VS 2005 Hide/shadow MyBase's Properties?

Nov 9, 2009

Is there any ways to hide/shadow MyBase's properties?

Such as MyBase.Location, MyBase.Font?

When I try to declare a local "Height" properly, VS prompts me warning to use "Overloads" instead. But when in form designer/control test run, I still see this property, or any other properties (BorderStyle) which I tried to hide.

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Hide/shadow A Framework Method?

Dec 6, 2010

I would like to make sure that certain properties/methods of native framework methods are not called in a project I'm working on. I want to use custom methods instead, and make sure that those methods are always used. How would I do that?

These are the details:

In a rather large web project, we have several pieces of code creating and sending email messages using the MailMessage object. I want to perform some additional checking, logging etc whenever an email address is added to either the To, CC or BCC MailAddressCollection
of a MailMessage object. Basically I'd like to make sure that it is not possible, in this entire Solution, to do this: MyMailObject.To.Add(something@somwhere.com), and the same for "CC" and "BCC".

First, I thought about not using the MailMessage object at all, but inherit it and override the methods that allow adding of addresses. I ran into some trouble though when trying to shadow the "To" property, since "To" is a reserved word... And then I realized that it probably wouldn't solve my problem entirely anyway, since there would be nothing stopping another developer (or myself being stupid) from creating an instance of the original MailMessage class and use it at will.

I have successfully created a method which centralizes all the adding of various recipient addresses, but I can't figure out how to prevent the original methods from being used by mistake.

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Hide All The Default Properties Of UserControl?

Nov 27, 2010

Is there any simple way to hide all the design time properties of a User Control.

When my UC is on a form there's a lot of properties in the properties explorer. All those default ones that every UC has. AccessibleName, AccessibleRole, Anchor etc etc etc (dozens of the them)

Any way to hide most/all those and just expose my own ?

I suppose I want my User Control to be more like a 'Component' like the Timer and other components that don't have a UI. Short of rewriting my UC as a Component is there any quick way to hide all those form properties ?

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 ExpandableObjectConverter - Hide Properties

Aug 21, 2009

My UserControl has a Font property, and the user can edit this property in a Property Grid on the form (just like you as designer can edit font properties in the VS IDE property grid). The property in the grid is expandable (by clicking the [+] expand icon) and shows some sub-properties such as Name, Bold, Size, Italic, etc. It also shows two properties I want to get rid of: GdiCharSet and GdiVerticalFont.


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C# - Conditionally Hide Properties At Compile Time In .Net?

Oct 14, 2010

Depending on a preprocessor directive, I want to set all properties in a class to EditorBrowsableAttribute.Never.

I thought about creating a custom attribute, derived from EditorBrowsableAttribute, but unfortunately that class is sealed.

I've had a look at ICustomTypeDescriptor, but in the GetProperties method, I can get hold of each property descriptor, but the attributes collection is readonly.

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Hide / Omit Some Properties In Binding Of A Collection?

Mar 26, 2010

My problem is similar to the one described in this article, but I'm trying to use a different grid(DevExpress.xtraGrid) and therefore the answer (if it even works) does not apply for me: Binding Collection to DataGrid without showing all columns

Briefly, I'm binding the grid to the collection of custom objects - cMessage - to grid's datasource, but I don't want all the propertieties of the cMessage to be shown in the grid. Is there any way to hide some properties from the binding, while leaving them acessible from outside (ie.leave them as public or friend)?

View 1 Replies

Hide Standard Form Properties In Program Using An Interface?

Jan 16, 2011

In VBA you can have a Userform implement a custom interface and only the properties defined in the interface will show in the VBA Intellisense for the Userform. I tried to duplicate this functionality in VB.Net (2010) and all the base Form properties still show.[code]...

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Hide Or Omit Some Properties In Binding Of A Collection To Grid Control?

Mar 26, 2010

My problem is similar to the one described in this article, but I'm trying to use a different grid (DevExpress.xtraGrid) and therefore the answer (if it even works) does not apply for me: [URL]

Briefly, I'm binding the grid to the collection of custom objects - cMessage - to grid's datasource, but I don't want all the propertieties of the cMessage to be shown in the grid. Is there any way to hide some properties from the binding, while leaving them acessible from outside (ie.leave them as public or friend)?

View 2 Replies

IDE :: Lost Auto Hide Option On The Drop Down And Properties Menus?

Oct 30, 2010

I have lost the auto hide option (greyed out) on the drop down solution and properties menus. The Toolbox still has the auto hide option. I cannot find the pin to set auto hide on the Solutin and Properties menus.

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Hide Methods/properties Of Class-library (dll) From Visual Studio's IntelliSense?

Mar 3, 2009

I am writing my first class-library in VB.NET. My idea is to distribute this library so others may use it in their applications.However, perhaps due to my lack of experience in writing and structuring the library and the classes therein, I noted that the methods/properties are ALL being shown in the IntelliSense of Visual Studio.

The thing is that many of them are only used within the library itself and should NOT be used by the developers (could create a disaster) when they incorporate my library in their application - only a few should be visibile i.e. the ones which are needed by the developer.Thus, my question is: is there a way to hide certain methods/properties of my library from Visual Studio's IntelliSense? Maybe something similar to REM?

EDIT: as mentioned - this is my first library and I now understand that my question could be intepreted in two ways:

1) how to hide something from IntelliSense

2) how to prevent a developer from using and calling certain methods/properties

Of course, the end-result that I want is that the developer is not able to access AT ALL certain methods/properties i.e. No. 2 above.

View 5 Replies

Anyway To Make Drop Shadow Look Like Its Drop Shadow?

Aug 15, 2011

So I made my form transparent by changing the transparent key to dimgray, change background color to dimgray. I also changed the picture box's BG color to dimgray everything was fine except that the drop shadow on the picture I did was just a grey blob.Is there anyway to make the drop shadow look like its a drop shadow?

View 5 Replies

MyBase Cannot To Be Used In A Extension Method?

Jun 7, 2012

I created a module to add some Extension Methods to a Class. This Class inherits from another parent Class. In the code of my Extension Methods, I would like to refer to the base Class using MyBase. This doesn't seems to be allowed (Error message : "'MyBase' is not valid within a Module.")


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Use MyBase In A Shared Method?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a class that inherits from a base class (this contains a lot of common db related stuff amongst other things and is marked as MustInherit). I want to write a shared method in which I call a base class method, however the compiler gives me the message 'MyBase is only valid within an instance method'. This shared method is a logging method and will be used a lot within the app, I'm trying to avoid having to instantiate an object each time I want to call it.

Is it possible to access the base class methods from a shared method?

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Use The MyBase And MyClass Keywords?

May 17, 2010

In what scenarios would one use the MyBase and MyClass keywords in VB.NET?

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VS 2005 - Any Way To Hide Files (MDB)?

Oct 17, 2010

With vb.net can I hide my .mdb or other files (shall may be with the option of irrespective of operating system).

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Access MyBase From An Extension Method?

Jan 1, 2010

how do we access MyBase from an extension method?

i'm trying to extend a Sub called PassDown that would call the form's Base's OnPaint method

<Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> Public Sub PassDown(ByVal form_instance As Windows.Forms.Form, ByVal e As EventArgs)

but of course, mybase couldn't be accessed this way so is there an alternative?

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VS 2005 : Hide And Unhide A Tab In A Tab Control?

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possible to either hide and unhide a tab in a tab control?If not how can I add a tab and all the controls on it a run time? Reason i'm wanting this is that a application i'm looking at making will use tabs, the left menu will have options on various parts of the business when it comes to news it will open a tab for news... list the news if i click one and edit tab will show it i click a button for new it will open a tab to write new news..

View 2 Replies

VS 2005 Hide Icon From Taskbar?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm writing my own volume-controll/equaliser program. When my program is launched, I want the windows sound-icon to disappear.Internet sais it could be done by regedit using:

But when I try it, the icon stays. How do I make the sound icon dissappear in my VB .NET


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VS 2005 Hide/show Tab In A Tab Control?

May 11, 2010

how to hide/show tab in a Tab Control?

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Check If Windows Is Shutting Down On Mybase.closing?

Jul 12, 2011

It all works fine it looks like this:Now thats enough for me but as many other users we have a problem of lack of knowledge when it comes to this:Windows is shutting down, the confirmation box appears and stops the windows from shutting down...This is unnaceptable imho and im trying to find a easy way to detect if windows is shuting down, or in other words if its NOT.So i put a: if windows isnot Shutting down then'all the other code in mybase.closingEnd ifIs such thing doable? all ive found was pages and pages of codes (something to do with api) and some outdated vb6 code...

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VS 2005 - How To Hide URL String In Class Library

Jun 2, 2010

I am going to write a long code in the class library to make the source code shorter for my project. And I willing to store the url strings in the class library, but I do not know how to keep them to be more visible from people who open the dll by using with hex editor. I would like to know in which method that I should use to protected the url strings in the class library and set them more visible so no one would know what url strings that I would store in the class library if people using hex editor?

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Forms :: Object Disposed Exception In MyBase.Dispose()?

Aug 20, 2010

I am getting the following Exception when calling MyBase.Dispose ()ObjectDisposedException was unhandled.I tried adding a Try Catch around the call but it doesn't catch the exception.

Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then


FYI: The value of disposing is False

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NumericUpDown.ValueChanged Corrupting Executon Of MyBase.Load?

Jun 8, 2012

I'm having a silly problem. Upon loading a form, I'm trying to change the value of a NumericUpDown. The form is being declared as following as a class-level private variable:


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VS 2005 - Hide The Filetoolstripmenu In Order To Print Forms

Dec 2, 2009

I am using the 2005 Power Packs Print Forms, I need to hide the filetoolstripmenu in order to print because it come through on my client page So I am using filetoolstripmenusitem.visible= false, then calling print but i think its happens to fast so part of the filetoolstripitem is still coming through on my print image Is there something i can do to pause it for a second?

View 14 Replies

VS 2005 Move A Column And Hide Another In An Excel Worksheet

Sep 3, 2009

I am having trouble using VB .NET to move a column and hide another in an excel worksheet..[code]

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VS 2005 Show() - Hide() And Close() Form Several Times?

Jul 16, 2009


here i am dealing with only two form,so if i add form1.close() in the form2 button click event then it might wok. but what if i deal with many forms and i need to show and hide them several times?

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Handles MyBase.KeyDown - Prevent A Picturebox From Continuously Moving If The Key Is HELD DOWN

Sep 2, 2011

I have a picturebox set to move when the arrow keys are pressed. How do I prevent it from continously moving if the arrow key is HELD DOWN. I want to make it so the user has to press the key each time manually to move the picturebox.

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UserControl MyBase.Paint - Works And Doesn't Work (Value Changed Via BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged)

Mar 27, 2012

I have a UserControl that has a ProgressBar on it. The purpose of the UserControl is to be able to show the progress % on the ProgressBar as text. To do this it uses the MyBase.Paint event. To make it work the ProgressBar is made invisible and the UserControl is 'painted' with an image of the ProgressBar and then the text is painted on top. The UserControl has a Value property that is passed through to the ProgressBar.Value property.

I use this UserControl in two places, on a Splash form (not a standard Splash Screen) and also on the main form of the application. It works on the Splash form but not on the main form - by work I mean that changes to the ProgressBar.Value property cause the ProgressBar to show its progress. The cause appears to be that in the Splash form case the MyBase.Paint event is called as a consequence of calling Me.Refresh in the Set procedure of the UserControl.Value property, in the main form case it isn't,
i.e. Me.Refresh isn't causing MyBase.Paint to run.

The main form has two BackgroundWorker components. The first gets called (RunWorkerAsync) from Form_Load after the Splash form has been shown. The BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged event updates the Value property of the UserControl and it works exactly as intended. The second gets called as a result of a user starting an operation and again the BackgroundWorker.ProgressChanged event updates the Value property of the UserControl but MyBase.Paint doesn't run so the ProgressBar remains resolutely static.

Any ideas why it won't respond to Me.Refresh in one case but does in the other? Happy to make any of the code avaialble but didn't want to fllod the first post with reams of it. Here's what I think are the most relevant code sections. First the UserControl


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VS 2008 MyBase.MouseDown Class To Check For Clicks Picture Boxes Not Form?

Dec 5, 2009

Private Sub LMouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseDown

If allowMouseCoordinate = False Then Exit Sub
Dim xPos As Integer
Dim yPos As Integer
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then


But this only works if I press on form. But I have a tile based map covering the entire screen.How can I make it so, that It would check if I clicked on a picture box (or simply anything)?

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VS 2005 Controls Not Allowing Properties To Be Set?

Oct 2, 2009

I have an application that has a main form and several sub forms, but it is not an mdi application. I am pulling data from various tables in an access database and loading into an dataset. In my module I have a sub that is processing the returned tables and is supposed to be setting controls values (radiobuttons and checkboxes checked values mainly) on the sub forms. The forms have not been called previously and when I do a .show() on them, the controls that were supposed to have been set are not, my question is why are they not setting?? Here is the code I am using to set my controls from the module:

If ds.Tables.Contains("FacilityReviewAnswers") = True _
AndAlso ds.Tables("FacilityReviewAnswers").Rows.Count > 0 Then
For Each c As DataColumn In ds.Tables("FacilityReviewAnswers").Columns
If c.ColumnName <> "SurveyID" Then


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