- IE8 Accelerator Feature Allows Cheating In Our Tests?

Mar 30, 2011

In my company, we make software which we use to test certain skills and intelligence factors of people. Some of those tests are time bound. On the test page, there is an asp control that shows the time remaining. When you right click that control, the javascript that provides the time is interrupted. To solve that, we disabled right-clicking. But now i've noticed that if you do a selection of some text and click the IE8 accelerator blue button, the javascript is also interrupted. Disabling the left-click if of course no option.

I've found an option in IE that disables the accelerator, so for us internally, the issue is solved. But we would like to find another solution, just because we cannot ask every one of our customers to go disable that option on all their computers.


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Sending Accelerator Keys To Another App?

Sep 8, 2009

I would like to send accelerator keys to another application that is not currently the active window. As a test case, I am trying to control Notepad. Code I am currently trying to use is posted below. I have been working on this for almost a full day (and night) without success.

When I run the code below, Notepad "beeps" and displays an additional "o" character in the edit control, rather than activating the File->Open dialog as desired. Winspector Spy seems to show that Notepad is receiving the appropriate messages based on comparison to messages that are received when I type the accelerator keys manually. So I ought to be fairly close. What am I missing?


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Integrate Download Accelerator To Browser?

May 25, 2009

I created one download accelerator using now I integrate that application in IE(i.e when user click on any download link it should open my application instead of normal download window.for example the system having Internet download manager(IDM) ,when we click on any download link in Internet explore it automatically open IDM instead of notmal popup. same thing I need to do in my application.

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DevExpress Accelerator Keys Not Showing In XtraBars

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using DevExpress 2010 vol 1, VS2010 and VB.NET. In my form I have a xtraBar which is used to create the application main menu. Each of the menu items were carefully captioned using the ampersand char (&) to create the keyboard accelerator key, so when user press ALT key and hit the accelerator key the menu is shown. The problem is I can't make the underscore show in any caption. For instance, my first menu "File" has caption "&File", but the "F" is never underscore, and pressing ALT + F doesn't work either.


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Get A Documentation For Unit Tests In VS TS?

Aug 27, 2009

When i perform unit testing on routines, using the unit testing framwork provided by VSTS, i need to get a output of the unit test and result on to a document (documentation). how do i do i do this?

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Stop Unit Tests From Running?

Jun 11, 2010

I would like to prevent all subsequent unit tests from running when certain conditions are met in a unit test. Is this possible in Visual Studio 2005?

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TestFixtureSetup Skipped When Debugging Tests?

May 9, 2012

If I try to debug the following code using the Test With -> Debugger option from within VS2010, it falls over on _object.DoSomething() with an Object reference not set to an instance of an object. error. It builds and passes successfully in NUnit.

Public Class Tests
Private _object As SomeClass


But should I need to do this or is this skipping of TestFixtureSetup when debugging by design.

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.net - Constructor-chaining And Null Reference Tests?

Jun 3, 2011

How to test the null value BEFORE calling the other constructor?

' class MyHoyr '
Public Sub New(ByVal myHour As MyHour)
' Can't doing it here !!!! '


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.NET Unit Tests - Assert.IsTrue Message?

Feb 18, 2011

I'd like to add a message to be displayed in Visual Studio 2010 test results.I can post a message out if the test fails, but not true. Is there anyway to do this? For example:

dim quoteNumber as string = Sales.CreateQuote(foo)
assert.IsTrue(quoteNumber <> "")

'I would like to make this something like this:

assert.isTrue(quoteNumber <> "", falsepart, "Quote number " & quoteNumber & " created")

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C# - Unit Tests In Visual Studio 2010

May 26, 2010

i am trying to create a Unit test for a WinForm in a Visual Studio 2010 project. I add a new "Coded UI Test" to my project, open up the code file, then right click and select "Generate Code for Coded UI Test" -> "Use Coded UI Test builder". I then start my application up, select "Record" on the UI Map control. I run my tests (in this case simply select a textbox, type in a random value, them click a button). I then select "Generate Code" from the UI Map control which generates the code which the test will use. When running this test, i get the error:

Test method
threw exception:


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C# :: Does One Still Write Tests With TDD When The Desired Code Has Little To No Logic

Feb 10, 2011

TDD is supposed to have 100% code coverage. Does this mean one is supposed to write tests for property getter and setters, and other methods that contain no real logic, such as dealing with external API functionality? Below is one example method (which happens to also be the example in this other SO question which deals with how best to test it, if we are going to test it). This method doesn't do much. It's a facade of theSystem.ServiceProcess.ServiceController functionality of stopping a service. Currently this code was not being written using TDD, but if it was, would it be something that one should test? There is very little logic here.est to test it (IoC & Adapter Pattern vs. Detouring) please see this other SO question.

Public Function StopService(ByVal serviceName As String, ByVal timeoutMilliseconds As Double) As Boolean Implements IWindowsServicesService.StopService


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C# :: Stubbing Page.Form For Unit Tests?

Feb 22, 2011

I can create an ASP.NET Page object in my unit tests by subclassing System.Web.UI.Page.However, I cannot find a way to set Page.Form. Adding a form with attribute (runat,server)does not work. Overloading the form in my Subclass does not give the required functionality.

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Report The Status Of Multiple Tests To The User?

Jul 31, 2009

I want to report the status of multiple tests to the user like this:

Test1 PASS
Test2 PASS
Test3 FAIL

where the PASS should be green and the FAIL should be red. The number of tests is not known at design time, so I can't make N rows of labels and set their properties at run time. If I put all of that text in a single label, is there a way I can turn some of the words green and some of them red?

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Visual Studio - How To Disable Pinging During Tests

Jun 9, 2012

I have a class that uses My.Computer.Network.Ping to get a boolean value on whether a IP address or hostname is reachable.However, when I'm testing that class, I want to disable pinging so that during the test whenever I run the My.Computer.Network.Ping it will always return false or throw some kind of exception.

I have tried the following, but I still get a true returned (meaning, the attempts to disable ping didn't work)

Dim restricited As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission(System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState.None)
Dim mySocketPermission1 As New SocketPermission(PermissionState.None)
Dim myWebPermission As New WebPermission(PermissionState.None)


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.net - Beginning Unit Tests Long After The Project Has Begun?

May 13, 2009

I have taken on a project that has been underway for months. I've yet to ever do unit tests and figured it would be a decent time to start. However, normally unit tests are written as you go and you plan for them when beginning the project. Is it reasonable for me to start now? Are there any decent resources for setting up unit tests without starting a brand new solution (the project is already underway). Using with VS2005?

View 8 Replies

How To Catch Exception On Page While Running Automated Tests

Jul 8, 2011

I am doing automation testing of a web application using selenium. While running automation testing of web application you encounter application errors. Is there any way to detect those exceptions. Specially exceptions that are on the page which causes the page to hang up as it is not finding the element it is looking for or page stays on the same page and waitforpage() function keeps running.

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.net - NUnit Tests For Testing Class-level PrincipalPermissionAttribute Demands

Mar 1, 2012

I'm working with .NET 3.5 and Nunit 2.5.10. I'm attempting to write some tests to validate our role-based security enforcement through the PrincipalPermissionAttribute at a class-level. The test appears to succeed (it gets a green checkmark) and the Assert.Throws call properly catches the exception, and all my other assertions about the exception pass. However, once TearDown is complete after a test has run, the exception is re-thrown by NUnit. So even though the test "passed", every one of the tests shows that an exception was unhandled exception was thrown 'while executing' the test run.

I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out. My test is:

Public Sub New_TheForm_NoRoles_DeniesAccess()
' attempt to create a new instance of the form, but it should throw an exception with an inner SecurityException
Dim ex As TypeInitializationException = Assert.Throws(Of


Basically, Initialize is normally called in the application with Nothing so that we use the Windows Principal. During unit testing, we instead initialize it with a GenericPrincipal that has no roles, so that we can test that a SecurityException is thrown.

The tests are passing, but NUnit just seems to be re-throwing the exception post-Teardown.

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Write Code For Single-answer Multiple Choice Tests?

Nov 28, 2009

I am struggling to write code for single-answer multiple choice tests (i.e. Choices A, B, C, D).

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Use The Graphics Accelerator To Process Graphics?

Aug 21, 2008

In a Previous Thread, I asked some questions about how to create graphics. Everything was OK, until I realized that the graphics are really slow. While I was trying to find out what the problem was, I realized that the processor load was about 50% and my graphics card was not used at all. So doesn't Visual Basic use the Graphics Accelerator to process graphics? What I made is not a real program. It's like an experiment (I tried to make an image flip). Here is the Code:


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C# - Excel Interop Quitting The Excel Application Instance Makes Tests Fail?

Feb 23, 2011

I want to encapsulate the use of Excel Interop to make it easier to use somehow in a reuseable library.So far, I have written some tests that work good altogether, except that between each test, I force Excel to quite so that it does have handle on the test file no more in order to be able to delete.Once I quit the application instance between after each of my tests, Excel seems to be no longer responding, causing Windows to display "Excel has stopped working and is looking for a solution"

message. This message lasts a few seconds, meanwhile Excel is closing, causing the hang on the file to occur and my tests to throw an exception like "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process..."


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How To Add Update Feature

Jan 29, 2010

I dont really understand how to add the update function to my program.I want it to update from my computer

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Search Feature

Oct 17, 2010

Hey guys,

I am trying to make a search feature in my program. My program has a .csv file that the program will need to search for a equal value that was entered in thr text box. I am just not to sure how to go about this. Just need some insight on how to grt started. Insight please.

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Button's Not Having A 'read Only' Feature?

Feb 8, 2009

i seem to have a problem with my program, here is my situation:I have a UsageID where it gets generated from a database when the user clicks a button (btnAdd). However the rest of the form has textboxes and comboboxes then finally a calculate button (btnCalculate). I want the user to only be able to click the btnCalculate when their is a UsageID present. Here is the code i have currently in the btnCalculate_Click procedure:

No errors come up it just doesn't seem to work, has anyone got any ideas because i'm stuck. Helpful posts will be rated.

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Check For Update Feature?

Oct 12, 2009

I got a hard one for you devolpers.In a popular C++ program BitComet they have a Check For Update feature.How would I have a simple Check For Update and have it warn the user every 1 week or so.

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Disconnected And Connected Feature Of ADO.NET

May 19, 2010

I just read a book : Pro ADO.NET 2.0.It discuss about the disconnected and connected feature of the ADO.NET.In disconnected, the "data container" is DataSet.But it doesn't say anything about the data container if i use the connected feature. In ADO, we have recordset, what about ADO.NET.

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Feature For IP Location Project?

Jun 14, 2009

Im making an application which is basically a lojack project. Im wanting to get some ideas for maybe other features or the best way to go about this for maximum tracking ability.Right now I have it working the way I think it should work and what it does is get your external IP, it then returns the City, State, Zip, Latitude and Longitude and sends all that info to you in an email. I have it check against a Database that houses computer registration, computer name, and then the status of the laptop which the customer calls in, if its stolen. Right now this is just a piece of software and Im currently working on something low level to do something before Windows loads up. Right now thats not something Im focused on hardcore, but Im working on it and itll get done.

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How To Implement Timeout Feature To Use In DLL

Feb 19, 2011

I need to wait for and event within a given period (30s) and then timeout if this time elapse. I am sending a command to a server from a dll, and I need to wait for response before sending another. I want to implement a timeout feature, that why I need to use a timer. I want to use a timer, but don't know how to use it in a DLL.

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How To Use The Find And Replace Feature

Nov 5, 2009

how to use the find and replace feature? Sort of like what notepad uses. But, it replaced certain characters with a set character, not a changable one.[code...]

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Make Feature Suggestions For .NET?

Jun 17, 2011

Where do we make feature suggestions for VB.NET?Basically, I'd like to suggest that they introduce "strikethrough comments". As an alternative to using the single quote ' for remarks, you can use the backquote (ASCII 96) ` which does exactly the same thing except that the text appears with strikethrough. This would be good for "commenting out" code. So if I am replacing a bit of code, I can "cross out" the old code,

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Use Serial Key Feature In Setup?

Jan 21, 2009

how to secure my setup with a serial key?

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