Build A Database System From Access And Made The GUI Using Vb?

Nov 25, 2011

I build a database system from access and made the GUI using vb.and i encounter this problem?

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Saving Changes Made To An Access Database

Feb 17, 2009

I have tried it by the following code [code]there is no error in this code, but it didn't work is there anyone who can help me in making it work?

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How To Build System For Store Office Files In Access

Jan 14, 2011

i want to built application for managing office document in database. My decision using VB.NET and access database. Using available tool Visual Studio 2010(VB.NET) and Access 2007.

1)what suitable table for access to store office document?Included time,id,office files and what again?

2)how use 2010 for insert,update,delete in access?

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Save ALL Changes Made In DataGridView To Access Database?

Feb 3, 2009

I use a DataGridView to Add/Edit/Delete records from an Access database. Doing those 3 things is working just fine. When I try to update the database with the new Table data, nothing happens. I need to basically overwrite the table in the database with the data that was added, edited or deleted in the DataGridView. I opened the connection and got the table data like this


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Saving Changes Made In A Program Into The Access Database

Oct 7, 2009

I've seen used the datagridview to save the changes.

I don't use a dgv, but rather I connect directly to access and when a text field has text in it, it takes that text and searches, and updates various text boxes with the according information (finds a row, and takes all the data in the columns and adds it into their respective box). There are approximately 5-7 text boxes being used at the same time, and only a few will be changed.

How would I go about updating and saving through the VB program?

Here are some relevant pieces of code:

Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=C:\InventoryMusic.mdb")


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VS 2010 : Saving Changes Made In DataGridView To MS Access Database?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a MS Access database file that I can view with a DataGridView, but I can not save the changes made. User should be able to modify data, and when pressing the "Save" button, these changes should be reflected on the database. That is not happening.I know this is a common question, but I have read dozens of pages trying yo get this to work.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con1 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=T:JaimeTest.mdb;Persist Security Info=False")
Dim sql As String = "SELECT * FROM Table1"


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How To Build A LINQ Where Source Is Made Of Different Lists

Jul 4, 2011

Suppose that I have more than one List (L1,L2,L3,L4) of instances of a class [code]Now I want to querry the 4 lists with one call like Dim L= (from P as MyClass in (L1,L2,L3,L4) where p.Datetime> XXXXX order by p.datetime select p) it possible to do something like that? I Know that I could do a FOR NEXT loop with each list but i am looking for a way to do this with a single call

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Build System Inventory To Server - Client System

Jun 3, 2011

how to build system inventory that multiuser..1 server and 1 more is client using lan connection..i dont no keyword to search in google..

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Login System Using MS Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

I wanted to create a Login System. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Beta.Ok this is my current code-the main problem I have is that I dont how to compare what the user puts into the textboxes and then check that against the data in my database. [code]When I run/debug the program and enter the correct username and password into the program it comes up with the MsgBox("Incorrect Login Details - Please try again.").The connection string for where the database is coming from is right, because I checked must be something wrong with the SQL Coding I guess.

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Converting The Database Of My System From Ms Access To Xampp

Sep 19, 2011

I'm having a hard time in understanding xampp. I will need to change my database from ms access to xampp. I already test it in a sample program and it works! Now I want to convert my whole system so my first step is to delete the database in my system (ms access) then create a code that will connect my system to xampp, I'm done with those things. The BIG problems are I'm having 98 ERRORS and I cant figure it out. I dont know the equivalent code to xampp. Here's the code that has error. Note that it is just one of 98 errors in my system.

Me.TableAdapterManager1.UpdateOrder = FinalSystem.FinalDatabaseDataSetTableAdapters.TableAdapterManager.UpdateOrderOption.InsertUpdateDelete

xampp doesnt have any tableadapater, but what should I do to insertupdatedelete?

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Error On Vb System That Is Connected To MS Access Database?

Nov 7, 2011

I am designing a Point Of Sale system to be used by sales representatives. The sales rep should be able to place an order of a specific product on behalf of the customer. I have defined my relationships between the tables, Product, Order and Customer. When i try to save my orders i get an error that says "you cannot add or change a record becuase a rerlated record is required in table Product"

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Login System Using MS Access Database Connection?

Jul 10, 2009

I am trying to create a login system using 2 tables from MS Access to grant access for opening another form.

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VS 2008 Made A System That Logs In On A Web Page

Jun 18, 2010

I have made a system that logs in on a web page.And it also fills in some information but now I need it the check a radiobutton. [code] But the problem is, there are three radion buttons on the same page, with the same name: [code] Now if I wan't to make the third box "checked" how do I do?

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Simple Payroll System - Program That Shows Connection Of Database(sql Or Access)

Mar 4, 2010

I think its better if i attach my files for you understand what i wanted to happen in my program.

We are now in our finals and for our project we need to make a program that shows connection of database(sql or access) and so dont mind if it has a problem in design or anything bcoz the objective of this project is to show what we've learn in our subject IT Programming 1 (

I dont know what to do in this part of my program. what to do first? why is it attaching zip files is not allowed?

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Install A Software Made In VB6.0 At Windows Embedded Operating System?

Mar 27, 2010

can i install a software made in VB6.0 at windows embedded operating system.........

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Auto-generate - Updating Function - Hospital System Which Works With A Access Database ?

Jun 21, 2010

I am using vb to make a hospital system which works with a access database. i am having an issue with the updating function to the database, this time round instead of hard codding the connection i used the connection/data source wizard, in microsoft visual studio 2008 and there fore most of the code has been auto generated for me, which includes the insert, delete and update funtions from what i can find and what i have read vb is ment to also auto generate this which it is not. the funny thing is that i can close the program down and reload it (as long as i haven't opened the database) and my changes are still there but if i go and open the database and it hasn't changed. also i can change the database through the use of the Dataset connections in the datasource tab but not int he program the code ive found and believe that is meant to update the database

This is running off a couple of buttons i also have a update query but have know way of accessing it




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Database - Implement A Login System Using LINQ To Compare Information With An Access Table?

Sep 27, 2011

I have been requested to implement a login form into a friend's Visual Basic .NET application. He specifically requested that I should do this using LINQ to compare the input to a table in an Access database. I don't really know why he imposed these restrictions, but who am I to judge? However, the problem is I am not overly familiar with VB .NET, or LINQ.

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Access HTTP Requests Made By Web Browsers?

Jun 2, 2012

In VB.Net, how do I make a program to tap into the HTTP requests made by external web browsers? I don't want to edit or stop the headers, only 'read' them, i.e., access its contents. I'm speaking of something like Fiddler2, but I only want the 'reading' part. I also want to read the user-agent.

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Data Management - Changing Current Database System, MS Access 2007 Front End And MS SQL Server 2005 Backend

May 8, 2012

We are thinking about changing our current database system, MS Access 2007 front end and MS SQL Server 2005 backend to using a higher level language such as Visual Basic .Net. I wonder if this is the BEST solution for data management? Currently, among others, we have two big database programs that handle more than two hundred users and it's crashed often. That's the reason we think about changing to something that can handle these database programs effectively preferably using MS technology such as .Net.

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Build A Windows App That Uses A Remote SQL Server To Login To The System?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to build a windows app that uses a remote SQL server to login to the system. I have setup the SQL server on a vmware machine all the conections work fine I have created a form Login with TextBoxUser and TextBoxPass and a submit button.I have added the database conection and created a query called Login

FROM Users

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Promptly Display To A Listview All Changes That Has Been Made To A Database?

Dec 25, 2009

Way, to promptly display to a listview all the changes that has been made to a database? I notice that every time I add new records to database it seems that it doesn't quickly display to a listview, unless I close and reload the form where the listview is attached.[code]....

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Update Changes Made In Database On A Form When Running?

Mar 11, 2009

i have created a project with 20 forms in 2008

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Made A Database.mdf That Contains A Table That Includes 3 Diffrent Column Names

Jan 27, 2012

I have made a Database.mdf that contains a table that Includes 3 diffrent Column Names.

1:"ID" This one i set to an primary key and i have also made it automaticlly put a number in order to the list. Like 1,2,3,4,5 for each data added. Data Type for this is int.

2:"WordCombination" Were i enter my word combination that i want it to look for)

3."TypeofCombination" Were i enter what the program should add to what i typed in texbox1 if it contains the WordCombination.

I want my program to se if texbox1 contains any of those WordCombinations in my database. And if thats true, Then i want it to show whats in the TypeofCombination + the text in texbox1 in texbox2. If i enter "What do you want ?" in Textbox1 i want the program to find that "What do you want ?" contains "you want" like in ID:1 WordCombination:you want. So becuse this is ture it should enter TypeofCombination in this case "Question:" + what i entered in Textbox1 to show in Textbox2.So if i write "What do you want ?" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Question: What do you want ?" If i Write "My name is Jake" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Answer: My name is Jake".If I Write "hello you Hi there Jacob" and click start. Textbox2 should show "Greeting: hello you Hi there Jacob".And i Should be able to add and delete Word Combinations Without having to change the program.

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How To Access Build Version Info In VS2010 VB

May 6, 2011

I would like to build a text string that is the build version of my program. In VB6 I would use the values retrieved from App.Version.Major/Minor. I have looked for something similar in VS2010 VB but unable to find it. I did find information on the .NET framework, but I am looking for a build version of my program.

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VB 08 Sql Server Database Login Form Using A Column Made In The Data Set Designer?

Jun 12, 2009

i'm trying to make a login form connected to an sql server database. my data base has records like this:

fname - lname - minit

each name in a separate column, and i wanted to use the name as the login username, so in the dataset designer i made a new column and concatenated the names together like this: lname+fname+minit but at Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader i get this error:

"Invalid column name 'username'. Invalid column name 'username'."

i'm asuming that's because username doesn't actually exists in the database, only in the there a way to get that to work with out the username column actually existing in the database?

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class LoginForm
Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click


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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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IDE :: Cannot Build One To Many Data Entry Form In Vb6 Or Vb2008 Using Ms-access

Jan 5, 2011

I have two tables in one to many relationship in an access 2003 database.I am using vb6 and visual studio 2008.I want a data entry form (in grid view) for child table. I want to display & add, Update, delete child records accordingly with parent.

i.e. What I require is One combo box displaying a parent field and corresponding child entries will be shown in grid view. Data entry form for parent table may be on separate form.Is there a full sample source code for above mentioned theme.

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How To Build Database

Nov 11, 2010

how to build database

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How To Build Own Database

Apr 4, 2010

Am i correct when i say that at the end of the day a database can be built with a simple file stream and some logic to organize the data inside this big file??

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Evtx / Evt Files - Access The Local Eventlog Using Build In Functions?

Feb 8, 2011

I know I can access the local Eventlog using build in functions. However, I need to be able to open and read evt and evtx files save on a remote computer for further analysing.

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