IDE :: Writing Data To The Original Database?

Sep 14, 2007

I want to be able to click on the save icon and have the data on the form save to the original database. Right now I seem to have a disconnected dataset I have tried to change everything from read only to a false statement but it just will not work. It saves to the form fine just not the orignial data base.

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Writing Data From Dataset To Database?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to write data back to my database in my project, but it keeps disappering when I make any changes to code. I can build the project, add data, close the project and build it again and the data is still there. But as soon as I make any changes to anything, on the next build, all of the data is gone.

The table will not be bound to any controls in the final project, but for testing purposes I have a datagrid control that it is bound to. My code started as follows:


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VS 2008 : Writing Data To A MySQL Database?

Jun 15, 2009

I have added a MySQL Database as a data source in VB using the MySQL .NET connector and added the dataset . How do i write to the database from there?

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VS 2010 : Connecting To A Database And Writing Data?

Oct 9, 2010

How do I connect to a mysql database, and write a new column to a certain table there?

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Writing Data To Access Database File?

Jul 19, 2010

I use Visual Basic in Access, and I have no problem writing data directly to a cell in a database table. But I can not figure out how to write the code for Visual Basic 2008. For example I would
use Me![cust_Cost] = 20 to input 20 in the database table.
I have purchased two different Books on Visual Basic 2008 and not one of them show how to input data manually.

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How To Keep Original Data Type

Jun 12, 2009

I have a .csv file with data as below


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Can't Seem To Update Original Data Source

Oct 29, 2009

I am using the following code in my program's save method:


This appears to update the .mdf file in the inDebug folder but the update does not make it all the way through to my original data source .mdf file in my Solution Explorer.

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Remove The Unwanted Changes And Allow The User To Continue Working With The Original Data?

Jul 29, 2009

My application uses several checkedlistbox controls, datagridviews, and textboxes.I'm using the checked list box to provide a more intuitive interface for the users -- they know what they selected by the check mark.I have a binding source for all the individual textboxes (they are in one table) and a binding source for the datagridviews.I use the insertonsubmit and deleteonsubmit for changes made in the listboxes.I can then use the getchangeset to determine if any changes were made to the record.My problem is that sometimes a user only wants to "test" inputs to a record but may not want to have those changes actually made to the database -- or an error was made and they want to "undo" the inputs.How do I remove the unwanted changes and allow the user to continue working with the original data?

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Writing To A Sql Database?

Dec 23, 2010

Basically I want to write to a database, lets say called testdatabase, and I want to write to a table called dbo.Test_table, under three different colums named one two three. How do I go about this? I created a data set connection to the database but it sits on the right hand side with the other forms and I dont know how to use it or write to those colums in the tables.

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File Writing Or Database?

May 18, 2009

I'm makin an application which will calculate the amount of carpet needed to floor a room, i would like to add in an order management bit too the application so that the user can add, delete and amend pending jobs. I'm a bit of a beginner so i don't know which way is really best to go, should i use file writing on database? I will be takin values from variables and textbox's if thats of any importance.

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Reading And Writing To/from A Database?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a table in a database with 3 columns: OfferName, ExperienceAward, and GoldAward

I populate a combobox with the various offer names with the code below:

Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection( _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:UsersDouglasDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsGameBoxRPGGameBoxRPGContacts.accdb;Persist Security Info=False")
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New _


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Writing To A Local Database?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm currently under way with a computing project for 6th form and I have encountered a problem when working with a local database.

To give an overview:

-My program is intending to take in data on lorries, drivers and other sections of the haulage industry through multiple forms and afterwards be returned in a suitable manner.

-I have no trouble in reading data from my database that I have set up. However I am unable to write back to the database.

-I can add the relevant new data to either the specific table(Driver_Table in this case) of the Database1DataSet.xsd or to a table set up in this manner.

-My problem is with the Driver_TableTableAdapter.update method.

-When I call this it returns a value of 1 (for one row added) but does not write this to the database.

In specifics the particular section (created to test this section of code) is:

'Dim tbl As New Database1DataSet.Driver_TableDataTable
' Driver_TableTableAdapter1.Fill(tbl)


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Writing To And Reading From A Database

Aug 24, 2009

Im trying to get my program to fill out textboxes with information it reads from a database, and then save the changes to the database. Does anybody know any good tutorials of this which i could look into?

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Input From Textbox Not Writing To Database?

Apr 11, 2012

I have written a program that has a form called AddMembers. it is supposed to get users input from textboxes and write them to an access database. but I am getting an error message Argument not specified for parameter. Also my results are not sent to the database. I have attached both the zip program and also the database.

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VS 2008 Reading/Writing Database?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm currently doing a project, I have 5 text boxes, and the information I put inside them get's added to a record in my database..In this record, an auto-number is allocated, and I need to display what the auto-number allocated is..

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Writing A String Variable To Database?

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to write the value of 3 variables (Username, Email, Password) to an SQLite Database. I can write text to the database but not a variable. How would I do this?

My Code:

SQCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO login_data (username, password, email) VALUES (Username, Password, Email)"

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Writing To A Database Instead Of Text File?

Apr 3, 2012

I am creating a fault tracker AKA issue tracker. It is going to be very simple in functionality. As of right now I am using a text file as a database for the end user to store current issues.

The reason for me using a text file is that I do not know much about database programming and I cannot find any simple examples in the same usage. My question is, is it really going to become a problem as more issues are added to this file and it becomes larger? I.E using up more resources, application getting slower etc?

If so, could anyone point me in the right direction to creating a simple database application. Most examples I have seen require ask to download their pre-made database. Although I would like for the program to create a database if one is not there.


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Writing To An Access Database Via .net 2008?

Jun 24, 2010

im having an issue writing to an access database via 2008 i can read form it but not write?

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Stop The VB Installer From Writing New Copies Of The Database?

Jul 29, 2009

My customers are literally screaming at me about loosing their data everytime a new version of my program is released. I have diagnosed the problem as being that a new blank copy is installed everytime, but I have no idea how to stop that from happening! Visual Studio 2008 with sp1

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VS 2008 - Writing To Blank Access Database

May 16, 2009

I have searched all over the forums and not found an answer to my question. My question is how do i write to an access database at runtime. The database is also created at runtime. I have a dataset loaded with a table that i needs to be written to the database. how would i write each row of my dataset to my database? Sorry if this sounds a little jumbled together it is late and i am tired. If it is unclear you can ask me and i will answer any questions you have about my question.

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Writing To Database/Datatable In Simple Project?

Sep 13, 2010

I have created a simple project where I have two forms, one a data entry form where a client name, address, city, state and zip are entered into textboxes. Then, the user clicks a button to add all this data to the datatable via a newrow. The second form includes a datagridview to show the datatable. However, I cannot get the code below to work to update the datatable. I have a button to click to check to see if the data is entered and it returns an error that no row exists.

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Writing To Multiple Rows In The Database Using VB 2010?

Nov 17, 2011

writing to multiple rows in the database using VB 2010?

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Writing To SQL Database Manually (for Education Purposes)

Sep 18, 2009

I'm building an application that is intended to function off and online using the new Local Database Cache functionality included with Visual Studio 2008. My issue however does not pertain to that directly, as I have a pretty good understanding of how to use it and how it functions. My issue is with getting an understanding on how to directly write to a SQL database.

Most of the tutorials, videos and education available when it comes to databinding makes the assumption that I need my application to pull data and edit it, but in my case all I really need (in fact intentionally all I want) is for the application on Submit to write data that it pulls from the form as a new record in a SQL table.

Here is what the program looks like now.

Public Class StatCom
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


At the moment the program simply does a status check for connectivity and wether it can ping the server (in this case the SQL server) for the purpose of displaying a online or offline status in the form.

I follow it up by making the status checks.

Finally I declare all the various fields I want to capture and write to the database.

What I want to do now is have a SUBMIT button that on click takes all the data in the form and writes a new record to the database I have already setup and have data connection to.

I know that the code has to be written using the .recordset functionality, but I haven't found any could tutorials on the subject that have turned on the light upstairs.

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Writing Data In Access F

Feb 22, 2009

[code]i want to write Delta_r(i) in access data and then i want to connect that file to Crystal report for plotting.

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Writing Data To A New XML File?

Jun 13, 2011

I am working on a program for work and I am stuck on trying to make a new XML file from VB.NET 2010. I have the old code which was done in C# and it works but even using a C# to VB converter didn't help. I will paste in both the C# and what I have in VB

private void webBrowser1_Navigating(object sender,
WebBrowserNavigatingEventArgs e)


It is supposed to not only create the file but launch a program called PowerScribe and find the case in the Field 6 section.

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DB/Reporting :: Writing A Program And Loading Info Into A SQL Database

Feb 17, 2009

I'm writing a program in VB.Net and loading the info into a SQL database. Debugging it works fine on my machine that I am programming it on, it connects to the database and runs through all the info perfectly. However trying to get it to run on another machine it will not connect to the database. I realize the reason for this is the connection string, it's looking specifically at the file directory for the database. How do I change this so that it will function on any machine. The program is only intended to run on one machine at a time and not over the internet.

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Designing The Flow Of Code When Reading / Writing From Database

Aug 8, 2009

So I'm trying out a concept tool of mine where I need to be able to read and write data from a database real easy. I've set up the form as I like and spread around different text boxes and dropdownboxes to read the data from the database. And I've got it all to work and all, but there's a small bug I don't fully understand why's there. Some textboxes don't update the text from the database.

But it seems as it only occurs if the data in the database is nothing. So the value from the last row is still hanging in the textbox and thus, clicking "Update" actually updates the value from the field from the last row, into the new row. Messing everything up.


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Error Writing To An Access 2010 Database Using VB2010

Aug 18, 2010

I am writing an app in VB2010. My code parses a text file, assigns data to variables My??, and then attempts to store this data in an access 2010 (actually access 2007 format) table. Yet, whenever my code gets to MyRow.Item("Artist") = MyArtist I get an error 5 'Artist' does not belong to Table MyTable, but the field/column does exist in the table as do all the others.

01Dim tbl As DataTable = New DataTable(MyTable)
03Dim lastRow As Integer = tbl.Rows.Count - 1


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Interaction With Database (Reading / Writing Tables And Fields)

May 2, 2012

Using Visual Basic 2008 express, I would like to access a database with 2 tables, one table (useraccounts) which has Users and Password and ID, and the other table which has information (linktable). Basically I would like to do a login form which reads from the table useraccounts and be able to create new users which will write into the database.

Another is that I have a form with a number of links which I would like to store in the table 'linktable' and it basically just gets the links from the table and straight to the form where it is used. I have tried using access or the .mdf files that visual basic has but I have been unable to find an answer for either.

I wouldn't mind using either access or the .mdf file for the database, I would just like it to work. Overall I am trying to get:
Login form which reads from database table 'useraccounts' and has a new user feature
Just a form that can read / write to the database once the save button is clicked.

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Writing A UserControls That Display Different Database Tables In Textboxes?

Mar 16, 2007

I am writing a UserControls that display different database tables in textboxes. At present, I change which table the UC looks at by means of a Property that is in byte format and the Set part of the Property calls a subroutine to fix various functions.

Public Property csrCategory() As Byte
Return category
End Get


When, say Line 2, is selected the value 2 is passed to the value in the UC.

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