Add A New Character Its Data Replaces The Existing Ones?

Oct 1, 2011

Ok so here's my problem. I am trying to make it so when you push a button it will add a new character to my listbox. Everytime I go to add a new character its data replaces the existing ones I have already added to the list. I know what's doing it because it's using ThisNewCharacter everytime the button is pushed, I do not know how to work around it tho! I want it so it will continue to add new characters to the list when the button is clicked that doesn't replace the other characters data.


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C# - Further Compact String.join So It Replaces Apostrophes?

Aug 22, 2011

Consider the below code (which dynamically creates a dynamic SQL string) Is there a way to further compact string.join, so it does replace("'","''") on all array members automagically ? (without writing a custom version)


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Selected Text Replaces First Line Of Combobox

Sep 4, 2011

I have a combo box that lists Customers:


If I select ABC003 from the Combo box drop down it replaces the first line of Combo box text with that text. i:e ABC001 is now ABC003.

So if a user selects a customer and then changes their mind to say ABC001. ABC001 is no longer available.

How can I set the Combo Box from updating with the selected values?

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VS 2008 : Multidimensional ArrayList : Replaces All ALs In First Level With Latest AL?

Jun 18, 2010

I am working with an ArrayList of ArrayLists. Every time I add a new ArrayList to the main AL, it replaces all previously added ALs with the new one.Here's an example

Dim al As New ArrayList
Dim al2 As New ArrayList
Dim list() As String = {"one", "two", "three"}


I would expect the Final line should be "Final: one, two, three" but that is not the case. And if I pause and check my ArrayList (al), it shows 3 items, that all have "three" in every spot which is what the last AL I added looked like.

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Regular Expression Replaces Special Chars With Numbers Instead Of String?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm using the following to strip special characters out of a URL:

Dim urlReg As New Regex("[^dw ]")
inurl = urlReg.Replace(inurl, "")


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Copying Data A File Int An Existing File Where The Filename Of Both The Data File And Existing File Will Vary From User To User

Aug 5, 2011

I have a workbook (Workbook1) that runs through some steps using visual basic, which ends up opening another workbook Workbook2). Once Workbook 2 is opened, I need to copy a section of data from it, into Workbook1 int a specific worksheet. I was able to do this by recording a macro, but the challange is, the name of Workbook 1, and Workbook 2, will vary by User. When I created the macro it uses the files as they are currently named. The section of code is below.


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Checking If The Data Is Existing In The Database?

Jul 18, 2011

I have this Add User Form and a Function Class, I need to know if the username typed in the Add User Form already exist in the database, so that I can warn to change the username but I have problems doing that.

Here's the code for the function class:

Public Function addUser(ByVal arole As String, ByVal ausername As String, ByVal apass As String, ByVal aname As String, ByVal aaddress As String, ByVal aregion As String, ByVal aprovince As String, ByVal atown As String, ByVal adate As Date, ByVal acreator As String) As Boolean


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Code For Editing Existing Data?

Jul 17, 2009

I am trying to edit, add, and update my database. I have the code for updating and it updates fine (I can see the modified time on the file), but I was wondering why none of my changes were being saved when I closed the window. Then I realized I was an idiot and I don't have any code to actually accept edits on this form, I just have code for updating and adding new rows It wouldn't update without me telling it which rows have been edited and need updating, right I mean I can't just type a new value in the textbox, click save, and expect it to save the change.This is the update and new row code I'm using:

Private Sub SaveToolStripButton2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripButton2.Click


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How To Add Data To An Existing Excel File?

Jan 13, 2011

Please see the code below:

Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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How To Write Data Into An Existing PDF File

Apr 6, 2011

I Have an existing pdf file with some editable fields like text boxes and text boxes, where i can enter data manually and save the file,

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VS 2008 Editing Existing Data?

Oct 1, 2009

I can add new data to the database and have it saved and everything (though my method not be great, but it works) but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to edit existing data and save it. assume it would be better to have it check whether or not the row exists, and if it does, just update it rather than trying to insert new rows? This is the code I have right now to

Dim newRefractiveRow As EyeBaseDataSet.Spectacle_RxRow
newRefractiveRow = EyeBaseDataSet.Spectacle_Rx.NewSpectacle_RxRow
With newRefractiveRow


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Battle System Not Replacing Existing Data?

Mar 13, 2012

I have my battle systems code set to (attempt) to replace the test enemies data with the data that I have saved into a text file every time you either kill the enemy, or you leave the battle and come back to it... or if youve run away from the enemy.ive got two functions in the battle page, one of which is an agressive attack, the other of which is the running away function, and both of them are supposed to run the function that resets and reloads the enemies data from a text file, yet none of them are doing what they are supposed to do...

the problem that I am having is that when I either run away, or I kill the enemy, its data is never reset to the baseline of 2000, it is always, in the case of running away, what it was when I ran away, or if I killed it, it is a random value less than 2000...

here is the respective code

agressive attack:

Private Sub CMDagressive_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CMDagressive.Click
'Dim previousdamage As Integer
'Dim originaldamage As String


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Delete Existing Data In Datagridview Using Loop

Jan 23, 2012

i want to delete existing data in datagridview using loop . i write code below:[code]but problem is that when data found and deleted row then orginal data index mismatch. and get error. how do make loop in up to down and delete row if match

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Editing Existing Data In An Excel Spreadsheet?

Dec 6, 2009

I am writing a windows application that interacts with data stored in an Excel Spreadsheet. I merely want to change the text value of a cell that already has text written in it.

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VS 2005 Append Data To Existing Worksheet?

Mar 5, 2011

I have worked out all the other bugs in my Staffing app. A while back .paul helped me with exporting my data to excel. So what I need to do now is this:

Schedule AM RN's and export to excel DONE
Schedule PM RN's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule AM NT's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule PM NT's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule AM WC's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet
Schedule PM WC's and export to excel appending to existing worksheet

I only need 1 workbook, and each new full schedule will be a new worksheet with the beginning date/ending date as the worksheet name.

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Writing Data To An Existing Excel File

Mar 16, 2010

I'm fairly new to coding in Visual Basic, and I'm working on a project where I have to allow users to write data to an existing Excel worksheet (by entering the data into a form created in Visual Basic.NET). I've created a form that allows users to enter data such as the following:


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Writing Data To An Existing Excel File?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm working on a project where I have to allow users to write data to an existing Excel worksheet (by entering the data into a form created in Visual Basic.NET). I've created a form that allows users to enter data such as the following:

Name (First, Last)
Mailing Address
Email Address

...and so on. I've programmed the data to be sent to the Excel file upon clicking on the Submit button in the form itself. I've also created the Excel file and placed it on my C: drive, but the problem I'm having is trying to send the data from the VB form to the Excel file itself. Can someone please show me some sample code or point me in the right direction as to how to get the submitted information from the form to save into the Excel file, please?

I'm trying to get the information to show up in rows and columns in Excel like the following below (the dashes are just to show that the information should be in rows and columns):

Name--------------------------Mailing Address-------Email Address-------Gender-------Age
John Doe---------------------2300 Jackson Street--------

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PDF - Takes A 1 Page Existing Pdf That Ispecify And Inserts That Into Another Existing Pdf?

Nov 11, 2010

I need to make a program in vb that takes a 1 page existing pdf that i specify and inserts that into another existing pdf that i specify.

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Export Data From Gridview To An Existing Excel File?

Apr 7, 2012

I need to save the results of each search that I run on my database, into an excel file. So it is an iterative process where the new search results are added on as new rows to the excel file in each export. I am running the following code which works perfectly fine but for the fact that each export is saved to a newly created excel file.[code]...

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Insert Excel Data Into Existing MS Access Table?

Mar 23, 2012

I have this piece of code which picks the data in an excel file. At the moment i have the data into the dt table. how do i write the data in dt to FECHO_UNICRE table at the UTLT.accdb database? I want to fill the table just after deleting the existing records.

Private Sub Unicre_Calculos_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Reset / Clear An Existing Chart To Display New Data

Mar 26, 2012

I currently have a chart that plots lines of a changing value every time it is called via a timer.

Everything is running as I expected and I am happy, but now I want to be able to press a [STOP] button which will stop the timer and stop the graph from updating, (which I have coded and is now working OK), BUT I then want the code under this [STOP] button to clear everything from the graph, so when I re-start the timer, the graph is cleared and starts plotting fresh points on a clean graph.

The problem I currently have is that when I press the [STOP] button and then press the [START] button, the new lines that get plotted are "added" to the existing lines that are already on the chart, instead of having a new "blank" chart, with no data on it.

So what I am really asking is does anyone know if it is possible to reset a chart clearing everything off it so it is ready to start displaying fresh data?

I was hoping it was something like: "Chart1.Clear" or something simple like that, but I can't seem to find anything that will do it.

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XML Database Changing Schema And Migrating Existing Data?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a purely XML database. It's stored as XML, there is no other database file. I did this by first creating a dataset in VB, then adding tables and relationships. I load the database by calling DataSet.ReadXml(FilePath), and save the database by calling DataSet.WriteXml(FilePath).

Now I need to make schema changes, but need to preserve existing data. How might I go about doing this? As soon as I load the database I loose all data if I change the schema in the dataset designer.

I have searched for changing database schema, but everything I find deals with real databases, not XML only ones, and the info doesn't apply because they are using db connections and then running sql against it and AFAIK XML databases have no way to "connect".

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Add Data Points From Double() Array To Existing Chart Series?

Jun 21, 2012

I have an array of type Double() (1 x n) that I am trying to quickly plot on a graph I've already set up. The only thing I want/need to do is take my array and store it as data points (y-axis values) in the series I already have. What's the best way to do this? Also, will the data points that are plotted change as my array changes, and if not, how would I replot those new points and get rid of the old points?

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VS 2008 Saving To .txt File (WriteLine Overwrites Existing Data)?

Apr 22, 2009

I have the below code simply to save a name and email, however i want to preserve the current lines in the text file.

'Pass the file path
sr = New System.IO.StreamWriter("subscribers.txt")
'Write a line of text.


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VS 2010 Load Data From Text File Into Existing Table

Aug 18, 2011

I'm using the following code to import data from a text file into an existing Access table:


The first time i ran the code, it caused no error but no records where loaded into the table. The second time it causes the OleDbException "Table 'TEMP' already exists."explain me wath am i doing wrong? The text file is comma delimited and it has exactly the same number of columns of the TEMP table.

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Character Data When Loading A File (*.bin)?

Sep 20, 2011

When loading file data to the listbox that I recognize some characters and replace them for me "?"I put the code I use to load the data:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If OpenFile.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Using fs As FileStream = New FileStream(OpenFile.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)[code]....

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How To Limit Number Of Character That Need To Be Enter In Data Grid

Jul 15, 2009

In my datagriedview i have 5 column called T,C,F,S and H.I want to specify in column C that the user must enter 3 digit. For column H the maximun value should be 2000 so user should not enter more than i can specify this condition for my datagriedview column?

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Calculate Characters In One Row On Special Defined Numeric Value To Each Character Or Group Of Character?

Aug 25, 2011

How do I write an expression to calculate all characters of each row by my own defined value to each character = all the A and B and C and etc. will be as 2 and all I and J and whatever ... will be 1 so I need an end result of the total.

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MemoryStream Truncating Input - Replace All Instances Of A Certain Character With A Unicode Character?

Jul 10, 2009

I am working on a sub that essentially needs to open a text file, and replace all instances of a certain character with a unicode character. I'm trying to do this by reading the original text file byte by byte, converting it to a character, and then either adding that character to a memory stream or writing the unicode character to the memory stream. Then I'm saving the memory stream to the original file.


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VS 2008 Random - New Character Out Of The String And Then Remove The Character From The List Of Characters

Dec 12, 2010


For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.

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