VS 2010 Referencing Web Service With Code?

Mar 22, 2011

I did a search on the internet but came up with very limited results. I'm using asp/vb and need to create a n application that does the following steps:

1. User defines web service URLs to WSDL pages .. populated in combo drop down (already coded)
2. User selects web service - Clicks Connect
3. User is prompted for any input fields the web service requests.
4. Output (in XML) is displayed after input fields are populated.

I know how to reference web services in the development environment, and use them... but have no idea how to dynamically create them and show the input fields requested.

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Referencing A Class As A Web Service

Nov 18, 2011

I am building application that will be hosted as a web service. This app takes an employeeID and returns an employee object that contains lots of info regarding the employee. (name, status, full-time/part-time, etc)I want the two existing apps we have (and more to come) to be able to call a method that the web service will have and return the employee object. (also at time this web service that returns the object may have new fields added to it - Pay rate, etc)How would I go about creating a new object from this web service reference in the existing applications.Would I decalre it like Dim Employee as new emp_webservice.employee? And then be able to use this object within the app? Or would the better practice be to also included the same class files? It seems like this would not be the way to go, since if I make a change to that class I then have to make it in all places.

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Error: Referencing A Web Service Through A VB Windows App?

Jun 6, 2011

Requested URLhttp://localhost:80/TemperatureWebService/ConvertPhysical PathC:ProductionSilentPassengerTemperatureWebServiceConvert

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.net - Referencing Code-behind Properties On .aspx Page?

May 15, 2011

On a .aspx page, what is the best way to link a server control's property to a property of the page class (its code-behind)? The only way that I have read about is to use databinding:

<asp:TextBox ID="txt" runat="server" Text='<%# Me.SomePropOfMine %>' />

and then call Me.txt.DataBind() or Me.Databind() from the codebehind. Is there any way of establishing this relationship on the .aspx page alone, or simplifying the process if you have many controls to bind (without binding the entire page)?

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Asp.net - Referencing Class Library In Inline Vb Code

Feb 15, 2012

I'm working on a legacy vb.net application that does most of its work using inline code ( Within that script I need to access functions from a third party .net dll. The dll(s) themself are stored in the GAC. Before I started the page looked something like the following


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Include Code Or Files From Other Projects WITHOUT Referencing Them

Nov 16, 2011

Is there a way that I can include code or other files from other projects WITHOUT referencing them? I am trying to combine our projects into 1 EXE without DLLs. I do not want to use a self extracting EXE either. Let me know if there is a way to do it similar to the C++ #Include.

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Referencing A Windows Forms App From A Windows Service App?

Aug 30, 2011

Is there a way to basically merge a Windows Forms Application with a Windows Service Application and allow the passing of parameters on start up to determine if it should start the standard GUI or launch as a system service

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Referencing/managing/code For Different Versions Of The Same External Assemblies?

Aug 16, 2011

In a VB.NET (3.5) Windows Forms application that, among other things, creates Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Packages, we want to be able to support the creation of packages both for SQL Server 2005 and 2008. To create packages compatible with SQL Server 2005, functionality from external Microsoft assemblies with the specific version of are needed, and to create packages compatible with SQL Server 2008 the same assemblies need to be referenced, but with another version number, There does not, unfortunately, seem to be backwards compatibility in that SQL-2005 packages could be created using functionality in the newer

Today, we have a very inefficient way of handling this. For each new release of the app, we have to: Build two different versions of the app, one "2005-compatible .exe" and one "2008-compatible .exe", by: Manually add/remove the specific 2005/2008-references at project level (properties).Comment/uncomment respective code that is not common between the two versions of the same assemblies.At installation time of the application, figure out if the machine runs SQL Server 2005 or 2008 and then install the corresponding build/version of the app.We do not ship or install any assemblies with our application but instead rely/pre-requisite on that the machine on which we install our software has either the 2005 or 2008 assemblies installed in its GAC (depending on whether SQL Server 2005 or 2008 is installed there).

I have learned that with a few tricks it is possible to reference and use identically named assemblies with different version-numbers in the very same project. But even then if we manage to do this, since the client machine always will only have only one set of the assemblies installed in its GAC ( or versions depending on which SQL Server version it has installed), and we need to reference both sets in the project to have "full support" for both 2005 and 2008, how can we avoid potential "missing dll-messages" when the client runs the app? We do not feel very excited about having to ship/install 2005-assemblies on a 2008-server and vice-versa, that would never be used by the application, even if this would constitute a solution to the above problem.

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Referencing XAML Custom Control Names And Properties Within Code Behind?

May 13, 2009

I've created a Custom Control, and I will be placing a large number of instances of that Custom Control on my xaml page. In working with that Custom Control in the VB Code Behind, how do I do the following?

How do I reference the name of the Custom Control (in my VB code) which was clicked with the MouseLeftButtonDown event? For example, if I have 10 instances of my Custom Control in xaml, each with a different x:name (say 1-10), when a particular instance is clicked, how can I see which one was clicked? I've tried a number of things including e.OriginalSource.Name (which returns the component within the control which was clicked and not the name of the instance of the control). My Custom Control consists of numerous parts and pieces (Rectangles, Lines, Text, etc). Each of these items is a part of my layer. In VB code, once I can reference a particular Control, how can I hide or change certain parts of that control (such as hiding a Line, and changing the text). Also, I need to modify more than just the control which was clicked, so I need to be able to access properties of all of the controls, not just what was clicked. For example, if I click Control instance Test1, I also need to modify Test2, Test3, and Test5 in some way.

Here is some test code I through together as part of a Silverlight project using MS Blend 2. My control is much larger, and I need 200 - 250 instances/copies of that custom control, so I really need to know which control instance/copy was clicked.

My UserControl:



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VS 2010 Referencing A DLL In Another Location?

Aug 13, 2011

How would I make a reference to a DLL that's located in a subdirectory, like in?

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VS 2010 - Referencing Shared Functions And Subs

Feb 1, 2011

I am porting an app from VB6 and I run into problems with references to functions and subs. Basically, let's say I have 2 classes added to the project, like this.

Public Class OOOOO
Public Shared Sub BBBBBBB(ByVal FileName As String)
End Sub
[Code] .....

I had to make the BBBB() shared to be able to call it from another function AAAAAA() from another class PPPPP. However, I get error on the references in the BBBBB(), that CCCC() and DDDD() have to be made also shared (so instead of 1 error I got number of errors).
When I tried to make them shared as well, I got tens and tens of errors due to other references of both variables and functions.

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VS 2010 Referencing A Remote Assembly Codebase?

Feb 15, 2012

Currently I have a need to reference a class library dll that is not located in the same directory as the exe nor its subdirectories. Can anyone point me in the right direction on this? Are there any good articles or tutorials on it? I have been looking through my .Net books and some go into details in a different direction and none that I have seem to cover it. To be honest, if theres a nice tutorial or article on this topic with sample code to look at, that would be ideal at this point in my project (Im literally presenting on it twice tomorrow).

I have to admit that Im fairly ignorant of this topic, but its my understanding that I should be able to accomplish this using the assemblyBinding elements in the application configuration. If I do use a codebase approach with the app config, am I suppose to do something in the exe code to read the config and load? The class library that Im refrencing am I supposed to have any special methods or classes in it to make this work? I think I have more questions than answers.

If you want more of the nitty-gritty details on the current scenario, here it is:

I have an executable Ive developed (well call this myApp.exe). I also have a centralized data-accessing class library (well call this appData.dll). This exe actually utilizes a framework Ive designed to run from within a third-party companys application. To ensure the myApp.exe is more maintainable and accessible, it will be located separately from the framework.dll and the appData.dll. The framework.dll will most likely reside in the same directory as the third-party exe, but separate from the appData.dll and myApp.exe. So I was considering applying the assemblyBinding elements in the application configuration files for the myApp.exe pointing toward the framework.dll and the appData.dll while that for the framework.dll will be pointing toward the appData.dll (this is why the data access library file is central between the two).

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VS 2010 Referencing Bible Verses Individually

Jan 9, 2011

I have a copy of the Bible in txt format which I need to have altered. I wish to put the book name, the chapter number and a colon at the beginning of each verse, just before the verse number. The book name and chapter number can be obtained from the beginning of each chapter and each verse within each chapter is already numbered and on a separate line in the file.

Current text


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VS 2010 Referencing Bible Verses Individually?

Jun 17, 2012

I have a copy of the Bible in txt format which I need to have altered. I wish to put the book name, the chapter number and a colon at the beginning of each verse, just before the verse number. The book name and chapter number can be obtained from the beginning of each chapter and each verse within each chapter is already numbered and on a separate line in the file.

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Referencing An Object Using A Variable String In Visual Basic 2010

Oct 8, 2010

I have several sets of similar objects (labels, progress bars) on a form in Visual Basic 2010 on Windows. In my code, I have collections that contain data, which needs to be pushed into the value/text property of each.

I would like to get a solution similar to PHP in that I can assign values somewhat like:

For ID as Integer from 0 to count(collectionExample)

...and as such to loop through so each of the different lblExample's were updated to their corresponding value.

The issue I have come to is that I cannot seem to reference an object on the form using a variable. I have also tried using something like

CallByName("lblExample" + variableID, "Text", CallType.Set, exampleCollection(variableID))... however I still can't combine the string and variable to reference the object.

Any solutions on referring to objects in VB2010 by combining a string prefix and a variable string identifier, similar to PHP's $variable{$variable} approach?

Edit: Windows Platform

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Cannot Apply Simple VB Code As Service Code

Mar 6, 2011

I am currently writing a program in Visual Basic 2008 express edition to read and write to tags on an Omron PLC. I am using the DeviceXPlorer OPC Server V4.1.1.1 program to connect to the Omron PLC. I have made two programs, one is a form program which works fine, two is a windows service program where it does not let me connect to the OPC Server. The connection code is identical, the only difference is the windows service code is called by a timer. The timer works fines and jumps into the connection code, but stops at the line


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IDE - Upgrade To 2010 Projects Referencing A Class Library Targeting A Different Framework Fail To Build

Aug 18, 2010

Say I have a Framework 4.0 project that is referencing a class library targeting 3.5. The project will simply not build. It won't give me any valid error message it will just act as though the reference does not exist.

Projects that were working like this in Visual Studio 2008 are no longer working in 2010. Took me forever to figure out what there error is. If I remove the project reference and add it back the intellisense lights up and you can tell a variable referenced in the class library is found. But as soon as you build the project everything is lost. My using statements get underlined, references to the variable all turn grey and project fails to build saying the class cannot be found. Once I make the class library 4.0 as well everything builds. I get the same issue between 4.0 client profile and 4.0 as well.

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Cannot Use Simple Code As Service Code?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm a rookie in Visual Basics 2008 and i am trying to make a program to communicate and read tags from an Omron PLC. I am trying to connect to the PLC via devicexplorer opc server, because it can let me read DInts and Reals from the PLC tags. I have referenced Microsoft ActiveX Datas Objects 2.5 Library and OPC DA Automation Wrapper 2.02. I have made some code which connects to the PLC "in a form", but I cannot use the same code and connect through as a Windows Service program.Here is my code,

Public Sub OpcConnect(ByRef Items() As String, ByVal PLCType As Integer)
Dim j As Integer
Dim TempSvrHandles As Array[code].....

Note: this code is run in a timer on the windows service, it connects properly to the "RSLinx OPC Server", but "Takebishi. Dxp.1" (devicexplorer shortcut) exits the sub routine at MyServer.Connect(PLCServer) ' connect to the opc server.

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Comsume Web Service Via Code?

Oct 27, 2011

Is it possible to consume a web service via code and not the normal way? Reason I ask is my app makes a decision on which of two web services it needs to connect to at run time, and I need to be able to do this with changing it at design time.

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Wcf - Add A Service Reference In .NET Through A Code?

Oct 10, 2011

I want to make a program that will ask the user to enter the service reference URL in the text box then click a button to add the service reference. how to add and remove a service reference?

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Call A WCF Service From Code In The .net Framework 3?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm working in VB.Net and I'm trying to make a piece of code more generic.In fact, there's a big Select Case statement that build a ProxyServer based on a value passed in parameter (a string).

Select Case _strNteraHL7
Case Constantes.NomPRPMIN306010
strUrl = ObtenirUrl("ProviderDetailsQuery", _strVersion, _strEnvir, True, _blnSimulCAIS, _blnSimulPDS, _blnSimulPDSSIIR, _blnSimulPDSInteg)


or something similar, so I can remove all those big switch cases, that repeat the same thing 30 times.objWsHL7 being an object or type "object" at compiling.Again, in another switch case statement,

objMsgHL7Out = _objWsHL7.ProviderDetailsQuery(_objMsgIn)
objMsgHL7Out is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objMsgIn is a System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message
_objWsHL7 is an Object

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Code To Use AX 2009 ReturnOrderInService Web Service

Jul 22, 2011

Need to use the create method of the AX 2009 ReturnOrderInService web service in a vb.NET aspx page to create an RMA in AX.The code I've written below creates the RMA in AX, but doesn't show the line details in the AX RMA form, even though the records are in SalesTable and SalesLine.Is a record needed in InventTrans or is there a missing InventRefId value somewhere?[code]

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Looping Code In Windows Service?

Oct 26, 2009

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Timers[code]....

What I'm trying to do is monitor a file and if it exists then then copy it's contents to a database, then delete the file. Currently it only adds the data one time and does not delete the file.why it will not keep adding the data or deleting the file?

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Set Namespace Of A Web Service In Configuration Instead Of Code?

Jun 16, 2010

Currently we're using in [code]... to set the namespace, can this be done in web.config, instead? I've looked but can't find where?

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C# - Code Not Working In Windows Service Project?

May 16, 2011

I'm currently starting work on my first windows service and I've encountered what I find to be a strange error. For some reason the compiler is telling me that a whole bunch of typical classes (such as Image, Bitmap, Graphics, etc) do not exist. For example, these simple lines of code, which work perfectly in a normal project, return a bunch of errors:

Bitmap b = new Bitmap(destWidth, destHeight); //Error 13 The type or namespace name 'Bitmap' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage((Image)b); //Error 17 The type or namespace name 'Image' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


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Free Or Commercial Code Analysis Service For VB?

Dec 7, 2009

Anyone know a good code analysis service or tool for vb.net? Like the one for c# with visual studio 2008 team edition or style cop for c#

Update:I am only using the visual studio pro in my new work place,so I could not use the code analysis for visual studio 2008 team edition

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Get Windows Service To Execute Same Code Using A Timer Program?

Jan 27, 2012

What i want to happen is for the dictionary keys and items to be overwritten each time it is executed, as the data needs to be up to date.

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Type Being Passed Through Web Service Not Being Recognized By Consuming Code

Mar 22, 2012

I am creating an XML web service that passes an array of custom types. In my consuming code I am referencing the code as a web reference which I have given the namespace MYWS. Now in code I am trying to assign the results of my web service call to an array of my type like so..[code]When I do this the complier complains, saying: "Value of 1 dimensional array of my.namespace.MyClass cannot be converted to 1 dimensional array of my. namespace. MYWS.MyClass because my.namespace.MYSW.MyClass is not derived from my.namespace.MyClass"Now I understand the message, the thing is they are the same class. The class is declared in my calling code by the web service references a dll from that project. How do I tell the compiler that these are the same type?

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Service Error Cannot Open <service Name> Service On Computer '.'

Feb 3, 2010

I have a VB2008 application which can control a windows service i.e. start, stop, pause etc. This runs ok on a Windows XP machine but not on a Win 7 machine (message is - Service error cannot open <service name> service on computer '.') ( if I stop the UAC then it runs ok ). It seems to be a rights issue,

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