VS 2010 - Change My HexString To ByteArray

Dec 18, 2010

I gotta change my HexString to ByteArray. so I have this getHello String.


And I have the function I found out here.



Alright so the code doesn't work. "Index was out of outbounds array". Is there someone whome can make a right function that will change the HexString to ByteArray?

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Bytearray - How To Trim A Byte()

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to use socket to transfer byte to client. I define Byte(1024) because I am not sure how many character is the server sending! I don't know how many index of this array has been occupied!?

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Converting String To ByteArray

Mar 4, 2010

I've been up for nearly 24 hours now. Trying to program an application for a game I have been playing.I've run in to a problem, I'm not sure how to solve.I have basic knowledge when it comes to VB (college class) so bare with me.[code]My only Idea would be loops to figure out where each of the edited numbers are in the array, But I was looking for something simple.Also, would it be easier to work with the bytes rather than edit them in string form?

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Copy String To Bytearray?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a StringArray that is filled with line of text and I need to take each array of strings and convert them to byte. How

Dim splitText() As String = TextRead.Split(Chr(13))
Dim byteArray() as string = Byte.Parse(splitText(0))

once I can get one element of the string array to convert to Byte I will put a loop around it for each position in the string array but it says the string format is not correct for the byte.parser.

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Picture In Picturebox To Bytearray

Jun 17, 2010

I'm stuck at a little Problem. Well I got an Image in a Picturebox and need it to convert it in a Bytearray to store in an Imagecolumn in a Database. I do know how to convert a FILE to a bytearray, but I'm stuck at this. would be appriciatet. This is what I got so far, but like I said, it didn't work properly.


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Bytearray :: Declaring A Byte Array?

Oct 13, 2010

When declaring a byte array, what is the difference between the following? Is there one, or are these just two different ways of going about the same thing?

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Create A TiffFile In A D Drive From ByteArray()?

Apr 18, 2009

Create a tiffFile in a D drive from ByteArray()?[code]...

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How To Convert Image To Bytearray, And Back

Apr 3, 2009

I wish to convert image 24bit RGB pictures to an RGB (or BGR) array of byte, and convert back array to RBG. I need speed, so I was suggested to use memorystreams, but have no idea where to start.

have this code:
Friend Shared Function RGBArrayToImage(ByRef RGBArray() As Byte, _
ByRef Rows As Integer, _


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VS 2008 - How To Compare ByteArray With Default One

Mar 13, 2010

I got a form and a checkbox with default names. In the form1 load event, I need to check the binary data of a registry key.
If data is 00 00 00 00 the checkbox will display a check mark
If data is 1b 00 00 00 the checkbox will shows nothing

Here is my code
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim b() As Byte = {0, 0, 0, 0}
Dim a() As Byte = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftware", "Test",String.Empty)
If a Is b Then
CheckBox1.Checked = True
End If

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Correctly Encoding ByteArray And Sending To Host Program

Jul 17, 2009

I am transmitting data over an IP socket and receiving the data via a second program I have written. The server was in VB6 and am now creating a new one in vb.net to run as a service. The major issue I am having is related to the encoding features.

Issue 1 to be able to correctly encode a bytearray so that when it is received by a VB6 program via winsock that the data will be in the proper ANSI format for the pc to read it correctly. So far this works on some files and not on others depending on the content of the file.

Issue 2 to be able to correctly encode a bytearray, send it to a vb.net host program and correctly [decode?] write it to disk.

To make things a little more complicated I must also be able to do this where the client resides on a Windows Mobile, Windows CE, or Windows PC. I have been running some tests and have gotten mixed results.

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VS 2008 - Displaying Image In ByteArray To PictureBox On Form

Sep 4, 2010

In my project I am using a camera to capture images. The images will be stored in a byte array. Now I want to display my images in byte array to picture box on my form. I am pasting the code bit below.

Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory"
(ByRef Destination As Byte, ByRef Source As Byte, ByVal Length As Integer)
Delegate Sub MyFrameHookerDelegate(ByVal FrameType As Integer,
ByVal row As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer,
ByRef lpImageAttribute As TIMAGEATTACHDATA, ByRef Buffer As Byte)
Public ImageBuf() As Byte
[Code] ....

I want to display the image from ImageBuf() to a picture box on my form.

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Sending ByteArray Image To Server Side And Save It To Local System?

Aug 19, 2009

I want to send a image to server side using HTTPService,I am using ASP.NET for server side coding. I don't know how to write server side code to receive the image sent as a byteArray, and I am also not sure if my client side code is correct or not。is there any IT PRO..[code]I could not get the image in my disk,I think the flex side should have not problem, but the VB code side should be something wrong.

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 Change The Labeledit To True But That Doesn't Change The Selected Node?

Feb 9, 2011

Ok, so I know I have to change the labeledit to true but that doesn't change the selected node to be able to edit, so how does that work?

Along with renaming I have it set to that a user can add a node. So once the node has ben added how do I let them rename it as it is being added and without being a prompt or inputbox? So lets say I cam clicked on a parent and they click add node, it adds it to parent but I have it so it is default "New" but I want them to edit it as it is added. I think it will be along the same lines as clicking on one and rename but I have to start some place.

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VS 2010 Change Version After Install-Visual Studio 2010 Installer

Jun 21, 2010

Well I used the Visual Studio 2010 installer to install my application and I want it to be able to change the version displayed in the in the Add/ Remove Programs (in the Control Panel). How can I do this without going through the install wizard again?

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VS 2010 : Change Express 2010 Gray Theme?

Apr 14, 2010

I was looking all over but didn't find how to change VB 2010 Express default gray theme?

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Change The Following Vb.6 Code To .net 2010?

Dec 22, 2011

Option Explicit
Private Const NULLPTR = 0&
' Constants for DEVMODE
Private Const CCHDEVICENAME = 32


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Change The Publisher In VB 2010?

Oct 26, 2011

I made a program, how can I change the publisher's name? It always says: "Publisher: Microsoft". I looked for publisher's name in the Project Properties but didn't find anything useful.

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VS 2010 Change Form Look?

Sep 30, 2010

How do you change the form look itself? like using a skin over your app so it dosent look like a normal app, for example, give it a skin to look like a cool mp3 player etc...

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VS 2010 Change Project Name?

Jul 25, 2010

How do i do it? It's been bothering me for days. And I can't figure out ho to save it as a different application either.

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VS 2010 Change The Button Name?

Jun 13, 2010

On a click on a button the name of the button should be changed. I know, it's very similar, but I can't see the failure. The selecting and deselecting of the items in the checkedlistbox work great, therefore this function work.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If (Button_Change_Var = 0) Then
For i As Integer = 0 To CheckedListBox1.Items.Count - 1
CheckedListBox1.SetItemChecked(i, True)


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VS 2010 How To Change An Exe Icon

Jan 14, 2012

i have ex. firefox.exe i wont code for change icon in vb.net

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VS 2010 How To Change Color

May 8, 2012

i have a paint app that i was doing and i have radio buttons that i was using to change the color and i get how to change the color for example [code] i get that the e.x,e.y is the mouse position and the 6,6 is the height and width of pixel but what i am trying to do is use another three radio buttons each to change to different size pixels but i have no clue on how to write it without using the g.fillellipse but that needs a color parameter so i am not exactly sure on how to start anyone got any hints?

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VS 2010 IE Proxy/IP Change?

Nov 18, 2010

Alright I know that this question is asked all too often on vbForums but I am running into this problem and none of the posts have been clearly answered, a majority of them just redirect to some deprecated VB6 code that cannot be transferred easily to VB.Net. I was wondering if anyone would be able code to refresh my Local Area Network settings on a windows seven computer.I have code that will set all of the registry values that I need. (I have read on other posts that this is not the best way but then they just link to old non-.Net code that will not fit into my project.) I was wondering what exactly the 'Ok' button when you exit the LAN Settings window does, because this part is what actually refreshes the Ip of the computer to use proxy settings set by the registry values, I was hoping to have my program only be one button, that would do all of this without it opening the LAN Dialogue (requiring further human interaction.)

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Change VB6 To Visual Studio 2010 VB?

May 12, 2012


how to change that auto redraw in visual studio since there have an error???

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VS 2010 - Datagrid And Sql - Change The Value In The Cell

Apr 19, 2010


The problem is when I change the value in the cell 2, it didn't "refresh" the cell 4. I think I've a problem on the event "valuechange" but I dont know why

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VS 2010 - How To Change Registry Key Permissions

May 5, 2012

I am trying to change the permisions of the following registry key from within VB.net:-
Basically need to change users to full control. I need to change permissions for the "users" group.

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VS 2010 - How To Change Text Color

Apr 25, 2010

So I have a RichTextBox for a Chat, And I was just wonder how I can change the color of the text in the code. I know you can change the foreground color in the application its self, but I need to change the color in the code.

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VS 2010 - Possible To Change String Color ?

Dec 4, 2010

Is it possible to change string color. I think no, but could change how it displays.

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VS 2010 - Replace Something That's Going To Change In The Future

Feb 13, 2012

I need to replace something that's going to change in the future and I don't know what that's going to be, so is that possible? I'm talking about Flash Player, current version is and I can replace that with nothing, but if that version is changed my text replace wont work. I have one empty space after flashVer=WIN 11,1,102,55. Textbox1.Text = Textbox1.Text.Replace("flashVer=WIN 11,1,102,55", "")

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VS 2010 Can't Change Debug Platform?

Aug 17, 2010

I've received a project from a friend and the Debug platform is set to "Active (Itanium)",so I changed it to x86, saved, closed the "My Project" window, and debugged. Same message:Error while trying to run project. Cannot start debugging. The assembly to be debugged was built with a platform incompatible with the current system." I went back into My Project > Debug and it's been set back to Active (Itanium). I tried everything and looked around Google, has no-one else had the same problem? How do I fix it?

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