- SrReader.GetValue(1) - Persistent Data Flow

Apr 19, 2012

I am very New to We are using fortify software for projects when it is going to LIVE. In that process I got some cross-Site Scripting : persistent Data flow issues.


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Find Sample System With Complete Flow, Database Structure And Data Flow?

Jul 21, 2009

where to find sample system with complete flow, database structure and data flow.. just for reference purpose.. system like inventory, payroll, accounting, billing and etc..

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Using My.Settings.something To Store Persistent Data?

Dec 27, 2011

You know how using My.Settings.something to store persistent data is done only for user settings and not application settings. This information is stored in the registry on the local user section.My problem here is that even if it is in the same machine, when a user changes some setting it is not reflected on other users. This is desirable for some of them but there are a few I would like to keep for all users.Is there a way to do it with the settings? Do I need to write to the registry in the machine section? or do you just recomend I create a configuration file?

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How To Have More Than One SQL Statement That Will Control Data Flow

May 12, 2010

I am wondering how to have more than one SQL select statement inside my window formapplication that will control the data flow, as i am a newbie in visual 2005. This is because I am working on a Alarm Application Notifier which will alert the guard on duty as well as inform him the alarm location. The guard's computer screen will be showing the premises and the button will blink at that location where the alarm is. So if the alarm is at block A for example, the guard screen will show block A button blinking.I have already done the first part but i am STUCK at the rest as to how am i going to seperate the conditions for the 3rd to 4th building .The bottom is for the first building code. The data is from the sql database.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Drawing.Image


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One SQL Statement That Will Control Data Flow?

Aug 10, 2009

I am wondering how to have more than one SQL select statement inside my window form application that will control the data flow, as i am a newbie in visual 2005. This is because I am working on a Alarm Application Notifier which will alert the guard on duty as well as inform him the alarm location. The guard's computer screen will be showing the premises and the button will blink at that location where the alarm is.So if the alarm is at block A for example, the guard screen will show block A button blinking.

I have already done the first part but i am STUCK at the rest as to how am i going to seperate the conditions for the 3rd to 4th building The bottom is for the first building code. The data is from the sql database.


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Generate Data-flow Diagrams From Source?

Mar 17, 2009

Is there any tool available which can generate data-flow diagrams and entity relationship diagrams directly from VB.NET source code?

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BackgroundWorker1.ReportProgress - Get The Progress Bar To Increment In Tandem With The Data Flow?

Feb 2, 2009

I have finally figured out how to download a file with background worker and downloader. Now the form does not freeze.. I have only one problem left now... How do I get the progress bar to increment in tandem with the data flow? I have listed my full code below. Towards the bottom where the DoWork() sub resides, I am just a few lines short of this year long goal.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text

Public Class Form1


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Sql Server - SSIS - Killing Excel.exe When Data Flow Task Fails?

May 10, 2012

How can I kill the excel.exe process in SSIS during the data flow task when it fails? There could be multiple instances of Excel.exe running from other packages that are perfectly valid so I don't want to loop through all instances killing them.My problem is that during the data flow task the process will sometimes fail due to a sheet that is named incorrectly or missing columns. This keeps an instance of excel.exe running which is now an orphan task eating up resources so it needs to be killed.At the same time there are other SSIS packages running that are accessing their own excel.exe process and aren't having any issues. So how can I kill the orphan excel.exe process without impacting the other excel.exe process?

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How To Getvalue From Dropdownlist

Sep 4, 2009

I am using language I have a dropdownlist, which is filled by below pattern

"Smith,James" so first one is surname and second after "," is firstname

I have two textboxes for surname and firstname. Now I want to fill the textbox when dropdownlist is changed.I mean when user changes the dropdownlist the selected text in dropdown will be filled in related my result will be like this

surname.text = "Smith"
firstname.text = "James"

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Make Graphic Persistent In VB And GDI+?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a converted VB6 App that would draw irregular shapes on a PictureBox when I click on a button, and these irregular shapes would persist until I either close the App or erased the PictureBox to start the display anew.I converted my App to VB.Net to do the same, i.e. draw on a PictureBox again, but the drawn lines appear briefly and then, at the end of the drawing process, when my App returns control to the Operating System in wait for another event, the graphics disappear as if erased by the App (which I don't do of course).I have created a Graphics Object associated to my Picture Box as:

Dim CurrGraphics as System.Drawing.Graphics
CurrGraphics = PictureOut.CreateGraphics

I then use the DrawPolygon and DrawLine methods to add the irregular shapes I want:

CurrGraphics.DrawPolygon(CurrPen, Pts)
CurrGraphics.DrawLine(CurrPen, Pts(I).X, Pts(I).Y, Pts(I+1).X, Pts(I+1).Y)

where CurrPen is a defined Pen, and Pts is the Points() array with the coordinates of the displayed shape. Several dozens irregular shapes are drawn and then the subroutine stops, and returns to waiting for another request from the user.What could be the prime reason why graphics do not persist in a PictureBox, and are erased immediately after they are created ?

PS: I do not use the PainEvent of the PictureBox PictureOut, as in the example given in the VB documentation (below), as the display process is initiated by clicking on a button, and I cannot relate how to transfer control to the PaintEvent as below:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, pe As PaintEventArgs) Handles _
' Declares the Graphics object and sets it to the Graphics object


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Making Settings Value Persistent?

Sep 19, 2011

how to make the settings in my app persistent When i save in the previous run using this

my.Settings.setting_name= some_value

when getting the values using this


i still see the old values in the IDE settings options.How can i make the changes reflect even in the vs ide

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Usercontrol Properties Not Persistent?

Jan 31, 2011

i've created a usercontrol in a win forms project + the properties work as expected, but when i recreated my usercontrol as a win forms usercontrol class library, the properties changed at runtime aren't persistent.i tried adding a DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute to the property but that didn't work.

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Show GetValue Registery From Listbox?

May 9, 2012

i want when you click on that item so its shows in a label for etc

Imports Microsoft.Win32
Public Class Form1
Dim regBaseKey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine


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Create Persistent Graphics On Top Of An Image?

Mar 1, 2011

I am building a program which offers solutions to the travelling salesman problem (finding shortest tour between a set of cities while visiting each only once).

My program loads a bitmap image of a map into a picture box. From there, graphics which point out the cities as well as tour paths are drawn onto the map. My problem is that when the option to plot ALL cities is enacted, the user may choose to pinpoint a specific city with a separate control. When the user erases that pinpoint via an invalidation routine, though, it erases all graphics beneath it, which is undesirable. How can I make my tour graphics and city plots semi-permanent by drawing them directly on the image? I tried drawing them on a separate bitmap, but it 'covered up' the map image.

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How To Make Persistent Application Setting

Dec 7, 2009

I have an application that has two states based on the value of a Boolean variable: a read_only=true state and read_only=false state. The value of this state is stored in an external settings file. My application has a feature called deploy that generates a copy of itself in the same folder with the read_only=true state. But, the read_only variable value is stored in an external file so now both files will be in the read_only=true state. What I want to do is make one of them(the original one) always be read_only = false and the other read_only=true

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Persistent File Change Within An Executable?

Jan 25, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to have persistent changes to resources in an executable. I am using VB 2010. I don't know how to be much clearer than that but I will try.

> User opens program and picks 'File A'

> 'File A' is now copied into the executable, thus storing it forever (or until deletion of .exe

> .exe is now slightly larger because 'File A' is inside the program

> User can extract or delete 'File A'

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Storing Persistent Objects In VB Application

Aug 31, 2011

point me to the best way to store persistant objects ( of my own class) in a vb application? I am putting together a simple family recipe application and have created a food item class. I would like to store the instances ( food items) indefinately so that they are there each time I start the program complete with all properties and meethods

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VS 2008 How To Make ToolStripMenuItem Persistent

Feb 23, 2010

here is what i want to do have a ToolStripMenuItem in a ToolStripDropDownButton menu what i want to do is have an option to not hide the menu when the ToolStripMenuItem is clicked so i wrote the following:


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Linq And Generics. Using GetValue Inside A Query?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm triying to make a function that add a 'where' clause to a query based in a property and a value. This is a very simplefied version of my function.

Private Function simplified(ByVal query As IQueryable(Of T), ByVal PValue As Long, ByVal p As PropertyInfo) As ObjectQuery(Of T)
query = query.Where(Function(c) DirectCast(p.GetValue(c, Nothing), Long) = PValue)
Dim t = query.ToList 'this line is only for testing, and here is the error raise[code].....

The error message is: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object CompareObjectEqual(System.Object, System.Object, Boolean)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.Looks like a can't use GetValue inside a linq query.

Private Function simplified2(ByVal query As IQueryable(Of T))
query = From q In query
Where q.GetType.GetProperty("Id").GetValue(q, Nothing).Equals(1)[code]....

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When Using System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(host).GetValue(0).ToString

Mar 15, 2011

I get this - fe80::5dbd:3042:c951:b187%10

Dim host As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
Dim LocalIP As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(host).GetValue(0).ToString

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When Using System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(host).GetValue(0).ToString?

Feb 3, 2010

I get this - fe80::5dbd:3042:c951:b187%10

Dim host As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName()
Dim LocalIP As String = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(host).GetValue(0).ToString


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VS 2005 Not Giving The Msgbox Value - GetValue Method Incorrect?

Oct 30, 2009

This code is not giving the msgbox value! Is the GetValue method incorrect?


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Click Event Temp Values Remaining Persistent?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm trying to create a version of the game Spill and Spell. I'm having problems with a click event for Labels that is supposed to exchange the .Text value stored from the previous mouse click with the current .Text value on the new Label clicked. The labels are initialized and stored in an array on the form load.

What's happening is that the values are remaining persistent to the label being clicked.

Desired Results (example):

User clicks on lblDice1 (sender), tempLetter is set to mouseLetter.CurrentLetter, mouseLetter.CurrentLetter is set to lblDice1.Text (sender.text), lblDice1.Text is set to tempLetter. (this part works)

User clicks on lblDice2 (sender), tempLetter is set to mouseLetter.CurrentLetter (s/b initial .Text value from lblDice1 above), mouseLetter.CurrentLetter is set to lblDice2.Text (sender.text), lblDice2.Text is set to tempLetter.

What's Happening:

The tempLetter and CurrentLetter values are remaining persistent to the Label being clicked on. Ie: lblDice1 click will only display the original text associated. If I click Dice1 then Dice2 and then Dice1 again, the original Dice1 text is displayed (same for Dice2).

This is a lot easier to see. All of the controls with the exception of a button ("btnStart") are defined in the code below. Click the Start button to show values in the DiceLabels grid.

The area that's the problem is Public Sub DiceLabel_Click

(this is a work in progress...)


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.net - SetValue/GetValue Versus Directly Accessing Array Via Arguments?

Jun 4, 2012

I have an array which originally was a Variant array in VB6. Example code in VB6:

ListBoxDrawings.List(X1, Y1) = myArray(X2, Y2)
myArray(A, B) = ListBoxDrawings.List(I, C)

After running it through ArtinSoft's VBUC, its values are handled using GetValue & SetValue.Example code in VB.NET: (ignore conversion to ListView)

ListViewDrawings.Items(X1).SubItems(Y1).Text = CStr(myArray.GetValue(X2, Y2))
myArray.SetValue(ListViewDrawings.Items(I).SubItems(C).Text, A, B)

Since VB.NET doesn't do Variants, I figured out that the array should be typed as a 2D String Array. It seems like there's no reason to use GetValue/SetValue, as the former returns an Object and the latter takes one. This means that I'd have to cast the returned object as a String (Cstr) if I wanted to assign it to a variable, which seems like a pointless extra step that might introduce errors. Also, since the method has lots of overloads, the code might not be as clear. Is there any advantage to using SetValue / GetValue, or should I just consider that an artifact of VBUC converting a Variant, and access the array directly like the original code did?

VB.NET without Get/Set methods:

ListViewDrawings.Items(X1).SubItems(Y1).Text = myArray(X2, Y2)
myArray(A, B) = ListViewDrawings.Items(I).SubItems(C).Text

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.net - Strongly Cast A Reflection .GetValue() Object To A Generic DbSet?

Apr 10, 2012

I'm using EF 4.3.1 in VS 2010 (.Net 4.0) to load a number of reference tables from a database in order to bind them to controls in a WinForms app.At form load, I'm pre-fetching the data so that it's stored locally, and I'm creating a dictionary of BindingSource objects that I can use to bind the local data to the controls.The intent is to minimize the impact of the EF's self validation on a cold query in order to load forms faster and improve UI responsiveness.I've written code to create and fetch the BindingSource object for a given DbSet collection as follows:

Private _dictBindings As New Dictionary(Of String, BindingSource)
Private Sub ValidateBinding(Of T As Class)(ByRef DbCollection As DbSet(Of T))
Dim strClassName As String = DbCollection.[GetType]().GetGenericArguments(0).Name
If Not _dictBindings.ContainsKey(strClassName) Then[code].....

However, I'd like to call ValidateBinding on all DbSet collections in the Model on startup, and I'd like to use reflection to iterate through the available collections in the context because we're currently loading 66 tables and could add more later.I've written the following code:

For Each propSet As PropertyInfo In Db.GetType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.Public).Where(Function(P) P.PropertyType.IsGenericType)
ValidateBinding(propSet.GetValue(Db, Nothing))

but it won't work as propSet.GetValue() returns an Object instead of DbSet(of T).I also can't cast the object to a DbSet of the appropriate type, even though I know the type through reflection.I don't have access to the C# Dynamic type,and I know it's a pain to mix generics with reflection, but is there a solution for which I can pass in a reflected DbSet to my functions?Perhaps something using Method.Invoke?

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DataGridViewComboBoxCell Not Correctly Displaying Objects Returned By GetValue Function

Jul 14, 2009

I have a Class MessageIndex which holds an integer. I have a custom DataGridViewComboBoxCell which has a MessageIndex variable. If the MessageIndex is not set, the cell acts as a normal DataGridViewComboBoxCell; if the MessageIndex is set, then the GetValue and SetValue methods of the DataGridViewComboBoxCell are overridden so as to return the value of the object from its DataSource at the index of the integer stored in the MessageIndex.

As far as I can tell from stepping through the code, that actually works fine. The object returned by the GetValue function is fetched from the DataSource, based on the integer stored in the MessageIndex.

The problem is that when the DataGridView is displayed, all of the cells are blank. The values of the cells can then be set using the ComboBox dropdown, which appears to work fine.

But why are the initial selections not being displayed? As I say, as far as I can tell, the correct information is being retrieved by the GetValue function of the DataGridViewComboBoxCells when the form is initially displayed. It's just not ending up on the screen.

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Anyway To Stop Flow Of Events In .NET?

May 23, 2012

that is a question I have been asking myself for a while.Giving a certain flow of events, can I when handling one of them, stop the next ones to be raised? For example, when collapsing a node which child was selected in a treeview (winform), the events are raised like that:[code]I could stop them by using a class member, but I was wondering whether there was a built-in function or just another way (a more elegant way) to achieve this, by acting directly on the events queue.

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VB - How To Program A Flow Chart

Mar 21, 2010

I have been trying to learn how to program a flow chart and am stumped. I want to know how to get the example code from the book that I got at the library to calculate the outcome. I have been at this for days in my spare time and can't figure it out. I tried to apply the examples to my code and got part of it figured out now I am confused on breaking the code down so that I can assign a room if the age is less than 21. Do I just code it the same but change the greater than less than cymbal? I have attached another photo of the code that I have put in Vb for my forum and came up with it between the example in my book and the examples posted on my post. I am getting errors and don't know why.

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Can't Get The Flow Of Date Time Picker

Mar 10, 2012

i can't seem to get it the timers flow could anyone teach me how to use it for example the form would show up if the date and time in my computer matches with the time on my database im using vb.net2008 and mysql express for my db can't get it

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Drop Onto Flow Layout Panel

Sep 10, 2011

I am wondering(struggling) the following:

I have 5 flowLayoutPanels and 5 PictureBoxes i want to be able to move anyone of the picture boxes over anyone the FLP at run time and have the layout panel add it to FLP.controls.Add()....

I've been at it for Hours and now ill swallow my pride -

I have done the following To get it working, but here i have to manually specify which PixBox intersects with which FLP and i dont want 25 if statements

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