VS 2010 - Reading Text Files And Storing Values To Database

Apr 29, 2012

I am using VS 2010 and I want to read the Text File values and place them into variables. This is my code
Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName = Nothing
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Me.TextBox2.Text = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName
filename = Me.TextBox2.Text
End If
[Code] .....
I am unable to move pointer to next line.

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VS 2010 Reading Text Files?

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to open a text file and read data based on what the user types, but am having problems because of the Input past End of File errors.

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VS 2010 Reading Text From Pdf And Doc/docx Files?

Jul 14, 2011

I use VS 2010 under Windows 7, and I need to extract text that is currently stored in pdf and doc/docx files. Using .NET 4, how can I do this?

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VS 2010 Reading/Writing Text Files?

Oct 12, 2011

I have seen a few different ways of Reading/Writing Text files. What i am trying to achieve is a simple debug file in the most efficient way possible. Currently I have....

If System.IO.File.Exists(debugpath) = True Then
Dim Debugwriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(debugpath, True)


1. Do I have to close and reopen the file each time I want to write to it.

2. In vbscript I would simply open the the file at the start of the script and close at the end is the same possible here.

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VS 2010 - Reading Text File And Returning Values To Textbox

Apr 17, 2011

I've a got a homework assignment that chooses one of four values in a list box, stores it in a text file. Secondly, on the display click event it should access the text file, read the line, store it in a variable and then display the totals in a text box. Works sort of fine except that it doesn't display the totals correctly. Code for both buttons is below. The variable are assigned in the mainform (Tried also in the display button and didn't change anything). The save button works fine and stores fine in the text file, it's just the reading that's the problem.

Private Sub saveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles saveButton.Click
'save the new vote choices to a file
Dim votes As IO.StreamWriter
votes = IO.File.AppendText("votes.txt")
Dim voteSelected As String = CStr(commercialListBox.SelectedIndex)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 WebRequest.Create() Not Reading Text Files Properly?

Mar 1, 2011

I borrowed part of this routine to download files, and it works great; except when I download text files the returns aren't written into the outputted file. I've tried different web request and techniques with no luck in solving the problem.

Test file:[URL]

Private Sub DownloadFile(ByRef FileSource As String, ByRef FileDestination As string)
Dim request As WebRequest
Dim response As WebResponse


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VS 2010 Storing / Reading / Updating An XML File?

Apr 3, 2011

I have an application that gathers data from a SQL database that is used by a 3rd party helpdesk application.My application is pulling out information of the number of hours worked by each engineer for the current and previous 2 months.Also as part of this process, my application works out the target hours for each of those months.

My application has 3 groupboxes whose label is generated at runtime. My application gives the Groupbox1.text the name of the current month, Groupbox2.text the name of the previous month, and Groupbox3.text the name of the month before that (e.g. Mar, Feb, Jan).

What I am trying to do is have 2 text boxes for each month where I can enter the number of engineer holidays taken and the number of public holidays if any. I want to store these values in an XML file, and I guess they need to be stored to match the Groupbox text (i.e. Mar, Feb, Jan).

When the application starts, I need to parse that XML file and re-populate the text boxes with those number of days - BUT if the month has moved on, so that the Groupboxes are now called Apr, Mar, Feb then I want the Mar and Feb data to be loaded, and I want the XML file to be updated so that Apr is added and Jan is removed from it.I want the XML file to keep the current and previous two months figures only.

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Reading From Text File With Parser And Storing Into Arrays (VB)

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to read data from a text file with multiple records and fields separated by tabs to store into arrays, which I later want to output into a textbox on the form. The problem is that with the code I've written, when I debug it it exits the sub procedure when it enters the first loop where the parser is reading the text file. There are no error messages, it just exits? I'm not even sure if what I've written is possible. Here's what I've written so far:


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Asp.net - Storing French (decimal Values) In Database?

Jul 18, 2010

I have my form set in french as well, and it automatically changes the text format to use ','. However When I try to insert my values into the database it says cannot convert nvarchar to decimal? Worst case, Is there a way I can disable the numbers from changing to use ',' and just use '.' always regardless what language it is? My working language is vb.net?

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Storing French (decimal Values) In Database?

May 3, 2012

I have my form set in french as well, and it automatically changes the text format to use ','. However When I try to insert my values to the database it says cannot convert nvarchar to decimal? Worst case, Is there a way I can disable the numbers from changing to use ',' and just use '.' always regardless what language it is?

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VS 2010 Reading From A Sequential Access File And Storing It In An Array?

Feb 9, 2011

what I have to do is read the 5 names inside the Sequential Access File and store them in an array. I'v encountered a problems in storing it in an array. Here's the code

Dim infile As IO.StreamReader
Dim names(4) As String
Dim filename As String = "names.txt"


Theres an error in the code saying that a string cannot be converted into a one dimensional array.

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Storing Files In Database Vs Doing So In Filesystem?

Jan 30, 2009

I am in front of a great dilemma whether to store files in Database or doing it the standard way. I would choose the second option, but my application will be used by multiple users, so I am doing it by Web Services.

On the one hand, storing in database will be very useful as every user would have access to everything very fast, not caring about file paths, locations and so on.

On the other hand, if this table consists of 1000 files, wouldn't it be a bad idea as there should be some performance loss?

At the present moment, I am using mysql as database, but I am thinking of moving to SQL Server, but I suppose this is not DB Issue.

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Bookmark Library - Storing Files And Text

Mar 28, 2012

I'm creating a bookmark library cause my friend requested but I do not know how to make it so that you can add bookmarks while you are inside the program and have them stay there even if you close it.

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Program For File Database, How/method Selection For Storing Files?

Jan 26, 2012

The user will basically be able to select a file on their hard drive, and enter some details or info about the file and then save it

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Sorting Needed After Reading Values From Several Files

Apr 28, 2009

I am still trying to accomplish a tiny flatfile based database. So far everything works fine except for the fact that 'data records' are not sorted alphabetically. My 'data records' are saved in files and their filenames are used as ID. Now all the data are stored iin the files, so, my application reads out the values and adds them to the 'database'. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any way to sort this added data alphabetically by name - everything else works perfectly and I am almost finished, except for the sorting.


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VB 2010 - Storing Passwords In Database?

Feb 20, 2012

I am using vb.net (visual studio 2010) and have made a form application that uses a login screen. All that works but I am having trouble any firm way to encrypt the passwords in the database. The encryption doesn't have to be very high standard as its just for a college project. Whats the best way to encrypt the password into the database? Or just encrypt the password string, I can then sort out the database end myself.

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VS 2010 - Storing Text Data In File For Program Use

Jun 28, 2011

Here is what I would like to do:
- Store string data from a 'sign in' form into a text file. This text file must be one that is saved even after the user exits the program. The text file must also be one that will stay with the program even after it is published (executable).
- Be able to write to/read from the file for purposes of displaying some or all of that data on a form.

I use an Application Setting to do this - of type 'Specialized String Collection'. I tried this, but for some reason I could not get it to work. It was a good idea, but I need to be able to SEE the data that has been saved, and with a setting it seems like that is not easily done. I've decided that I either need to use a simple text file or a 1-table database for this. I would prefer just a text file, but in either case, it needs to be part of the .exe when published.

I have added a text file to my project, but I am not sure if it will be "included" in the project when I publish it. The path of the file I've added is in 'My Documents', but in my code, I will have to specify the path in order to use Streamwriter. How will this affect the program when I publish it? I felt the need to make a new thread because on my last one we had been mainly talking about settings, and I've decided that isn't the best option for me.

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Reading From Many Text Files?

Mar 9, 2009

Reading from many text files

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Reading Wav Files As Text?

Nov 26, 2009

Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream
Dim r As System.IO.BinaryReader
Dim buffer(500) As Char


I thought this code would result in me filling 'txt1' with a bunch of header details [URL] and then the raw audio as binary.

But what actually happens is I get: "RIFF$@�WAVEfmt "

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Reading Values From A Database 0/1 False/true To Populate The Checkbox ?

Mar 20, 2012

I am reading values from a database 0/1 false/true to populate the checkbox .The databse field is 'PPorCollect'. How can i figure out why the checkbox is not populating ?

Dim mcommand As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("up_loadOrderID", conn)
mcommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure[code]....

I populated a textbox with the value i was reading from the database.....Interesting the value is True/False not 0/1 like i was expecting...so i changed up the above code to the below code with no resolve....

Dim PPorCollect As Integer
PPorCollect = mReader("PPorCollect")
If PPorCollect = False Then[code]...........

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Reading Delimited Text Files?

Jun 2, 2010

Basically say I have a text file with the following contents:

"Tim", "USA", "1982"
"Jane", "Germany", "1980"
"Brad", "France", "1989"

Can I have a ListBox for each field, one listbox for Names, one for countries, one for years?

View 8 Replies

Reading From And Writing To Text Files?

Mar 11, 2010

Input File to read:
SAMPLE NO: 10S-02013
Moisture 10.1


I am not getting the right output I need, as whenever it reads a line, it looses my sample numeber.

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Reading Large Text Files

Jan 30, 2012

My problem is I have very large text files (approx 2GBs+).They have records in them based in one per line.Each line is not the same length and the data can be different lengths all the time.I am currently reading the file line by line, then splitting the data by common characters in the records. To process the full file it currently takes 3hours. This is way too slow for its purpose.

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Reading Text Files From Web Server?

Sep 6, 2009

find sample code to "read" a text file from a web server? This is the file: [URL]

I want to be able to evaluate if it contains some specified text... How can I refer to this file using VB.net and store it in a string variable?

Here's an example of what I want to do:

boolean aaa = false
'The following is located in the "tick" event handler of an activated timer with an interval of 600000 ms


I want to be remotely command all of my programs do something like this, all I have to do is to change the text in the text file to "now"

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Reading/writing Text Files?

Mar 3, 2009

so i have it so that the user input three initials and presses an enter button. Then it goes into a listbox where theusers initials and game score enter. I then have it transfer to a text file. all this works but i need some code toun through the text file and arrange them from highest to lowestheres my current "HighScore" codei know its going to be a for loop but im a beginner in vb and it would be so much easier in java button1 is the enter buttonbutton2 is the save button that saves to a text file

Imports System.IO
Public Class HighScore
Dim objStreamWriter As StreamWriter


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VS 2010 Reading Excel Does Not Return Any Values In VB Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I am developing a vb.net app that should read cell values from excel. However, it is not returning any results and I thought that it would be really simple. I have imported all the references viz. Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library.

Following is the function in my class file which should read the excel file

Dim mobjApp As Excel.Application
Dim mobjWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim mobjSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Reading And Writing To Ini Files In VB 2010?

Sep 13, 2010

I am trying to search for snippet for reading and writing ini files in visual basic .net.

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VS 2010 Reading And Writing Files?

Dec 27, 2010

My app has a series of parameters that is to be stored in an external files. Eventhough the "parameter" file could be edited by the end user, I really don't care that much about what the user does to them.

So my two questions are, what is the most effeicent means of reading and writing a file and in what format should the file be in? When I say effeicent I mean, what utilizes the least amount of memory during the process, is fast, and disposable.

Example: XML, Text, something else. StreamReader / StreamWriter or what ever.

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VS 2010 Reading Embedded Tar.gz Files?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a tar.gz file which contains other tar.gz files. For example: file1.gz contains a.gz, b.gz, c.gx, and so on.I can read tar.gz files which have no embedded gz files. However, I need the ability to read embedded gz files. The following is a code snippet which reads .gz files which are not embedded - this works fine. how I can read embedded gz files?

For Each fi As FileInfo In di.GetFiles("*.gz")
fullPath = dirpath + "" + fi.ToString
dirInstream = New GZipStream(File.OpenRead(fullPath), CompressionMode.Decompress)


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VS 2010 Saving And Reading From Files?

Mar 5, 2012

I have to create a school reward system. Currently i have written code for creating user accounts and logging into the system. I have been able to write to the file i need to and i have been able to log in. However i can only log in for the first saved account. when i hover over the stored variable whilst stepping through it appears that unnecessary gaps have been added to stored information...User.stored username is the data structure type that i have stored information as...

user.storedUsername = " TestStaff "

I believe it should be like this:

user.storedUsername = "TestStaff"

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