- Error With Encoding Apostrophe To And From Database

Sep 19, 2011

I have an html string that is dynamically created server side.

strHTML = "<td><a href"""" onclick=""SaveToDatabase('" + arrString(0) + "','" + arrString(1) + "')""

The value of arrString(1) is javascript:OpenDoc('ProductManual.pdf','vbShowDoc')

Error Message: Expected ')'

How can I encode this value to save in the database, and decode it when retreving it from the database ?

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Javascript - Encoding String For Apostrophe In

Sep 20, 2011

I am having a problem trying to resolve an apostrophe related issue. I have searched SO,

My clientside javascript code is: var strUserText = uSettings.replace(/'/g, "&apos;")

after the above line is executed, the form does a submit

document.form1.submit(); in code behind, a class retreives those values:

sUserSettings = request.form("strUserSettings ") the result is a semi-truncated string.Given the above code process flow, how can I save "John O'Brady's ASP Blog" in to a database?

I thought I was saving "John O'Brady's ASP Blog" but that isn't working.

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VS 2010 - Apostrophe In Database String

Feb 6, 2012

Am just wondering if I'm doing something the long way round, so I thought I'd bounce it off the forum for opinion. I'm using the following code to write the contents of three text boxes into a table in an access database. [Code]

During testing I noticed that when an ' (apostrophe in words like can't) was used in the text boxes it would cause the app to halt. Figured that it was due to the ' being interpreted as a command so I could replace all of the ' in the text with a "unique" character before writing it to the database, so then when it is read back I could re-replace the "unique" character with the ' so the user sees what they have entered.

My question: is there a more efficient way of handling this ?

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Save Apostrophe In Database From TextBox In .net To Sql Server?

Mar 16, 2009

I want to save the value of the TextBox has Apostrophe for example: doesn'tin database sql server?

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Apostrophe Error - Unclosed Quotation Mark After Character String

Aug 12, 2010

I have the following update code which works fine. However, it prompts an error when apostrophe (') is used in txtdesc.text. For example if you type name's , the error message will be..
Incorrect syntax near 's'
Unclosed quotation mark after the character string ".

query = "UPDATE dbo.TblProjects SET ProjectDesc ='" & _
txtProdesc.Text & "' where ProjectID='" & _
txtProjectID.Text & "'"
cmd = New SqlCommand(query, conn)

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Database - Fixed-size Character Encoding?

Jun 27, 2011

I am developing, in VB.Net, an application that reads from text files using a FileStream Object. I do not use a StreamReader, since the buffering it does makes it impossible to use Seek.hose text files form a database, with both index and data files. In index files, all fields are fixed-length, which is not the case in data files.I've recently run into a problem. Since some of my files contain accents, the corresponding characters take more that 1 Byte. Therefore, when I seek in the index file, and offset appears the rest of my index file is not read in the right way

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EnCoding Message To DDE Client Using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (message)?

Oct 28, 2009

I am sending a DDE message to a client using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(item) . However, before the message is actually sent, I would like to get the message coded where if the item="Ask" then item=Ask (string variable) and so on. The code is:

Protected Overrides Function OnRequest(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String, ByVal format As Integer) As RequestResult
' Return data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT


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C# - UTF8 Encoding Not Right In XML (error "Invalid At The Top Level Of The Document")

Jan 31, 2012

I have a procedure that should produce a valid UTF8 string or file. But I must do something wrong as IE show the following error when I try to open the file in it:"Invalid at the top level of the document. Error processing resource 'file:///C:/TEMP/test.xml'. Line 1, Position 1"Below you'll find the code example.NB: The code example is in VB but I can also handle C#; that's why I've added the C# tag also.

Dim sfpXML As String = "C:TempTest.xml"
Dim msXML As New IO.MemoryStream
Dim xmlWriter As System.Xml.XmlWriter = Nothing


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How To Deal SQL With Apostrophe(')

Aug 17, 2011

I am using VB 2005 and MS Access 2007.Some of business name has apostrophe(') and I need to know how SQL deal with this name.For example

sqlStr = "SELECT * FROM AddressTable WHERE BusinessName=" & "'" & updateBName & "'"
in this case, if updateBName is "Den's Nail", the real SQL is
"SELECT * FROM AddressChangeTable WHERE BusinessName='Den's Nail'"

and this code generates Error Message.Is there any way to prevent error ?Or do I have to remove all apostrophe(') in Business Name?

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Apostrophe In Node Name Of XML File

Aug 7, 2011

I have a xml file that should contain a apostrophe in one of the nodes name. Now as far as I can see it can't be done but put a bit of light into this. So the node should look like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
Now I'm sure that the xml is not correct, but how can I bypass this?

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Apostrophe Within An OpenReport Parameter?

Nov 8, 2010

I have Visual Basic code going against a MS Access database. I am trying to create a Select query using parameters to filter records. One field is Location which is a loaded combo box. The user can select "Catering Hall" which is not a problem. But if they chose "Paddock's Restaurant" I get a syntax error. I tried putting a double apostrophe on either side of the query but that doesn't work.


how to get around this as the database record is "Paddock's Resaurant".

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Dealing With Apostrophe In Filter?

Jul 19, 2011

Problem dealing with apostrophe in filter?

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Query A DataTable Where A Value Has An Apostrophe In It?

Mar 22, 2011

How do I query a DataTable where a value has an apostrophe in it? For example, my datatable has a lastname column and I want to search for the name "O'Bryan", how would I do it? With an SQL query I would just use a parameter & it would take care of the apostrophe automatically. Is there a way to use parameters with a DataTable?

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.net - Winforms With Codepage Char Instead Of Apostrophe?

Dec 2, 2010

In .NET 3.5, I have a Winform with a combobox in it. The datya comes from a DB2 mainframe DB. The problem is that we have a character that is not the real apostrophe. Pasted from Word I'd guess. But in our combobox, it is not diplayed correctly. It shows a question mark "?" instead.

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Apostrophe Causing SQL UPDATE To Fail?

Dec 7, 2011

I am having an issue with the SQLCommand query update handling apostrophes. I have a gridview that accepts edited text which might have apostrophes and other such accent characters.The UPDATE keeps throwing errors on the apostrophes in the text entered causing the SQL UPDATE to fail.

Here is the code:
Dim lbl1 As Label = GridView3.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).FindControl("Label1")
IDVal = lbl1.Text


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SelectedIndex On The Cmbactiveproj Is Blank When An Apostrophe Is Used ?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a form which has a combobox (cmbactiveproj) and a textbox (txtProjnameupdt). By selecting any value on the combobox the textbox changes accordingly. The user has an option to change the txtProjnameupdt.text and save.

Note: the text stored in txtProjnameupdt is part of the value in the combobox.Then I refresh the combobox by calling the datasource;


This reflects and changes that have been made i.e., the combobox gets refreshed.and the change made can be seen on the combobox, and selected by the code below.

cmbactiveproj.SelectedIndex = cmbactiveproj.FindStringExact(txtprojnameupdt.Text)

But when the user inserts an 'apostrophe' in the txtprojnameupdt.Text and save. It all works fine... But the selectedindex on the cmbactiveproj is BLANK.It ONLY happens when an apostrophe is used if I dont use an apostrophe it works fine..

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Change The Highlighted Code To Accept An Apostrophe?

Aug 16, 2010

How can I change the highlighted code to accept an apostrophe.. Presently, it gives an error: Unclosed quotation mark after the characetr string ;'Test Project''. Incorrect syntax near 'Test Project''.


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String.equals() And Apostrophe - Execution Code ?

Oct 27, 2010

I just ran into what I consider a very strange issue in the execution of some code that I thought I had completely well-understood.

Basically, I was using this kind of notation:

If strOne.equals(strTwo) Then

rather than

If strOne = strTwo Then

I came from a c and java background, and using the '=' operator for comparison has always made me cringe, so I've used the .equals() comparison function thinking that it was equivalent. But just now some of my code broke. It encountered a string containing "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol", used the .equals() to compare it to "Eagle's Nest: Dawn Patrol" and declared them not equal. I changed the code to use '=' rather than '.equals()' and it declared them equal. I also did this:

If strOne.Replace("'", "").Equals(strTwo.Replace("'", "")) Then

And again, it declared them equal.

This has me a little rattled because my code is filled with the use of .equals(), and I've used it assuming that it was no different than writing strOne = strTwo. I've scanned the interweb looking for information about this. I have not found any information about odd interactions between the apostrophe (or other) character(s) and .equals(). Microsoft's documentation does not hint at any subtle differences. how .equals() differs from '='

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Create A Function That Replace The Apostrophe (') Into Empty String?

Nov 26, 2010

How to create a function that replace the apostrophe (') into empty string?

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Ilter Fields In A Table That Contain Percent (%) And Apostrophe (') Characters

Feb 11, 2009

I am trying to filter fields in a table that contain percent (%) and apostrophe (') characters. I kow that to filter an apostrophe you need to add another apostrophe (''). However, when a text contains the percent (%) character in combination with an apostrophe (') character, an exception is thrown. Also, when using the % character in a filter string, it will be function as an "*" (fields starting or ending with). I need the % to be considered as a character whenever the % makes part of a string in the field. How can I address these issues? [code]

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Regex Pattern Needed To Match Apostrophe?

Nov 7, 2011

Cannot work out for the life of me how to match the apostrophe in a regex pattern in .net, seems to be different in .net than any other implementation of regex where you can just use '

Also tried matching "x27", "'" and "''" all with no success

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Why The Rowfilter Property Does Not Work If There Is An Apostrophe In Present In The String

Feb 3, 2010

why the rowfilter property does not work if there is an apostrophe in present in the string. For e.g. , tempdat.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Mystring = '" & st & "'" the above does not work if st="mystrings's" under the column header Mystring.

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Sql - Unable To Escape Apostrophe/special Characters In Parametrized Query

Nov 30, 2011

The data was being read from a Gridview which had the html encoding. The solution was the following...

Dim Sht_Text As String = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(row.Cells.Item(0).Text)

I am trying to prevent from having to escape apostrophes and other special characters in my string variables by using a parameterized query with an OleDbConnection. I have all of the parameters in the same order, the insert is working, it just does not maintain the characters. I keep getting those pesky html codes. I am trying to insert into an Access db from a web pages. As I mentioned, its working, just not the special characters.

Here's the code:

Dim pConn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection pConn = New OleDbConnection(cb.ConnectionString)
Dim SqlString As String = "INSERT INTO Strings (Mlt_String_ID, Lng_ID, Strg_Name, Sht_Text, Lng_Text, Alt_Text) Values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


jp and en records already existed, the insert of fr record pushes the html codes for the small circle which represents the degree symbol. Happens for all other special characters as well.

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Error "unspecified Error Microsoft Jet Database Engine" When Connect To An Access Database

Oct 29, 2010

I am using VB .Net to connect to an access databse when using several connection sometimes i get this erro "unspecified error microsoft jet database engine" even though i am an administrator on my local machine.

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Error: Microsoft Office Access Database Engine: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Sep 16, 2011

this is my code for adding users in my database but it has an error on the INSERT INTO is the error: Microsoft office access database engine: syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(cn)
Dim check As Integer


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Regex Expression For Validating Email Addresses To Accept An Apostrophe ' In The Email Name?

Jul 15, 2010

A client for our company contains an apostrophe in their email name joe' I was advised that this is the correct and current email for the given client. Below is the Expression string I am using with Regex (which I copied from the internet somewhere) to validate email addresses. How can this expression be modified to allow/accept apostrohe's?

strRegex =


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Add An SQL Database File Using VS 2005 Getting Error Message Saying Version Of Database Server Not Supported?

May 18, 2009

I recently upgraded the MS SQL Server installed on my personal computer from 2005 Express to 2008 Express. Problem is when I try to add an SQL database file to a project using VS 2005 I get an error message saying that the version of my database server is not supported, I must have SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later installed. I didn't do it yet but I'm pretty sure that when I open the other projects that I included a database file to it, I'm going to get the same error.
My question is it possible to have two SQL Servers installed on my machine? If so, is it a good idea to have two DB servers in the same machine?

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Database Error - Application When Installed, Doesn't Read Values From Database?

Jul 20, 2011

When I install my application, some forms are unable to connect to the database.

I say some because, when my login form works totally fine. Authentication happens.

But once I go into the main application, and open other windows, I start to get these error mesages:


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After Encoding By Base64 Or UTF-7

Mar 11, 2010

url...we get the encoded as alphapet base64..i want to talk as low level programming what will happen or this data how it will represent as binary and send it is it encoded again as ascii to binary or there is another idea.

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C# - Text Encoding (In .Net)

May 3, 2011

I have done very little with encoding of Text. Truthfully, I don't really even know what it means exactly.

For example, if I have something like:


Is that 'encoded' in memory in a particular format? Does that format depend on what language I'm using?

If I were in another country, like China, for example, and I had a string of Chinese (mandarin? My apologies if I'm using the wrong words here) would the following code (that I've used fine on English strings) still work the same?


Or would it lose all meaning when you convert that .Net string to a UTF8Encoding when that conversion isn't valid?

Finally, I've worked with .Net for a few years now and I've never seen, heard, or had to do anything with Encoding. Am I the exception, or is it not a common thing to do?

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