Storing Persistent Objects In VB Application

Aug 31, 2011

point me to the best way to store persistant objects ( of my own class) in a vb application? I am putting together a simple family recipe application and have created a food item class. I would like to store the instances ( food items) indefinately so that they are there each time I start the program complete with all properties and meethods

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Can Objects In Objects Be Persistent

Dec 15, 2009

[Code] I want that once I put something in the BigCollection it stays there, I don't want it to be changeable from outside. I want to be able to clear the SmallCollection but it should not be cleared in the BigCollection. Any Ideas?

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How To Make Persistent Application Setting

Dec 7, 2009

I have an application that has two states based on the value of a Boolean variable: a read_only=true state and read_only=false state. The value of this state is stored in an external settings file. My application has a feature called deploy that generates a copy of itself in the same folder with the read_only=true state. But, the read_only variable value is stored in an external file so now both files will be in the read_only=true state. What I want to do is make one of them(the original one) always be read_only = false and the other read_only=true

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Storing And Referencing Info In Objects?

Dec 15, 2008

writing a program which stores and uses information on oil pipelines. I have a number of worldwide sites, which each have a number of pipelines. Each pipeline has a number of segments, and each segment has a number of properties like flow rate, temperature, pressure etc. There are also going to be a number of cases, so the temperature of a segment in case 1 might be different to case 2.

What is the best way to set this up in terms of objects and references? I�ve done a fair bit or reading about arrays, collections, classes and think there are a number of ways to �skin this cat�For example, if I wanted to reference the temperature in case 1, of segment 3, in pipeline 4, at worldwide site number 3, then can I do something with a load of objects and collections like the following?


Is it possible to have an object heirarchy, where an object has a parent object, and both objects have their own attributes and fields?

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Storing Objects As Properties And Then Accessing Them?

Jan 28, 2011

I want to know the correct way to access an object that is stored as an object in another object...phew. Here is what I'm trying to do...

I'm creating a restaurant map and to keep things simple I have 3 classes -- cServer, cTable and cGuest. cTable has a property which should contain a cServer object eg

Public Property Server() As Object
'Called when the property is read


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Storing Process Objects In Variables?

Oct 15, 2011

In a program I've been working on I would like to start a process and save it in a variable of type Process. This is so I can kill it later, if needed, and change the window type.

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VS 2008 Getting Head Around Objects / Storing Them In Code

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to get a complete understanding of Objects . Namespaces etc and think I'm pretty close.I've created A basic Vehicles class and a car class that inherits Vehicle.Through user input I've created several cars and displayed the information in a listview.My question is what is the best way to store my cars (don't say garage!) so that if a user clicks on the associated entry on the list box that they can then alter that specific instance.

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VS 2010 Storing Application Data Within An Application

Jan 8, 2012

I was wondering if it's possible to store application data within an application without storing the data in an external file. For example, in my application, the user can choose where he/she would like to store the files that the application creates. I need to make the application remember the location that the user specified. I've tried using My.Settings to save this information, but since my application is standalone, if the location of the application changes, the My.Settings information changes as well (unless I coded it incorrectly before). I would prefer not to store this data in a .txt file or something similar.

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Storing Values In Application?

Feb 14, 2012

I am trying to store things such as user data for each user in my program, like with a class I made named UserData. I would like to have data different for each user. How can I do this? Also, I need to be able to access other user's data from my account.I tried using Settings, but they only had a limited number of classes, and the settings didn't seem to save for some reason.

View 13 Replies - Storing A Custom Object In A Web Application

Jun 14, 2012

I am at a new company and I am building a wizard for a web app, (.Net/4.0). The user goes to a few separate screens during the wizard process and must return to the original screen before completion of the wizard. This is different from how they normally do this. But this is how it is TO BE DONE.

One option is to store the result of each panel in the main screen in the DB. So then, when the user leaves & redirects back. I could check for a querystring then call a datareader and populate original values appropriately.


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Storing SMTP Credentials For Application?

Apr 8, 2010

I've been storing SQL connection strings in web.conf which is fine but now I need to store SMTP credentials somewhere protected. web.conf seems like the likeliest place since its protected but how can they be stored?

I've added the details to my web.conf but amnot sure how to reference them



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Storing Strings And Application Settings?

Jun 25, 2010

I've came to the stage where i need to save strings and application settings for my application. The My.Settings have worked it out until now. Now i have to store so many settings it's hard to keep track of them. That is why i need something new. So i've been looking around in INI files which seems impressively simple - but not very flexible. I've also took a look at XML which seems to be something to dive in to. But what i need now is advice. How do you store settings?

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XML Files - Storing Information For Application

May 22, 2009

I am making a program that stores information for my applications. There are 4 main things I need in the XML file, the login information (User name and password), Application names and keys, and the owner of the application (who bought it). The program allows the user to enter as many applications and owners as they want and once login information is correct it loads the data. Then on exit all the data saves to a XML file.

My XML file looks like this
<UserName> (UserName) </UserName>
<Password> (Password </Password>
[Code] .....

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Storing 3 Tables Of Data In Application Settings

May 16, 2010

I will need to store 3 tables of data. Instead of implementing an entire database backend, I just want to store the record for these tables in application.settings.I don't care about security. Is it advisable to do it with application settings? how else would you do it? Perhaps storing a matrix in application.settings would be OK?

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Storing Application Variables In An External File?

Jul 8, 2009

I have been tasked to create an application, for which the requirements may change over time.This application will be a data entry Windows application,of which multiple copies will be running.All data will be written to text (.CSV) files for validation before being uploaded to a remote mainframe system (iSeries).My application needs to store certain variable information in an external text (or XML) file; for example, the file path to shared resources (which may change over time),as well as the specific data fields required by the mainframe system.

My questionsare these: what is considered the best practice for accomplishing such a task, and how would I accomplish it?I am completely new to XML, so I don't even know where to begin, although I am sure that XML is the path to follow for what I am trying to accomplish.

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Storing Files Into An Application Compressing Them And Then Extracting Them?

Apr 8, 2009

How could I go about doing this if I can? Storing files into an application compressing them and then extracting them?

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VS 2008 Storing Ftp Password Into Application Variable?

May 16, 2011

I have an application that is updating from my ftp server.Inside app I have 2 variables like this:


I obfuscate exe using Eazfuscator.For two times someone deleted all files from ftp account,I suppose he got the ftp password,is it possible to got it from my app exe ?Is it enough protected ?

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Application Settings, Storing Type Internal To Your Assembly?

May 13, 2009

I am trying to store an enum in my application settings. This enum is defined within my main assembly in the same namespace. When I try to find the type under the application settings, it seems like I can't find any types within my namespace. I can see all the types of the assemblies I reference though.

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VS 2010 Storing Backup History In Application Settings?

Jun 8, 2011

I'm creating a small tool for our team that performs backups of our servers. The plan is to put the tool in a central location so that anyone can use it.I'd like to store, somewhere, the date of the last backup for each server. I was wondering if I could use an application settings (with Application scope) for this? Is this bad practice? If so, what's the best practice? XML? text file? registry?

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Storing 2005 Connection String, Username And Password Outside The Application?

Aug 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to store the connection string in a file rather than hard coding it in the application. For example i have declared this connection string in the form to connect to oracle database and it works. But i assume this is not the right way to go by if one is looking for more secured environment.

strcon = "Provider=MSDASQL;" & _
"Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; " & _


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Make Graphic Persistent In VB And GDI+?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a converted VB6 App that would draw irregular shapes on a PictureBox when I click on a button, and these irregular shapes would persist until I either close the App or erased the PictureBox to start the display anew.I converted my App to VB.Net to do the same, i.e. draw on a PictureBox again, but the drawn lines appear briefly and then, at the end of the drawing process, when my App returns control to the Operating System in wait for another event, the graphics disappear as if erased by the App (which I don't do of course).I have created a Graphics Object associated to my Picture Box as:

Dim CurrGraphics as System.Drawing.Graphics
CurrGraphics = PictureOut.CreateGraphics

I then use the DrawPolygon and DrawLine methods to add the irregular shapes I want:

CurrGraphics.DrawPolygon(CurrPen, Pts)
CurrGraphics.DrawLine(CurrPen, Pts(I).X, Pts(I).Y, Pts(I+1).X, Pts(I+1).Y)

where CurrPen is a defined Pen, and Pts is the Points() array with the coordinates of the displayed shape. Several dozens irregular shapes are drawn and then the subroutine stops, and returns to waiting for another request from the user.What could be the prime reason why graphics do not persist in a PictureBox, and are erased immediately after they are created ?

PS: I do not use the PainEvent of the PictureBox PictureOut, as in the example given in the VB documentation (below), as the display process is initiated by clicking on a button, and I cannot relate how to transfer control to the PaintEvent as below:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, pe As PaintEventArgs) Handles _
' Declares the Graphics object and sets it to the Graphics object


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Making Settings Value Persistent?

Sep 19, 2011

how to make the settings in my app persistent When i save in the previous run using this

my.Settings.setting_name= some_value

when getting the values using this


i still see the old values in the IDE settings options.How can i make the changes reflect even in the vs ide

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Usercontrol Properties Not Persistent?

Jan 31, 2011

i've created a usercontrol in a win forms project + the properties work as expected, but when i recreated my usercontrol as a win forms usercontrol class library, the properties changed at runtime aren't persistent.i tried adding a DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute to the property but that didn't work.

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Create Persistent Graphics On Top Of An Image?

Mar 1, 2011

I am building a program which offers solutions to the travelling salesman problem (finding shortest tour between a set of cities while visiting each only once).

My program loads a bitmap image of a map into a picture box. From there, graphics which point out the cities as well as tour paths are drawn onto the map. My problem is that when the option to plot ALL cities is enacted, the user may choose to pinpoint a specific city with a separate control. When the user erases that pinpoint via an invalidation routine, though, it erases all graphics beneath it, which is undesirable. How can I make my tour graphics and city plots semi-permanent by drawing them directly on the image? I tried drawing them on a separate bitmap, but it 'covered up' the map image.

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Persistent File Change Within An Executable?

Jan 25, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to have persistent changes to resources in an executable. I am using VB 2010. I don't know how to be much clearer than that but I will try.

> User opens program and picks 'File A'

> 'File A' is now copied into the executable, thus storing it forever (or until deletion of .exe

> .exe is now slightly larger because 'File A' is inside the program

> User can extract or delete 'File A'

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Using My.Settings.something To Store Persistent Data?

Dec 27, 2011

You know how using My.Settings.something to store persistent data is done only for user settings and not application settings. This information is stored in the registry on the local user section.My problem here is that even if it is in the same machine, when a user changes some setting it is not reflected on other users. This is desirable for some of them but there are a few I would like to keep for all users.Is there a way to do it with the settings? Do I need to write to the registry in the machine section? or do you just recomend I create a configuration file?

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VS 2008 How To Make ToolStripMenuItem Persistent

Feb 23, 2010

here is what i want to do have a ToolStripMenuItem in a ToolStripDropDownButton menu what i want to do is have an option to not hide the menu when the ToolStripMenuItem is clicked so i wrote the following:


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Is Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Oct 21, 2009

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

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Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Aug 5, 2010

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

View 3 Replies - SrReader.GetValue(1) - Persistent Data Flow

Apr 19, 2012

I am very New to We are using fortify software for projects when it is going to LIVE. In that process I got some cross-Site Scripting : persistent Data flow issues.


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