Integrate Download Accelerator To Browser?

May 25, 2009

I created one download accelerator using now I integrate that application in IE(i.e when user click on any download link it should open my application instead of normal download window.for example the system having Internet download manager(IDM) ,when we click on any download link in Internet explore it automatically open IDM instead of notmal popup. same thing I need to do in my application.

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Unable To Integrate IE9 Rendering Engine With .net Browser Control?

May 25, 2012

I tried this registry below and it didn't work. My application name is 'Testapp', using VS2010 on windows 7 with IE9 installed. I want to render the pages in IE9 not IE7. [URL]used this registry below, by making one separately then registered in registry. After that I launched my app but it still loaded in IE7.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

how can I use IE9 as render instead of IE7.

View 1 Replies - Integrate Ckeditor File Upload And File Browser Capability?

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to integrate the ckeditors file browser and upload image tools, i have managed to set the ckeditor to allow you to click on the browse file button and upload tag but how do i use ASP.NET VB to open the file browser and make the upload image work?

I am using the .NET 3.6.0 version where they provided the DLLS

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Web Browser Download Manager

May 9, 2010

I searched the forum and everywhere else and ive been looking for a few weeks now and havent found anytihng on this. I've got a downloader created thats working in vb and ive got a web browser thats working all I need is the download manager to work. I cant figure it out for the life of me ive been trying to use the filedownload event but nothing. someone please help I think I know what to do we need to cancel the new window and show my download manager but I cant get it working

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Create A Download Manger For Web Browser?

Aug 11, 2009

How to create a download manger for my web browser?

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Download Files But Without Opening Browser?

Mar 19, 2009

Download files but without opening browser?

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Download Files Without Web Browser Control

Mar 19, 2010

hey everyone, i got a code from somewhere to download files without web browser control.The downloader only downloaded 20mb of a file, which was a big problem. I fixed that error, but now i want the code to loop through a listbox and download all the URLS from it when a "download all" button is clicked. [code]

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Download Manager For My Internet Browser?

Dec 26, 2009

Has anyone a tut for me how i can make a download manager for my internet browser CODES

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How To Download Source To Text Box Without A Browser

Feb 15, 2012

Download a webpage source without using a browser and place in to a textbox ready to edit and post(stop page/image load times)

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Use A Browser To Download The File Direct From A URL?

Jan 29, 2009

ok got a excel export I need to down load.I must log into the site to get it, special not standard login so I can't automate that.But once I login, I can use a browser to download the file direct from a URL. Works great, but I need to make a program to do this download portion.


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VS 2008 Make Vb Browser Only Download Txt?

Jun 10, 2011

Make Vb browser only download txt, as a means to speed it up?

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Watching On Folder For Download From Browser?

Jan 25, 2012

I have application that watching on my folder for download from my browser. When the file is downloaded i want to move this file immediately in some other folder depending on the file extension. Now, the problem is i don't know how to setup FileSystemWatcher properties, because i want to FSW alert mi only after the file is created and when it's able for copying or moving. I 'am really confused about notify filters and which events to control. The event FSW.created is unuseful because it's raised when download starts.

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Block File Download Dialog In Web Browser?

Mar 24, 2011

Is there any way to block the file download dialog from appearing?

Im using the web browser control

So you know what I am talking about:[URL]...

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Close Browser Window After File Download?

Nov 19, 2009

1. I'm not sure if this goes here or on the ASP board, as it's a hybrid of both. If this is the wrong place I apologize in advance.

2. It's my understanding that this isn't a problem in IE7, but my company is on IE6 with no current plans to upgrade.

So I have some code running client-side via 3rd party software. It opens an IE window and shoots a request to a server-side ASP page like this[code]...

I've tried using Javascript to close the browser, but I can't reset the ContentType. I tried CloseMainWindow after I call the ASP page, but that threw all sorts of errors. I imagine I could use a timer but the process varies from a few seconds to five minutes.

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Sending Accelerator Keys To Another App?

Sep 8, 2009

I would like to send accelerator keys to another application that is not currently the active window. As a test case, I am trying to control Notepad. Code I am currently trying to use is posted below. I have been working on this for almost a full day (and night) without success.

When I run the code below, Notepad "beeps" and displays an additional "o" character in the edit control, rather than activating the File->Open dialog as desired. Winspector Spy seems to show that Notepad is receiving the appropriate messages based on comparison to messages that are received when I type the accelerator keys manually. So I ought to be fairly close. What am I missing?


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2005 Simulate A Web Browser's File Download Using Net.HttpListener?

Aug 8, 2009

In vb2005 how do you simulate a web browser's file download using Net.HttpListener?This current program functions somewhat like a webserver. how when a client from a web browser
asks for a file do i allow them to down load the file? currently the method will tell the browser that there is a file but it will fail after the client oks the file for download.

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Forms :: Make A Download Dialog For Web Browser In Tabcontrol

Oct 23, 2010

I was woundring how to make a custom 'download' dialog for my web browser in vb 2010. Because when i click 'download file' in my tabcontrol it's always loads up the IE download file dialog. I have seen the IE Clone can do it, but i didn't uderstad how to do it.

View 2 Replies - IE8 Accelerator Feature Allows Cheating In Our Tests?

Mar 30, 2011

In my company, we make software which we use to test certain skills and intelligence factors of people. Some of those tests are time bound. On the test page, there is an asp control that shows the time remaining. When you right click that control, the javascript that provides the time is interrupted. To solve that, we disabled right-clicking. But now i've noticed that if you do a selection of some text and click the IE8 accelerator blue button, the javascript is also interrupted. Disabling the left-click if of course no option.

I've found an option in IE that disables the accelerator, so for us internally, the issue is solved. But we would like to find another solution, just because we cannot ask every one of our customers to go disable that option on all their computers.


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DevExpress Accelerator Keys Not Showing In XtraBars

Dec 3, 2010

I'm using DevExpress 2010 vol 1, VS2010 and VB.NET. In my form I have a xtraBar which is used to create the application main menu. Each of the menu items were carefully captioned using the ampersand char (&) to create the keyboard accelerator key, so when user press ALT key and hit the accelerator key the menu is shown. The problem is I can't make the underscore show in any caption. For instance, my first menu "File" has caption "&File", but the "F" is never underscore, and pressing ALT + F doesn't work either.


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Use The Graphics Accelerator To Process Graphics?

Aug 21, 2008

In a Previous Thread, I asked some questions about how to create graphics. Everything was OK, until I realized that the graphics are really slow. While I was trying to find out what the problem was, I realized that the processor load was about 50% and my graphics card was not used at all. So doesn't Visual Basic use the Graphics Accelerator to process graphics? What I made is not a real program. It's like an experiment (I tried to make an image flip). Here is the Code:


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Download File From Http Server That Requires A Referral Before Allowing Download?

Nov 18, 2011

I usually download file using following code:My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("url of the file","filepath to save the file")But recently I encountered a site that only allow file download if you click it from its site and not via direct downloading from code.How to download file from http server that requires a referral before allowing the download?

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How To Integrate Two Projects

Mar 20, 2009

can anyone of u tell me how should i integrate three different modules of my project into one.specifically which all files i need to alter

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Integrate C With Program?

May 15, 2010

I need a graphical front end for my College project. However the modules that perform the core task (facial feature extraction) have been written in C. This was because the company where I am working on this requires that I code in C. I need a front end to show the results to our teachers in college. Since I do not know anything on working with windows and controls in visual c++, I thought of using VB as I know this language well. What I want to know is how do I call these C functions from VB. Here are some details of my C code.

1. Most functions' return values are just for the purpose of error handling. The output is one or more of the arguments itself (I used pointers for this).

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Integrate Other Software Into VB?

Dec 29, 2008

I'm current doing a program that need to convert the image into text by using OCR software. It is very time consuming and difficult if i would like to program the OCR software as well. So i plan to use the existing OCR software that available in market.May i know whether VB can integrate other software into my program?? How to do it?

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VS 2010 Integrate CVS To The IDE?

Jul 11, 2011

I am running Visual Basic 2010 Professional. Recently our Net Admin installed TortoiseCVS for me (I'm the only developer). While it's certainly acceptable to check-in/check-out though thye Windows Explorer, I would much prefer to access CVS through the VB.Net IDE.

Is there any add-ins out there that would allow this?

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Calculate The Download Speed If Use A Webclient To Download Files Async?

Jun 10, 2009

how can I calculate the download speed if I use a webclient to download files async

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When User Clicks On A Download Link / Download Dialog Is Surpressed?

May 31, 2009

How do I make it so that when the user clicks on a download link, the download dialog is surpressed?

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How To Integrate Many Projects As One Project

Jan 14, 2009

we are working on a project. three different people are coding the forms seperatly. now we need to integrate all three into one project. how can we doo that in visual

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Integrate Application With Tax Device

Jun 9, 2011

i am developing an application which automatically sends invoices to clients every month. the invoice should bear a stamp from a taxation body. this signature is composed of values generated(hashed)by the device itself. the invoices are designed using a crystal report. how can i get the values calculated(hashed) from the machine and include them on the invoice before sending or how can i send the invoice to the device to be printed and sent via E-mail. Remember it is not physically printed. it should be automatically sent.

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Integrate QuickAddress Pro Into Ab Asp.Net Web Application?

Apr 13, 2010

I need to integrate QuickAddress Pro into my Asp.Net web application. My page has address, city, state, zipcode textbox fields and I need to map these with the QuickAddress Pro software.

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