VS 2010 Use Program As Default Program?

Mar 12, 2011

I want to associate my program with a certain filetype. I know how to do this, but my question is: how i can i see witch file is opened?

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VS 2010 Open Multiple Files From A Checkedlistbox With The Default Program?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox. In the box are files from a directory. All *.jpg files.

Now I want to open the checked files with the default program.

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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VS 2010 Program Crashes As Published Executable, Not As Program Running In Studio Or Express?

Jun 6, 2012

I wrote this VB program to be able to throw a device we developed into programming mode where we use an ATMEL Flip installer to upload new firmware. I can program one device after another running the application off of Visual Studio Express 2010 or Visual Studio 2010, but when I go to publish this file and run it on another machine, it becomes unstable and crashes after each upload. On those same computers if I run the raw unpackaged program under Visual Studio Express, the system does not crash, and I can program devices repeatedly.

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VS 2010 Program Program That Generates A Batch File Stops Responding?

Sep 26, 2011

I've been working on a program that generates a batch file, then when you press a button, it executes that batch file. There are multiple batch files attached to each item in the list box.


The only thing that it does when I press the button, is starts the batch file, then goes to function searchtitle, which executes the batch file again when it finds out it didn't work properly.The button text doesn't change, none of the items are being added to my first list box, and I can't do anything to the window after pressing the button. It constantly opens the batch file every 5 seconds or so.

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VS 2010 - Wide Search -program Allows Users To Insert Documents Along With A Bunch Of Their Attributes Into The Program

Apr 14, 2011

The program allows users to insert Documents along with a bunch of their attributes into the program. The documents are stored in a relational database. One of the required functionalities is allowing the user to look for such documents. The User normally search directly for the obvious attributes of the document, like a unique ID, or it's Title. The problem is that from the search parameters is not allways known which ones will the user fill. For example the user inserts the name and version of the deocument, another time the user enters part of the Title and the person that delivered the document, or might just enter the document number and nothing else. Some of the data might even be incomplete, like title, name of the person who created the document and so on. The idea from the person who designed the system (I'm only reimplementing it) was to allow easier searches for the user, and allowing the user to search for more parameters tod with the idea that "the more parameters, the more specific results", since the results are always group of documents instead of single documents.

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VS 2010 Program Will Need To Store Some Settings For When The Program Gets Closed Then Opened Again?

Jan 28, 2009

My program will need to store some settings for when the program gets closed then opened again. I would then like to reload the settings?

- Flat file
- Database
- Registry
- Other

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How To Set A Program As Default

May 22, 2007

I have made a web browser program and would like to know how to set it as my computer's default program for opening web pages

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Get Default/standard Program?

Nov 4, 2010

It�s there a way in VB to get the dominant Webbrowser, antivriusprogram, firewall, mailprogram or other things that can be set as default?!
I have search on the internet but probobly not the right refrences, with no success?

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Make My App As A Default Program?

Jun 21, 2011

I have made an app named photo viewer so how to make it the photo viewer Default program in user computer when he install it in his computer?

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Use The Fire Fox In A Program Instead Of The Default?

Mar 23, 2010

Im not sure of the dll to use for fire fox instead of using VB's Default web browser or if there is a way to use firefox in vb2008. If there is please let me know. I would rather use the fire fox in a program instead of the default that is internet explorer web browser.

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C# - Program Installation - With The Default Location?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm a beginner. I recently developed an application in C#. Now I wanna develop its setup. I read a few articles online, followed them, found it very easy. I also changed the default location of application folder from C:Program Files to C:. My application folder is containing a few folders besides exe and dlls which I added manually.

Now here the problem starts, when I install the application and change the location say from c: to d:, my files (all files including exe and dll) are going to user's given location. But my folders (all folders in application folder) are going to c: (which is default location given while creating setup). But I want output files and that folders at same location

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Change Default Excel Program?

Jun 21, 2009

I have Excel 2003 and 2007 loaded on my computer. When I open an Excel file, it is defaulting to 2003. How do I check to see what the default program is for opening xls files and change this to 2007 in my code? I have already done the following manually:

1-Open My Computer
2-Go to Tools --Folder options
3-Click the File Types tab
4-Scroll down to the XLS file type and highlight it


However I am not convince that its defaulting to Excel 2007 when I run projects in VB as I am seeing the "File Conversion" prompt when file are open.

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Default The Second Button At The Start Of The Program?

Nov 1, 2011

I have two buttons. One to upload a file, and one to run the program after the file is uploaded.

How do I default the second button at the start of the program, then enable it after the file is uploaded?

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Determine Name Of A Program On Default Associated With A File?

Jun 13, 2009

Does anybody know of a way to determine the current name and link to the program on a computer currently as default associated with a file extension? For example, if you have a "*.jpg" file, it most likely will open in WINDOWS PICTURE GALLERY under Vista on default. If you associated another program with the "*.jpg" extension, then this file will be opened with tat program instead. "*.jpg" is here only an example!

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Get Default SQL Server Directory In Program?

Oct 16, 2009

I guess the default path for the SQL Server files is located at:

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA

Is there any way of reading the default directory with the .NET Framework?

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How To Make Default Web Browser Program

Aug 24, 2010

i make a web browser program. how do i make default my web browser program? simple. if internet explorer is default, all web pages start automaticly with internet explorer. how do i make default my web browser program with VB code?


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How To Make Program Default For File

Mar 31, 2010

How do I make a program a default program for a file? As in if I had just a basic .txt file editor, I could make the program the default program for the extension .txt. I have tried just doing it in Default Programs, in Windows 7, and Windows XP. But when you click on the file it opens the program, but does not load the file. I plan on actually releasing the beta 2 a Office Suite I created.

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Launch VB Program Instead Of Default Browser?

Feb 8, 2006

Is there any way to make Windows call a VB program instead of the default Internet browser?

What I want to do is to use a VB program with buttons down the left-hand side that when clicked will launch that URL in the browser windows of the form. This will prevent users from surfing in places they shouldn't but still allow them to get to the sites they need to get to for their jobs. These buttons could also change based on the username of the person launching the program.

But it all depends on being able to call this program in place of the browser when they click on a link in a email or somewhere else.

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Open Files With Default Program?

Mar 20, 2011

Is it possible to open a file with the default program installed on Windows ? Lets say we have the exact location of the file on the hard disk and it is a *.pdf file , how can we give the order for that file to get opened by the default program ? In case it matters , I want to open *.pdf and *.doc files . It doesn't matter which program exactly will load the file , the default is fine by me .

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VS 2005 - How To Get Default Associated Program Of Application

Aug 26, 2010

How do I get the default names of the files that I opened? For example, I just opened a MP3 file and the default program is windows media player. How do I get the name of the default program? I do not wish to have the file type.

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Change Default Encoding Of Assembly In Program?

Jun 1, 2009

How to change the default encoding of assembly in VS2008?

I have upgraded vb.net windows (VS2003) to VS-2008.

Whenever I re-builds the project,it is changing the assembly encoding to Windows-1252,which is not running my application.

I have to manual set this encoding to UTF-8,which runs the application.[code]...

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Change The Default Appdata Program Folder?

Jan 16, 2010

Is there anyway to change the default appdata program folder?

i have a class to serialize my settings, and i just want to save them to:


but when i use the filesystem.specialdirectories.currentuserappdata(something like that) it give me appdata/roaming/[company]/[programName]/[Version]/

i don't want any of that extra stuff, especially since new versions won't be able to access the old settings.

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How To Register Program As The Default Email Handler

Jun 27, 2009

point in the direction of figuring out how to register my program as the default email handler, and then how to make the program know where it is supposed to be sending email from the mailto: link etc.

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Make A Program Default For File Type?

May 27, 2011

I have made a media player in vb and I need to make it the default player for *.mp3, *.avi etc.

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Make A Screenshot On Default Coordinates In Program?

Apr 29, 2012

Basically what I would like to do is take a screenshot of a portion of the screen based on coordinates taken with the mouse left button click.

what I can do up to now is get the coordinates with the mouse and show these in a label thanks to[code]...

What I thought to do is take the coordinates of the upper left corner and lower right corner and make a screenshot thanks to these coordinates.

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Opening A File With Its Default Program Using A OpenFileDialog

Nov 22, 2010

How can I get a file to open in its default program by users, clicking on (Button 1 for eg.), a file dialog opening and then select a file and then it would open in the default program for that file type. I have tried other codes in these forums, but I get errors.

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Forms :: Write A Program And Set It As Default To Open .txt Files?

May 8, 2010

i want to write a program and set it as default to open .txt files so when i double click on a text file that it opens in that program and displays the text into a RichTextBox

my question is how do i display the text in the RichTextBox after opening the program through a double click on a text file?

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Program To Create A Class Outside The Default Project Namespace?

Dec 5, 2009

Is that possible to create a class in vb.net that is not in the default namespace of the project?

for example, say you have a project call sample1, then automatially IDE will have everything default to the Sample1 as your namespace root rather than under global, which is find for most case.but I want to create some classes that is directly under global namespace

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Creating An Email In ASP.NET And Then Opening It In Default Mail Program For Editing?

Jun 29, 2009

My website creates an email from an HTML template using MailDefinition and ending up with a System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object.

Usually, I just call the Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send method and the email is sent.

Now I need to be able to open the created email in the clients default mail program and then they click their email programs send button to send it.

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