An Attribute Needed For A Property To Instantly Show Changes In DESIGN View

Feb 15, 2010

I have code for a custom DateTimePicker in this thread.>> Do I need to add an attribute to the properties to instantly show changes in design view please

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MicrosoftReportViewer Doesn't Show Up In Form In Design View

Jun 6, 2011

I have created a form and dropped a MicrosoftReportViewer onto the form. It appears in the control panel on the bottom of the design view but it will not show up in the form. This is the second form I have done like this. The first one is fine. I can see the report viewer in the form and reports work correctly. For the second form nothing. Something I did notice is that in the first form the ReportViewer1 has a name in properties. In the second form there is no line with the name of the control.

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.net - How To Show A Form's Custom Property At Design Time

Oct 22, 2010

I have a form where I have created a custom property, DataEntryRole, and set its Browsable attribute to True, as shown:

<Browsable(True)> _
Public Property DataEntryRole() As UserRole.PossibleRoles
Return mDataEntryRole
End Get


When I view the designer for my form, DataEntryRole doesn't appear in the property box. I assume that it should appear if I were to create another form that inherited from this base form, but that's not what I want. I want this property to show up in my current form.

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File I/O And Registry :: View Netflix Play Instantly Queue

Apr 7, 2009

In IE, in the View pulldown, there is an item called Source.This displays a text file of the source html for that website.I am trying to capture my Play instantly Netflix movie list so I can display movie names on my analog tv that are large enough to read from the TV.Then, with a wireless mouse in the living room, I can navigate to a movie from the tv monitor and play a particular movie.How can I save this source data as a text file on my pc?The Queue gets updated periodically and everytime I start my program, I need to capture that source.[code]but I am not getting the Source that I see when I use the IE Source menu while my Netflix Queue is display in IE.

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Css - Design A Webpage In Design View Which Support Multi Resolution?

Nov 26, 2010

I have created my webpage in in 1024*768 resolution, my problem was that when i change my monitor resolution then the controls in my webpage will be displayed in unmanaged manner .

How to arrange items in my webpage which support multiple resolution ...

Whatever the resolution of my monitor the controls in my webpage will display as it is as managed in 1024*768 reolution !

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Form Design - Cannot Expand Vertically In Design View

Jun 27, 2011

I seem to have reached a limit on the size of the form. I cannot make the form longer and I need to add more fields. Is there a limit on how many fields can be included in a form?

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Add A Design-time Attribute To A Custom Control?

Jul 29, 2009

setting the default value for an integer attribute of a custom control seems to have stopped working. The following code adds the Maximum attribute to the design-time properties table, but the default value pops up as 0, not 99:

<System.ComponentModel.Browsable(True)> _
<System.ComponentModel.Category("Behavior")> _
<System.ComponentModel.Description("highest value possible")> _


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Code View To Design View?

Jun 28, 2009

i have a project with two forms. now when i open this project using 08, only code window opens. i cant switch to design view.

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.NET Custom Property Attribute?

Mar 6, 2010

How can I shift the GET-implementation of a Class property to a / using a custom attribute? (I've added instantation vars (classname, propertyname) to the attribute, however I'd rather have these automatically fetched ofcourse.)

Public Class CustomClass
<CustomAttributeClass(ClassName:="CustomClass", PropertyName = "SomeProperty")> _
Public Property SomeProperty() as String
Get() as String


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Color Property On Custom Attribute?

Aug 4, 2010

i wrote a custom attribute and got the following Color property that I want the user to be able to indicate the color property in the attribute on a class:

Private _ColumnColor As System.Drawing.Color
Public Property ColumnColor() As System.Drawing.Color


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Property Attribute Overloaded 11 Of 11 DefaultValue

Jan 18, 2012


Why is the first line not correct? What it wants is a System.Type and a System.String but refuses to work.

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Change The TypeConverter Attribute Of A Property At Runtime?

Dec 20, 2011

I have a class created for use with the PropertyGrid control in a VB.Net application. One of the properties of the class is:

Private _someProp As String
<Browsable(True), _
BindableAttribute(False), _


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Store And Then Raise Event In Property Of Attribute

Apr 9, 2009

I think know how to do this in C# but I'm having syntax trouble in VB.NET because I need to take advantage of the 'handles' event stuff. I have different events that I somehow (probably delegate) need stored in a property of an attribute (I just add an attribute to a property linking to the corresponding event).

Public ReadOnly Property IsTrue() As Boolean
Return True
End Get
End Property

They need to be events so that other programmers can use the VB.NET handles keyword on methods.
Public Delegate Sub TestEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Object)
Public Event E As TestEvent
Public Sub Test() Handles E
End Sub

These properties are already raising a general event, which I am catching, determining the related property and thus getting the related attribute (and delegate/event). I want to then raise the event that's related. If I just use a delegate tied to the particular event that won't raise other handlers will it? I also want to avoid having to write a sub for each property that just uses Raise Event on the event type if possible as this seems redundant.

E.g. avoid:
Public Event E As TestEvent
Public Sub CallE(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Object)
RaiseEvent E(sender, e)
End Sub
[Code] .....

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C# - From A UITypeEditor, Retrieve An Attribute Applied To The Parent Of A Property In .net?

Jan 20, 2010

Consider this scenario:

Class MyClass
Property SubProp1
End Property


Next, I put an instance of MyButton into a property grid, expand property MC and edit SubProp2.From the type editor for SubProp2, I want to get hold of the attribute applied to property MC.Looking at the context,PropertyDescriptor.ComponentType, we arrive at Type: MyClass.If i look at the attributes applied to MyClass, though, it will only return the attributes applied directly to MyClass, and not the extra attribute applied to the property MC.

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VS 2005 - Setting Browsable Attribute Of Property At RunTime

Mar 24, 2009

I have done some searching, but am still having trouble trying to set the browsable attribute of property to false at runtime in order to hide in the properties grid control (based on certain conditions).

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Html - Removing "Design-time-lock" Attribute From Legacy Code

Apr 4, 2011

I'm converting a project from .net 1.1 to 3.5, and everywhere the following is used in the markup:

Design_Time_Lock: true


<asp:linkbutton id="lbRun" style="Z-INDEX: 111; Design_Time_Lock: True" runat="server">Run</asp:linkbutton>


I've read up about the Design_Time_Lock attribute, and I can see when it will and won't be generated. However I don't really understand the point of it. And- more importantly- can all instances of it be safely removed throughout the code?

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Assign Value To Property Of A Class Having Pairs With Attribute Names And Values

Jun 21, 2010

I have valued pairs, attributes names and values in one hand, and I have an object with attributes. I need to set the values of those attributes. I need something like [code]

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Cannot See Design View Of Form

May 2, 2009

I was loading my project when my computer rebooted suddenly. After it came back up, I went to load my project again and got an error about "an error occured when loading in the design view..this has been disabled" - sorry I did not get the exact message but it was something like this. Then when my project opened up, I now cannot see my form in the design view anymore. It still run's fine, but there is no code displayed and the form itself does not display in IDE anymore. I can see the code for the form only on the form.designer.vb mode.I have continues backup installed, and restored several versions of the class files for the form, but yet still no luck.

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Cannot See Form In Design View

May 7, 2010

All of suddenly I can not see a form in design view. I am getting 57 errors and all of them have this error.... They type 'Windows.My.Resources.Resources' has no property named '....'

My project runs fine. I can compile and do all that good stuff. But I can not see for in design view.

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Get Design View Back?

Mar 8, 2009

I am making a program using Windows Form Application, and I had it set up in the design view. I double clicked a button to begin coding and up popped a ton of stuff in the code view that I had never seen before. I closed that, and somehow closed the design view by accident too. Now I can't get my design view back, even by re-opening the program (I didn't save), and double clicking the form to open it. It opens up as "Form1.vb" rather than "Form1.vb [Design]".What happened, how can I fix this and get my design view back?

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VS 2008 - Property Grid - Click On Item Show Its Property

Mar 18, 2009

I have a listbox with several list items added. I want that as user click on an item, I should be able to show its property. This should change for different items. For example (hypothetical) : Listbox has numbers 1 - 10. Now when I select 1 I should be able to set property - Name, Lastname, Colour, Age.

When I select 2 I should be able to set - Age, Hair Colour (clr shows), Weight, Date. When I select 3 then - City (combo box drop down), Country, Age only. This way value changes for diff items. One way is to put them in property grid and show them. Though this looks nice but adding/removing items in that is not easy. You need to have a class that refer that to prop grid. Do I have to code for each classes for all values in listbox or is there an easier way to manage items in property grid. If you think prop grid is not the right tool for such an activity then can you suggest something else.

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C# - Applying Attribute To Property In Business Object Such That Column Isn't Visible After Databind?

Dec 29, 2011

I was just wondering if it is possible to apply an attribute to a property within a business object (MyBusinessObject) such that after the DataSource of a grid is set to a List(Of MyBusinessObject), the visible property of the column will automatically be false. For example:

myGrid.DataSource = New List(Of MyBusinessObject)
Public Class MyBusinessObject


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Deserializing XML Into Simple .NET Class - Cannot Populate Property From Root Node Attribute

Feb 17, 2010

I have a simple class that I trying to populate from an XML document. The XML file has an attribute called TrackingID in the root node which I would like to get as a property. For some reason, when I deseralize the class, the TrackingID is null. Everything else populates fine. I have tried various attributes on the TrackingID property with no luck.


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Can't Return To Form Design View

Aug 7, 2005

i'm on day one with VB05 express Beta 2 after a several-year break from VB6 after having a sudden surge of programming inspiration. i must say i'm quite impressed with a lot of the features, however, i'm really stumped by something that must be so simple that i'm just looking too hard or something.i've been looking for hours at how to return to the graphic design view of a form. i can't find it anywhere. all of the code from when i closed my project is still there but the visual representation of the form itself is nowhere to be found.

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Can't See Design View Mode In 2008

Apr 13, 2010

How can I get back the design view mode in Visual Studio 2008? I closed the design view mode and I can't see any option to view my form in design mode.

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Design Interface And View Mode

May 18, 2012

I am getting trouble in designing report. The interface of design and view mode is different. the alignment of the view mode for paragraphs are different from the design.
The following is my design interface:
The following is my view mode:
All the setting are the same, but there has different on it.

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Missing Button Design View?

Mar 18, 2009

I have somehow managed to loose/hide a button that is displayed on my form.

When I go to create another button and give it the same name, i receive The name btn_submit is already in use by another component.

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See The Design View Of Mdi Parent Form?

Jun 11, 2011

I have created one application which have one mdi parent foem and after that i have designed 3 more forms. now from solution wxplorer whenever i click in mdi parent form i doesont show its design pane.. how can i see the design view of mdi parent form.

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Unable To Open [Design] View

Apr 16, 2009

So there I was working on a project. I was putting the finishing touches on the GUI and clicked on the Image list I had added. VB froze up a moment, and when it came back I was on a code view of the form showing the properties I had just set up in the GUI. Suddenly, I can in no way view the form. I get a View code option, but no View designer. If I close out the project and open another, there it is "View Designer" right where I expect it. But in the project I was working on, it is just plain gone.

Is there something I am missing here? Can I recover my project?

If I run it in the debuger the whole form shows perfectly, I just can't get to it to edit it.

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VS 2008 Design View Missing?

Feb 17, 2010

Just a quick questio with what I'm sure will recieve an incredibly simple answer.Problem: After saving and restarting Vb the project I am working on seems to lose design view. In the 'view' drop down menu where you would see 'code menu f7' 'design view shift + f7' I only see the code view and not the design view. The tab for my project which would normally say form1.vb (design) now only says form1.vb. The coresponding window for that tab does not show the GUI I had created just a blank white page.

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