Vb 2005 Code For Minesweeper?

Mar 8, 2009

This is the code i have and what i put !): around the parts and no this is not homework, i found this on the internet and i'm having some trouble with is.


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Minesweeper :: Make Verify Position?

Apr 30, 2012

So I'm developing a minesweeper game and im assigning the mines, but i'm unable to create a algorithm to stop a mine to go to a place where there's already a mine, here's what i have so far:

Public Sub initflags()
Dim line, column As Integer
For line = 0 To 9


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Send For Minesweeper Game Program In C++?

Jan 10, 2010

i want you to send for me minesweeper game program in c++ please explain it step by step that how you made it.my e-mail is fof_gof@yahoo.com.please please please send me.ok?i am not very familiar with programming in c++.

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Winforms - Minesweeper Clicking Events

Dec 8, 2011

I've started making a Minesweeper game in vb.net using a dynamically created grid of buttons, which are stored in a 2D array. I have another 2D array (Boolean), that keeps track of whether a certain position is covered or uncovered. And I have an 'update grid' method that can be ran whenever, to update the grid, so that all that should be uncovered is uncovered on the screen.


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[2008 ] Read/WriteProcessMemory In Minesweeper?

Jan 31, 2009

I'm trying to Read Minesweeper's Process Memory, At a certain Address and i want to write to that address then read it again and check to see if the writing is successful.

I've been trying to use WriteProcessMemory and ReadProcessMemory, But it seems that I don't know how to make WriteProcess write properly, and I have almost know clue as to how Readprocessmemory works. I just tried reading the exact same things as i was writing.

What I decided on designing was too make a Program that will Hook the program in Textbox1.text (winmine) and then write the NOP's from textbox2.text (Whatever that is) to the ADDRESS specifiyed in the Textbox3.text. Then textbox4.text is just byte's written(I still have yet to figure out what that is in WriteProcess).

So far, It successfully hooks the Application, But it does not write it, and Yes, I d have the proper address, and I'm writing the proper NOP's.

This is my

Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Object, ByVal lpBuffer As Object, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long


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Developing A Minesweeper Flags Game And The Multiplayer Version Is All Setup?

May 17, 2012

So I'm developing a minesweeper flags game and the multiplayer version is all set up, but the single player version is still under developement. It's important to refer that I'm using a DataGridView, and I'm applying r = tab1.CurrentCell.RowIndex + 1 and c = tab1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex + 1 to see where the player clicks. What I want to do is to make the AI click any random cell when it's turn comes, but how do I do this.

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Get The Same Result As In The Original Minesweeper For When A User Clicks And Moves The Mouse Around

Jan 10, 2010

I have fully programmed my Minesweeper; however, I was having difficulty trying to get the same result as in the original minesweeper for when a user clicks and moves the mouse around while still right clicking. You may notice that in the original Minesweeper, when a user does as explained, the tiles that the user goes to will then look blank. If the user releases the mouse, the current tile they hovered to will become the clicked tile. In my Minesweeper, the tile I click on is the only one that will look blank, and when I hover over to the next tiles, they do not get blank like the first one I clicked on. Then when I release my mouse button when over to another tile, the very first tile I clicked on is the one that gets uncovered.

Here is what I already have used. I have the MouseDown event which checks to see if the game has been started to begin the game timer. It also has some color properties for tiles when I click on them and I set a boolean to true or false depending on the user left or right click. I have the MouseUp event which looks at the boolean to determin what the user had clicked on the mouse so I know if I flag or simply click to uncover. Then I have the MouseEnter and MouseLeave which are needed to yield the proper glow I want for the tiles. What should I do to get the same results as in the original Minesweeper with the MouseDown and MouseEnter into other tiles? I tried many other things such as MouseEnter, MouseMove and MouseHover, but all seem to yield the same crummy result as what I already have.


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Interface And Graphics :: Minesweeper UI - Digitized Timer And Mine Counter

Oct 17, 2011

I'm beginning the process of trying to recreate minesweeper. See the attached picture of the version on my computer. My guess would be all the click-able locations are images. But notice the beveled borders around all the components, and how they separate the different section of the game. How would I go about created that? And what about the digitized timer and mine counter. Are those images too? I'm fairly new to VB programming (windows programming in general).

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VS 2005 Remove The Box (0x0A) Unix End Line Code; Then Replace It With CR+LF Normal ASCII Code?

Dec 13, 2009

I have this string just down loaded of a Unix server. I would like to remove the box (0x0A) Unix end line code; then replace it with CR+LF normal ASCII code. Also, I would like to do the replace before I save the data, while it in memory.

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Getting An Exception When Trying To Run The Code In .net 2005?

Dec 23, 2009

I am getting an exception when trying to run the below code in vb.net 2005

Public Class Form1
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" _
Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _


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VS 2005 Code On More Than One Line?

Dec 5, 2010

I am trying to make a long line of code apear on more then one line.How do I make this:

Do Until Counter1 >= Wash1
Into this:
Do Until Counter1


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VS 2005 Convert Code From C# To .net?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a piece of c# code.

Public Interface CCustomMessageClass : IReportViewerMessages
public string ProgressText
get { return("test") ;}

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VS 2005 Convert Code From C++ To Net?

Feb 22, 2011

I have took my research on google of how to convert the code from c++ to .net. I cannot be able to find the tools to convert from c++ to vb.net.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64
#include <winsock2.h>


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VS 2005 Error In The Code

Apr 25, 2010

while I was coding for my application. I ran into a problem Here's my code

outputTextBox = outputTextBox & (counter + 1).ToString().PadLeft(2) & TotalSales(counter).ToString("C2").PadLeft(16) & bonus(counter).ToString("C2").PadLeft(17)
& ControlChars.NewLine It says " Operator '&'

is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox' and 'String"

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Backup SQL 2005 Database Using Code

Jun 21, 2010

I have designing a desktop application with SQL SERVER 2005. I have one form where user can take a full backup of SQL Database in one File.

I have following controls :

1. txtSQLServerName
2. txtSQLDBName
3. txtSQLSQUserID
4. txtSQLSAPassword
5. txtBackupLocation
6. btnStart
7. btnCancel

When user process the backup, it should take a backup in specified location. The backup file should be like "BKP_F_YYYYMMDDHHMMSEC" e.g. "BKP_F_20100406131523.BAK" (where 2010 = Year, 04 = Month, 06 = Date, 13 = HOur, 15 = Minute, 23 = Second). When user process a backup on next day the backup file name should be same as the above with the different date and time. And i want this backup should be encrypted with password so that other person cannot restore my database.

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Code For Database Connection In .net 2005

Feb 12, 2008

how to code for database connection in vb.net 2005?

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Code For Database Connection In .net 2005?

Sep 7, 2011

how to code for database connection in vb.net 2005?

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Does Code From 2005 Work In 2008

Nov 12, 2009

I am a kid who just wants to learn coding with my friend. We bought the book "Microsoft Visual Basic Game Programming FOR TEENS second edition". We realized we were using VB .NET 2008 and the book was programmed in VB. NET 2005. Will the code work. If not, what do I have to change?2) For those familiar with the book, how would I make a Save/Load feature. Where would I add the code?

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How To Print A4 Paper In 2005 Code

Sep 30, 2009

I wants How to print A4 paper in vb.net 2005 code

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Truncate Table In Sql 2005 By .net Code?

Jun 2, 2009

well i am truing 2 make a button when i click it would truncate the data in table , i am trying 2 do this by vb.net 2005.

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VS 2005 : Edit Code At Runtime?

Apr 14, 2009

A change I made to the project's configuration must have disabled the ability for me to edit the code at runtime. I used to be able to pause execution and edit code on the fly, but I recently made a change to the configuration manager to build releases for x86 and all of the sudden I can no longer update code while running the app. This is very frustrating as I have to keep stopping and starting my app.

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VS 2005 Accessing SqlDataSource In Code Behind?

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to programatically use my SQLdatasource in my code behind so that I can select a certain field from a table based on the selectedindexchange event of a listbox control on my form. I have one datasource already set to the listbox control but i want a seperate datasource to select a field based on the value of the listbox. I declared a new datasource sqlDataSource2, set the connectionstring to the same database/table and i have the following line set for the select statement

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VS 2005 Change Block Of Code In VS.Net?

May 6, 2009

I'm wondering, is there a utility out there that will let us select a block of code and be able to replace it?

If there is none then I would want an idea on how can this be done so I could make a small utility for this task.

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VS 2005 Changing Structure Of Code?

Jun 24, 2009

How do I change the program path '"logic.txt", "G:"' in the code below to theOpenFileDialog.FileName? Cos when I tried it, I receive String conversion errors and I tried altering the codes but it didn't work out well

Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(260)


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VS 2005 How To Add Hours And Minutes From Code

Sep 21, 2009

I am adding the timespan and displaying it in a text box...the value can be more than 24 hrs that is the reason i m using the following code..[code]Now i want to add the value of wtothrs0.Text and wtothrs1.Text....but in the form of "hrs:min".

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VS 2005 Intercept Code Physics

Aug 23, 2010

This is not a programming question but a physics one.I was wondering if anyone has a link that good give me the math for two objects: one moving and the other intercepting. Specifically, I need to determine the vectors of the pursuing object when given the vectors of the object he is trying to pursue.This is classic video game programming and in my instance it's supposed to be a football player running with the ball being chased by a tackler.The code I have now determines where the tackler should go at one particular instant, but does not project where he should be in order to lead the target.What happens is the tackler runs behind the ball carrier - he doesn't cut him off.It's like if a QB throws the ball to where his receiver is instead of in front of him; when the ball arrives the receiver is long gone.

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VS 2005 Listviewitem Highlighting Set Via Code?

May 10, 2011

I have a listview with the 'view' set to 'List' and 'multiselect' set to 'false'. What I'm doing is setting the selected item when the interface first loads to a value from the database. This works fine, and the code responds appropriately to the selected value. However, the selected item is not highlighted in the listview, so the user doesn't know which item is selected initially.

Is there a property or method that controls this behavior?

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VS 2005 Logout Button Code?

Aug 13, 2011

example of code for logout button in windows application form. I am create button logout , once user click the button he will pointing to login page

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VS 2005 Run Code At Compile Time?

Oct 13, 2010

I've been building tools for ArcGIS. Part of ArcGIS is toolboxes which is basically a collection of tools bundled together. I know how to make toolboxes, but the code I have runs within Arc itself - ie. currently it only runs when you actually start Arc up and run a tool which makes the toolbox.

In theory the code should be able to run outside of Arc and ideally I want it to run at compile time. I know you can run executables as pre and post build events when building the installer so I was thinking I could make it build the toolbox as part of one of these. Catch is, the executable code would need to have access to the compiled files of my project (it needs a link to each tool to build the toolbox) so I can't make the executable in a seperate project. The current project is a class library. Is there a way to run code within my project when building the installer?

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VS 2005 Specifying By Code The Same Event For More Than One Control

Jan 8, 2012

I have a lot of ListView control on a form and I'd like them to have the same Click event . The problem is that I would like that be done by code . The reason is not only that they are many so it would take time to select them all one-by-one , but also in the future I might add more or even change the name of some of them . So , is there any way that we specify (by code) an event to be the Click event for all of the ListView controls , no matter how many they get to be and no matter what their names are ? The editor I am using is VS2008 , not VS2005 that I specified in the topic's name .

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