastes it over the right half so its like this [[. I need to modify this code so that the right half flips to form a mirror image with the left half,

Dim mb, rb, cb As Bitmap
lblMid.Image = Image.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)
mb = Bitmap.FromFile(tbFileName.Text)[code]....

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Mirror Text Using A Brush?

Oct 7, 2010

I would like to create a reflection of a text on an image. I have used so far this:

g.DrawString(TextBox3.Text, myFont, myBrush,and i have tried some methods but none seems to work.

for example a g. transform used with matrix could do that

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Mirror Real Time Text?

Apr 6, 2012

I created a form with MS Access with some dropdown menus and some check boxes. The main reason is for when the user select a check box or an option from the dropdown menu a specific phrase will appear on a Note box I created on the bottom of the form. Where I am having the problem is because I added a Text Box in Access where the user can type something in it. What I need is when something is typed inside of the text box the content should be mirrored inside of the Note Box on the bottom of the form. I was able to create the functions using VB for the dropdown menus and the check boxes but for the Free Form Text Box I dont know how to mirror the real time texting.

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VS 2010 Listview Item / Header Text & Minor Text & Image

Jan 18, 2012

I need to make a listview, for each item to be like this:

- An image on the lef.t
- A header text on th etop.
- A minor text on the bottom.

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VS 2010 - From Text To Image (Bitmap)

Apr 4, 2010

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] ......
I am using this, however I get a GDI+ Unhandled Error.

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VS 2010 Finding Text In An Image?

Oct 25, 2011

I have a form, that when opened, displays the image from the webcam onto it.

It's a test, to ensure the webcam is working. A prompt appears that asks if the webcam is working. However, some testers are lying and I need to find a method to make sure they can't lie.

My team wants to use a large bar code that the tester has to hold in front of the camera.

So I need to figure out how to either read the bar code, or just read the text in the bar code, which reads, "* C A M *."

It looks like the image below, but much larger.

Does anyone know where I should begin? I was thinking about using GetPixel, but I'm not sure I could or if that would be reliable enough.

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VS 2010 Get An Image To A ListViewItem Right Next To The Text?

May 17, 2011

How can i get an image to a ListViewItem, right next to the text?

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VS 2010 Get Text In A CAPTCHA Image?

Jan 2, 2011

I made an email account today and out of curiosity I was wondering if this is possible. Is it? Has it ever been done before? How is it even possible? I mean, all that spam email I get, it must be generated emails doing that because even though I "mark as spam" it, I still get the same email but from another address.

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Interface And Graphics :: Mirror A 3rd Party Control

Nov 6, 2008

i have 3rd party custom tab control , that does not have RTL support also no source code so i sub classed it and mirrored it like below


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TextBox Controls - Reading Backwards In Mirror

Mar 11, 2010

I have two textbox controls and I want to accept input for textbox 1 and textbox 2. However, when user enters text into textbox 1 I would like textbox 2 to mirror the same text as it is typed. I am sure this is a very simple procedure however it is new to me and I am having trouble finding an answer with search engines. Most result are coming back as text that one can read backwards in a mirror which is not what I am looking for.

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Draw Text To Image - Hit Save Again It Writes The Text To The Background Image On PbMenu1?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm making a front end to dvdauthor.I have a picturebox which holds the menu background. In order to draw a textbutton on the background image I store the image in a hidden picturebox. So the text doesn't get drawn to the visible background.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each c As Control In pbMenu1.Controls
If c.GetType() Is GetType(TextBtn) Then[code]...

This works the first time. But if I hit save again it writes the text to the background image on pbMenu1.

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VS 2010 Replace Text With Image (smiley System) In Richtextbox?

Sep 13, 2010

I have big problem with my CHAT app. I want to add smiles but i have some problems. I using transparent Richtextbox, and when i try to use Regex system to replace text with image it work, but everytime other smiles disappearing, i only see last one. Second thing, i want to use GIF animated smiley and this Regex method don't work with all of these my problems. So i need an other way... Can anybody show how to do this

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class TransparentRichTextBox
Inherits RichTextBox


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VS 2010 Fill Out A Webform Where The User Gets A Image In A Picturebox And Then Enters The Requested Text?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm trying to fill out a webform where the user gets a image in a picturebox and then enters the requested text.But when i submit it to the forum nothing happens This is the code of the html page:

<input id="response_field" type="text" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" name="response_field" autocomplete="off">

How could i add this: value="test" to the above line while the page is beging generated so its part of the webpage?

With WebBrowser1.Document.Forms("form")
.All("response_field").SetAttribute("value", "test")
End With

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VS 2010 Image.fromfile Query - Set Images To A Text Box - Use A Full File Path?

May 17, 2011

I have been using the image.fromfile to set images to a text box but I always have to use a full file path. Like here;


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Get A Code That Will Load Text, The Correct Image To Match It And The Command For Each Image?

Jun 16, 2011

I need a code that will load text, the correct image to match it and the command for each image. what i want to do is make a program that will download a swf and an image into to folders. then at startup the program will load all the swf and images and put the images into a listview so when you click on the image for the swf file it will give the link to the swf so it can be loaded.

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Add A Text String To An Image And Save The Original Metadata To The New Image?

Aug 20, 2010

I try to add text strings to an image but keep the metadata of the original image. The problem is How can I save ImgMetaData (from the original image) to the new image?

Here are the codes:

Public ImgMetaData As BitmapMetadata
Public myImageCodecInfo As ImageCodecInfo
Public myEncoder As Encoder


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Text And Image Manipulation In The Form Of Hiding Messages Within The Image?

Apr 1, 2010

i have an assignemnt in my visual basic express 2008 class, were i have to type in an image name, like paris.jpeg,and automatically manipulate the file to be called paris-steg.png. Once this happens i click the manipulate image button and the image should be altered so that paris-steg.png has a message hidden in it. Then i have to decode that message. At this point im having troubel getting the file name to automatically appear as paris-steg.jpeg, and you will proabbly see why with my code. I need to know how to do this. The way i have it, i basiaclly add -steg.png onto the text typed into the text box, this doesnt work when the user types in paris.jpeg as it comes out as paris.jpeg-steg.png. heres the instructiosn and my code

(6) When the text file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.
(6) When the image file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.


In this program you should read text from a file one character at a time instead of one line at a time. If <tt>sr</tt> is an IO.StreamReader, then <tt>sr.Read()</tt> will return an integer that is the value of the next character in the file. Use <tt>Read</tt> instead of <tt>ReadLine</tt> in this program.You can check whether a file exists by using the code <tt>IO.File.Exists(filename )</tt> . The function will return a Boolean value (True if the file exists but False if not).

You can check whether a string ends with a specified pattern by using the <tt>EndsWidth(pattern )</tt> function. For example, if <tt>s</tt> is a String, then <tt>s.EndsWidth(".txt")</tt> will return a Boolean value (True if <tt>s</tt> ends with the pattern but False otherwise).In a string, <tt>IndexOf(pattern )</tt> gives the first position where the pattern exists, but <tt>LastIndexOf</tt> gives the very last position where the pattern exists.The code <tt>s = Chr(i)</tt> converts the Integer <tt>i</tt> into a character and assigns the character to the string <tt>s</tt> .

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VS 2010 - Image Resources - Make A Picture Box And Import An Image

Sep 17, 2010

I made a picture box and imported an image named Title.jpg. Later I made adjustments to the picture and imported it again without deleting the original(mistake). The new one had the name automatically changed to Title1.jpg. So I deleted the original image from resources and renamed Title1.jpg back to Title.jpg.

Now I got two problems. First, only Title.jpg is on the solution explorer, but Title1.jpg(along with Title.jpg) still pops up on the resource list when I click on Image property of the picture box. There's only the name and no picture, and I don't see a delete option. How do I get rid of it? Second, even though I changed the image to the new Title.jpg in the picture box, the old one is displayed when running the app. What's up with that?

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VS 2010 Image Wrapper Or Image Property Array?

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to make an Image wrapper class or something. The reason for this is that I need to output a bunch of images only, without pictureboxes. I don't want an imagelist, because I need the images along with their associated image properties which an imagelist cannot provide. I ended up with this :


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VS 2010 Comparing JPG Image To An Image On A Specified Window?

Nov 19, 2011

I have a specific image that I want my application to look for on a specific window. I've done something similar to this along time ago with VB6, but it was slow, and it was checking for specific points in the picture rather than the whole image itself (for speed reasons). I named this image "Image1.jpg" and I want to compare it to the window with the handle "001C08F2" and class "SunAwtCanvas"

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Get Some Text Fields To Input Text And One Image Path Then Want To Print That In A Format?

Mar 23, 2010

What I want, is Some text fields to input text, and one image path, then I want to print that, in a format like..

Centered Text
Centered Text
[=====IMG=====] Text text text text


But from everything I've read though, I'm completely lost.

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VS 2010 Take The Image From PictureBox1.Image?

Sep 26, 2010

i have this

" Dim attatch As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment(D:MyImage.png)
mail.Attachments.Add(attatch) "

but i want it she take the image from PictureBox1.Image


" Dim attatch As Net.Mail.Attachment = New Net.Mail.Attachment(PictureBox1.Image)
mail.Attachments.Add(attatch) "

but he say error in the part "PictureBox1.Image"

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Display Text On Image From Top Right Corner To Botton Left Corner Of Exist Image?

Dec 14, 2010

How can i draw text(demo demo) on exist image from top right corner to bottom left corner of exit image (on photo) in windows based applicaiton using vb.net.

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Image And Text Transfering From 1 Rich Text Box To Another

Dec 25, 2009

I want to transfer data from one rich text box to another but when i use RichTextbox2.text = RichTextbox1.text it transfer just text not images.if there is any way to do so?

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VS 2010 - Clearing List (Of Image) Storing Images In A List Of Image

Jun 10, 2011

I'm storing images in a List Of Image. When I want to clear/remove all the images it contains should I dispose & set each item to nothing before using .Clear? Or can you just call .Clear? I'm doing it like this for now...

' remove all images in list of image named "images".
For i As Integer = 0 to images.Count - 1
images(i) = Nothing

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VS 2010 - Rich Text Box - Getting User Text In The Text Changed Event

Jan 20, 2011

I'm Making a Simple syntax highlighter and I'm Doing the highlighting in the text Changed event of a RTB and for obvious reasons I can't re highlight the whole document each time someone presses a key so i highlight one line each time the text changes. But this creates a Problem. If someone pastes code into the RichTextBox It only highlights the last Line. So is there a way to get if the user typed the text in with his keyboard or pasted it from the clipboard in the text Changed event?

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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default vb.net shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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