VS 2010 Saving Files To An Offsite Server

Jul 30, 2011

I am wanting to create my own version of MSN and I want to save rego information that the user can do just in frmRegistration to my server, what is the best way to do this?

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Server Will Report Tapes Require To Go Offsite And Which Tapes Came Be Returned Which Can Be Overwritten With Data Again

Feb 10, 2009

I need to create an application, which it connects to a IBM AS400 ATL to query LTO3 tapes that have expired and to be returned back to the datacentre. Tapes that have data written on them and not expired will need to be sent to an offsite location. Even if not an application, possible a script to do so.A email from the server will report the tapes require to go offsite and which tapes came be returned which can be overwritten with data again.

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VS 2010 Opening And Saving .txt Files?

Sep 1, 2010

First time user on here, basically have been teaching myself VB and I enjoy it quite a bit! Basically I have a program now that has the File Drop-Down Menu with Open and Save options. I want to open and save in a .txt format. The open command will need to place the text in TextBox1 ; and the Save command will need to take the text from TextBox2 and save it as a .txt. I have gotten to the point where it will save it to a specified .txt file, but I would like the user to be able to "browse" the computer for where to open from and save files to.

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VS 2010 Saving And Reading From Files?

Mar 5, 2012

I have to create a school reward system. Currently i have written code for creating user accounts and logging into the system. I have been able to write to the file i need to and i have been able to log in. However i can only log in for the first saved account. when i hover over the stored variable whilst stepping through it appears that unnecessary gaps have been added to stored information...User.stored username is the data structure type that i have stored information as...

user.storedUsername = " TestStaff "

I believe it should be like this:

user.storedUsername = "TestStaff"

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VS 2010 Saving Excel Files?

Sep 27, 2011

I am working on saving excel objects to a directory of my choosing. I am able to use a folder browser dialog to select the save location and the saveas method within the excel interop and i am able to create a file in the folder i select with the name i choose. The issue is that when i later go to open that file it is blank. no workbooks no worksheets etc . Just a seemingly blank file in the proper location with the proper name.

It should be noted that if i single click on the report icon to open it the microsoft browser window does show a tiny preview of what seems like the correct report.

eapp.Worksheets(1).SaveAs(FileName:=patient_frm.savefolder & "Lateral Postural Analysis")

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VS 2010 Saving Files 'write Line'

May 13, 2011

I want to be able to take some user inputs and then using the 'filesave' write a vb code file which I could load and get the program to execute. At the minute changing 4 text boxes on the main form to 4 values entered on the values form (where the save button is). I've tried this code;


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VS 2010 - Saving Files Location - Cannot Save File To Sub-folder

Jun 3, 2011

I have used the following code too save a notepad file; [Code] The code saves files but only in the 'Application.StartupPath' folder, the save dialogue starts in the correct place a quizzes folder inside the debug folder but files can't be saved here or in folders inside it, even though you can browse them in the dialogue. I want it saving where navigated to in the dialogue.

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VS 2010 Rename Files On Server, Via FTP?

May 21, 2010

A while back I asked about going beyond basic FTP upload/download on this thread, and the response I got about using FtpWebRequest was very helpful. Now I'm looking at something that doesn't seem to be offered in FtpWebRequest: renaming a file on the server.

My situation: several times each month I update MyConfig.csv on my website. This file is generated on my computer by Excel to control who can access which files on the site, and it runs a bit over 1 MB. The scripts on the server parse through the file to keep things running smoothly. Given that the file can take some time to transfer, I typically will upload NewMyConfig.csv to the server with a commercial FTP program, then when it is in place I rename the existing file to MyConfigBackup20100521.csv and then rename NewMyConfig.csv to MyConfig.csv. This way, if there is a problem with the upload, everything keeps running smoothly because the existing MyConfig is undisturbed, and the window when a customer might get an error from the scripts because there is no MyConfig.csv is reduced to a couple of seconds between the two rename operations.

Now I'd like to automate all of this to happen with a VB program, but it looks like FtpWebRequest only allows you to rename directories, not individual files, on the server.

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.Net Desktop Client Cant Connect To Offsite Webservice?

Aug 6, 2010

I have written a vb.net app that runs in multiple hospital networks. THe vb client periodically contacts a off-site webservice for datatransfers.The issue I am getting at a particular hospital is that the client PC's are not on the hospital's domain. So they are sort of off the radar. They do use the hospital network for internet access. When the user opens a web browser they are asked for domain

userid and password. If not are provided then they cannot proceed. What do I need to do with my vb.net code to make the webserver calls prompt for and use the proper domain user id and password?

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Store And Retrieve PDF Files Using SQL Server 2008 And VB 2010?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm trying to store and retrieve PDF files using SQL server 2008 and Visual Basic 2010.The Issue:i need to lookup a PDF file and store it to the DB using filestream and display it in Adobe Acrobat COM Control on VB Form?

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VS 2010 Delete Files On Server Older Than X Days?

Jun 6, 2012

I need to write an app to delete files on server Older than X days to clean up disk space. The job/app needs to be scheduled to run say once in a month. Please suggest what would be the best way to handle it? Can Windows Workflow Foundaton be used to achieve the task?

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VS 2010 Store And Open Files To And From SQL Server 2005?

Jul 18, 2011

Is it possible to store excel, word, pdf, .rar .zip files to a column in a table of a SQL Server 2005 DB.And also open the fie with excel, word, acrobat reader, etc????My other sollution would be to store the file on a location on a server and only sory the filename and location in my db and then open them with "Process.Start("filename")".My main problem with solution 2 is this:Lets say I install the programm on a pc called "manager". When I use the savefiledialog and I am on the manager pc the string C:/myfiles/test.xls will be stored

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Mvc - Saving Files And Names To Database Table Using For Each On Request.files

Mar 9, 2012

I have multiple file upload boxes on a form in my mvc3 application. Request.Files shows 3 files when I put a break point in the below function and look at it.. Problem is other than coding a counter and using a select case I dont see a way to handle saving each file name to the database column it belongs to... Is there away to assign the variable on the fly I guess you could say So that the foreach loop would drop the file in the correct column. Ie handoutFile1, handoutFile2 , handoutFile3, Etc. As it stands the below will overwrite the filename in handoutfile1 every time the loop is gone through. I thought about throwing a counter in the loop and just put a select case on it to assign the db column based on the counter number. Seems like a cheap work around though. [Code]

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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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Clinet/server The Server Broadcast Media Files To Client I Used Tcp/ip Protocol?

May 13, 2011

i have 2 application clinet/server the server broadcast media files to client i used tcp/ip protocol the server code is work good but i have a problem in client code i need ineed someone to correct the code .iwll show where the error is in the code note: i call the class in the main form dim a as recive in the starter of the main form class to be gloable .


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Saving In Ini Files

Jun 9, 2010

im moving over from vb6 to vb.net i used the code alot in vb6 to save infomation to a ini file but when i try to use it in vb.net


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Asp.net Mvc - Error When Saving Into SQL Server

Jul 16, 2010

So here is the error...

An error occurred while saving the Panel. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException() at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index) at PanelController.Save(Int32 ID, FormCollection FormValues)

During debugging, I checked the parameter it was adding to the save stored proc, and the ID it was adding was 0. Then, when it used this

Item.PanelId = oDal.Parameters("@PanelId").Value

To retrieve the ID to return it, it set it as 1000? Anyone know what the problem is?

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Saving And Retrieving From And To Sql Server With Vb

Jun 29, 2011

my code doesn't show anything when ever I start on my button "start recording" it starts to record every keystroke on the and show it in a textbox and after that i am trying to get that data into text of a sql 2005 database with vb vs2008 but when ever I click on the button to show me the saved data , retrieve from database, it doesn't show anything, why?

and I also want to create new row everytime the new object is created...thnx

Databse Class


Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class DataSaver
Private sqlConnection1 As SqlConnection


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Code For Saving Files Via GUI?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a slight problem understanding how the following code works, it's specified in an example I have that the code is to check if FileName is a valid path for a text file and other things of course but I'm just interested in that part(checking it's a valid path). Here's the code:

Method save()
aWriter As StreamWriter


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Saving The Data To Log Files?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a routine which populates a DataGridView. I generate the data on the fly in arrays and the populate the datagridview simply by saying

For each Row in DataGridView1.Rows
DataGridView1.Rows(row.index).Cells("PastColumn) = Array(row.index)

I am not saving the data to log files. I only display the results at the end of my routine. When I close the project the data is lost.I am trying to understand why one would bind data. Would you do this in the case where you are saving the data to a file and you want the datagridview to update when the file is updated or loaded again at another time?

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VS 2008 Saving Into .zip Files

Jul 22, 2010

I need to have so way of saving in to a zip file.

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C# - Sync Local Files With Server Files?

May 11, 2012

Scenario: I want to develop an application.The application should be able to connect to my remote server and download data to the local disk , while downloading it should check for new files and only download the new ones simultaneously creating the required(new) folders.

Problem: I have no idea how to compare the files in the server with the ones in the local disk.How to download only the new files from the server to the local disk?

What am thinking?: I want to sync the files in the local machine with the ones in the server. I am planning to use rsync for syncing but i have no idea how to use it with ASP.NET.

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How To Upload Only Modified Files Not All Files To Server

Mar 9, 2012

I am using vs 2010 web..I want to know that:how to upload only modified files/file to server instead of upload full project.if a made a small change in a aspx file and want to see how it look like live . then vs 2010 upload each time all pages/files to server and it take time.

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Store All These Files On The Server As Text Files?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm doing a project where we are re-creating a very old system.The client wants the same base functionality and some improvements.One of the things I'm currently working on is the note-system. These are used as flags of some sort, but are also used as a comment field for some products or client profiles.In the old system you could write the text and save it like you would get in a .txt file. They want the new one to be able to do word formatting such as:

Different font sizes (Only some parts of the text)
Different font colours (Only some parts of the text)
Underlining of words

Those are the specs they want. What I need to know is the following:

1) How do I do that?

2) Currently they store all these files on the server as text files and the database have paths that refers to each file. I want to be able to save a text file with that formatting to the HDD of the server like in the old system.

3) If possible I would like to save that text to the database with the formatting.

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Saving Data Along With Image In Sql Server?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm working on a project, where I need to save data along with the image in Sql server, using Vb 2005. i just need the code for the above one.

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Saving Data From A Textbox To SQL Server

Mar 11, 2010

I have binded a textbox to a column in a SQL Server 2005 Database, when i fill the dataset it displays the data, but when i click the save button it doesn not save the changes to the database. I used this same code to do a Datagridview and it worked fine. [code]

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Saving Data In Sql Server 2008?

Mar 15, 2012

i am trying to save data from vb.net form in sql server 2008 below is the code which i am using but the only problem is . i am not getting any error instead the data which is being saved in sql server in my First Name , Last Name and Address fields is not the one i insert into textboxes, when i check the backend it shows me my field values as first name , last name and address.

Dim FirstName As String
Dim LastName As String
Dim Address As String


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Saving Finger Print In Sql Server?

Aug 15, 2011

i want to save a finger print file to a sql server table and then i also wanted to read it when you tap the finger print reader and it will input a time in :)

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Saving Image To SQL Server 2005?

Apr 1, 2009

I have a table in SQL Server with a field defined as Varbinary (MAX). In VB I am trying to save an image to the table. The file I'm using is 139kB in size and I get no errors but when I look at the record, the Attachment column where my image stream should be is empty. The rest of the information is saved. I checked the buffer and it grabs the correct size of the file (141475) so I'm very sure it's found and loaded the image.

Could the parameter from the SQL not be passing the binary value to the parameter properly?


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Using .NET Saving Picture Paths On To SQL Server?

Jun 8, 2010

We are developing applications using VB .NET as front end and SQL Server as back end. We want to store and retrieve pictures in a database. We do not want to store the pictures directly into the database but rather the path of the pcitures so that through the same paths we can retrieve them.

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