Making Settings Value Persistent?

Sep 19, 2011

how to make the settings in my app persistent When i save in the previous run using this

my.Settings.setting_name= some_value

when getting the values using this


i still see the old values in the IDE settings options.How can i make the changes reflect even in the vs ide

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Using My.Settings.something To Store Persistent Data?

Dec 27, 2011

You know how using My.Settings.something to store persistent data is done only for user settings and not application settings. This information is stored in the registry on the local user section.My problem here is that even if it is in the same machine, when a user changes some setting it is not reflected on other users. This is desirable for some of them but there are a few I would like to keep for all users.Is there a way to do it with the settings? Do I need to write to the registry in the machine section? or do you just recomend I create a configuration file?

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Making The Change In My.settings?

Apr 14, 2009

I am making an application for my school library, which lets the user see how many books have been borrowed, how many returned, and how many that have not been returned. I am using My.Settings to do this. I have no problem saving the settings, or making them change according to how many books have been returned or borrowed, but when I try to load them into a few labels, I get an error.


This is the error I obtain:Conversion from string "Books borrowed so far: " to type 'Double' is not valid.

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Making Bookmarks In Browser - NOT USING MY.SETTINGS

Mar 26, 2009

Ok, it's basically all in the description, but I need to make it so there is not a limited amount of bookmarks. I cannot use My.Settings because when i try to select 'My Project' in the Solution explorer, it doesn't work

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VS 2010 Making 'settings' File?

May 11, 2010

if we say i have a program and i want it to launch another .exe So the code of them being able to choose where it's located is "openfiledialog".But can i make it save the setting somehow, so it makes a small document/text-file thingy so it can read the locations from the file ?Or is there someway that the program remembers it ? I want it to ask for a file location first, and then next time pushing the button "start" it remembers the location ?

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Answered Making A My.Settings Bit Of Text Bold?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm using My.Settings to store some text information which will be displayed to the user under certain conditions. What I'd like to know is whether part of the text (not all of it) can be formatted in bold?

The reason I'm storing in My.Settings is because it can be customized but not to the extent where I need to store it in a database. And while I'm at it, is it possible to format parts of MessageBox text and labels in bold, or is this an all or not at all situation i.e. changing the font property?

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VS 2010 Making A Form That Handles A Different Forms Settings?

Aug 19, 2010

How would i go about making a form that handles a different forms settings?ei, the Button Forecolours ect.

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Saving Settings - Making A Bookmarks And History Interface For My Web Browser

May 24, 2011

I am working on making a bookmarks and history interface for my web browser so basicall for the bookmarks the code is


Now im assuming that this is not all that is needed.. (this is put inside a sub) however i dont know how to set up the settings so that it will keep the bookmarks into my list after the program closes...

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Make Graphic Persistent In VB And GDI+?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a converted VB6 App that would draw irregular shapes on a PictureBox when I click on a button, and these irregular shapes would persist until I either close the App or erased the PictureBox to start the display anew.I converted my App to VB.Net to do the same, i.e. draw on a PictureBox again, but the drawn lines appear briefly and then, at the end of the drawing process, when my App returns control to the Operating System in wait for another event, the graphics disappear as if erased by the App (which I don't do of course).I have created a Graphics Object associated to my Picture Box as:

Dim CurrGraphics as System.Drawing.Graphics
CurrGraphics = PictureOut.CreateGraphics

I then use the DrawPolygon and DrawLine methods to add the irregular shapes I want:

CurrGraphics.DrawPolygon(CurrPen, Pts)
CurrGraphics.DrawLine(CurrPen, Pts(I).X, Pts(I).Y, Pts(I+1).X, Pts(I+1).Y)

where CurrPen is a defined Pen, and Pts is the Points() array with the coordinates of the displayed shape. Several dozens irregular shapes are drawn and then the subroutine stops, and returns to waiting for another request from the user.What could be the prime reason why graphics do not persist in a PictureBox, and are erased immediately after they are created ?

PS: I do not use the PainEvent of the PictureBox PictureOut, as in the example given in the VB documentation (below), as the display process is initiated by clicking on a button, and I cannot relate how to transfer control to the PaintEvent as below:

Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, pe As PaintEventArgs) Handles _
' Declares the Graphics object and sets it to the Graphics object


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Usercontrol Properties Not Persistent?

Jan 31, 2011

i've created a usercontrol in a win forms project + the properties work as expected, but when i recreated my usercontrol as a win forms usercontrol class library, the properties changed at runtime aren't persistent.i tried adding a DesignerSerializationVisibility attribute to the property but that didn't work.

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Create Persistent Graphics On Top Of An Image?

Mar 1, 2011

I am building a program which offers solutions to the travelling salesman problem (finding shortest tour between a set of cities while visiting each only once).

My program loads a bitmap image of a map into a picture box. From there, graphics which point out the cities as well as tour paths are drawn onto the map. My problem is that when the option to plot ALL cities is enacted, the user may choose to pinpoint a specific city with a separate control. When the user erases that pinpoint via an invalidation routine, though, it erases all graphics beneath it, which is undesirable. How can I make my tour graphics and city plots semi-permanent by drawing them directly on the image? I tried drawing them on a separate bitmap, but it 'covered up' the map image.

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How To Make Persistent Application Setting

Dec 7, 2009

I have an application that has two states based on the value of a Boolean variable: a read_only=true state and read_only=false state. The value of this state is stored in an external settings file. My application has a feature called deploy that generates a copy of itself in the same folder with the read_only=true state. But, the read_only variable value is stored in an external file so now both files will be in the read_only=true state. What I want to do is make one of them(the original one) always be read_only = false and the other read_only=true

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Persistent File Change Within An Executable?

Jan 25, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to have persistent changes to resources in an executable. I am using VB 2010. I don't know how to be much clearer than that but I will try.

> User opens program and picks 'File A'

> 'File A' is now copied into the executable, thus storing it forever (or until deletion of .exe

> .exe is now slightly larger because 'File A' is inside the program

> User can extract or delete 'File A'

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Storing Persistent Objects In VB Application

Aug 31, 2011

point me to the best way to store persistant objects ( of my own class) in a vb application? I am putting together a simple family recipe application and have created a food item class. I would like to store the instances ( food items) indefinately so that they are there each time I start the program complete with all properties and meethods

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VS 2008 How To Make ToolStripMenuItem Persistent

Feb 23, 2010

here is what i want to do have a ToolStripMenuItem in a ToolStripDropDownButton menu what i want to do is have an option to not hide the menu when the ToolStripMenuItem is clicked so i wrote the following:


View 3 Replies - SrReader.GetValue(1) - Persistent Data Flow

Apr 19, 2012

I am very New to We are using fortify software for projects when it is going to LIVE. In that process I got some cross-Site Scripting : persistent Data flow issues.


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Click Event Temp Values Remaining Persistent?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm trying to create a version of the game Spill and Spell. I'm having problems with a click event for Labels that is supposed to exchange the .Text value stored from the previous mouse click with the current .Text value on the new Label clicked. The labels are initialized and stored in an array on the form load.

What's happening is that the values are remaining persistent to the label being clicked.

Desired Results (example):

User clicks on lblDice1 (sender), tempLetter is set to mouseLetter.CurrentLetter, mouseLetter.CurrentLetter is set to lblDice1.Text (sender.text), lblDice1.Text is set to tempLetter. (this part works)

User clicks on lblDice2 (sender), tempLetter is set to mouseLetter.CurrentLetter (s/b initial .Text value from lblDice1 above), mouseLetter.CurrentLetter is set to lblDice2.Text (sender.text), lblDice2.Text is set to tempLetter.

What's Happening:

The tempLetter and CurrentLetter values are remaining persistent to the Label being clicked on. Ie: lblDice1 click will only display the original text associated. If I click Dice1 then Dice2 and then Dice1 again, the original Dice1 text is displayed (same for Dice2).

This is a lot easier to see. All of the controls with the exception of a button ("btnStart") are defined in the code below. Click the Start button to show values in the DiceLabels grid.

The area that's the problem is Public Sub DiceLabel_Click

(this is a work in progress...)


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Persistent "Dispose" Error In VB2008

Jan 9, 2011

I have an error in the beginning of a program I have converted from VB2002 to 2008, and I can't seem to find a way out of it. The error message is:Error2'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopBack UpExpendable VS8 copiesClick Counter VS8Click Counter VS8frmSecond.Designer.vb729Click Counter VS8

The offending code seems to be the word "Dispose" after the words "Overrides Sub".


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My.Settings.Upgrade Stopped Preserving Settings After Visual Studio And Framework Were Upgraded?

Jan 13, 2011

The company has been using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 for approximately 2 years. During that time we released several versions (4.x.x) of our program to the public and were able to preserve the user's settings using My.Settings.Upgrade.During the past development cycle we upgraded the program to Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 and changed the version to 5.x.x. Now, when a user upgrades from 4.x.x to 5.x.x they lose all of their settings.However, in all upgrades after that point (ie 5.0 to 5.1) all the user's settings are once again preserved.I checked C:Documents and Settings<USER_NAME>Local SettingsApplication DataCompanyName and it contains two directories:

ApplicationName_Url_aaa ApplicationName_Url_bbb

where aaa and bbb are 32 character strings. All of the user.config files for the 4.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_ Url_aaa directory. All of the user.config files for the 5.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_Url_bbb directory.Based on this information it seems like something changed when we converted our program to VS2010 and Framework4 that is now causing a different 32 character string to be generated. However, we have been unable to track it down.

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Unable To Make Some Settings And Load The Result Of The Settings Via LinQ Into The Grid Of The UscStat?

Jan 3, 2012

I have the following structure:OLD: frmMain (WinForm)uscStat (UserControl with Grid) In frmMain I'm able to make some settings and load the result of the settings via LinQ into the Grid of the uscStat.


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Application.Settings VB 2005 - Save Arrays Using The Settings System Object

Jan 14, 2009

I just wondered if you can or can't save arrays using the settings system object. There seems to be no way of entering it at designtime. It seems implied you cannot create new user settings.subobjects at runtime. I'm looking to find the easiest way to save a populated array of PictureBox's. If the only way is a self/custom made/managed .ini file then I need to know so i can start on that but I was hoping to use some of all this phaff in the new frameworks usefully.

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ClickOnce Overwrites User Settings Settings .NET 2008 Cant Use Registry UAC Causes Error

Aug 5, 2009

I am rewritting my application to conform to ms standards. We used to save all settings to registry for user settings, servername, size and we are now saving them into My.Settings app.config the only problem is that each time there is an update clickonce will isntall the newupdate but now all settings are loist and user has to save everything all over again..

I am trying to follow the book here but it seems i keep getting stuck somewhere. registry has worked fine for years but i understand we must move on, but if stuff like this happens then i just wasted a long time converting all code to conform for it to not work..

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How To Maintain Application Modified Settings In The Settings Files After A Program Update

Sep 8, 2009

Is there a way to maintain application modified Settings in the settings files after a program update? i.e. I have 10 or so values in the settings file and the users can modify them... when I send a program update they revert back to what I initially programmed them to be.

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Designing Software - Making A MPC Sampler - Drum Machine - Making A Sound Directory ?

May 16, 2012

I'm a huge music person (got my own lil record thing going) but I'm wanting to design a program that would make music in my way. I have a decent amount of background knowlege of Visual Basic and Java I'm just wondering how could I execute this whole project. The Project is making a MPC Sampler. MPC is a drum machine; a machine with buttons that once you press it that it will play a sound from a drum (ex: snare, kick, tom, ect.) . So I would want to make some pads on my program that each have their own sound. Total of 16 pads. Which the design wouldn't be hard to make nor would the functionality of it having the play back sound (in my opinoin it wouldn't be hard atleast). But the thing is I wanna map out these pads to number keys on the number pad or keyboard. I'm not so sure how to do that. But that's all the easy stuff...

Also finding information is making a sound directory. What I mean by this is that I want to make a User Interface that will open up a file directory of sounds and the user can select what "kick" or "snare" sound he may want for the kick or snare pad. I don't know how to do that or even know what to search; neverless I don't know if this whole project idea is a good idea for Visual Basic or another programing language.

Also LATER ON I am wanting to add a record and export function that alows users to..well...record and export their beat or instrumental ha. That doesn't seem too too complex (mainly due to the fact that all it needs to do is record the users key strokes and then show them and play the sounds, but obviously it would get more complex than that.)

Here is an image of one of many MPCs but one with a directory - [URL]

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Application.restart After Doesn't Load The New Settings

Feb 8, 2008

i have created a user setting named 'setmeup' as string, scope = user, value = "magical meow meow!".in my code i access it and assign it a new value like = "howdy cowboy!" the application restarts, i expect the my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" but when i check its contents its still "magical meow meow!".but when i use application.exit() instead of application.restart() and manually restart the program, my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" which is correct.what must i do? i want to use application.restart() because i don't want the users to double-click the icon again to start the program. i want the program to restart automatically.

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VS 2010 - My.Settings - Can't Find File Which Reflects Changes To User Settings

Apr 15, 2011

1. I can't find the file which reflects changes to user settings. This might be because I just can't find it (I can see a bunch of user.config files but they are all empty - weird!), or...

2. I'm not actually saving them when I think I am.

Regarding 2. - do I need to invoke

Is this all I need? And if so, why are my user.configs empty?

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VS 2010 Save The Treeview Items To Settings (my.settings.history)?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm working with an Treeview and i'm new at it and i have 2 questions.

1. How can i save the treeview items, to settings (my.settings.history)

2. How can i save the treeview items as an TXT or XML file or another exception.

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Difference Between Standard My.settings And Adding A New Class That Is Of Settings?

Mar 3, 2009

my old vb6 program used to store to ini files now with .net I rekon I need to do something new.. was thinking XML but then in searching around I stumbled apon this my.settings stuff.. so I followed the instructions but something strange is going one..

1. whats the difference between the standard my.settings and adding a new class that is of settings ? anything ?

2. I made 10 new settings in the setting manager but when I try to change then it gives me the old squiggle line saying no go.

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VS 2008 Settings Are Read From App.config Instead Of Settings-file

Oct 30, 2009

I have created a settings-file for my plug-in-based app. When the mainApp writes the settings to the file, the pluginApp should read the settings from the settings-file (when opening or at runtime even better), but somehow it reads the settings from the app.config-file. This means that the pluginApp never will read the settings according the values of the file.

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VS 2008 Using 'Settings File' (Settings1.settings)

Aug 5, 2009

I saw that you can also use a "Settings File" (Add new Item)to add your settings instead of the application settings. But I can't seem to write any values to the file. Someone with experience with the "Settings1.settings"?

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