C# - Working With Sphorium WebDAV Server Framework?

Nov 19, 2009

how to working with Sphorium WebDAV Server Framework?[URL]

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WebDav To Validate A Mailbox Exists On An Exchange Server?

Aug 12, 2009

6 program to VB .NET 2008 that had code that used the CDO 1.21 DLL to validate if a mailbox entered existed on an Exchange server. I saw the one posting from Microsoft that states that CDO is not supported on the .NET Framework. As this is a client application, the article recommended using WebDav to interact with the Exchange Server.

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Upgrade The Framework On The Server - When Run The .exe File From The Server,get A Runtime Error?

Jun 29, 2009

I have several programs that I wrote in Visual Basic.net 2003 that I run from a server at work. We upgraded to Visual Studio 2008 recently and I converted my code to that version. I rebuilt the .exes and tried to run it from the server. It said I needed to upgrade the framework on the server, which I did. Now when I run the .exe file from the server I get a runtime error:

Runtime Error!
Program: d:...
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the applicaiton's support team for more information.

These programs are very important to the day-to-day operations of the company I work for. I did backup the software before converting it, so we're running normally right now, but there are modifications and upgrades I need to make as soon as possible, but cannot due to the programs crashing when I run the on the server.

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Entity Framework Context Not Working?

Oct 15, 2011

I am trying to figure out Entity Framework but I keep running into issues with the context. I create my .edmx file and it works fine but when I try to declare my context on my pages Visual Studio will not find them. My .edmx file is called YCLModel.edmx and my connectionstring for it is YCLEntites.

I try to declare the context as:

Dim yclcontext as new YCLEntites

I have also tried going into design mode and dragging from the toolbox but when I select my named connection it gives me the following error:

The metadata specified in the connection string could not be loaded. Consider rebuilding the web project to build assemblies that may contain metadata. The following error(s) occurred: Unable to load the specified metadata resource.

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VS 2008 Sendkeys Working With Vista With .Net V3.x Framework?

Mar 30, 2009

i've been looking for a solutions/alternatives to use sendkeys in Vista after reading many threads about the issue, i did see posts of alternatives, there was mentioning that SendKeys does work in Vista with .Net v3.x Framwork. (thread :"[RESOLVED] cant use the sendkeys function in vista " post # 14 ,with the following link


so before i download and install .Net v3.5 Framework (because the computer i am using is not mine, borrowed it from a freind)i wanted to ask , can anyone confirm that this is true,if i will install .Net v3.5 Framework on windows Vista then the SendKeys command will work as usual (as on windows XP)??p.s. here is a link explaining how to know which version of .Net framework is installed on the computer[URL]..

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.net - WebDav To EWS (contact)?

Jun 21, 2012

I'm converting an application from using WebDav to EWS. I'm now in the process on converting the code the fetch contact.I notice that the property from WebDav were found by using



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.NET Window Based Project Built On .NET 3.5 Framework Is Not Working In Windows7 64 Bit System?

Jan 28, 2011

I have VB.NET Window based project built on .NET 3.5 Framework that is working on the Windows7 32 bit System but when I try to run this same application in Windows7 64 bit System it gives an error message: "System.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)"

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C# - Getting Subject Line Of E-mail Using WebDAV And .NET

Jul 24, 2009

I am trying to learn more about webDAV and .NET. I have written an app that needs to pull all e-mails from an inbox on the server. I need to load these e-mails into an object that has the following properties:

- From
- To
- Subject
- Body


Is there like a urn:schemas:httpmail:subject or something like that where I can pull the subject line out? this is the way that I have been told to interact with the Exchange server so if anyone can shed any light on how to modify the above code to add a subject node and WHY - I am sure I can figure out how to modify it further to meet my needs.

So just to be clear, my question is this:

How can I modify the above code snippet to also include the subject line of an e-mail pulled off an Exchange server?

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File Upload - Connecting & Uploading WebDav?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm looking to develop an application in vb.net which can connect to a WebDav enabled web server (using WebDav with login credentials) and upload desired files. Could anyone give me an example on how I can accomplish this task?

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Upload File To Sharepoint Using WebDav Protocol And Program?

Jun 12, 2012

I am trying to upload file to sharepoint. Authorization works fine, but it ends up with status OK instead of CREATED. Eventually the file is not created. I do not understand why it's happening since I used approach that seems to work for others (no complaints).[code]...

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WebDAV & Exchange 2003 - Works In Debug, Fails Without?

Sep 23, 2010

I am writing some code in VB.Net under .NET 2.0 which interfaces with MS Exchange 2003.Because of the Exchange 2003 "requirement" I am forced to write this code using WEBDAV.The code itself is replicating, to some degree,a schedule management process.It's creating Appointments on the Exchange Server in response to inputs from the user and managing it's data internally in a SQL Server database.The problem situation is this: A new person is assigned to be in charge of a meeting. The requirement says the program should generate a meeting cancellation request to the person removed from the meeting (if such a person existed) and a meeting request sent to the new person.In the case of there being an existing person, what appears to happen is this:

The meeting cancellation request

gets sent Exchange barfs and returns status code 500 (internal server error) during the set of requests which send the meeting request to the new person.However! While debugging this particular scenario, it works just fine for me, if I step through the code in the Visual Studio debugger. Left to it's own devices, it fails every time.Just for yuk's sake, I added a Thread.Sleep(500) to the part after sending the cancellation request, and Exchange doesn't barf anymore...

So, my question! If adding a Thread.Sleep to the code causes this error to go away, a race condition is implied, no? But, my code is running under a web application and is a totally single threaded process, from start to finish. The web requests I am sending are all in synchronous mode so this shouldn't be a problem. [code]....

...but a lot of the implementation details are hidden here, as I wrote a set of classes to interface with Exchange WebDAV.

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Sql Server - Derived Associations In .Net Entity Framework?

Aug 9, 2010

I want to have a single table that represents a person and have a number of other tables (such as Student/Teacher) use the Person table to store information related to a person. Unfortunately the entity framework doesn't seem to like it when I try to add an association between the Student or Teacher class and I don't understand why. The Person table contains a column called ParentEntityID, which equals either a StudentEntityID or a TeacherEntityID. In an ideal world I would like to be able to reference the Person table by going Student.Person.FirstName instead of Student.Entity.Person1.FirstName. The error .Net returns when trying to connect the Student/Teacher table to the Person table is:

Error 3007: Problem in Mapping Fragments starting at lines 265, 289: Non-Primary-Key column(s) [ParentEntityID] are being mapped in both fragments to different conceptual side properties - data inconsistency is possible because the corresponding conceptual side properties can be independently modified.

The actual database I am working with is a bit more complicated and has a number of tables connected to the Entity table, which makes my object model pretty ambiguous and was hoping to be able to clean it up a bit by using the entity framework.I am using VB.Net 3.5 in a web application.

Update...In an attempt to internalize the different types of relationships I can form, I have been playing with this simple example and have come up with the following possibilities:And the reason why I cannot make an association between the Student and Address table is because that relationship is not enforced in the database. If I wanted an association between these two tables I would need to re-think the design of my database. Is that correct?

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Excessive SQL Server Processes For Entity Framework Based Application

Jun 27, 2011

We are currently developing a WPF/Entity-Framework based application.One of our requirements was to allow the user option to select which environment(testing, training, or production) they will connect to when logging in.Each connection option points to its own database.In order to do this we are creating new EF contexts in the following way:[code]We have made sure that all new contexts are being disposed of once its job is completed.The problem is this: when the users are using the application we are seeing hundreds of SQL Server processes in SQL Server's activity monitor. Some individual users have upwards of 30+ processes associated when using the app. Once the user shuts down the app the associated processes all disappear - but while the app is running these processes seem to stick around.

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Sync Framework How To Determine Rows That Has Been Synchronized To SQL SERVER Database

May 5, 2011

I want to filter the SQL Compact Database to get rows that as been synchronized to the SQL SEVER Using sync framework can any one give me an hint on how to get this done. I will prefer a sample code in VB.NET

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Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server And Other Packages In VB 2008 Application Installation

May 22, 2009

Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server and other packages in VB 2008 Application installation

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Make Autorun Setup For Win Application Visual Studio To Installing Sql Server And .net Framework?

Jun 18, 2011

how to make Autorun installing for win Applicatin Visual studio that installing .net framework and sql server or all needed?

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Sql Server - Rolling Back Entity Framework Transaction, Cached Item Persist?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm using an Entity Framework context, and sometimes would like to create a transaction so that the client can do multiple changes and then commit/rollback them all together.However, if many changes were made, and SaveChanges() was called multiple times, after which a rollback is called, entities that were commited already, will remain the way they were commited, and would not roll back.Here's how my transaction-relative functions look like:

Public Sub BeginTransaction()
Dim context = HttpContext.Current.GetObjectContext()
If Not context.Connection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If


Not only does the test fail, but it also leave the ObjectContext in an unstable mode, because it still has invalid changes in it.

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Connection To SQL Server Not Working

Oct 6, 2011

I using vb.net 2010 and sql server management express 2008. bu I little confused what is wrong with the code for connect sql and vb.net


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GetShortPathName Not Working On New 64-bit Server?

Apr 28, 2009

I have established code that calls GetShortPathName to convert, say, "r: estlongname" to "r: estlo~1". It works fine with our old server, and at various user sites. We've just got a new 64-bit server and the code no longer works, ie it does nothing so my program carries on trying to use the long name (later on in the code this causes problems because it's trying to write a batch file to perform an unzip & other functions). Any ideas why GetShortPathName isn't working? We're a small software company with no specialised network admin.

The code uses this declaration: Declare Function GetShortPathName& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long)

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SQL Server Connection Not Working

Jul 16, 2009

I'm not very good at deployment and I'm facing a problem: First Off, I'm using Vista. i have created a windows application in vb.net which has a database file named Customerdb.mdf in it. I have selected the database and in the property, I have selected Embedded Resource option. I have used the following connection:


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Working With CSV Field In SQL Server

Jan 19, 2011

I am working on an application that pulls a field from a SQL Server table that has numeric values separated by commas, for example (1, 3, 4, 6). I need to load this field and somehow load it into a numeric array. However, I can't seem to come up with a good solution. Here is what I have tried:

Dim PagetoSign as Integer()
PageArray = Split(_DataRowView("PagestoSign"), ",")
Dim _PagetoSign As String = ""


However, I receive an error message when it enters the for each loop. I'm not married to this method if there is a more elegant way.

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DB Connection Working On Local Not On Server

May 9, 2011

I have a query that is working fine on my local but when placed on the server it comes back with this error,

Server Error in 'Page' Application.

ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. [Code]

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Getting Error While Working With Datasets In Sql Server

Jun 4, 2009

In mt project im calling data from sql server to display in labels. Howerver when there is no data for a paticular customer im getting an error saying "There is no row at position 0." How can I set the row so that it doesn throw an error but just returns a blank lbl?

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Sql Server - Vshsost.exe Has Stopped Working?

Aug 19, 2011

I am debug a code in server 2008 but it showing an error like vshost.exe has stopped working. I am unable to debug the code.

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SQL Server Application Role Not Working In App

Oct 7, 2009

This desktop app written in VB.Net within VStudio 2008 fails when one of our "power users" tries to run the program: Select permission denied on object 'AcctLogon', database 'MDS', owner 'dbo'. The author of the app is out for a few weeks and I am the "fixer" while she's out. Both of our logins for SQL have permissions for db_owner in the MDS database but our user does not. The user has a Windows user login for this instance of SQL. This login has permissions for the public role only in the MDS database.


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Performance Related Features For Migration From .net 2003 Framework 1.1 To .net 2008 Framework 3.5?

May 21, 2010

I am work on VB.net 2003 Framework 1.1 for last 3.5 years in windows Application.We are currently migrating to VB.net 2008 framework 3.5, but i don't know about the features which related to ADO.net and which is important to performance. I know linq to SQL but our architecture is made in .net 2003 so we should follow this.Any features which is very important to enhance the performance?

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.NET Response.Redirect Not Working Properly On New Server?

Jun 3, 2010

If you try to access a password protected page it does a security check and redirects you if you are not logged in, retaining the URL (ie. Members/MemberLogin.aspx?oc=/PodCast/Default.aspx)The vb script places the "/PodCast/Default.aspx" in a variable and holds it until the login process is complete.Once the user types in their username and password it is suppose to do a Response.Redirect(strRedirectURL) and go to the "/PodCast/Default.aspx" but instead it goes to the default.aspx page for logging in successfully

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DataSet Not Working With View With Linked SQL Server

Sep 13, 2010

Anyway, I wrote a view with a union query in SQL Server that grabs data from a linked SQL server.

Anytime I try to add this object as a dataset in VB.NET it completely bombs out on me with this ugly error message...

ERROR [42000] [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction. ERROR [01000] [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] [OLE/DB provider returned message : new transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator] ERROR [01000] [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] OLE DB Error Trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' lTransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a]

I'm completely stumped as to why I can't create a dataset from a view that references a linked SQL server. It's not this specific view either, all views that reference this linked server bomb out.

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VB ExecuteNonQuery() Working But Data Not Saved Into Sql Server DB?

Jul 21, 2010

I am having a hard time figuring this out. It's about ExecuteNonQuery() method and sql server database. I done several testing and still getting the desired result which is data captured from application window and saved into sql server database table.

Some results i gotten from my testing:Query - Senario 1:From application window, data was captured into variable memory but didnt save into database and end up with blank database. (Tested many rounds still end up in this senario)Senario 2:Used the command console in the data explorer frame, with the insert query along with required value, an entry was made. (Test a couple of rounds and i know it worked)

ExecuteNonQuery() - Tested using if/else method as shown below and the result was pass that show the method is working. This testing method was found from this link: [URL]Below is my create Method(sentence with ' are comments):

Dim DatabaseConnection As String = My.Settings.QuotationDatabase [color="#00FF00"]'Connection to Database[/color]
Dim SqlConnection As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DatabaseConnection) [color="#00FF00"]'Linking Database Connection via SqlClient to Application[/color]
Dim Query As String = "Insert Into Clients2 (Title, Name, Email, Designation, ResidentialNumber, MobileNumber, CompanyName,


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Formatting Currency (U.S) Not Working With Data From Sql Server Database?

Mar 25, 2012

I have a code that binds the data from the database to textboxes. The problem is I want to make one of the textboxes Payment use a dollar sign.I tried formatting it as shown in the code below but only the first record gets formatted, the rest do not. When I click the next button, the dollar sign disappeared.

Here is a portion of the code:

bs = New BindingSource(ds, ds.Tables(0).TableName)
Me.txtPayment.DataBindings.Add("Text", bs, "Payment")
Me.txtPayment.Text = Format(CType(txtPayment.Text, Decimal), ("c"))

I have tried everything else I know, FormatCurrency but no luck.Payment is the name of the column in the database, the data type in SQL Server is Small Money.

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