Writing Data To Access Database File?

Jul 19, 2010

I use Visual Basic in Access, and I have no problem writing data directly to a cell in a database table. But I can not figure out how to write the code for Visual Basic 2008. For example I would
use Me![cust_Cost] = 20 to input 20 in the database table.
I have purchased two different Books on Visual Basic 2008 and not one of them show how to input data manually.

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Writing To An Access Database Via .net 2008?

Jun 24, 2010

im having an issue writing to an access database via vb.net 2008 i can read form it but not write?

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Set/get Data From Database Access File?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 to set/get data from database access file, but it isn't working perfectly on 64-bit systems, so I'm looking for an alternative way.set/get data from database access file working on 64-bit systems.

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Writing Data In Access F

Feb 22, 2009

[code]i want to write Delta_r(i) in access data and then i want to connect that file to Crystal report for plotting.

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VS 2008 - Writing To Blank Access Database

May 16, 2009

I have searched all over the forums and not found an answer to my question. My question is how do i write to an access database at runtime. The database is also created at runtime. I have a dataset loaded with a table that i needs to be written to the database. how would i write each row of my dataset to my database? Sorry if this sounds a little jumbled together it is late and i am tired. If it is unclear you can ask me and i will answer any questions you have about my question.

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Accessing A Data File From Access Database?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a problem with accessing a data file from Access database. Data Source configuration Wizard comes back with a dialoge box saying "Error Message: Could not load type 'Microsoft Visual Studio.DataDesign.SynDesigner.SyncFacade.SyncManger' from assembly

'MicrosoftVisualStudio.DataDesign.SynDesigner.DslPackage,version =, Culture = netural,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a

My computer is a Vista and it have known to have lots of problem, but not sure if this is one of it.

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Writing Data To Access 2007?

Mar 25, 2009

I am having trouble writing information to a 2007 access database. I just want to write a numeric value into a data base. My table name is KW and my field is also referred to as Kw.

Dim theOleDbConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\value.accdb")
Dim theOleDbCommand As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO[KW] (Kw)VALUES (@P1)")
theOleDbCommand.Connection = theOleDbConnection


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Error Writing To An Access 2010 Database Using VB2010

Aug 18, 2010

I am writing an app in VB2010. My code parses a text file, assigns data to variables My??, and then attempts to store this data in an access 2010 (actually access 2007 format) table. Yet, whenever my code gets to MyRow.Item("Artist") = MyArtist I get an error 5 'Artist' does not belong to Table MyTable, but the field/column does exist in the table as do all the others.

01Dim tbl As DataTable = New DataTable(MyTable)
03Dim lastRow As Integer = tbl.Rows.Count - 1


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Writing The Code To Connect To The Access Database And Insert The New Row?

Sep 24, 2009

I am creating a form which has the customer information entered by the user.When the user clicks submit the row need to be inserted into table "customer".writing the code to connect to the access database and insert the new row?

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.net - Export Data Of Sql Compact Database (mdf File) To Access Or Excel Or CSV Format?

Jun 27, 2012

i Have Used Database file for storing Data in my Application.Now I want to take backup of data in Access, Excel or in Any other Format.

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Download A Pdf File And Import The Tabular Data Into Access 2007 Database

Sep 21, 2009

how could we download a pdf file and import the tabular data into access 2007 database, i have tried and got successful in downloading the pdf file from an URL, but not able to import the table data into access 2007 database/or may be an excel file through a VB6 program.

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Getting Data From Delimited Text File Into Access Database In VB6 And It Is Running Perfectly?

Jun 4, 2012

I used this code for getting data from delimited text file into access database in VB6 and it is running Perfectly Same thing i want in VB.NET using OLEDB. So can anyone suggest me what code should i use..?

Other info:
Database = mydatabase.mdb
Text File = temp.txt


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Error While Writing Into Access File?

Sep 10, 2011

What i've written opens an Access database and one can read and write into it (on a table called Journal)It does indeed work for newly made Access files. However it doesnt work with a specific Microsoft Access database (again .mdb) which was made with a very old Access, like Access 2000 or something.The error message is: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.Inside the zipped file below you will find the source code of the program, along with an access file that the program CAN read, and the one access file that i NEED the program to reed but it cannot!

To see what i mean run the program one, try to add a new line to the database. you get an error!now rename the Journal.mdb to "journal.bak.mdb. And the journal_working.mdb to Journal.mdb try to add a new line to the database again without altering the source code at all. it succeeds now!!

NOTE: the program can READ data from both files. but it CANT write data to the old access file

this is the code:

Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
Dim dsNewRow As DataRow
dsNewRow = ds.Tables("AddressBook").NewRow()
dsNewRow.Item(1) = txtFirstName.Text 'or .Item(1) =


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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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IDE :: Writing Data To The Original Database?

Sep 14, 2007

I want to be able to click on the save icon and have the data on the form save to the original database. Right now I seem to have a disconnected dataset I have tried to change everything from read only to a false statement but it just will not work. It saves to the form fine just not the orignial data base.

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Writing Data From Dataset To Database?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to write data back to my database in my project, but it keeps disappering when I make any changes to code. I can build the project, add data, close the project and build it again and the data is still there. But as soon as I make any changes to anything, on the next build, all of the data is gone.

The table will not be bound to any controls in the final project, but for testing purposes I have a datagrid control that it is bound to. My code started as follows:


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VS 2008 : Writing Data To A MySQL Database?

Jun 15, 2009

I have added a MySQL Database as a data source in VB using the MySQL .NET connector and added the dataset . How do i write to the database from there?

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VS 2010 : Connecting To A Database And Writing Data?

Oct 9, 2010

How do I connect to a mysql database, and write a new column to a certain table there?

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File Writing Or Database?

May 18, 2009

I'm makin an application which will calculate the amount of carpet needed to floor a room, i would like to add in an order management bit too the application so that the user can add, delete and amend pending jobs. I'm a bit of a beginner so i don't know which way is really best to go, should i use file writing on database? I will be takin values from variables and textbox's if thats of any importance.

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Change The Delimiter When Writing Access Table To A Text File?

Nov 2, 2010

How can I change the delimiter when writing my Access table to a text file? I was hoping it would be as easy as adding a similar option like we do for HDR=No; maybe Delimiter=|

Dim AccessConn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|mydatabase.mdb")

AccessConn.Open()Dim AccessCommand As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * INTO[Text;HDR=No;DATABASE=" & userPath & "].[" & fileName & "] FROM tblMyTable", AccessConn)

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Windows7: Writing A Text File Giving Access Denied?

Nov 28, 2010

I've been doing some more experiments and have summarized the query as below: I've created the simplest application. A project with a plain form, which writes text file within its application directory. Simple as that.Supposing this was my application which I want to distribute on the world web. I've created a basic installer for this using NSIS installer. The Installer installs my application in a folder created inside Program Files. The OS is Windows7 and UAC is enabled.Now I know many people have been facing difficulties in accessing files inside the Program Files folder. My app is simply creating a plain text file, nothing more, and within its own application directory. It is giving Access Denied error. But if I right-click on the EXE and run it as Administrator, then it works ok.The only solution thats available is not to write in the application folder, and write text file in some other folder which is not protected. My question is that other programs that are installed on my system are also doing it. I have a temperature monitoring software called SpeedFan on my system, it creates log files within its app directory. All other softwares create log files within their app directories, why cant I?I just have to make a small log file for my application and Win7+UAC is not letting me do it. I don't want to write the small file in any other folder. How are the other softwares accomplishing this ?

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Writing To A Database Instead Of Text File?

Apr 3, 2012

I am creating a fault tracker AKA issue tracker. It is going to be very simple in functionality. As of right now I am using a text file as a database for the end user to store current issues.

The reason for me using a text file is that I do not know much about database programming and I cannot find any simple examples in the same usage. My question is, is it really going to become a problem as more issues are added to this file and it becomes larger? I.E using up more resources, application getting slower etc?

If so, could anyone point me in the right direction to creating a simple database application. Most examples I have seen require ask to download their pre-made database. Although I would like for the program to create a database if one is not there.


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VS 2010 - Import Data From An Access Database To Other Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to import data from an access database to a access database that my project uses I am having problems with combo box fields in the database with the data. I want to import what is displayed instead of the numerical key value. Example: The combo box displays employee names but the value stored is the key value from the employee table so instead of importing John Doe it imports 2 is there a way to make the actual name instead of the number?

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Writing Data To A New XML File?

Jun 13, 2011

I am working on a program for work and I am stuck on trying to make a new XML file from VB.NET 2010. I have the old code which was done in C# and it works but even using a C# to VB converter didn't help. I will paste in both the C# and what I have in VB

private void webBrowser1_Navigating(object sender,
WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e)


It is supposed to not only create the file but launch a program called PowerScribe and find the case in the Field 6 section.

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Writing & Reading A Data File

Jan 30, 2011

I am trying to write the TOURN structure and then read the TOURN structure back in.. the file gets created on my desktop and the program does not have any syntax errors, but when I READ the file none of the Data gets retrieved. So I am not sure if the DATA was actually saved or it is just not being retrieved?? This is what I have coded so far...


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Reading And Writing Data To A Text File?

Sep 28, 2009

The program that I am writing has three default variables that I would like it to store and also be able to change. I have them in a text file called "settings.txt" The format of the text file is as follows:

Default Source "I:DCIM101MSDCF"
Default Destination "C:Documents and SettingsChristyMy DocumentsMy Pictures"
Default Backup Destination "D:My DocumentsBackupMy Pictures"

The field descriptions eg "Default Source" take up 30 characters, so the variable data starts with character 30. I know their has to be an easy way just to pull out the data from a particular line starting with character 30 but I can't find it.

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Writing Data To A Text File In A Format?

Feb 7, 2012

Im trying to get some particular content from a site and place it in text file. i have used a listbox for loop of urls i want to process and another to see output of data. now i want all data in text file each item seperated by "~" sysmbol.

Exmaple Link i used in my.txt file: [URL]

Data expected in text file:

Abbeville High School Basketball Stats ~ Team: Varsity 11-12 ~ Colors: Maroon, Gray, White ....

Imports System.IO.StreamReader
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.IO


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Writing Data To An Existing Excel File

Mar 16, 2010

I'm fairly new to coding in Visual Basic, and I'm working on a project where I have to allow users to write data to an existing Excel worksheet (by entering the data into a form created in Visual Basic.NET). I've created a form that allows users to enter data such as the following:


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Writing Data To An Existing Excel File?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm working on a project where I have to allow users to write data to an existing Excel worksheet (by entering the data into a form created in Visual Basic.NET). I've created a form that allows users to enter data such as the following:

Name (First, Last)
Mailing Address
Email Address

...and so on. I've programmed the data to be sent to the Excel file upon clicking on the Submit button in the form itself. I've also created the Excel file and placed it on my C: drive, but the problem I'm having is trying to send the data from the VB form to the Excel file itself. Can someone please show me some sample code or point me in the right direction as to how to get the submitted information from the form to save into the Excel file, please?

I'm trying to get the information to show up in rows and columns in Excel like the following below (the dashes are just to show that the information should be in rows and columns):

Name--------------------------Mailing Address-------Email Address-------Gender-------Age
John Doe---------------------2300 Jackson Street-------- xxx@xxxx.com-------Male---------17

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Writing Query Data To A Text File?

Jan 30, 2010

We have a directory with a list of PDF files.Each file name has an Employee ID (eg 001213.pdf). What I need to do is loop through each file name, grab the employee id (001213) and pass it to Oracle query. The query wilbasically retrieve employee data (Firstname, lastname etc).

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