Automatic Properties With Different Access Level For Set?

Jul 29, 2010

In c# you can auto property a value with different level of access for the get and set . . . e.g.

public String myString


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.NET Support Automatic Getters And Setters On Properties?

Apr 7, 2011

In C# I can do this: public string myProperty { get; private set; }This is referred to as an "automatic getter/setter" (from what I've heard). Does VB.NET support these? So far, with my properties, all I can do is this:


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Why Do C# Automatic Properties Not Support Default Values

Apr 13, 2010

Looking at the new VB 2010 features, I stumbled upon support for Auto-Implemented Properties.Since I'm working with C#, this seemed quite familiar, but I noticed that VB did add a feature I would love to have in C#: setting a arbitrary default value for the auto-implemented property:I really like the clean usage of auto-properties in C#. This would save us the effort of introducing a backing field and hooking it up to the property everytime we simply need a default value, thereby cluttering up the code unnecessarily.I was wondering why this wasn't introduced in C# as well? What could be the rationale for not doing this? Is a syntax discussion going on, or are there technical limitations to implementing this?

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No Formatting On Properties Level Of A Textbox?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm having trouble getting a numeric format out of a textbox.I can do this in the textbox validating event, but I need commas to be entered into the textbox as the user actually types the data, not after they leave the textbox.. the reason is that they are typing really large numbers and can easily lose track of 0's or the total number if there are no comma seperators.I tried to do this through the keydown event in the textbox, but that doesnt work the comma gets inserted but the cursor goes into the begining of the string so anything new i type goes ahead of the old there really no formatting on the properties level of a textbox??? how can there be no datamask?

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.net - Multi-level Inheritance With Implements On Properties?

Jun 18, 2010

Let's say I have 2 interfaces defined like so:

public interface ISkuItem
public string SKU { get; set; }


VB.NET explicitly requires you to add Implements IInterfaceName.PropertyName after each property that gets implemented whereas C# simply uses regions to indicate which properties and methods belong to the interface.

Interestingly in VB.NET, on the SKU property, I can specify either Implements ISkuItem.SKU or Implements ICartItem.SKU. Although the template built by VS defaults to ISkuItem, I can also specify ICartItem if I want. Oddly, because C# only uses regions to block out inherited properties, it seems that I can't explicitly specify the implementing interface of SKU in C# like I can in VB.NET.

My question is: Is there any importance behind being able to specify one interface or another to implement properites in VB.NET, and if so, is there a way to mimic this functionality in C#? Furthermore, what is the effect of specifying one interface over another when implementing properites?

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.NET Custom UserControl With Structured/Multi-level Properties?

Aug 13, 2011

I can create a Custom UserControl with simple properties (Integer, String, etc) and have those properties show up in the Property Panel. I can also create a Custom UserControl with properties like Size, Rectangle, etc and the properties will show up as an expandable item in the Property Panel (click on the '+' and the Size expands to Width & Height).

Is it possible to create properties with my own custom structure? e.g. Property 'Message' expands to Text, ForeColor, BackColor, Blink etc. I have tried creating a property that references a simple class or structure with containing the properties representing my custom structure but in the Property Panel the property is greyed out and cannot be expanded or modified.

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DropdownList At Properties Level Of ComboBox - Search Field Types

Oct 28, 2009

I have a combo box on my application (working with called CmbAttendantstatus. I have sent the dropdownstyle = dropdownlist at the Properties level of the combobox.

There are 200 field types e.g;
Current Attendant
Ever Attendant
Never Attendant etc

The issue is I can only select one from the list, fine, but I want to be able to type the first letter on the combobox and it takes me to the nearest field type rather than looking through the entire drop list. For example I want Never Attendant, I just need to type N and the drop list takes me to anything starting from N and if I add E for example any field starting with NE shows up for selection. Presently, when the dropdownlist is selected you are not allowed to type anything...

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Automatic Update Dataset After Change In Access?

Jun 30, 2009

Automatic update Dataset after change in Access

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VS 2010 Automatic Access To MySQL Transfer

Jan 31, 2012

I'm trying to make a program that takes my old records from Access and moves them to MySQL. Its supposed to take records from 3 different tables in Access to 3 different tables in MySQL. The first table is "Orders" and it sorts the ones to pull to the dataset, taxDS, by "Where Status = 'Waiting Payment' OR 'Cancelled'". Then the second table pulls its info(this is where i'm having trouble) by the "Control_Number" in the "Orders" table, so basically if the control number isnt already in the dataset its not going to pull the data into the new table "FNF Taxes".

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Backup


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Nest Classes But Properties "inaccessible Due To Protection Level"

Oct 7, 2011

I am trying to implement a sub-class as a property of another class. Eg:


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Access Level - Change Password ?

Feb 18, 2011

I thought i am doing fine with my project..The access level is fine.. when i login as "ADMIN". I can change the password.. But for other users, if i click save nothing happens but if i click it again it will save(In my savebutton event the txtbox is cleared if saved)

Here is the code for my login(this is the access level part)

If reader.Read Then
Dim access As String = reader.Item("Position").ToString
Select Case access



Private Sub UserPasswordUpdate()

Using _connce = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=" & _dbAlumniTracking)


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Check Access Level And Redirects To Another Form?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a workable code below which checks the values you type in a textbox and compare it to database. If successfull, display "log in successfull"Now i want to have it redirect to a another form base on an "access" attribute in the database whcih i had already assign.


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VS 2008 - User Login With Different Level Of Access

Sep 3, 2009

I want to create a log in that allow the user to select different level of access when there using the program. Ok here is how I want it to be the user must select either user or admin, along with typing in there password and username, but I'm a bit confuse in putting the coding together.

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Creating Multi Level List Boxes In Access?

Oct 25, 2010

The first list box contains the project name. Based on whatever is selected in the Projects list box, the 2nd list box is generated with Custodian names associated with that project. I am having problems generating the 3rd list box. This holds the data sources associated with whatever is selected in the 2nd list box (Custodians)

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Get Informations From A Database To Manage The User Access Level?

Sep 3, 2008

I'm writing a form that get some informations from a database to manage the User Access Level.The way i do that is to Fill a Dataset by using a DataAdapter and the Bind some controls to the Dataset.The controls i binding are a ListBox, a Textbox, and five Checkboxes.All are fine with this controls. I can delete values and update values, i can choose a record from my ListBox and the values of this record to be desplayed on the othrer binded controls and so on.


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Methods Access Level - Making Public For Only One Class

Mar 20, 2009

I have a class which has various methods that I need to make public to only 1 other class. Is this possible? I don't want to make them public for everybody, just that 1 class.

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Restrict A User From Using A Double Clicking Event With Access Level?

May 10, 2009

I have a login page, which a user will have to enter username, password and accesslevel. Accesslevel is either 1 or 2. 1 for admin and 2 for users who are restricted from using certain functions. I have this module set up so that I can make use of the accesslevel throughout the forms that I have.

Module ModuleAccessLevel
Public AccessLevel As Integer
End Module

Arjun taught me how to make use of this module, so now I know how to restrict users from using certain buttons, toolstrips by doing the following:


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VS 2010 Higher Level Of Access Makes Program Dysfunctional

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this program which I can use to drag files in it and do something with it, and when I run it as administrator, it doesn't let me drag the files in at all, but when I run it normally it does. Is there a reason behind this? And how would I go about fixing it?

My code if it means anything:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim SetSU As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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Create A Form That Managing The Access Level Of User Management System?

Oct 7, 2008

I try to create a form that managing the access level of user management system.The model I use is the following :I create a connection to database I create a DataAdapter to transfer the data from the database I create a Dataset to hold my data My form consists of the following :A ListBox that list all the access level namesThree text boxes: the first for the record ID The second for the access level name And the third for the discription of the access level Five check boxes:One for writing rights One for the deleting rights One for the Updating rights One for Printing rights And one for Special area access rightsSo what i do is the following :I create a connection string I create a new connection to my database server I create the DataAdapter I initializing the DataAdapter command such as SelectCommand, DeleteCommand, e.t.c.I fill my DataSet with the data DataAdapter get from DataBase I binding my controls to DataSet I setting the DataSource property of the ListBox to my DataSet I setting the DisplayMember to the ACCL_NAME column of the DataTable inside the DataSet I setting the ValueMember to ACCL_ID column of the DataTable inside the DataSetUntil this time all are fine ! ! !The question is :When i try to add a new row to dataset by using the following code i have a problem :

Dim newRow As DataRow = Dataset.Tables("TableName").NewRow newRow("COLUMN_NAME") = Binded Control Value DataSet.Tables("TableName").Rows.Add(newRow)

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VS 2010 Multi Threading Access To Module Level SEQUENTIAL Counter?

Feb 22, 2012

I've got this code

Public Class Form1
Dim m_listener As HttpListener = Nothing
Dim m_asyncCount As Integer = 0


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Application-level KeyUp/KeyDown Events (not Windows Form-level)?

Apr 1, 2012

I am creating an Excel add-in written in VB.NET. I would like to bind KeyDown and KeyUp events to the spreadsheet to record when the user presses and releases the arrow keys while navigating the spreadsheetIdeally, these events would be built into Excel alongside the native SheetActivate and SheetSelectionChange events, for example. Alas, they are not.

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What's The Difference Between Dim On The Member Level And Static On The Procedure Level

Jan 6, 2010

In Visual Basic 2008, there's two different ways that I know of to accomplish the same thing:The Dim on the member level:

Dim counter1 as integer = 0
Dim counter2 as integer = 180
Public Sub SampleSub1()


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Top Level SQL Table Row - Save The Top Level Automatically?

Mar 18, 2011

I have created a simple program which uses a two tier structure of SQL Tables.At the top level, one record holds the date of the activities and linked to it using its primary key as a foreign key, three subordinate tables hold time stamped records.The issue I have been unable to solve is that before adding any of the lower level records for a given date, a newly added top level record must be saved to the database.Doing this manually is simple - but can I rely on my users to remember to do this before they start plugging in the lower level data?I thought not, so I am looking to save the top level automatically.I've failed miserably but I refuse to believe that it's not possible.

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Multiple Level Of For Each And Linq In Each Level

Feb 12, 2011

I have multiple level of For Each and in each level, i have a Linq that is the 'In' criteria as in:


It will go inside each for (because the value is not nothing), however, it will only loop (next) in the very inner 'For Each t In tFor'. After it is finish inner loops, the outer Fors' or Next will not execute... even thought there are more than one values in that 'In'... like 'sFor' or 'fFor'. i've noticed while debuging, while break at the for (for example 'sFor', before stepping in), i get the error message:

"Enumeration yielded no results" when i expand the result for that variable and it will not step into it. but if i do not expand the result, it will step in. It seem that some how, once an element is accessed for that 'In' collection, it breaks (meaning does not loop for the rest of the elements) the next for that collection is this a bug or am i missing something in Linq? BTW: i believe it has something to do with the SqlDataReader in the Linq. I'm working with IAsyncResult.

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Access All Properties Of A Control?

Jun 23, 2010

Is there anyway that I can access all the properties of a control during runtime and

get their values. I dont want to specify the property name. I should get the all the

property names and their values. It is something like reflection namespace in VB.NEt

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Access Folder Properties Exe?

Mar 15, 2011

i want to acess folder properties control of a particular folder in how to do this?

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Change Login Code To Support For Multi Access Level Login?

Dec 14, 2009

May i know how to change my below login code to support for multi access level login? So that i can differentiate between manager and normal employees login so that i can enable or disable certain features for different department? I have the below code that can serve as a basic login.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'login code can work

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Access Methods Or Properties From Html In Mvc?

Dec 4, 2009

In c# mvc I can declare some public class like:

public class Foo {
public static string Bar {get
{return "bar";}

and access it from any html like:


right?Well, I have to do the same in ASP.NET MVC VB.Net but I cannot access any variable or method:

public class Foo
public Shared ReadOnly Bar as string


UPDATE:standard VB.NET puts modules in the namespace defined in your project.I had to type


how to create a module that doesn't wrap this into a namespace? Or have the view import the application namespace by default?

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Access Objects / Properties In An Application From Another DLL

Jan 31, 2006

I have an application which is grouped in a MainApplication and serveral Modules (DLL's) The Main Application is basicly a Form with a NavigationBar on the Left Side (like in Outlook 2003) and an MDI-Parent. There is also a Simple Login Routine on this Form. I store the UserName after Loggingn to a Property. The DLL's holds functionallity and Forms for various Sections for example there is a Employee.dll which holds functions and a form to show all Employees.

On Loading of the Main Application I loop trough all dll's in a "Module"-Folder and extract NavigationItems from them which I add to the MainForms NavigationPanel. I don't have a reference to the Modules because I want to make it as flexible as possible so that it is possible to delete a Dll form the Module directory in order to remove the functionality from the MainApplication. The Modules could work also without the MainApplication if they are Complied as an exe insted of DLL of course. This works fine so far.


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Access Properties Of Form Classes?

Oct 21, 2009

I have Form Class A, which is the "Main Form". An Event fired by Form A instantiates Form B, and sets Form A as it's owner. (which makes it be on top of FormA at all times)[code]...

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