VS 2010 - How To Put HTML Text Into Form

Feb 2, 2010

I'm making this 'help' popup form to my webbrowser. And I need to know how I can put html text into my form. Is there other ways I can do it ?

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VS 2010 Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html', But Expected 'text/xml'?

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to implement a webservice but I am receiving this error :Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.The request failed with the error message:Quote:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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VS 2010 Get Some Html Text From Iframe Site

Feb 19, 2012

some text in iframe I already search for the id but can't get it into my vb using webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid("")

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VS 2010 Parse HTML Scrape Text?

Jun 19, 2012

I have used Web Browser in VB to get the HTML source code of a web page and put it in a richtextbox. I need to take that HTML and extract the data needed from it. I have searched and cant find an example that I can understand being new to VB.Net I am trying eventually import the data into excel.


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VS 2010 Splitting - Get A Text From Html Tagname

Jul 11, 2011

Problem with splitting, i was able (with help) to get a text from html tagname, the thing was that there are different text with the same tagname and the only way i can to receive each one was with this:


With that i get this text:


So i want to remove the </a , how can i do it?

So now i have in textbox2 the text but have a lot of unnecessary html so i used 2 split more


That work perfect but just for one and i need the others, how can i "integrate" that 2 split function more for get a clean text for each one. If in the first code i use this


All texts are in a new line but then the second code doesnt work :/

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VS 2010 : Search For Strings Within Large Text Blocks (e.g. HTML Source)?

May 3, 2012

I'm developing an app for WP7 and Win7 that will get info extracted directly from particular websites. The app will download the HTML source and parse through it to find the required strings. The strings may not have tags. note multiple instances of the string needs to be found. I've tried a few very rudimentary ways, and although they work, they are extremely slow.

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C# - Extracting Inner Text From HTML BODY Node With HTML Agility Pack?

Jul 27, 2011

Need a bit of help with HTML Agility Pack!Basically I want to grab plain-text withing the body node of the HTML. So far I have tried this in vb.net and it fails to return the innertext meaning no change is seen, well atleast from what I can see.

Dim htmldoc As HtmlDocument = New HtmlDocument
Dim paragraph As HtmlNodeCollection = htmldoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//body")


I have tried this:

Return htmldoc.DocumentNode.InnerText

But still no luck!

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Visual Basic 2008 HTML Text Editor - HTML Tag Generator?

Aug 7, 2010

I am trying to build my own website and realized that it would be a big help to also create my own vb program to enable me to embed tags with simple clicks of buttons. I am having trouble getting my vb code to be compatible with html code (I keep getting vb syntax errors).

Here is what I've tried:

<strong>'Inside of a button:Textbox1.text = "<html tag example></html tag example>"</strong>

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Visual Studio 2010 - TextBox1.text On Form Run Will Focus On The Text Want To Unfocus?

Jun 27, 2011

Just a quick question my textbox1.text seems to get focus when I run the APP.how do I cancel any focus to any textbox?I just don't want to select it or anything when I work with it only when the user select or uses it.

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Write Text From A Parent Form To The Active Mdi Child Form VB 2010

Jan 28, 2012

It has to be a simple line of code but I do not know how to construct it. Using VB 2010 Express, I have a MDI parent form and many child forms. I want the parent form to determine what child form is active and load data into the RichTextBox1 on the child form. Each Child form has a RichTextBox1. The parent form gets its data by loading a file.

I am close to a solution but just can't get there. You will see in the code below, if I make a direct reference to a specific child form, it works great. What I want to do is to use the Active Form function to determine which form to write to. I have looked at the MS tutorial which gets me close.

Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender
As System.Object,


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Html Source Code Doesn't Show Html But In Firebug Inspect Element Html Is There?

Jan 10, 2012

This may sound really stupid but I have to ask cause I'm not finding this answer anywhere.I have an application where the user will need to sign up for a new user account on the website [URL]..However when I am using Firefox's plug-in Firebug to view html I am getting something totally different than when I just right click on the site and view the page source.

What I am trying to do is to get the captcha from the website and display it in a picturebox on the application so the user can view the captcha, solve the captcha and then the app post is back to the service for a response.

Here is the source that I am getting using Firefox's Firebug to inspect the element:

<input type="hidden" value="Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK" name="iden">
<img class="capimage" src="/captcha/Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK.png" alt="i wonder if these things even work">


Why would the two be showing me two different versions of the HTML?

And how would you be able to grab that source to view in a picturebox using webclient?

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VS 2008 Wrap Html Tags Around Text In A Texbox And Transfer Text To A Single Multiline Textbox

Jun 23, 2010

Im using the following code to wrap html tags around text in a texbox and transfer the text to a single multiline textbox from form1 to form2.[code]My problem is that if for example textbox5 and textbox6 are empty i want the program to continue anyway.

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VS 2010 Passing Value To Text Box On Different Form

Jan 28, 2011

I have 2 forms... main form and AddAddress form.I use the .showdialog to open the addaddress form. When this forms adds the address to the DB it gets the autoID... but I then want to enter that autoID on a text box on the main form.

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VS 2010 Adding Text From Form Into Listview?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a 3rd windows form opened and I have 2 textboxes to add Username and Password as well as a button that says add account. Username is named as Email2 and Password is named as Pass2 and the button is addaccount2. The forms are named Form 1 Form 2 and Form 3. I have a listview in form2 that has columns with names and im trying to get it to when you fill in the info on Form3 the username and pass and click the Add account button it will put it in the listview box but I would like it to be so username would be under the username column and password to be under password column under Form2 in the listview.

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VS 2010 Bind Data From Db To Text Box On Form?

Mar 29, 2012

I'm using VB 2010 Express and I want to connect it to sql server 2005 where I have db with just one table.What I want is to write code to connect to db and bind database fields to form controls like text boxes. I'm new in VB.net, and have found some code on net but when I try to load form textbox is empty. Here is full


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VS 2010 Form Without Titlebar, But With Title Text?

Apr 16, 2010

The main form in my application is a small form without a titlebar. I accomplished this by setting these properties:

- ControlBox = False
- MinimizeBox = False
- MaximizeBox = False
- Text = "" (empty)

As long as the Text (title text) remains empty, the form has no title bar. Note that it still has a border so it can be resized (FormBorderStyle = Sizable, as usual, not None!)Now, because I have to keep the Text property empty, the taskbar button never shows any text... But I want to show text in the taskbar button!

As far as I know, the only way to set the text on the taskbar button is using the forms Text property, but I cannot set that because the form will have a titlebar if I do...

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VS 2010 Get How Many Character Can Be Write On (Form.Text)

Feb 27, 2012

How to Get How many Character Can be Write on (Form.Text) in VB.NET

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Sending An HTML Email, Where The HTML Comes From An HTML File .Net/ClickOnce Environment?

Jun 20, 2009

Usage: Users create pretty HTML news letters in another app. They post the newsletter to the web, but they also want to set the contents of the HTML news letter file as the body of an email and send it using Application In Question. The users understand to use absolute link and image references when sending an E Newsletter. Environment:

AIQ is a VB.Net app deployed via ClickOnce. It is an intranet app; one can be sure MS Office 2003 and the interop 11 dlls are on the target machines.

Restrictions: MAPI is out. It mangles the HTML. Since it is a ClickOnce deployment, we can't register dlls (I think, correct me if I am wrong). Therefore CDO and COM is out (again, I may be wrong.... I would be happy to be proven so).

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.net - Use DataGridView To Populate Text Boxes On The Form .NET 2010?

Aug 18, 2011

I want to display (DataGridView's) selected row contents (each cell value on appropriate text box) on text boxes on the form. This should be fairly simple task for experienced i am sure.So far i haven't been able to find a single working solution to accomplish that as most of the articles are written for VB / VB 2005/ VB 2008 and not VB 2010.

Here is what i have already tried. (I tried putting an image but i can't due to my privileges over flow) TextBox1.Text =DoctorsDataGridView.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value.ToString It strangely works for first 4 selected rows and populate text boxes but fails for the rest of the DataGridView.


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VS 2010 Auto-sizing Form Based On Text Box?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to create my own custom "inputbox" (can't think of VB.Net term for the VB6 input box).

Anyways, I'd like to have a label & a textbox on my form along with 2 buttons. I want to let the label to grow based on the text that is in it. I know it has an autosize feature to it, and guess I can use that, how do I limit the width so that once it hits that limit it goes to a new line so that if I have a message or a question to pose to the user, it doesn't get too wide. Kind of like MessageBox.Show.

It'll be Label at the top, textbox under that, and the two buttons under that. I'd like the textbox to move up/down based on the size of the label, and the buttons to do the same along with the window not becoming too wide.

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VS 2010 Removing A Line Form A Text File?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm trying to remove a line from a text file that begins with a set value.

The idea would be to paste values into a Windows form, which then finds each line that begins with that value (a 5 digit number) and removes those lines from the file, and then removes the gaps.

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VS 2010 Save Form Data To Text File?

Oct 23, 2011

Im new here and hoping that I post this in the right forum. I am SLOWLY learning VB, and have run into a problem that I cant figure out. I have a standard form that you can enter data into.I want to take that data that is entered, and save it to a text file once I click the submit button at the bottom of the form. The form could have up to 500 entries into the form.

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Saving A Form's Text In All TextBox's Visual Basic 2010 Express

Mar 10, 2011

When I click a Button I what to save all the textBox's text on my form. The code I have Is Below.

In My settings Have I got to List each textBox. Like TextBox1, TextBox2, TextBox3. ect..

IE: My.setting. textBox1 = TextBox1.text (In settings TextBox1: have it as string: User)

IE: My.setting. textBox2 = TextBox2.text (In settings TextBox2: have it as string: User)

Or can I have just one TextBox In my settings, that save's all the TextBox's 1 to 8 on my form


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VS 2010 Combo Boxes Text Hilighted On Form Font Size Change

Jun 17, 2012

In VB10/win forms project, when I change the forms font size the form and all the controls on the form get larger or smaller, OK great! The problem is the combo boxes then appear with their text highlighted. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong, simple example..


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Formatting HTML As Text

Mar 30, 2011

In this section, I am trying to manually add in tabs and line spaces so the string is formatted when displayed via the pre tag. But this does not work.[code].Is it possible to display HTML as text on your page in a formatted manner? For example, it should contain white spaces, tabs etc etc for readability purposes:From another question, I have learned how to display HTML as text as follows:[code]

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Get A Text Out Of HTML Code?

Jan 5, 2011

i have been trying for hours to get something to work, but sadly nothing worked, so i though of asking more expert people so im trying to get a text out of HTML code, using REGEX matching and i got it to work pretty well, but my problem is, im trying to retrieve a text in a different line..here is what i got:this is the text i want to get is: "this is what i need"


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Get Text Strings From Html Tag?

Oct 20, 2010

I am working on a program to connect to a site by using httpwebrequest methood. I want to know how to get the html tag using with httpwebrequest? The html tag I want to grab the data from the page to input in the listview is:

<p id='myid'></p><p id='myid'>The name of the data</p>

Here's the full code:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'Address of URL
Dim URL As String = "http://www.mysite.com/"
Dim request As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(URL), HttpWebRequest)


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Geting Text From Html Doc?

Aug 5, 2009

I need best way how to filtrate this text and get the three values. I need to get value1, value2, value3

here is part of doc

<TD ALIGN="center" id="border">value1</TD>
<TD ALIGN="center" id="border">value2</TD>


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Embed HTML Into Form?

Mar 19, 2009

I just want to embed it into something.

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C# - Generate HTML From A Plain Text?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a desktop application displaying text in a read only RichTextbox component. Some words in the text needs to be highlighted depending on a text analyze that was previously executed.Now I need to create a web version of this application.I know there's a couple of Rich Text Editors available but I would like to know if there's a library or a simple way to generate an properly tagged HTML string from a plain text and a list of word to highlight?

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