VS 2010 Panel With 10buttons Display Slow

Mar 22, 2012

am new here. am using vb2010. I have a form with 3 panel. each panel have 10buttons. when click on button 1 from panel 1, it will show panel 2. Then on panel 2, when cancel button is click, it will go back to panel 1. My problem is, when go back to panel 1, all the buttons in panel 1 shows very slow. It shows one button after another.

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IDE :: Slow Code Behind Display?

May 9, 2011

My stats:OS: XP Professional (2002) SP2Pentium 4 CPU, 3.2 Ghz, 2.98 G RAMApp: VS 2008 Pro. v 9.0.21022.8 RTM

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Sub Slow Motion Display

May 15, 2009

i'm trying to make a checkbox which when its checked it pasues me the dispaly of the animation which i've done by application.DoEvents etc??what i'm doing wrong?


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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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Display Text In Slow Motion?

Jun 24, 2010

How to Display Text in slow Motion.

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Slow Down Count And Display In Label

Feb 26, 2010

I am trying to make a simple form that will display a count when the users clicks a button. I want the count to be readable as the program loops the math. So as it adds 1 + 1, 1 + 2, 1 + 3, ect... I want each loop to display in the label. Below is the basic code I came up with, but I can not figure out how put a delay of something like 100 milliseconds in the loop. The idea is for the slower version of the basic count console app you learn in school and I basically need to slowdown the math and display the sum as the loop loops.

Below is my code.
Private Sub xButton_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xButton.Click
Dim xCount As Decimal ' Count
Dim xSum As Decimal ' Sum of loop
Do Until xSum >= 100 ' Limit the count
xCount += 1 ' Count by 1
xSum = xCount ' Sum = Count
xReadingLabel.Text = xSum ' Display Sum in Label
End Sub

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Slow Motioned Display Of Textbox String

Apr 26, 2009

This is my first thread in here. what i can use as i 'm generating around 400 characters at random in a textbox.Now i want that when these are being generated each character go 1by 1 in slow motion in the textbox??and not generate random and they go as a chunk in the textbox.

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VS 2008 Best Way To Display Large Text Files/Slow Controls?

Mar 24, 2009

I am new to VB.Net, but I can tell you so far I love programming. That said, I'm building a tool basically to parse and display simple plain text log files. I'm hitting one stumbling block that really has me frustrated.

Other tools are able to load huge log files (500MB even) in a number of seconds. My tool, basically hangs loading a file that is maybe 5MB.

I'm using the MyString = StreamReader.ReadToEnd to read the contents into a string, and then RichTextBox1.Text = MyString to display the contents. That said, I really want to display the contents in a datagrid, but there has to be a better way of doing this?

How can I get my application to load larger files and display them faster? What am I doing wrong?

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Odd Tab Page Display In Panel?

Feb 5, 2009

I make a panel visible that has a tab control on it.

The panel becomes visible - I can see all three tab pages.

But the contents of the tab page is blank - until I actually click a tab heading.

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VS 2010 Slow IDE?

Jul 27, 2010

its' only me, or is VS2010 really so slooow? This taking 50 seconds to open vs2010, 30 seconds to change from an small project to other small project.as a comparation, in the same machine I can open three different vb6 projects, each one in one different vb6 instance and each one takes "only" three to five seconds. of course I can maintain all the three instances opened all the day, sutching from one to other, debugging, changing, even generatin' exe files, without noticeable penalties.machine is Dell Vostro 1700 4 GB, two internal disks, Win Vista business, Intel Core 2 Duo T 7500 2,2 GHz. two years old.

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Panel Alignment - Center The Red Panel In The Middle Of The Dark Grey Panel ?

Jun 6, 2009

I need to center the red panel in the middle of the dark grey panel, when you resize the form the red panel should be in the middle, and the red panel can't be resize, anyone have a code or property to do this?

View 2 Replies

Code Different Buttons To Display Different Information On Same Panel

Oct 18, 2010

How do I code different buttons to display different information on the same panel removing the previous information before displaying the new information?

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VS 2010 : Webstream Slow At Certain Points?

Sep 30, 2011

I have created an app, that reads data from a .txt file, and compares it to data retrieved from a website. The only problem is that my program slows down and sometimes even freezes at specific points in the program. I don't understand why, because that specific point in the .txt file is no different then the rest of the file.

Here is my

Function vertaalGegevens(ByVal teller)
Dim webStream As Stream
Dim webResponse = ""
Dim req As HttpWebRequest


I also tried making a different thread, but that became way to complex for this simple program.The text file i import is 1.5 mb big, and contains aproximatly 66,000 records that need to be run trough. These records are contained in a ArrayList. The word "teller" in the code stands for count, this value gets higher each loop. The loop is run outside this peace of code.I was thinking that maybe I didn't close the webresponse object, so I also tried webResponse.Dispose(), with no success.

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VS 2010 Httpweb Request Slow ?

Aug 22, 2011

I was sending some data to the server and i was getting only 200-300 kbps speed but when i tried from Internet explorer i was getting 3-4 mbps

I googled and found that these setting should be imprelemented

View 3 Replies

Display Controls In A Mdi Panel Or MenuStrip When A Certain Form Is Active?

Jan 18, 2010

How do I Display controls in a Mdi panel or menuStrip when a certain form is active?

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Display Image On A Panel After Saving The Filename To Database?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a patient registration form in my project...in which I have to browse the image of the patient save it in the database and when I need the details of the patient again the uploaded image should also be displayed..

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Display Individual Database Row In Bound Details Panel?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a database with three rows and colums


I have three buttons and I have a panel with the details bound to the database (not a datagridview, but the other option that you can drag onto the form: "details")

When the user presses button 1 I want the row with "ID 1" to be displaied in the details. Likewise for buttons two and three. (The user will later be able to edit the names and save the changes, so this is why I want to use ID as the selector)

I have been looking at things like "selected key" and "selectedindex" but I can seem to find a way to populate the details. I tried to make a query serach but it's not working (i think beacuse ID is the identity seed?)

* I added the picture to try and explain better what I am trying to do. the part in the middle is bound to my database. It shows my database in in "details" form, not sure if it has a special title.. the others are obviously buttons. I want the middle parts to show the selected row. Using the navigator bar above I can type 3, hit enter, and it will show me row 3.. I want to emulate this idea but using the buttons.

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How To Display Right Color In Panel Selected By Input Boxes

Dec 14, 2009

I've been making Web Colour /rgb colour picker plus code I cant get the panel to display the right colour being selected by the trackbar or input boxes.

Here is the code
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Data
Imports System
[Code] .....

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ListBox - How To Display Pictures In Table Layout Panel

Apr 29, 2010

I have a listbox populated with peoples names. When I click on a persons name in the listbox, a datagrid will unhide itslef, connect to a DB, and list all of the pictures that person has. All the pictures are stored on a drive in a folder named after the person. i.e.
Greg Palinkas has 52 images stored in F:PicturesGregPalinkasImages.

I would like to display all of those pictures in a Table Layout Panel populated by the choice I made in the listbox, so if I select Greg Palinkas, the Data Grid is pupulated with the names of all the images i have, and the Table Layout Panel is populated with all the pictures I have in my GregPalinkasImages folder. I have got the Data Grid updating and running smoothly, but am lost as to how to get the images to come up.

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Panel To Display List Of Files Present In A Folder

Mar 15, 2012

I need to browse a file and copy the file from one location to another. I am done with the file copying but I need to add the list of all files present under that folder in a control( dont know which control to use) and it shud be a link....so that when the user clicks that link it should open the file with that reader...

Suppose a pdf file shud be opened by the pdf reader.[code...]

View 11 Replies

IDE :: Slow Code Editing In VS 2010 Beta 1?

Jul 1, 2009

I've tried using the VS 2010 beta to edit some real projects, and it is next to unusable due to performance issues. The cpu is more or less constantly at 100%, and most often the code editor uses around 10 seconds to respond to any text input. If I introduce a couple of compile errors things get even worse. Are there some drastical performance improvements that are planned in the VB editor before release, or are there special things that might trigger this?

View 22 Replies

Right Clicking Suddenly Unbearably Slow In VS 2010?

Aug 12, 2010

I have been using VS2010 without any issues, always on the same application. Suddenly within the last my solution has become unbearably slow when right clicking. When doing other projects, it is fine. The only thing I can think of that I changed was disabling the SQL Server debugging.It happens if I right click anywhere within the code editor. Everything freezes for about a minute and a half, then the right click menu shows up. Intellisense seems to work fine. It is only the right click.The project is fairly big, but it has been working fine. I am working on a 2 month old top of the line MacBook Pro (running Windows 7 64 bit in Boot Camp). I did do the patch Tuesday big batch of Microsoft patches in the last 24 hours...

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VS 2010 - FTP - Slow To Make Initial Connection

Nov 27, 2010

I have a number of FTP routines all based on the code below. Why does this take 15 seconds to run the first time? [Code] If I use an FTP program like FileZilla or CuteFTP to connect to the same FTP server they make a very much quicker connection. Any ideas?

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VS 2010 Getting Started With Linq, Code Is Very Slow?

Oct 19, 2011

I am using DataSet.ReadXml() to create a DataSet from the following XML file, so that I can quickly query it using Linq.[URL]..I then use the following object to create a DataTable which can be used as a dictionary, with a ConvertToFriendlyFormat function that takes an Emulator_Id and and a string that corresponds to a DicEntry node's StoredFormat attributed, and return the same node's FriendlyFormat attribute.

This does work BUT it is extremely slow (~11 seconds to call it ~220 times). I have been unable to figure out how create the DataSet when the object is initialised and just query the simple DataTable in the ConvertToFriendlyFormat call. I guess this is what is slowing it down?


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VS 2010 Serial Read And GUI Update Is Slow?

Jun 17, 2010

I`m trying to write a small program which connects to a serial port at 115kbps and reads a stream of continuous bytes from a microcontroller. The program should then graph these bytes by time. Ideally this all happens in "real time" and as quickly as they can be sent.With a 50ms serial write delay on the micro the VB program keeps up fine, but if I lower the delay any further, say down to 1ms, the update can`t keep up and the serial buffer just grows.I wasn`t expecting the bottleneck to be the PC side so it`s likely my code is doing something wasteful. Or maybe it`s the graphics which are drawing slow?

Private Sub DrawGraph()
Dim y As Integer = m_Y


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Controlling Output To A TV Display While Control Panel Is On Laptop Screen?

May 21, 2011

I have a program written in VB.Net with Visual Studio 2008. I have one window form to display on a laptop that controls the information seen/sent on another form that is to be continually displayed on an output from the laptop to a TV, Projector or Monitor. Or I would like to accomplish this:

Computer/laptop - Has window form 1 that controls the program TV/Ouput - Has window form 2 that shows updated data on the screen for people to see I do not want people to see the control form that is on the laptop.Is their a way to assign a form to use an output to other screen only?

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Unable To Highlight Text Box Using Mouse When Display Form In Panel?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a form1 with a splitcontainer. I have put a button on the left panel, whenever user click the button, form2 will be displayed in the right panel.The question now is, i am not allowed to highlight the textbox in form2 with mouse. But i still can use the keyboard to highlight.

1) Replace textbox with richtextbox

2) set formborderstyle to Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None.

The code i am using to open the form in panel:

B_frmMaintain.TopLevel = False

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VS 2010 Extracting Specific Text From A String Is Slow?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a text file I'm trying to pull specific data from to make a report in excel and am wanting to know if my code can be improved or if I have something wrong. If it's apparent to anyone that I should be doing something elThis code does work but, very slow. These reports take up to 20 minutes for about 100 files so I am wanting to decrease the time somehow. I have attached the whole sub in a text file, it's about 900 lines long so don't think I should post all of it. This is one part that seems to take the longest:Partial code that reads the text into a string, then each line is read to find whether it holds the data or not. Inside this while loop, I am checking numerous lines to see what they hold and extract specific items. First I verify it's a interface by checking for "line protocol".

Dim str As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filefound)
While (str.Peek <> -1)
If txtLine.Contains("line protocol") = True Then 'Found an interface,


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VS 2010 Print Photos And Text Very Slow Spooling

Feb 17, 2011

I'm making a program that will print jpeg's.The way i have it is I have lots of forms with buttons and when you click a button it prints the photo and a databound label with a line of text.The problem is that i want the user to be able to click one and then click another button right after, to print another one, but as soon as i click one, the program freezes until the photo starts printing so the user cant click to print another one right away.Each picture is around 4 mb.Is there away to make it go faster?The pictures i'm printing are from a pdf file with text and images in it that were converted to jpg. Each page is another jpg. Is it possible to print directly from the pdf and would it be faster since the words are 'text' and not a 'photo'?

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VS 2010 Add Tab To Tab Panel - Error

Jun 28, 2010

I have a tab panel, and I added an item to it.

When i click on the tab, i get this error

InvalidArgument=Value '5' is not valid for 'index' Paramert name: index

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