App To Start In Desired Folder

Aug 9, 2010

I'm completely new to Visual Basic, so please be 'gentle' with me.I came up with an idea of a simple app (apps), which is almost done. I'm using Visual Basic Studio Express 2010.What I want to do is (well partially done already):One app (Windows Forms Application) launches another app. I'm using Shell command to start the other one.The other one is located on a network drive, but opens fine. The problem is that the another one (the second one) supposed to start a BATCH file (*.bat) in the same folder where the app is located, but it seems to be running in the same folder where the first app is located.In other words. App1 is C:my appmyprogram1.exe it starts App2 which is on a network drive, i.e.\mynetworkmynetwork foldermy program2.exe. Then 'myprogram2.exe' starts (suppose to) a batch file in the same folder \mynetworkmynetworkfolder, but instead it is trying to look for it in C:myapp . How do I tell the program2.exe to search for the batch file in the same folder where its located?

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Make A Application That Will Bind User Desired Keys To User Desired Text

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to make a application that will bind User Desired Keys to User Desired Text. This is what I have done so far, it is not very much but it keeps crashing and visual basic is not telling me anything is wrong with it. I basically just want the user to be able to select a hotkey from a combobox. [code]

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Start A Folder Monitor Service At Runtime And Pass On The Folder Path To Monitor?

May 27, 2010

I have the following windows service file:

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.IO
Public Class fswService


2 problems: first, intellisense error saying: 'fswService' is a type and cannot be used as an expression. second, I can not figure out a way to pass on to the service the path of the folder to watch (which is stored at My.Settings.userPath).

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Specify What Folder To Start "process.start" In?

Jun 11, 2011

I have the following code:


Apppath is always a valid application path. (Eg, C:\hi.exe)My issue is, that it starts the specified exe in the location of my vbnet program. Not the program folder specified.I want �hi.exe� to be ran in �c:\�. Not in �C:\vbnetapplicationfolder\bin\�\ So how do I do that?

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VS 2008 Start .exe In Only One Folder?

Nov 15, 2009

I want one of my programs to start only in one folder for example So i want Hello.exe to only start in this folder C:The Hello if the user starts the program on his desktop i want it to show an error and not start.

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Check For Changes In Folder Upon Application Start?

May 26, 2010

while the application is running i'm using FileSystemWatcher to monitor the folder. But what if there are changes to the folder when the application is not running, how can I check for these changes when the application starts.(similar to how windows media player, for example, monitors your music folder. Even when you add songs to that folder when it is not running, it does discover them when it runs next time)

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Process.Start To Run Exe In Same Folder As Application Is?

Apr 18, 2010

myProcess = Process.Start("something.exe")nd want to start it using button it doen not find the file - i need to execute it from the same folder where application is how can i do that?

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C# - Placing A Shortcut In User's Startup Folder To Start With Windows?

Aug 2, 2010

I wanted to give my user an option for "Start with Windows". When user check this option it will place a shortcut icon into Startup folder (not in registry). On Windows restart, it will load my app automatically.

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VS 2010 Quick One -publishing App Creates Shortcut In Wrong Start Menu Folder?

Jun 21, 2012

when I publish my app and run the setiup it places the shortcut under a folder in the start menu called Microsoft

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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Webbrowser Not Navigating To Desired URL?

May 10, 2012

I'm automating a download,and I know the URL to the download page. Well, not exactly. This URL is indeed what I need to use, but the website redirects it to the REAL download page. Unfortunately the redirect only happens if I do an exit sub. That is to say, if I do a loop sleeping one second per iteration, the loop goes on forever waiting for the redirect. But if I branch out of the loop by inserting an Exit Sub in break mode, I can see the redirect occur onscreen. (I can watch the current page in the web browser transition to the desired download page). The trouble of course is that I don't WANT to do an Exit Sub at that point, so what's the solution? Do I need to call Browser.Navigate on a background thread?

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How To Force Webbrowser1 To Go To Desired Page

Nov 20, 2011

I want to use webbrowser to go to a web site. This web site has three possible screens that I can get when I try to visit:

(1) A fresh login page, where it does not seem to know me and asks my name and password

(2) The main page of the site, with me logged in from my last visit

(3) A screen that says something like: "Thanks for visiting and logging out. click here to log back in."

I want to make it so that the webbrowser 1 ALWAYS is able to get to the first kind of page. When I have webbrowser1 navigate to the specified URL I want it to *not* be redirected to already being logged in from last time and to *not* be redirected to the third kind of page.

I am trying to make a program so that it goes to the site, enters my username and password, and clicks the "login" button. This is getting messed up because it does not always go to the first kind of page, and, actually, most often redirects to the second or third screens, to my aggravation!

Is there some command I can use with webbrowser and my visual basic 10 program to make it so the webbrowser is NOT redirected without me wanting it to be, so that it always goes into the "fresh" login page?

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Multiple Forms Opening When Not Desired

May 16, 2012

I have a group of buttons all with different labels. I want to have each of these specific buttons open up the same form, but my problem is when I write the code of it pops open twenty or so different windows. How to I make one button open just one window?

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C# :: Does One Still Write Tests With TDD When The Desired Code Has Little To No Logic

Feb 10, 2011

TDD is supposed to have 100% code coverage. Does this mean one is supposed to write tests for property getter and setters, and other methods that contain no real logic, such as dealing with external API functionality? Below is one example method (which happens to also be the example in this other SO question which deals with how best to test it, if we are going to test it). This method doesn't do much. It's a facade of theSystem.ServiceProcess.ServiceController functionality of stopping a service. Currently this code was not being written using TDD, but if it was, would it be something that one should test? There is very little logic here.est to test it (IoC & Adapter Pattern vs. Detouring) please see this other SO question.

Public Function StopService(ByVal serviceName As String, ByVal timeoutMilliseconds As Double) As Boolean Implements IWindowsServicesService.StopService


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Create A Csv File With Desired Number Of Columns?

May 17, 2012

I am using this method to create a csv file using

protected void btnExportCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


This code is creating csv file. But i dont want any extra column in csv.

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Get Desired Column From Share Point List?

May 15, 2012

I am using the following Caml Query to get data from a share point list.

oSb.Append(" <OrderBy>")
oSb.Append(" <FieldRef Name=""Title"" />")
oSb.Append(" </OrderBy>")

But this query is giving me all columns of list. Is there any way to get only desired column from a share point list using Caml Query?

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PictureBox - How To Access Desired Colors From Enumerations

Jun 8, 2011

In my project, it is desirable to access built-in color, dash styles, hatch styles by a numerical index rather than their names. For example, I would like to access the colors in a loop from 0 to 140 and display each of these in side by side rectangles in a picture box. Then later, when I click on the rectangle for a desired color, calculate the index of the color from the position of the rectangle in the picture box and use this index to set another object to the clicked color. I understand the coding for all of this except for how to get the colors from the enumeration in the loop and later, after I get the index from the clicked picture box, how to I access the desired color from the enumeration by using the index obtained from clicking the picture box.

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Scheduled Task And EXE Not Working Properly As Desired

May 18, 2012

I created an exe app in and I want it to run every 3AM so I used the scheduled task feature of Windows 7. The app has an initial form that will countdown from ten before proceed to the main process. My problem is that the form doesn't poped up. But when I look at the task manager, my app is running. I don't know what's wrong with it because when I tested the app to run at times when I am viewing it, the initial form pops up. I already set everything like to Run whether user is logged on or not. So I really don't know what wrong with my app.

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Vb Code For Monty Hall Not Behaving In The Desired Way?

Apr 2, 2010

I have written a vb code for the Monte Hall Problem(in my case I have used the example of 3 cards - one of the card is red and 2 are black, you have to choose red to win) But I am not getting the desired results as expected.

Could someone point out my mistakes or advice me where I have gone wrong in my code.I have attached my vb code with this thread.


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Making Infragistics Ultrawingrid Desired Columns Readonly

May 20, 2010

I am stucked at the situation where I need to disable few columns of a each row ,except newly added row.That is I have 10 columns in grid and I want first three columns that are binded from the rows coming from db as disabled or read-only, rest are editable. if I add new row then all columns of new row must be enabled until and unless it is saved.I dont have any DataKey or Primary key for my existing row or new row. I have to check for some boolean values like IsNewRow. [code] but the problem is that if i click on disabled/readonly rows then newly added rows also gets disabled., which i dont want

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Use Built-in Classes For Sorting The Number In The Desired Order?

Feb 9, 2009

How to use built-in classes in for sorting the following number in the desired order?

Number: 5,10,24,9

Desired order: 5, 9, 10, 24

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VS 2008 - Open File On Double Click With Desired Program

Jan 12, 2012

I designed a advanced music player, everything is ok, I create the setup, install my computer. Here is my problem, there is a mp3 file at my desktop, right click, Open with, Select my program. But, I realise that I didn't write any code for that. Shortly, I want to when double click on mp3 file. And it should be opened with my program..

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Forms :: Let The Users To Select Their Desired Wallpapers In The Window Main Form?

May 23, 2010

I wanted to let the users to select their desired wallpapers dynamically in the window main form. Is it possible? Funtional spec:

1. Let the users to select their desired wallpapers from any directory.

2. Save the wallpaper in the database.

3. Load the wallpaper in the main form after login sucessful.

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How To Play Sound Files In Desired Order According To Text Inputed In Txtbox?

Feb 26, 2010

i got the following things:

-A button (called "btnplayvoice")
-A textbox(multi-line enabled, called "txtinput")
-Some *.wav audio files in my "resources" (2 of them called "A.wav" and "B.wav", of course there are still some more sound files in my resources xD)Note: the button and the txtbox are in the same form.

i want to make a program with this feature:When I type "B A"(note between "B" and "A" has a space)into txtinput, then i click the btnplayvoice, it will look up and check the resources and see if the wav file exists there, if yes, it will play the related(same as inputed) sound files one by one in correct order. That mean in this case I should hear "B.wav -> A.wav" in this order.

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Class Library (dll) Single Instance To Pass Data Between Processes Or Exe's DESIRED BADLY

Oct 20, 2010

The "named pipe" seems rediculous to pass data between processes (exe's). Is it possible to run a single instance of a VB.NET Class Libary (dll) such that two programs can access the same memory resident dll, thereby passing data via functions and or subs?When I try to make the class library as single instance, the "Enable Application Framework" is greyed out, and thus the option to "Make Application Single Instance" is also greyed out.When I try to call the dll from two processes, I simply just create two instances, so storing data in a module doesn't work

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DGV Edit Mode, After Press ENTER To Move The Active Cell Into The Desired Cell?

Nov 29, 2011

in VB.NET DGVedit mode, after press ENTER to move the active cell into the desired cell, notdirectly move to the next line, how is it?

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Parse The URL Of The Desired Popup To The Popup-form AND Show Hints / Tooltips In The WebKit-Component?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to use the WebKit-component ([URL]) in VB with the help of Visual Studio 2008. This is running without problems, except for two following two issues:

1. Hints/Tooltips are not shown (e.g. as there usually will appear one if you stay with the mouse over the Google-logo)

2. If there's a popup-window, I don't know how to get the new desired URL.


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Play Another Sound (like A Beep) When Desired Without Stopping The Background Sound?

Apr 19, 2009

I have background sound loop with the My.Computer.Audio and it works fine. I want to play another sound (like a beep) when desired without stopping the background sound. Several examples I have found don't seem to work. I am in VB.NET 2008 Professional.

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.net - Why Cancelling 6 WebRequest Using Task.Start Takes Longer That Thread.Start

Jul 24, 2011

I have custom asynchronous WebRequest class that I am testing to find out how fast the request will be cancelled and found some odd results, that starting 6 WebRequests with TPL and cancelling them right away takes 25 sec, but when I used just regular background threads it took only 5 sec.

Update: Running them without cancelling takes with Task.Start 9 sec and Thread.Start 3 sec accordingly.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading


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Creating A Security - Software Start Automatically When Window Start?

Oct 21, 2011

im using vs to create a simple security form, i am successful to create a a form of log but i need some more improve like

1) if the software remain untouch for a minute the login form should be shown as the user try to use it again

2) and how the software start automatically when window start

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