VS 2010 Selecting A Worksheet Using VB 2010?

Dec 10, 2010

Using Excel 2007 and VB 2010...I'm trying to have my program select a specific worksheet from a workbook yet my program keeps opening whatever sheet was active at the time of the file being saved last. Here is my code for that

xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("MyWorkbook.xlsx")
xlWorkSheet = CType(xlWorkbook.Worksheets("My Worksheet"), Excel.Worksheet)

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Insert A Formula Into An Excel 2010 Worksheet?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 (VB.Net) and Open XML SDK 2.0. How do you insert a formula into an Excel 2010 worksheet? When I do this I also wish to set the CellValue property of the cell to a DBNull or EmptyString to force Excel to recalculate the cell when the user opens the workbok.

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VS 2010 Using Excel Worksheet To Populate A Datatable?

Oct 12, 2011

Part 1 of what i want to do is on the Load Event of my form i want to look at an excel worksheet and populate a data table with the data found in the first two columns of the worksheet.

Essentially column 1 is Descriptions and column 2 is pricing

Part 2 of what i need to do is that when a user selects a description from the combo box it populates a text box with the appropriate pricing.

After doing some reading into this all i have seen is some threads on how to use Jet4.0 to link and grab the data but it is my understanding that Jet doesnt work with 64 bit OS.

Nonetheless I need to figure out a way to accomplish my end goal and make it as universal a solution as possible (ie. i do not want it to only run on 64 bit or 32 bit machines)

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VS 2010 Selecting A Row (DataGridView)

Jul 29, 2011

I try to select the last row like this:

Dim lastRow As Integer = DGV.RowCount
DGV.Rows(lastRow).Selected = True

The messagebox returns the correct number, but when it comes to select that row it says:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

But if I assign it a row, example: DGV.Rows(5).Selected = True

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VS 2010 Selecting A Sub String?

Apr 20, 2012

I want to select records from a access table using sql in vb.net 2010 based on what a user types....

My statement is: comm = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Recipes WHERE RecipeName= '" & TB1.Text & "')", con)

this only selects records where the full word is the only word in the record set.
I want to type say "Vodka" in the search box and then it must return all the records where "Vodka" is ANY part of the record name: ie: "vodka" or "Vodka" (any case letter) or "Blue Vodka" etc.

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VS 2010 Datagridview Column Selecting?

Oct 25, 2011

Is there a way to make a column unselectable? I can make the column read-only but it would be easier if it was unselectable so the user won't be confused trying to enter data into a read only cell. So if I clicked on a cell in that column or moved into that cell in that column it would jump to the next column, or not focus on the cell at all.

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VS 2010 Selecting Record From SQL Using DatetimePicker Value?

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to select records from a table using the following command

SQLStr = ("SELECT ItemCode, PriceSold, WhenSold, WhoSold from SoldItems where WhenSold = '" & DateTimePicker1.Value & "'")
I get the error message


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Selecting Printer Trays In Word 2010?

Jun 11, 2011

I have an application written in VB.net for batch print jobs. As part of the application, the user selects two printer trays to use to print the batch to (one plain paper the other coloured for coversheets and batch seperators) I had this working until we upgraded our systems from Windows XP with Office 2000 to Windows 7 and Office 2010. Now the selected trays are not being recognised and an error is thrown.

I've looked at similar posts on here and other forums but they seam to concentrate on using some word default trays (wdPrinterDefaultBin etc) however I need to be able to let the user pick whatever tray they wish to use. I don't want to have to go through every printer in the building and map the trays to the word values either as I don't want to rewrite the app everytime we've a new printer.

Here is the code:

sub PopulatePrinterTray (byref Printer as String)
'gets printer trays for selected printer and then populates some comboboxes
Dim pkSource As Printing.PaperSource
Dim printDoc As New Printing.PrintDocument


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VS 2010 Selecting A Tab Page From Range Of Tabs?

Dec 18, 2010

I have tried the following:tabsmain.SelectedTab = tabNew

and tabsmain.SelectedTab = tabsmain.TabPages.Item("tabnew")

As per articles found through Google.

These don't seem to work though.

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Selecting A Time In A Visual Basic Form 2010?

May 20, 2011

how do I go about selecting a time of day in a form??

I have tried using a datetimepicker but it just selects a date and it displays the static time (current time).

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2010 Express Selecting Random Fields From Access 2003?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm am trying to determine the total number of fields under a particular heading given that the other Heading's total number of fields are > or < than the heading in question. The query, shown first in the attached code, works well if there is one column in one database table, however it does not work well when there are a number of columns with a different number of fields respectively. The CategoriesID encompasses the entire tables contents.I devised a function to determine the total number of fields within a particular column and then attempted to incorporate this, without success, into the second query, shown in the code.

Private Sub GetRandomHeadingFields()
Dim varNumberHigh As Integer
varNumberHigh = TotalNumberofHeadingFields()


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VS 2010 Selecting All Buttons Mouse Hover Event In A Form?

Mar 27, 2011

Can I select all buttons in my form on mouse hover event in few lines only?I want to add hover sound effect on all buttons when hovered.

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VS 2008 Add A Template Worksheet After The Active Worksheet?

Apr 1, 2012

I have an Excel Add-In with a custom ribbon and custom buttons. I'm trying to get these buttons to insert different templates that I have created for our reports. I want these templates inserted into the active workbook, after the active worksheet.This code will add the template worksheet to the active workbook, but it is placed before the active worksheet:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I have been having problems getting the template worksheet inserted after the active worksheet.Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon.RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myxl As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application


I get an error with the 'ws' aspect of this particular line: Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Sheets.Add(Type:="C:Template File Name.xltm").WorkSheets.Add(After:=ws()) The error message states: "Interface 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet' cannot be indexed because it has no default property."

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VS 2010 Visual Basic 2010 And Crystal Reports 2010?

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to import CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, and CrystalDecisions.Shared. I'm getting a green line. What might be the problem?

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VS 2010 Involved VB 2010 And Visual Studio 2010 (WPE PRO)?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm new to visual basic, used it for a few months. My friend is addicted to using a program called Wpe Pro [URL].. and he wanted me to make it more advanced and able to do more stuff.if you no anything about this program please message me

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VS 2010 .Net 2010 Program .exe Wants Excel 2010?

Aug 4, 2011

VB.Net 2010 program .exe on PC with Excel 2007 gives error when cannot find Excel version 14, which is Excel 2010 I have developed a program in VB.Net 2010 which reads from an Excel spreadsheet. It works fine in the IDE on my computer. I built an .msi and executed it on my computer. I get "Error: 53 - Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

The only version of Excel on my computer is 2007, which is version 12.0.6557.5000. The version the error says it needs, version 14, is actually the version of Excel 2010.I have put in MsgBox statements to find where the error occurs.


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Visual Studio 2010, Outlook 2010 And Windows Application, Return Emails?

Jan 5, 2011

At present I have wrote an application (in-house CRM, vb .net 2010) which allows me to send emails under the selected customer & I categorised these emails.As these are categorised I can return data to display email history in my program by using search criteria:

Dim oMail As Outlook.MAPIFolder = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderSentMail)
Dim sSearch As String
sSearch = "[Categories] = '" + "[" + tAccount.Text.Trim + "]" + "(" + tShipTo.Text.Trim + ")'"
Dim oItems As Outlook.Items = oMail.Items.Restrict(sSearch)

However the limitation to the above is it only looks at sent items & no other folder.My ideal solution would be to display all email correspondence for a certain contact.

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VS 2010 - Build My Project (or Publish) VB 2010 Makes And Exe And A Couple Ddl Files

Jun 6, 2012

The situation: when i build my project (or publish) Visual Basic 2010 makes and exe and a couple ddl files. when i run the project with the .exe and the other files the program works perfectly.

My problem: I want to share it with friends and it is just a verry little program ( a n internet radio) so i want it to be 1 .exe with out any other instalation needed so i can easly share it to anyone who wants it. when i make an even smaller program and Debud->build it, it is only 1 exe and no instalation needed. so is there a way to make my program to 1 exe only?

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VS 2010 Addin For Excel 2010 - Getting The Cursor (4 Arrowheads) For Moving The Form?

May 26, 2010

Basics Details:
VS 2010
Making an Addin for Excel 2010
Win 7

Problem:I am not getting the cursor (4 arrowheads) for moving the form.I am using the Panel1_MouseHover to display the cursor. Right now if I choose any other cursor then it is working but the same cursor also displays when I hover the mouse over any other control. I want the cursor to show only in the areas of the Panel where there are no controls.How do I show Tooltips for the images? The play,stop,next, previous,playlist,Hideme(with the smiley),volume are all images and not buttons?

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VS 2010 Change Version After Install-Visual Studio 2010 Installer

Jun 21, 2010

Well I used the Visual Studio 2010 installer to install my application and I want it to be able to change the version displayed in the in the Add/ Remove Programs (in the Control Panel). How can I do this without going through the install wizard again?

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VS 2010 Class Library / - If Create A DLL Using VB 2010 Express Can It Be Used By Previous Versions Of Of .Net (3.5 - 2.0)

Aug 19, 2011

If I create a DLL using VB 2010 express can it be used by previous versions of of .Net (3.5, 2.0)? Will the DLL use .Net 4.0 components, which is what I want. I don't see a way to force that to be the case.

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VS 2010 Basic Timer Animation - Error Check And Colour Scheme VB Express 2010

Mar 26, 2012

this is my very first posting and I must say I am desperate. I have a VB assignment due in 2 days and I am so lost. I have written a code to draw some graphic, just a basic house, tree, sun etc. I have also written a code to magnify said graphics which were all the specifications of my Assignment 1 part A. Now for Part B I am being asked to extend my program so that: A - My graphic can be drawn using different colour schemes designed by me but chosen by the user B - My graphic or an appropriate part of it can be animated around the picture box if the user chooses to do so. C - Error checking is included.


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Connect A Database (created In Access 2010, Saved In An XML Format And Put On Website) To A Login Form In VB 2010?

Jul 16, 2011

it's just for a program registration. i would store all of the registration codes in the access database, then export it to XML, then upload it to my web host. I would then somehow connect it to my Visual Basics login form (Which I have already made). If this can't be done, having them register through the form and having all the allowed codes on the internet (So i can easily edit them)!

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Is It Ok To Install VS 2010 Ultimate If Already Have Installed VB 2010 Express Edition

Mar 7, 2012

Is it ok to install my VS 2010 Ultimate even if I already have VB 2010 Express Edition? or should I uninstall the express edition first?

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VB 2010 Forms App Project Using ADO.Net Has Started Crashing VS 2010 Whenever Load It?

Aug 11, 2011

well until a few day ago. I don't know what I have introduced to cause the problem but now, whenever I load the project, VS 2010 (SP1) crahes. If I delete the project's suo file, the project loads (really quickly) and all is well until I exitVS 2010. When I re-run it and try to load the project, it crashes again unless I delete the suo file.The program can be built for x64 and x86. Now, when I reload the project (after deleting the suo file), it comes up in Debug - Any CPU mode. I can change from Debug to Release and from Any CPU to x86 but if I try and change from x86 to x64, VS 2010 crashes.This is not always the case though. If I build the x86 version and then switch to x64, all is well and I can build the x64 version. Obviously, there's something wonky going on.

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Visual Studio 2010 Exporting To Office 2010 Xlsx?

Feb 14, 2011

I need to write from VS 2010 vb.net dataset into a newly created xlsx file.

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VS 2010 - Applications Made Using VB 2010 Express Expire After Some Time?

Nov 3, 2011

Here are my questions concerning VB 2010 Express:

1. I've registered my VB 2010 Express, will it still expire?

2. Will the applications I made using VB 2010 Express expire after some time?

3. Is it OK to write my code in the designer.vb file? I don't know why, but when I started writing my application it took me to the designer.vb instead of form1.vb code.

4. I've been working on an application for a week now, but suddenly I can no longer access my Design View(Shift-F7). All my codes are written on the [form name].Designer.vb. I can still view my codes but I cant access my form layout. On the solution explorer, my forms no longer have the 'form icon'. When i press Shift-F7 nothing happens. Right-clicking the form on the solution explorer doesn't show 'View Designer' option. How can I fix this?

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VS 2010 Filtering The Datagridview Column Headers Using Datetimepickers In Vb 2010

May 16, 2012

I have a datagridview populated from a CSV file in vb.net. I have 2 datepickers, 1 button. see the attached images. Image1->before filtering


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VS 2010 Funniest Things Create In Visual Basic 2010?

Nov 6, 2011

Dont be afraid to spam the thread with things you can create.The more the better!

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VS 2010 Reading Microsoft Word In VB 2010 And Extract Words

Mar 18, 2012

I'm having a little trouble trying to read a word document in vb. how to get the text out of the word document would be great.

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