Limit The User Input To Exactly 5 Characters?
Mar 11, 2011
I have 200 dynamic textboxes.
I am trying to limit the user input to exactly 5 characters ( not more, not less ), and numeric only.
I have been trying this :
Private Function txtValid()
Dim str As String
For Each txt As TextBox In Panel1.Controls
But it always shows the last messagebox. Not all 200 textboxes will be filled in, so I suspect that it may have something to do with that, but I just need to stop the user from entering alphabetical characters, and the entered field must have a length of 5
View 3 Replies
Jan 23, 2012
How can i limit the user to input only one period in textbox cause in my textbox the user can input may periods on it??
View 3 Replies
Apr 17, 2012
I have a text box that I only want the user to enter A, B, C or D (it'll give an error msg if anything else is entered)
View 6 Replies
May 6, 2010
How do I code in that the text box can only accept 10 inputs from the user. User can only enter 10 strings.
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Jun 24, 2010
I have a field that the gets a case title. Requirments are to be able to use any of these special characters in any order in the title.
i.e. (test, case.) "title" with; 'special: chars'
I can't just take that string from the test box and put it into the sql statement. It will error.
I need to be able to 'escape' the special characters to play nice with sql server 2005
Public Shared Function Format(ByVal str As String) As String
'Format = Regex.Replace(str, """", """""")
'Format = Regex.Replace(str, "'", """'")
View 4 Replies
Mar 16, 2009
for example if a person types in multiple characters that represent a certain image in the input box for example if i type "tom" in the input box each letter represents a different image. Can i display those 3 images on the form somewhere? this is what i have so far...
Dim character As String = InputBox("Please enter a word")
I know that much but im not sure how i can connect the letter with a image for example
PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.pic02
i want t to = my.resources.pic02 and i want it to display on the picturebox1.image
View 4 Replies
Dec 21, 2011
Essentially I am trying to replicate the Windows 7 (In-Windows) activation key TextBox form. The Form where it will auto capitalize letters, remove or deny all non alphanumeric characters except dashes every 5 characters that will be auto-input.I assume this can be done with a fairly complicated replacement Regular Expression but I cannot seem to create one to fit the needs.
This is an Example of what I have right now, but it creates an infinite loop as it removes all characters including dashes, than adds a dash, which changes the text and removes the dash again.
View 4 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
I wanted to set a maximum limit of characters of textbox in the properties but i can't find where it is located unlike in vb 6.0 you can set the characters in maxlength...
View 6 Replies
Sep 4, 2009
i would like to limit a textbox input to 20 characters and only one line to input the characters.. i really have no idea where to start. i did see some forum threads, except they're for different options other than the option i need.. much work to do and so many choices to choose from...
View 5 Replies
Jul 14, 2009
I have several text boxes (1-4) that I need to limit to ONLY numbers.
I need a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 99999.
I just don't want letters or special characters ($,#,%,@) to be allowed. Numbers only.
View 3 Replies
Mar 21, 2011
I want to limit the Textbox to a range of characters in VB. For example, I want the user to enter strings from 5-7 characters. I know how to limit the Textbox to a certain number of characters by MaxLength but that will give him the option of writing just 3 or 4 characters which I don't want to allow that from happening.
View 4 Replies
Mar 25, 2009
Is there a limit of characters for DocumentText of the WebBrowser control? When I try to copy it to the clipboard, it is always truncated.
View 14 Replies
Jun 26, 2010
How can I make a textbox in which can be only typed a number like 12.00 or 1231231.00 or 123123
I've done this in a very long way and I'm looking for the best and fastest way.
Also the decimal separator must be culture specific.:
View 4 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
I have a big issue which I have been struggling with for days now. I have a richtextbox where users Can input text and print it.
My problem is that i don't want to allow more than one page to be printed so i need to prevent the users in inputting more text than what fits to one page.
I have word wrap set to True which means that i really can't count the lines since they are determined by number of return/enter hits. I can't set the character to a max because blank Lines and spaces Can cause this to differ very much.
What i really need i a way to prevent the users in inserting more text than would fit inside the richtextbox frame and the frame may not be resizeble.
View 2 Replies
Feb 25, 2011
I have a maskedtextbox that i want to limit character input in it but i can't manage to figure it out.The date type is "yyyy-mm-dd" and the mask is "1300/00/00" (it is not gregorian calender, it is persian )In the TextChanged event i am changing the bindingsource filter.Because of this i don't want the user enters invalid date. For example the user enters 9 in here : "1300/90/00" i want to prevent this from happening before TextChanged event occur. (the place isn't important i just want to stop user from entering an invalid month or day)I have tried the KeyPress event but i don't know how to detect where in the textbox user is entering a character.
Note that i know already how to validate and i have a code for that but the TypeValidationCompleted event occur when user does all changes and leave the textbox.
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Jan 19, 2012
I'm currently coding a ASP.NET web application using VB.NET. I'd like to know how to limit the input of the regular expression validator to numbers only (with specific number of digits e.g 7-20 digits).
View 3 Replies
Sep 29, 2009
How can we limit the textbox to input ONLY three numbers and three letters?
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Aug 19, 2009
I have a word (2003) document containing many Activex textboxes which are used to apply a character limit to the users input. Sometimes users want to paste data into the textbox from another source ks fine, but if they try to do it via the Edit menu then the textbox is deleted and replaced with the pasted text
View 6 Replies
Jan 15, 2011
I need some help with the input validation of my application. Attached is the code that I have written as well as a screenshot of the front end. I specifically need input validation to verify that the user selected input for cbLengthOfStay is a number between 1-10 as well as input validation to verify the user input for txtMedication, txtSurgicalCharges, txtLabFees and txtRehabilitation is a positive numerical number. Please feel free to critique my attached code. [Code]
View 2 Replies
Feb 19, 2012
If my Category and Forum selection is incorrect I am sorry and feel free to move it. I'd like to have the users input in the message box that will show. For example: There is a textbox and the user puts in their name as Bob. Then the message box would be: What my main goal is, is being able to include the users input they type inside the textbox inside the message box.
View 6 Replies
Apr 14, 2012
I am trying to auto tab to the next text box after my limit of characters has been reached in a text box. Visual Basic 2010 Can this be set in the properties? I have 7 boxes, each allowed to hold only one character.
View 5 Replies
Jan 20, 2010
How do I limit the number of characters per each line of an RTB to 1 char per line? That is you type one character, after that the textbox should not accept further input on that specific line.-Knock knock -Who's there? -(looong pause..) Java
View 1 Replies
Oct 24, 2010
I have a passport number textbox and I want to limit the user to 7 numbers and a Letter in the textbox. How Do I do that?
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Nov 3, 2011
Option Strict On Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnDistance_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDistance.Click 'The btnEnterSpeed click event accepts and displays up to ten speeds from the user'and then calculates and displays average speed
I cannot figure out how to incorporate the number of days into the input box then get it to loop and count the number of times the User inputs in the number of days. Then I have to incorporate it into the equation to get the total distance D = MPH * Hours. What I have right now wil not count up the number of days and locks up after I input one number and will not add anything to the listbox. Because I also have to make sure that they cant add nonnumaric values and the number of hours per day cannot exceed 20. I have put things in and taken them out but it has been 2 days and I am lost now
View 1 Replies
Oct 9, 2010
I want to limit and verify the textboxes data which enter by the user i want to make a class in which i pass the textfield and the methods in that class return boolean value . First method check only numbers with decimal point. second method check only A to Z or a to z with some specify charecters. In java it is very easy by the parse INt methods or use class.
View 3 Replies
Dec 30, 2008
i have a check list box. i want the user to limit, selecting maximum of three items from the checklistbox. if user select more than that i want a msgbox to prompt.
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Sep 19, 2010
I have wrote the code for a number guessing game. But cannot for the life of me think of how to limit the amount of guesses a user can have. This is in Console Application.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'This program plays a simple number guessing game.
Dim RandNum As Integer
Dim RandomGenerator As New System.Random
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
How can i limit the user to enter only certain data in a datagrid. Lets say 0 - 9 only. When the user try's to enter any other char, it should stay 0
View 5 Replies
Apr 4, 2012
i have one more issues, and hope is the last for now. How can I limit a textboxe's input to only numerical with certain range of values (eg -10 to 10) and with that happening while I type in the values?
View 9 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
I wrote a simple console program (simplecopy) that copies its input to output:
Sub Main()
The output is the content of testdata.txt, but with three extra characters (hex b4 2b 2b) inserted at the beginning of the output. Those three bytes are not there when I run simplecopy without input redirection.
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