VS 2010 Selecting A Sub String?

Apr 20, 2012

I want to select records from a access table using sql in vb.net 2010 based on what a user types....

My statement is: comm = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE RecipeName= '" & TB1.Text & "')", con)

this only selects records where the full word is the only word in the record set.
I want to type say "Vodka" in the search box and then it must return all the records where "Vodka" is ANY part of the record name: ie: "vodka" or "Vodka" (any case letter) or "Blue Vodka" etc.

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Selecting Random Numbers In A Text String?

Jul 28, 2008

Basically what I'm trying to do is to get the program to select a text string that has 2 random numbers in it from a RichTextBox. The string it would find would be similar to this:"items_win.php?item_id=24&item_number=590576"But the bolded section changes every time the page is refreshed, so how can i find the string with the numbers every time no matter what they are?

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VS 2010 Selecting A Row (DataGridView)

Jul 29, 2011

I try to select the last row like this:

Dim lastRow As Integer = DGV.RowCount
DGV.Rows(lastRow).Selected = True

The messagebox returns the correct number, but when it comes to select that row it says:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

But if I assign it a row, example: DGV.Rows(5).Selected = True

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VS 2010 Datagridview Column Selecting?

Oct 25, 2011

Is there a way to make a column unselectable? I can make the column read-only but it would be easier if it was unselectable so the user won't be confused trying to enter data into a read only cell. So if I clicked on a cell in that column or moved into that cell in that column it would jump to the next column, or not focus on the cell at all.

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VS 2010 Selecting Record From SQL Using DatetimePicker Value?

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to select records from a table using the following command

SQLStr = ("SELECT ItemCode, PriceSold, WhenSold, WhoSold from SoldItems where WhenSold = '" & DateTimePicker1.Value & "'")
I get the error message


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VS 2010 Selecting A Worksheet Using VB 2010?

Dec 10, 2010

Using Excel 2007 and VB 2010...I'm trying to have my program select a specific worksheet from a workbook yet my program keeps opening whatever sheet was active at the time of the file being saved last. Here is my code for that

xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("MyWorkbook.xlsx")
xlWorkSheet = CType(xlWorkbook.Worksheets("My Worksheet"), Excel.Worksheet)

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Selecting Printer Trays In Word 2010?

Jun 11, 2011

I have an application written in VB.net for batch print jobs. As part of the application, the user selects two printer trays to use to print the batch to (one plain paper the other coloured for coversheets and batch seperators) I had this working until we upgraded our systems from Windows XP with Office 2000 to Windows 7 and Office 2010. Now the selected trays are not being recognised and an error is thrown.

I've looked at similar posts on here and other forums but they seam to concentrate on using some word default trays (wdPrinterDefaultBin etc) however I need to be able to let the user pick whatever tray they wish to use. I don't want to have to go through every printer in the building and map the trays to the word values either as I don't want to rewrite the app everytime we've a new printer.

Here is the code:

sub PopulatePrinterTray (byref Printer as String)
'gets printer trays for selected printer and then populates some comboboxes
Dim pkSource As Printing.PaperSource
Dim printDoc As New Printing.PrintDocument


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VS 2010 Selecting A Tab Page From Range Of Tabs?

Dec 18, 2010

I have tried the following:tabsmain.SelectedTab = tabNew

and tabsmain.SelectedTab = tabsmain.TabPages.Item("tabnew")

As per articles found through Google.

These don't seem to work though.

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Selecting A Time In A Visual Basic Form 2010?

May 20, 2011

how do I go about selecting a time of day in a form??

I have tried using a datetimepicker but it just selects a date and it displays the static time (current time).

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2010 Express Selecting Random Fields From Access 2003?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm am trying to determine the total number of fields under a particular heading given that the other Heading's total number of fields are > or < than the heading in question. The query, shown first in the attached code, works well if there is one column in one database table, however it does not work well when there are a number of columns with a different number of fields respectively. The CategoriesID encompasses the entire tables contents.I devised a function to determine the total number of fields within a particular column and then attempted to incorporate this, without success, into the second query, shown in the code.

Private Sub GetRandomHeadingFields()
Dim varNumberHigh As Integer
varNumberHigh = TotalNumberofHeadingFields()


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VS 2010 Selecting All Buttons Mouse Hover Event In A Form?

Mar 27, 2011

Can I select all buttons in my form on mouse hover event in few lines only?I want to add hover sound effect on all buttons when hovered.

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VS 2010 String Conversion - EValue Of Type 'String' Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to code a program but this error repeatedly shows up and I can't for the life of me figure it out EValue of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'. It appears in relation to this code


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VS 2010 : Secure String To Normal String?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm developing a TextBox Component that is suited for handling passwords. I was using A string Builder to hold the password But now I discovered the Secure String! It is Perfect for what I want to do except one Problem! How do you get it back to a normal string! I've heard you can convert it to a BSTR and then use windows API to read the memory location and convert that to a string.

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VS 2010 Find String Within String = Cant Be Found?

Apr 28, 2011

I was trying to do a simiple, fine a string start position, or a string, and it always returns 0

Dim My_Search_String As String
Dim My_Text As String
My_Search_String = "fsl fwb fcb"


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VS 2010 Init String Size In .NET 2010?

Oct 25, 2011

I have an app that calls a DLL, and passes a string to it (by reference). The DLL then fills the string and passes it back to the app. Before calling the DLL, the string must be sized correctly to fit the data the DLL is going to pass it. In the past (using VB.NET 2003) I just initialized the string with the correct number of spaces. This always seemed silly to me and I'm wondering if, in VB.NET 2010, there is a way to do this using a number to define the size?

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VS 2010 VB 2010: Detecting String In Between 2 Characters?

Apr 17, 2010

detecting the string between 2 characters, EG " is the starting character anything the user types is the string" is the ending character
like this:

" <user text> "

I need it done so it changes the syntax. I am using a RTB to change the syntax.Here is my code.word is the list it needs to be added to, NOT rwrd

Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
Dim words As New List(Of String)
Dim rwrd As New List(Of String)


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VS 2010 Add String Before A String...

Sep 28, 2011

i'm having a major brain fart.If I wanted to add a string AFTER a string, i could do string += "whatever"..How could I add it to BEFORE it?

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Asp.net Mvc - Selecting A Single Row Using EF In MVC 3?

Oct 24, 2011

I am trying to get back a single from from a EF database model using the below line of code..

Dim _classRoom As classrm = db.classrms.Select(Function(b) b.Course_ID = _CurrCourse.course_ref)

Where classrm is the name of the entity and db is declared as a new entity. What I am trying to do is select a row from the entity based on matching Course_ID which in this model is a string. So that I can later use the variable _classRoom to get other items out of the same row.. However I am getting the following error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery`1[System.Boolean]' to type 'Trial_Online.classrm'.

I have to preform similar tasks with several different Entities but if I get pointed in the right direction I can manage from there...

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Checkboxlist Selecting Only 1?

Sep 17, 2009

Using a checkboxlist not a simple checkbox I need to select 1 checkbox otherwise display a error message in an label once I submit the form. My checkboxlist does generate correctly now I just need to validate it

'check checkboxlist
For Each ckbox In checkBoxCropsFertilzed.Items
If ckbox.Selected > 1 Then
lblErrorMessage.Text = "too many selected"
End If

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Get Div ID By Selecting Text?

Jun 4, 2012

I have the following document[code]...

Now, how can I get the ID of the Div, by selecting text in his Field?

For example, if the user selects the text "Div1 - Text" (or part of him), the result should be "ID1".

if the user selects the text "Div2 - Text" (or part of him), the result should be "ID2", and so on.

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Get The Value When Selecting Via Clicking?

Jun 16, 2010

ive got several combo boxs on a search form and its all working great if you select the items from the list, but have a problem if you type the value, the selectedvalue isnt being returned what do i need to do, this is what im using to get the value when selecting via clicking

Private Sub BTYPE_ComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BTYPE_ComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged
If Len(Trim(BTYPE_ComboBox.Text)) > 0 Then BTYPE_FILTER.Text = BTYPE_ComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString Else BTYPE_FILTER.Text = 0
End Sub

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Selecting A Database?

Aug 3, 2010

Can anyone reccommend a good database that I can use on a local machine to storenames/addresses etc. and that integrates easily into .Net 2.0.I have used MySQL a fair bit, so something along that route would be great but without the need to install additional software on the computer or connect externally to a server

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Selecting A Particular Webcam

May 24, 2007

I wrote some software that use the AVICAP32.dll to do a spot of video capture.All was going well till they went and bought a laptop with a built in webcam.Now my software picks one a random and uses that for the video (somewhat annoying to say the least) Can anyone tell me how to pick a camera to use,I suspect it is related to DVM_DIALOG but my experiments have not been too successful.

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Selecting A Row In A Datagridview?

Dec 5, 2010

I Have a problem with selecting a row in a datagridview. I want the user to press on the data rowheader of the data gridview of a particular row and then that rows first item are put in a string. But the problem is that if i Select an item another item is still selected. So If I press the mouse button on the row header the previous item is still selected and then the wrong data is in the string. Here is the code under the event of the datagridview mouse click:

Private Sub dataGridView1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.MouseDown
Dim hit As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = DataGridView1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)
Dim index As Integer


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Selecting A Single Row Using EF In MVC 3?

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to get back a single from from a EF database model using the below line of code..

Dim _classRoom As classrm = db.classrms.Select(Function(b) b.Course_ID = _CurrCourse.course_ref)

Where classrm is the name of the entity and db is declared as a new entity. What I am trying to do is select a row from the entity based on matching Course_ID which in this model is a string. So that I can later use the variable _classRoom to get other items out of the same row.. However I am getting the following error:

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Selecting A Value In Dataset?

Aug 15, 2010

what is wrong in this statement i want the time to show after e selected time

i want the time to be shown after 22:00

for each r as datarow in mydataset.tables("Bookingen").rows

if r.item("td") >="22:00" then


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Selecting Outside The Form?

Dec 24, 2008

I have a form that needs to add user selected items to a listbox. But these selections are done outside the form itself. So in windows explorer, the form pops up and then the user keeps clicking on files and I want these file names to be added to the listbox. How can I do this? in my case, as soon as I click outside, obviously the form loses focus. How can I "listen" to mous clicks outside?

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Selecting Oval By Name?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a series of ovals named "lamp1" through to "lamp26" and wish to change a particular lamp's backcolor.I have done this for labels (Controls("Label" & intButton).BackColor = Color.Black) but Controls does not work for Ovals. I assumed this was because Ovals are part of the PowerPack set but I cannot get any further.

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Selecting Particular Column From Many

Jul 27, 2011

I've data of 40 temperature sensors in a data table. I want to extract particular column from SQL from this data table, usually for this to occur One can Say write "Select value FROM table" where value is the parameter, this is ok, but it returns a value in specific row(s) of specific column whereas i want opposite. I want to my query to select particular column as argumument. I have 40 Columns.

Like: SELECT S1 FROM Table, SELECT S2 FROM Table .... but this is too hectic to write it for 40-50 sensors. Is there any way that i can replace S1-S2 in above statement as argument and provide it on runtime to select particular column?

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Selecting The Next Item In A Row?

Aug 7, 2009

My problem is i have two comboboxes, cmbFamily and cmbModel, I have values in cmbFamily: A320, A330 etc And i have a database that has all the available models for these aircraft types, i have got some help on a query so i can fill up cmbModel with all the models of aircraft available, but i only want to display the models related to the family that is selected in the cmbFamily combobox.

The query i have so far is

Query = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select Model From Availability", AccessConn)

'AccessConn is my database connection string I would like to have something that views the text in cmbFamily and then looks for all related model entries in the dataset.

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