VS 2010 How To Limit The User To Input . In Textbox
Jan 23, 2012How can i limit the user to input only one period in textbox cause in my textbox the user can input may periods on it??
View 3 RepliesHow can i limit the user to input only one period in textbox cause in my textbox the user can input may periods on it??
View 3 RepliesI have a text box that I only want the user to enter A, B, C or D (it'll give an error msg if anything else is entered)
View 6 RepliesHow do I code in vb.net that the text box can only accept 10 inputs from the user. User can only enter 10 strings.
View 2 RepliesI have 200 dynamic textboxes.
I am trying to limit the user input to exactly 5 characters ( not more, not less ), and numeric only.
I have been trying this :
Private Function txtValid()
Dim str As String
For Each txt As TextBox In Panel1.Controls
But it always shows the last messagebox. Not all 200 textboxes will be filled in, so I suspect that it may have something to do with that, but I just need to stop the user from entering alphabetical characters, and the entered field must have a length of 5
How can I make a textbox in which can be only typed a number like 12.00 or 1231231.00 or 123123
I've done this in a very long way and I'm looking for the best and fastest way.
Also the decimal separator must be culture specific.:
How can we limit the textbox to input ONLY three numbers and three letters?
View 2 RepliesI have a maskedtextbox that i want to limit character input in it but i can't manage to figure it out.The date type is "yyyy-mm-dd" and the mask is "1300/00/00" (it is not gregorian calender, it is persian )In the TextChanged event i am changing the bindingsource filter.Because of this i don't want the user enters invalid date. For example the user enters 9 in here : "1300/90/00" i want to prevent this from happening before TextChanged event occur. (the place isn't important i just want to stop user from entering an invalid month or day)I have tried the KeyPress event but i don't know how to detect where in the textbox user is entering a character.
Note that i know already how to validate and i have a code for that but the TypeValidationCompleted event occur when user does all changes and leave the textbox.
If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.
View 6 Repliesi have one more issues, and hope is the last for now. How can I limit a textboxe's input to only numerical with certain range of values (eg -10 to 10) and with that happening while I type in the values?
View 9 RepliesI need some help with the input validation of my application. Attached is the code that I have written as well as a screenshot of the front end. I specifically need input validation to verify that the user selected input for cbLengthOfStay is a number between 1-10 as well as input validation to verify the user input for txtMedication, txtSurgicalCharges, txtLabFees and txtRehabilitation is a positive numerical number. Please feel free to critique my attached code. [Code]
View 2 RepliesSo far I have code for a textbox that limits the value entered by a user to two value places. However, I would like to limit the value entered by a user to numerical values only. And to handle any exceptions that go along with it.
View 2 RepliesHow can I get my app. to remember the text that was enterd into a TextBox by a user?
View 3 RepliesI am using VS2005 version of VB.Net programmer. I wanted to use the user input but most people tell me to use console...but I cannot use this function since my version is different, it will not show any results. I found that using mask textbox can use to read the user input but I don't know how the code can be written. I want user to input two number such as 1.345 and 2.355 and use this number for addition and give the answer. I not sure how I write the code for mask textbox to be read once user input the numbers.
View 1 RepliesPreferably without turning the "Enabled" property to false, because I still need to output text from it.
I made a custom control in which there is a textbox but I want it used only as an output control, for showing text and stuff. Problem is that as soon as my form opens up the focus is turned to the textbox and I cannot catch my keyboard events on the form anymore(since the other controls are pictureboxes). I need a way to make this box "unclickable" or any way in which it is impossible to attribute the focus.[url]...
I'm trying to make a program where user can input data from a textbox into an array and when the user hit the enter key, it compare it to a data grab from a text file. Here is my code so far:
Private Sub TextBox_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox.TextChanged
Dim input As String
I got the part where the program can graph data from text file and put it into an array called "varia3". The part I could not get is allowing user to enter data into the textbox. When I run the program, the sec I try to enter a letter or number into the textbox the program ended.
I want to create a button that calls a preset cmd line like
"CALL binphpphp.exe -S -t bin"
+ what the user inputs as a folder name in the textbox. Or even a batch file + user input folder name in a textbox.
how to get the user input in comment textbox and insert into my database and then retrieve the data to output in another webform.
View 3 RepliesI have a form, with lables and textboxes added at runtime. The labels and textboxes are added properly on form load and display as expected. The form allows tabing into each of the textboxes, but the textbox does not allow user input.
Is this a problem with the way I show the form to the user? >> this particular form is called (frmname.show) from a different form -- If I test this form directly, without being called from a different form, it allows user input in the textboxes. Is it because of the properties I used to create the textbox? >> properties used were - .name, .size, .location, .tag
I am trying to create a vb.net program that will ask a user to input a beginning date and ending date within two textboxes. I want to use these dates that they inputed in a stored procedure that I created to run a query that will return results based on those dates.
Here is my current SQL Script.
Private Sub TrackBar1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Trackbar.ValueChanged
txtYears.Text = Trackbar.Value
End Sub
This is the code for the trackbar. At the moment as the user moves the trackbar it inserts the value into the textbox. I want this to work in reverse also. user inputs value into text box, trackbar moves.
I know it is possible as my professors program does this.
I am trying to obtain a file path that users manually enter on a web page, and then write it to the web.config file.
View 4 RepliesI have a big issue which I have been struggling with for days now. I have a richtextbox where users Can input text and print it.
My problem is that i don't want to allow more than one page to be printed so i need to prevent the users in inputting more text than what fits to one page.
I have word wrap set to True which means that i really can't count the lines since they are determined by number of return/enter hits. I can't set the character to a max because blank Lines and spaces Can cause this to differ very much.
What i really need i a way to prevent the users in inserting more text than would fit inside the richtextbox frame and the frame may not be resizeble.
how to do array of textboxes when a user input a number of textbox to be loaded and when the button clicked, the array of textbox that the user enters will appear?
View 1 RepliesI'm currently coding a ASP.NET web application using VB.NET. I'd like to know how to limit the input of the regular expression validator to numbers only (with specific number of digits e.g 7-20 digits).
View 3 RepliesI am trying to develop a simple math calculator that will allow the user to input the right-hand-side (RHS) of an equation into a textbox on the application and have the application evaluate the expression for a given value of x, which is also input
into the application by the user via another textbox.For example, if the user wants to evaluate the following expression,
y = 3 + 4*x + 5*x^2
then they would input into the textbox the RHS of the equation
3 + 4*x + 5*x^2
and then enter a value of x into the another textbox and click on the calculate button.I tried this:
answer = EquationTextBox.Text
but it doesn't work.
i use visual basic 6 i already try making a button to play sounds. by clicking the button and the sound will out. so that i want to know were could i start, when you input words in textbox the program will speak what you have type in the textbox.
i want to convert the user input field to MD5 Algorithm
View 2 RepliesOk, as you can see I am totaly new with Visual Basic. I have learned all those loops, if&else statements, byval, byref and etc. But now, I want to create this kind of application. I have 3 textboxes. One will contain URL, second username, and last password. There is a listbox also and a button. I want when user add a values inside textboxes , that values go to listbox as one variable and then save those settings for user so when he start up application again there are saved variables inside listbox. I just dont know how to do that.
View 11 RepliesSo I'm developing a Windows Forms Application in Visual Basic 2010. The user searches for data and fetches results, updates fields and some other CRUD operations. I want to provide a user input validation. Usual stuff i.e. some fields need to be always numbers>0, others need to be non-empty in order to avoid Null access on some objects and others just need to be some fixed strings.
How do I prompt the user to input elements in a two dimensional array? And how do I then save the output?I've figured out how write and print a program where the program provides the elements (see short version below), but I can't work out how to get the user to input the elements instead.
Solfa(0, 0) = 11
Solfa(0, 1) = 12
Solfa(1, 0) = 21