Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) Class?

May 9, 2009

I am looking for a way to create Volume Shadow Copies of individual files. I have searched accross the net now for classes and code to use but I haven't been able to find anything. I'm only really starting out in .NET and C#, C++ or any other language for that matter are completely alien to me. Everything I've found on the subject, even from Microsoft VSS SDK is either in C# or in C++. I don't want to use any external programs, everything must run from the single exe file.

Target End Result:

I'd like a file at "\global\class\VSSClass.vb" that houses all the code needed.

Public objVSSClassObject As New VSSClass

For in-line code I'd like it as streamined as possible as it will be used with arrays of pre-set filenames.

objVSSClassObject.CopyFile(srcFile, dstDirectory)

Here's a sample of how the code would be used.

Public VSS As New VSSClass
Dim dstDirectory = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop & "\Shadow Files"
Dim FilesArray() As String = {"absolute_path_to_file1.txt", _


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VS 2008 Volume Shadow Copy Service Meets

Mar 18, 2009

in my on the job training i need to develop a program (webinterface in later stage) that is able to work with the volume shadow copy service.after about a month of research i have found about nothing about how to program it using the sdk or something like that.so now im asking on forums if there is anyone who has experience with using it in own programs.so what does it have to do?first i would like to be able to get information about a volume that uses VSS. information like how many copy's were made, when were those copy's created. what files are included in the copy.my prefered langauge is C# but im not affraid to learn (more) about VB or C++

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ArrayList - Clone Command Adding Shadow Copy

Jul 5, 2010

I found that if using ArrayList, all clone/CopyTo/Add command are shadow copy, not separate copy. How can I do such that after an ArrayList A is "copied" to ArrayList B, change in ArrayList A will not reflect to ArrayList B?

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Display Previous Shadow Copy Versions Of File Allowing User To Choose One?

Dec 11, 2011

I'm writing an Excel file recovery program with VB.Net that tries to be a convenient place to gather and access Microsoft's recommended methods. If your interested in my probably kludgy, error filled, and lacking enough cleanup code it's here: http:[url]..... The basic functionality seems to work although I haven't tested graph macro table recovery yet.

It occurred to me that Vista and Windows 7 users could benefit from being offered a list of previous versions of the file within my application if the Shadow Copy Service is on and there are previous copies. How do I do this?I looked at a lot of web pages but found no easy to crib code. One possibility I guess would be to use vssadmin via the shell but that is pretty cumbersome. I just want to display a dialogue box like the Previous Versions property sheet and allow users to pick one of the previous versions. I guess I could just display the previous version property sheet via the shell by programmatically invoking the context menu and the "Restore previous versions choice", however I also want to be able to offer the list for Vista Home Basic and Premium Users who don't have access to that tab even though apparently the previous versions still exist. Additionally if it possible I would like to offer XP users the same functionality although I'm pretty sure with XP only the System files are in the shadow copies.

I looked at MSDN on the Shadow Copy Service and went through all the pages, I also looked at AlphaVSS and AlphaFS and all the comments. I'm kind of guessing that I need to use AlphaVss and AlphFS and do the following?Find out the list of snapshots/restore points that exist on the computer.Mount those snapshots.Navigate in the mounted volumes to the Excel file the user wants to recover and make a list of those paths.With the list of paths handy, compare with some kind of diff program, the shadow copies of the files with the original.Pull out the youngest or oldest version (I don't think it matters) of those shadow copies that differ from the recovery target.List those versions of the files that are found to be different.This seems cumbersome and slow, but maybe is the fastest way to do things. I just need some confirmation that is the way to go now.

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Anyway To Make Drop Shadow Look Like Its Drop Shadow?

Aug 15, 2011

So I made my form transparent by changing the transparent key to dimgray, change background color to dimgray. I also changed the picture box's BG color to dimgray everything was fine except that the drop shadow on the picture I did was just a grey blob.Is there anyway to make the drop shadow look like its a drop shadow?

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C# - .NET: Getting A Class To Copy Properties Of One Class To Another?

Nov 10, 2010

I wrote a function that copies the properties of one class to another so make a copy of an object.So something like

MyObject myObject = myOtherObject.MyCustomCopy(myObject)
where myObject and myOtherObject are of the same type. I do it by bascually doing
myObject.prop1 = myOtherObject.prop1


I am pretty sure in the past I used a .NET object that automaticaly did this, by reflection I guess, but can't remember it ... or an I imagining that such a method exists?

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Will Each Class Have It's Own Copy Of Each Varible

Apr 8, 2009

If I have the Following Class Defitions [code] Will each Class Have it's Own Copy of Each Varible?

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.net 4.0 - Separate Lists From Same Class Copy Each-other?

Feb 7, 2012

Im trying to get a ComboBox that would list all the pc on a netowrk, (Domain and/or WorkGroup)the idea is so that when i start typing the name of the pc list would come up with sugestions (nearest match)


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Copy DataTable Derived From My Own Class?

Jun 18, 2008

I have a derived DataTable[code]...

Overload resolution failed because no accessible LoadDataRow' can be called with these arguments.

View 15 Replies

Copy File With Stream Class?

Feb 7, 2011

why this code doesn't work:[code]....

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How To Create Deep Copy Of Class

Jan 20, 2010

I have created a form with a tab control that I want to be able to make a copy of in such a way that all the child controls and their data are copied as well. I have tried this:
Dim NewPage as TabPage = tcViews.TabPages.Item(0)

I end up with a reference to the first page. That is, if I change something in the old page, it changes in the new one as well. I believe this is because VB.NET treats assignments of classes as references, rather than values. Hence only the memory address of the original is copied, so essentially both refer to the same tab page in memory. I also tried serialization and deserialization.

The TabPage is apparently not serializable. And I heard about MemberwiseClone, but it isn't accessible, according to Visual Studio. There doesn't appear to be a Clone method available either. How do I make a new tab page that is totally independent of the original, but that has copies of the original page's controls and their property data, which can then be edited independently of the originals?

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Separate Lists From Same Class Copy Each Other?

Feb 23, 2012

this example shows my problem. I'm using VB.net 2010

Public Class Form1
Public Class BonoType
Public name As String


What happens is "Goose" is not only stored in tory(1) but also in tory1(1), how can I stop this.

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[2005] Copy Array(of Class) To Another

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to copy an Array(of Class) to another Array(of Class). The Class really just holds 3 values together, so it's basically a string. I thought just something like this would work


But that literally makes Array1 access the contents of 2, but I want it to be a separate copy. I'm currently using a simple loop procedure to copy contents but I was hoping there was a command for it. I looked at .Item but there didn't seem to be anything there.

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Copy Method Of Range Class Failed

Sep 18, 2010

Part ot my program is to simple copy a range of cells ~21 000 rows from one WB (oSH) and copy it to another WB (oSHOut).I've red a lot of posts,tried a lot of variants, but nothing helps..Strange here is that if I copy less than 8500 rows, the paste to the destination range is OK.But if I copy the whole range ~21000 rows, vb.net trigers an error - "Copy method of Range class failed".So I tried to do this in several parts - 1 row to 8000, 8001 to 16000 ect.The first copy-paste works OK, on the secon - there's an error.[code]

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Copy User-Defined Class Object?

Mar 12, 2010

I would like to make a "deep copy" of a class object that I have defined. See Visual Basic 2005 Code below

Dim MyStuff1 as new MyClass
Dim MyStuff2 as new MyClass
mystuff2 = mystuff1

Unfortunately the statement "mystuff2 = mystuff1" makes a "shallow copy" of mystuff1. Therefore, if mystuff1 is redefined then so is mystuff2. What do I have to do in MyClass to implement a deep copy method such that operations on mystuff1 and mystuff2 are independent?I would prefer something like

mystuff2 = mystuff1.deepcopy()

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Make Content Of My Tabitem Copy Of Another Class In My Solution?

May 28, 2010

How can I make the content of my tabitem a copy of another class in my solution?

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VS 2010 - Copy Method Of Range Class Failed

Sep 18, 2010

Part of my program is to simple copy a range of cells ~21 000 rows from one WB (oSH) and copy it to another WB (oSHOut). I've red a lot of posts,tried a lot of variants, but nothing works. Strange here is that if I copy less than 8500 rows, the paste to the destination range is OK. But if I copy the whole range ~21000 rows, vb.net trigers an error - "Copy method of Range class failed". So I tried to do this in several parts - 1 row to 8000, 8001 to 16000 etc. The first copy-paste works OK, on the secon - there's an error

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Imports System.Data.Odbc
oRNG = Nothing
oRNGOut = Nothing
oSH = Nothing
oSHOut = Nothing
[Code] .....

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How To Add A Shadow On The Program?

Jun 4, 2012

I wanna put a shadow on my program!Its borderless, because ive used my own graphics.Does anybody have a clue how to add a shadow on the program?(I have made a shadow on the program before, but that didnt work out well, the background of the shadow went white, ive also used the transpacity key and stuff, didnt work)

I am using VB 2010, so if you got any idea's PLEASE let me know.

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Copy Byte Array To Memory Location Of A Instance Of A Class?

May 25, 2012

I am trying to copy a byte array into a Class that is in a third party library

Dim usr As New RSI_USER_RECORD Dim ba(RSI_USER_RECORD.RSI_LEN_USER_REC - 1) As Byte 'populate ba here usr = ba 'how can I do this? Is this even possible?

Here is the definition of the class (from Reflector)


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Getting Shadow On All Four Sides Of Form?

Apr 21, 2011

i used a code from here [URL]to get a shadow on my form but it is only on the right side and bottom i want the shadow to cover all four sides.

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Shadow/override An Event?

Nov 25, 2009

I would like to shadow/override an event in VB.NET. I do it only because I have to implement in this object an interface, that contains the same event like the base object itself, and I need to keep this base event as is it without modification nor supplementary event additions.How can I do it?

Public Shadows Event VisibleChanged As EventHandler Implements IVisibleChanged
So, I would like to implement a interface that contains VisibleChanged event, but to keep functional the myBase VisibleChanged event too.


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ICloneable - Make A Deep Copy By Adding A Clone Property To Class?

Feb 6, 2012

I am trying to make a deep copy by adding a clone property to my class.


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Creating A Drop Shadow On A Group Box?

Jul 22, 2010

So I came across this code that enables a drop shadow on a form in Visual Studio .NET 2008. The code is as follows:

Int32 = &H20000


I want to create a drop shadow on a group box though. What changes can I make to this and where must I insert it to do this?

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Hide/shadow A Framework Method?

Dec 6, 2010

I would like to make sure that certain properties/methods of native framework methods are not called in a project I'm working on. I want to use custom methods instead, and make sure that those methods are always used. How would I do that?

These are the details:

In a rather large web project, we have several pieces of code creating and sending email messages using the MailMessage object. I want to perform some additional checking, logging etc whenever an email address is added to either the To, CC or BCC MailAddressCollection
of a MailMessage object. Basically I'd like to make sure that it is not possible, in this entire Solution, to do this: MyMailObject.To.Add(something@somwhere.com), and the same for "CC" and "BCC".

First, I thought about not using the MailMessage object at all, but inherit it and override the methods that allow adding of addresses. I ran into some trouble though when trying to shadow the "To" property, since "To" is a reserved word... And then I realized that it probably wouldn't solve my problem entirely anyway, since there would be nothing stopping another developer (or myself being stupid) from creating an instance of the original MailMessage class and use it at will.

I have successfully created a method which centralizes all the adding of various recipient addresses, but I can't figure out how to prevent the original methods from being used by mistake.

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VS 2008 Disable Shadow On ToolTip?

Dec 6, 2011

I want to disable the shadow underneath the standard tool tip ... is this possible?

I want to do this as i want to owner draw it ... and not have it square (as the shadow is ... even when owner drawing )

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VS 2010 Sorting A Listbox (after Trying To Copy Class Instances Properties To A Temp List)

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to sort the entries of a listbox... but in a different way instead of the obvious one (sorted property). First of all, I need to explain how the items are populated at first:


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.net - Remove Selected LineShape Shadow Effect?

Mar 23, 2010

Is there a way to remove the LineShape shadow effect when selecting the lineShape? I tried

Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias
Dim oldmode As SmoothingMode = g.SmoothingMode
g.DrawLine(_Pen, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
g.SmoothingMode = oldmode
End Sub

but finally, this have some back effects on invalidation: when moving (in a panel) the line leave traces - does not invalidate properly.

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Skin My Form - Shadow Edges Are Choppy

Nov 23, 2009

I tried to skin my application and failed. I can get it to work if I don�t have semi transparent pixels on the outside of my form. But I want to use a skin I found on Deviant art that was made for Miranda. It is really nice but and it has a shadow around it. To get it to work in vb.net (I�m using 2005 btw) I have to fill around the main picture and take out the initializing (I think that is what it is called). But then the form�s edges are choppy. How does Miranda allow the shadows but I can�t in vb.net?

I first tried to do it the easy way. I set up some transparent panels with transparent pictureboxes in them and put my corners and middle fills as the backgrounds. I made the form with no border and set the transparent key to transparent. That didn�t work, so I made the form magenta and the transparent key magenta. The outside of the for where the shadow is was drawn on the magenta and the magenta bled through. So I edited the png�s to be magenta all around the form (eliminating the shadows) and it worked, but the corners were choppy.

Then tried some code I found on the net that tried to make a new control as a transparent panel. It was overriding the paint events and drawing to an off screen bitmap. I really didn't understand it and it just showed up as a blank screen. There has to be a way to do this.

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VS 2005 Hide/shadow MyBase's Properties?

Nov 9, 2009

Is there any ways to hide/shadow MyBase's properties?

Such as MyBase.Location, MyBase.Font?

When I try to declare a local "Height" properly, VS prompts me warning to use "Overloads" instead. But when in form designer/control test run, I still see this property, or any other properties (BorderStyle) which I tried to hide.

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VS 2008 Rounded Shadow Of Background Image?

Mar 19, 2012

Im using now this code to make shadow for my square backgrounds.


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