WinHttpRequest.Open Regex For Url Path?

Apr 28, 2010

I am trying to automate a daily download of a file on one of our customer's sites. I have run into a challenge because the file name does not fit into a patter. The file name in addition to the days date usually contains about 12 digits randomly generated by their system. what I need to do in order to automate this?

Const HTTP_PATH = ""
Const LOCAL_PATH = "\mycomputerdownloads"
Public Sub Get_daily()


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.net - RegEx To Get Path Of File Without Domain?

Jun 30, 2009

it's like a diff language to me. But I need one quick to accomplish a task.I need to take


and get just


from it.

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WinHTTPRequest.ResponseText Not Returning The Full HTML?

Jun 16, 2011

I tried to use WinHTTP Request to retrieve a webpage (HTTPS website) in VB.Net and for some reason it was only returning the partial HTML, is there any length restriction on the number of characters it could take? If so, can I get the content after, say, 10000th character?

The relevant code is here:

oRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
oRequest.Open("GET", sQueryURL, False)
oRequest.SetTimeouts(0, 600000, 0, 0)


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VS 2008 [updated And Still Open]Regex - (") Messing Up The Syntax

Nov 4, 2009

Can I get an english explanation of .*? I kinda know what it does, but a breakdown would be nice on the logic behind it. Also, in the same manner, I'm after the specification for special characters, especially " but if it's doable, for as many special characters, or all of em as long as " is included.

EDIT: Might as well include the entire context, because I'll prolly be asking this in another thread in 15 minutes.


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Open File In The Cd Rom Without CD Rom Path

Oct 21, 2009

i m creating a simple application that will open files which located in the CD rom... this is wat i got now

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("F:Test\testing 1-test.pdf")

its works well.. but then not everyone CD rom drive is the same,anyway to do it as open the file without concerning the cd rom path??

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C# - Get Path Of All Open Explorer Windows?

Jan 5, 2012

I want to list all open Windows Explorer windows with their active path in a ListBox. The app should refresh the ListBox if the explorer window is navigated to a different path.

For e.g. two explorer windows are open. One is navigated to C:Windows and the other is navigated to D:Stuff. When the app it run, it adds C:Windows and D:Stuff to the ListBox. Then, the user navigates to a different folder in one of the open explorer windows like C:Windowssystem32. The app should then refresh the ListBox and list C:Windowssystem32 and D:Stuff instead.

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Identify Whether A File Is Open Or Not With Its Path?

Mar 17, 2011

I need to delete certain files in a directory so if the file is opened....suppose a xx.doc file i wont be able to delete.

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Open A Folder That Contains A Comma In It's Path?

Jan 26, 2011

how to open a folder that contains a comma in it's path like: Shell("explorer.exe \serverpath to, folder", vbHide) or Shell("cmd /c start \serverpath to, folder", vbHide)

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Open An External EXE From Within Vb Net Without Hardcoding The Path To The .exe?

Jun 9, 2010

This does not work
Nor thisSystem.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Program.exe")

Only this works...but I can't use the Drive path..cannot hardcode it.

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:Program FilesX-ProgramProgram.exe")

So how do I start an outside Exe file from within vb net without hardcoding the path.

Vb net 2008

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Open Explorer File Path?

Apr 11, 2009

I want to make my program so when you click button2 an explorer window opens up going to C:Users. How DO i do that?

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Open File By Path In Database?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a problem on my project homework to make data CRUD files from drive which files upload using problem is I don't know source code how to open file from table, if I click path then open file (likes links url. I try to search but until now I can't found it.

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Open File From Path In Datagridview?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a database that contains a file path in 4 of the columns. I am using VB Express 2008 on Windows 7 (I have already figured out the 32bit to 64bit problem while working with access databases). This path is generated from code on another form. I have a datagridview that contains the path in a columns. i want to be able to click on the file path column and the file (in this case it is either a .jpg or .pdf) opens.

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Open PDF File With A Relative Path?

Aug 4, 2009

I am working with Visual Studio 2008 to concieve a small program.pdf file is supposed to open when a button is pressed. It work great with the code:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("<Full File Path>")

Only, I would like to place the pdf file in the project's folder and that would open wherever the project's folder is (on the Desktop, a USB port, anywhere).

1- How to get this relative path?

2- in which folder to put the pdf?

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Grabbing File Name And Path Of Open Files?

Jan 19, 2007

Is there a way to write a list of all paths and file names of currently open files. The best I can do is use the System.Diagnostics.Process class to grab the processes of the applications in which I am interested and then get the file name from the main window title for each process. There is no way to get the path for these files, however, with this approach.

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Use Chdir To Change File Open Path To Url?

Mar 23, 2009

Using Application.GetOpenFilename I'm wanting to direct the user to a url file location but cannot get the chdir function to change to a valid url. Is there another method for this?thanksegchdir "http://mysite/reports/" (this bit doesn't work)Application.GetOpenFilename ("*.csv,*.csv")

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VS 2008 - Capturing Path And Name Of Currently Open Folder

Apr 8, 2011

My application is designed to open a desired folder. Now, I want my application to be able to capture the path & name of the current open folder in Explorer so that the user can easily save it as favorit without writing the path and stuff.

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VS 2008 Open A File Path Folder?

Dec 4, 2009

I have ListView box with a file path for example

C: est.txt

So how can i open the C: So i just want to open the folder were the file is located and not the file its self.

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VS 2008 Open File By Path In Database?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a problem on my project homework to make data CRUD files from drive which files upload using openfiledialog. my problem is I don't know source code how to open file from table, if I click path then open file (likes links url. I try to search but until now I can't found it.

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.net - Open Outlook Without Knowing The Exact File Path?

Aug 17, 2011

is there a way in to open microsoft outlook without knowing the file path exactly? different versions of outlook use different file locations, then you have to worry about the program files and program files(x86). is there a way to just launch outlook using the system.diagnostics.process.start("..") without the file path?

i dont want to have to test folders:

If Folder_Exists("C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12") Then
If Folder_Exists("C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice11") Then

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Destroy AcroRd32 - Pass The Filename And Path To Open The Pdf

Jul 22, 2009

Using 2008 I have a form with a PDFViewer control. I pass the filename and path to open the pdf. When the form is closed, AcroRd32.exe is not destroyed. It remains in Task Manager even after I've completely closed the application. The more pdf files I open, the more memory used. How can I destroy? I've tried setting the control = nothing, ctrl.dispose but neither is working. What am I doing wrong?

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Forms :: Listview: Open Item Path From Selected Row?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a simple Windows application, it list all Directories from a specified path in a liestview. My Listview have 2 column. First one show only icons and second one is the name of the Directory. Now i have a context menu "open dir". It should be open the Directory in/with explorer - Doesnt work.The Problem part, i think, is following event: ToolStripMenuItem1_Click

Here is my

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1


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Get Path Of A Text File When Open It Then Place It On Textbox In Program?

Aug 2, 2011

Just want to know how to get the path of a text file when i open it then put it on a textbox in

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Open File With Shell - Returns Error On Correct Path

Mar 15, 2010

I need to open a *.py file in the shell (DOS) box, but it returns an error that no file was found at the specified path. But this path is completely correct. Unless Visual Basic are referencing to paths in another matter than C#? 'Cause I am developing in C# and referenced to VB to do this.

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VS 2010 - How To Get Path Of Selected File In External Open Dialog Box

Apr 4, 2012

My question is as follows: The user has clicked File>Open in Notepad and also clicked on a file/folder. My Application in VB.NET needs to know the path and filename of the selected file/folder before the user selects the OK button of the Open Dialog box. How can I do this with VB.NET (VS2010).

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Make A Button Open The File Browsed By OpenFileDialog And Save Path In .txt

May 20, 2011

im trying to make an application which on start ask the user to browse for a .lnk file Once the lnk file has been browsed,the application is shown and there are two buttons



When The Launch Button Is Clicked,The .lnk File which the user browsed to at application startup should open. On exit,well it just exits the application! and the openfiledialog should pop up only for the first time the user ever opens the application.the file path should be stored in a .txt or .ini or registry file so that next time he doesnt have to browse for it would i go about doing this!Here is my code so far! Public Class Form1


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2003 - Program Running Under Alternate Credentials - Option To Open A UNC Path To A Network Share

Sep 8, 2010

I have a program written in 2003 that are folks run under alternate credentials. Inside the app there is an option to open a UNC path to a network share. We were running Windows XP SP3 and IE6. The code is simple just a call to the explorer.exe with /root,\UNCPath. After installing IE 8 onto the machine this no longer works. Best I can tell the code is still working but now being executed in non interactive mode so nothing opens up. You can however see a new spawned explorer.exe running under the system account for each attempt at opening a UNC Path. Any ideas what IE8 could have done to cause this behavior?

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Automate A Process - Open A Website And Navigate Through It - Enter File Name And Path - Not Populate The Text

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to automate a process I do with a bank with Basically I need to open a website and navigate through it (Automatically through the program obviously), enter a batch ID and enter a file path and name. For some reason when I get to the part where I need to enter the file name and path, it simply will not populate the text. I have attached a word document with screenshots and code. The only difference I can see, is that in the bank website's code the the input type for the file text is "FILE" rather than "TEXT" as it is for the batch id...

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Error : Unable To Open Web Project 'ProjectName'. The File Path 'FilePath' Does Not Correspond To The URL 'ProjectURL'

Dec 4, 2009

I am getting the following error when trying to open a vb .net 1.0 project using VS2002."Unable to open Web project 'ProjectName'.The file path 'FilePath' does not correspond to the URL 'ProjectURL'. The two need to map to the same server location. HTTP 404: Object Not Found."I have tried ALL of the links that Google threw at me (on the first page) on searching on "unable to open web project the two need to map to the same server location" term.I get this error when trying to open an existing 1.0 project and also when creating a new one.

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Path Of .zip file Has Spaces In It / It's Not Recognizing Path As Valid Path

Aug 22, 2006

I have a Access program and I'm using VBA code in the background to run Winunzip using shell command. Well, the path of the .zip file has spaces in it and it's not recongizing the path as a valid path. Is there a another way to tackle this problem besides the shell?I can't us pkzip either. Has you can see I had to use progra~1 instead of Program Files.[code]

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Concatenating A Variable With A Regex Group Match In Regex.replace?

Apr 5, 2012

I am having an issue where I am using regex.Replace to replace part of a string. The basic idea is that I want to capture the beginning of the string then replace the end of the string with a value from code. For an example pretend I have a string that says "Test Number " followed by number and I want to increment that number. I capture the "Test Number " but when I try to concatenate that capture with the new number it treats the capture ($1) as a literal and replaces the entire string with $1[new number].


This will output "We are on Test Number 2", as expected. how I can use a variable in the replacement string portion of the Regex.Replace when including a captured group?

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