VS 2010 Checkedcombobox Selection From Database To Truedbgrid

Feb 8, 2011

I use vb2010 to create a simple windows form. I have a checkedcombobox which gets its items from a column (titles) from a .mdb database (this works). When I check an item or multiple items in the combobox, I want to display (multiple columns) the title and for example info in a truedbgrid.

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Forms :: Checkedcombobox Selection From Database To Datagridview

Mar 13, 2011

I use vb2010 to create a simple windows form.I have a checkedcombobox which gets its items from a column (titles) from a .mdb database (this works). When I check an item or multiple items in the combobox, I want to display (multiple columns) the title and for example info in a datagridview.

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VS 2010 Selection From Database?

Mar 7, 2012

so I have added a database with 3 columns uniqueID, Site, and ServerI have displayed a site list from the Site column in a comboboxI want to set a variable based on the selection in the combobox

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How To Remove The Calendar Control From TrueDBGrid

Feb 28, 2012

Remove calender control from TrueDBGrid Cell David [ON, Canada] 26-Feb-2012 09:39:51..When using C1.Win.C1TrueDBGrid.2 (Version 2.0.20111.61210) in Visual studio 2010 on windows7. I assign the grid DataSource to a data table [code]one of the fields in the table are date value, then in the cell a calendar control is there, I only can click the calendar to choose a day, but I want to remove the calendar control in the cell, how to do it?

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Add A Blank Selection For Null If It Get Value From Database?

Jun 11, 2009

i have a combobox which get value from database through dataset. when i run the program n click on the combobox, the value is auto fill in with data from database. is there anyway to add a blank entries to the selection on the combobox??

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Cannot Display Database Selection In Listbox?

Aug 24, 2009

I am doing a lab where you have to connect to the database using the Database Configuration Wizard in Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008). The database connection is there since the form will display the records.The problem is the user is supposed to be able to click on the combobox arrow to select a stock rating (high, low, etc) and then the listbox will display only the stocks with that rating. I thought this would work but nothing is showing up in the listbox.

' strSql is a SQL statement which selects all the fields from the Team database.
Dim strSql As String = "SELECT * FROM Stocks"
'strPath provides the database type and path of the Team database[code]...

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Saving New Selection From Combobox To SQL Database?

Jun 17, 2010

I have an app I'm working on with multiple forms. One of the forms, frmLocationInfo, has textboxes and comboboxes which are automatically populated based on a combobox selection from a previous form, frmLocations. I've been able to get any changes made to frmLocationInfo's textboxes to save to the SQL database, however, when attempting to select a different item from any of its comboboxes, it's not saving to the database and instead, I receive a "Procedure or function...has too many arguments specified" error.

Here is the code for the Save button:
'Save changes to Locations db
Private Sub btnSaveClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Listbox Selection With Extracting Data From Database

May 12, 2012

I Have two listboxes , Listbox1 and Listbox 2 , I want to select some items from listbox1 to listbox2 , with those selected items in listboxe2 I want it to extract specific data concerns to those selected item from Microsoft Access and later.I want to use only those specific extracted data to calculated some mathematical function.

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VS 2010 RichTextBox Selection?

Apr 29, 2011

When setting the selection of a RichTextBox, the selected text is highlighted even though I set the HideSelection property to True. Once the RTB loses focus then the selected text is no longer highlighted. Programatically setting the focus to another control doesn't hide the selection, only physically clicking another control will hide it. So is there a way I can make the RTB not show the selection right from the start?

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VS 2010 VB 2010 With SQL 2008 Server Report - Pass Login Information And Selection Parameters To The Report

Apr 13, 2011

I just got into VB 2010 with SQL 2008 Server Report. I was able to create a report as my wish and it's vieable via direct url (URL). But I want to pass login Information and Selection parameters to the report. But I don't want to pass them thru URL, So I want to load them from the application (winform) and launch the report in iexplorer.

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Data Grid Selection Load Form - Call A Stored Procedure With The Value Of The Selection

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying have a data grid selection populate a form. I am new to this.Basically I have a connection persistance object and I would like to call that and call a stored procedure with the value of the selection. The datagrid is bound to an object.


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Listbox (20 Items) With Multi-selection And Label That Disply The Selection And One Button

Dec 25, 2010

I have a listbox (20 Items) with multiselection and label that disply the selection and one button. So I wrote (it works fine)


Now when I click on button the label show lets say Item2,Item5,Item10,How do I take off the last ","

somthing like that Item2,Item5,Item10

I used to do: Dim s As String = Trim(Label1.Text)Label1.Text = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1) but it give me an error converting intiger to string

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.NET Link A Listview Selection To A Specific Database And Populate Textboxes?

Aug 19, 2010

Working on a project that contains a listView (populated from a database already) and several textboxes. What I am trying to do, and cannot figure out, is to program this so that when a user makes a selection in the listview, it hits a specific database, and based on certain values within that databse, the textboxes are populated with things such as name and address, etc..

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Program For File Database, How/method Selection For Storing Files?

Jan 26, 2012

The user will basically be able to select a file on their hard drive, and enter some details or info about the file and then save it

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VS 2005 Save Settings Database Connection And ComboBox Selection?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a program that reads a database file(.csv or.Txt) then allows user to select data from 6 different comboxes and taext boxes are then populated based on the selection made from combobox

I would like to be able to give the user the option to save their settings so next time the program is open it will connect to the same database as the last connection and also have comboboxes go to the last selection Do I have to create a save setting value for each combobox? and the connection string?

is there a simple way to just save everything? so when the program is open it goes back to the last time it was open.

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Office Automation :: Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select In .NET?

Jun 16, 2009

'The line below is the one I would like to know how should I write it in VB.NET:
osheet.Range(Selection, Selection.end(xlDown)).Select


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VS 2010 Can't Invert Checkbox Selection

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to set my software up so that you could invert the selection if needed.

This is the code I have so far:

Private Sub InvertSelectionToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles InvertSelectionToolStripMenuItem.Click
If Me.chk_7zip.Checked = True Then


I already figured out how to Select all and Select none and it seems to know that when I want to invert the selection if there is no checkmark in the checkbox that it should check it but if I hit it again or if was selected previously it won't uncheck it..

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VS 2010 Change Font From Selection Box?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to make a wee word pad application in an attempt to learn visual basic.

I've got a combo box which has a list of fonts on the system:

Imports System.Drawing.Text Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim fonts As New InstalledFontCollection
For Each X As FontFamily In fonts.Families


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VS 2010 Clearing ListBox Selection

Sep 24, 2011

Basically I have a list box with a collection of strings. The way it works is you select an item from the list box then enter an integer into a text box and it calculates, straight forward.Where I'm getting tripped up is I'm trying to implement a 'Reset' button to reset the list box and text box. The text box is straight forward as is clearing the selection in the listbox:[code]I understand that since there is nothing selected the index is getting tripped up or whatever but I don't know how to stop this. I'm new to VB and programming in general and have been googling for days trying to get this fixed to no avail.

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VS 2010 DataGridView Selection Reference?

Apr 12, 2011

I am currently working on a net scanner project. I have a class called node. I then create a List(Of node) to create the list of nodes I am going to be scanning.

I have a separate thread that scans the nodes using a simple Do Loop.

I then add the nodes to a DataGridView control:


This seems time consuming if there are a lot of nodes in the list. I figure there has to be a better way to do this, or maybe another data structure I should be using?

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VS 2010 Html Listbox Selection

Jun 11, 2011

how to set an option to html listbox in current options to an html website with Visualbasic.[code]

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Making A Selection Around A Richtextbox, Vb Express 2010

Apr 16, 2011

i want user when clicks a button to show a selection around a richtextbox and not inside it selecting the text... what i have right now is this: richtextbox1.focus() that will indeed focus the richtextbox but the problem is, it only selects its text content.

What i want is something similar to a Yellow or Blue Square showing around the richtextbox i want to "select", so the user will properly notice the richtextbox more easelly.

i tried messing with the vb express rectangle stuff but i cant get it to draw over all objects, its actually always displaying below all objects in the forum

EDIT: ive also tried using a tiff picturebox with a drawed empty rectangle on it, but the dreadish thing when put over other objects like textboxes, it simply just displays the color of the form emitting any other objects in between, setting the background color to transparent under web colors had the same problem...

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VS 2010 : Multiple Alternative Selection Structure?

Feb 19, 2012

I am enrolled in a college course using Visual Basic 2010 Express.My current assignment calls for the following:Create a small program that allows a user to enter the total amount of purchases for the purpose of calculating rewards points based on the purchase totals vs. their membership level of basic, standard and premium.The user selects their membership level via 3 radio buttons, basic, standard or premium.

The total of purchases and their rewards points depend on the membership level. Example, if you are a basic customer and your total purchase is under $75, you receive 5% in rewards points (70 x 0.95). Additionally, if the total is between $75 and $149.99, you receive 7.5% rewards.Here is what I have so far, but I am getting errors on the ElseIf statements:

If basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text < 75 Then rewards = total * 0.95
ElseIf basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text > 74 AndAlso totalTextBox.Text < 149.99 then rewards = total * 0.925
ElseIf basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text > 150 Then rewards = total * 0.9


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VS 2010 Add Text To Begin/end Of Each Line In Selection?

Mar 18, 2012

I have a few lines in an rtb. e.g:

1. radjesh
2. radjesh
3. radjesh

now I select the 3 lines and press a button. The output should be (for example):

<line>1. radjesh</line>
<line>2. radjesh</line>
<line>3. radjesh</line>

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VS 2010 Check Selection Is Image Type?

Dec 14, 2011

Is there any easy way to check if a selection made by a user from the browser is an image type and not any other file type. I could check for extension types i.e. bmp, jpg etc but what I would like to know is whether there is a generic term.

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VS 2010 Word-like Font And Size Selection?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm working on a word processor (yes, the thread with the quit forms and the count times open is the same word processor)

It's called iRobosoft Word. The 3rd version is at sourceforge and the 4th is in RC stage.

The 4th version is quite a major upgrade, but back to the topic.For font I used:

Private Sub Rich_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Rich.TextChanged
Font1.Text = Rich.SelectionFont.ToString
End Sub


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Database Veiw Adding A Update - Delete And Email Function From The Selection From A Checkbox

Sep 19, 2009

I am pulling information out of my Access Database and reading to a webpage. I need to add a update, delete, and email function to this page. I am trying to do this with the selection of a check box and buttons for each one. But I am unable to get the delete to do anything but redirect back to the orignal page. For the update I want to be able to pull the info in text boxes and just change the info and click update and it gets changed. I also want to be able to pull their email from the database and put it into a text box to be able to email right from the page. Code for show page and delete page below.


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VB 2010 - Selection From Combo Box Will Display Information On The Datagrid

Oct 22, 2011

I am still having issues with the combo box. I have the correct query. I have four tables in MS Access. I need to create a form in Visual Basic that has a combo box and a datagrid. The selection from the combo box will display all relevant information about that person on the datagrid. For example, if I select John Doe (from the combo box) the datagrid should display: [Code] How do I add John Doe to the combo box and link this query to it, when upon being selected, it displays the result in the datagrid?

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VS 2010 - ListView Display (Full Row Selection Appearance)

Oct 13, 2011

I have a form with a listview on it. Listviews are very versatile beasts with all kinds of odd options to them, so I'm not sure if this is working the only way that it can, or not. The issue is that when I select one of the items in the listview, only one column (of two) is highlighted. I'd prefer a selection appearance similar to using a DataGridView where the whole row is highlighted. Of course, one option would be just to switch to a DGV, but that would require a bit more code to get the column widths right. So my question is whether there is some setting to get what looks like full row selection appearance in a multiselect ListView?

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VS 2010 Combobox Changing Selection Disables Button Again?

Nov 19, 2009

Ok so i'm trying to set up my program so that when I choose WinRar it opens a new window asking which architecture to use. I have a combobox set up with both architectures in it. I have the accept button disabled so that you have to choose an architecture and I figured out how to make it so that when you select one architecture it will enable the accept button but if you choose the other architecture it disables the button.

Private Sub cmbx_rar_wdw_arch_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbx_rar_wdw_arch.SelectedIndexChanged
If cmbx_rar_wdw_arch.SelectedItem = ("32-Bit (x86)") Then


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