Childform Is Already Opened And If Yes, Open The One That Is Open?

Apr 4, 2012

Currently i'm opening childforms like this:

Dim backupform As backup
backupform = New backup()
backupform.MdiParent = Me
backupform = Nothing

How can I make it so if the menubar is clicked and if the childform is open, the open childform is showed and not a new one.

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Close The Opened Childform With Menustrip?

Jun 12, 2009

i create a mdiparent form and a form1, all i wanted to do is to close the mdichild form(form1) with a close in the menustrip.When i want to close the opened childform with menustrip (i create a button close in the menustrip)

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Open Last Opened File?

Mar 15, 2012

I made a quick search program so when I browse for a text file, it adds that text file to a listbox1. And then when you search result will be placed in listbox2 Now I'm wondering how to force the program to automaticly load last opened text file on startup.I tried with this and then I stuck.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim reader As IO.StreamReader = _
New IO.StreamReader(winDir & "system.ini")


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Forms :: Open Link In Opened Tab?

Feb 2, 2010

I have multiple tabs opened in 'any browser' and one of it is titled 'LAME', how can i make links open(by buttons) in that tab? I have a simple form with two buttons,

Button one:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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.net - The Microsoft Jet Database Cannot Open The File '...' It Is Already Opened Exclusively By Another User

Sep 1, 2011

I have a WinForms application that I have taken over support for and it was build using Visual Studio 2005 with VB.Net. The application makes use of an Access database. It runs fine when it is installed as a standalone application, but the install cd for the application also allows for a network install and this is where I am currently encountering issues.

To test the network install I created a folder on my server (Windows Server 2003 SP2) and copied the Access database to this folder. I created a share for this folder and gave everyone full permissions to the share. Then on the workstation I installed the application and gave the path to the database as follows:


(The install steps here are as per the instructions given on the installation cd)The workstation that I installed it on is Windows 7 Ultimate. When I run the application, I get the error message given in the title when the application tries to read the database file. I have confirmed that I am able to write to the shared folder on the server, so I don't think this is a permissions issue. Also, the database file is not in use at all, so it is definitely not opened exclusively.

UPDATE:I have tested the workstation installation on a computer with a fresh install of Windows XP SP3 and it is able to access the database file without a problem. So it seems that this error that I am getting is somehow specific to Windows 7. Is there maybe a known issue with Oledb drivers on Windows 7? My version of Windows 7, btw is 32 bit.

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Copy Opened Database - Application Gets It's Data From A Mdb-file And The Connection Remains Open As Long A Person Works?

May 14, 2010

The fact is I'm making an application, which users can install by using a Setup file...once installed the data in the database can be updated by a centralized server. To do this, they can insert a DVD/CD-ROM and export the necessary data towards it. I need to do it that way, because some of the users who really need this data will be using stand alone computers.The application gets it's data from a mdb-file and the connection remains open as long a person works with the application (maybe not the best way to do, but I know :-) )...when the user uses the application, he can perform an export...this exports the .ini-file and pictures (which works fine), but he also needs to export the mdb behind the application...I already tried connection.close() before and after the System.IO.File.Copy...but that doesn't seems to work.

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Finding The Path Of A File That Was Opened With The Open File Dialogue?

Jun 5, 2009

Is there a better way of finding the path of a file that was opened with the open file dialogue? This is what I did. It works, but it seems like there should be a way to get the path through one of the open dialogue options.

'm_PicSource = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
'm_PicSource is a global var
Dim strCnt As Integer = m_PicSource.Length - 1


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Open File Retain The Directory Of The Last Opened File?

Jan 10, 2010

So I open files and do whatever with them right. I've set the initial directory to equal the last directory, but whenever I open multiple files, it never sets the directories properly. It acts as though nothing was opened there, so it takes the previous directory as the last one. Thoughts on what's not working? Here's the code.

With FileOpenDialog1
.InitialDirectory = LastDirectory
If .ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then


I have multiselect enabled earlier and everything else works but this. When you open a single file, the last directory works fine. It only happens with multiselect.On another note, does anyone know why it freezes when I try to do a lot of files and use another program? I opened 700+ files to see what would happen. When I switched to a IM convo, it froze. When I left it to run, it worked.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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VB 2010 - Get The Links That Open In A New Window To Open In Main Webbrowser Control?

Mar 11, 2010

Private Sub LinkClicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim link As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.ActiveElement
Dim url As String = link.GetAttribute("href")

Okay so here's the question how do I get the links that open in a new window to open in my main webbrowser control. The above code does some, but it's not fool proof.

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Return To Already Open Application When User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 27, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version.I noticed that this question was asked for only if the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, "please remove older version before starting this version."The other link is this one:Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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Why Would A .sln File Open As Empty In VB2010Express When It Should Open Referring To Projects Etc

Mar 6, 2012

Why would a .sln solution file open and appear empty in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - i.e. no windows showing projects and code files etc.When I inspect the file in a text editor, it contains references to vbproj files (which are present) which indicate that it should not appear as empty.No error messages are reported when the file is opened.

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[2005] Can't Open Excel File By Using XlApp.Workbooks.Open?

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to open the excel file after create the excel file. The creating file function is done, but the system unable to open the excel file. My coding as below:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value


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C# - Return To An Already Open App When A User Tries To Open A New Instance If Same Version?

Nov 28, 2011

I want to open up an existing instance if my program is already running only if its running the same version. I noticed that this question was asked for only the the name exists, but what if the version is older, I just want to notify the user that an older version is still running, please remove older version before starting this version. The other link is this one: Return to an already open application when a user tries to open a new instance but they don't talk about closing an instance if an older or newer version is detected.

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Can Get Web Browser To Open And Open File That Was Clicked On In Explorer?

Aug 7, 2011

I've noticed that when you click on a web page in Windows Explorer, or open a file in general, and the default application to open it is internet explorer, ie opens and opens the file. However, when I tried this on my Web Browser it opened, but ignored the file and went on its usual routine. How can I get my Web Browser to open and open the file that was clicked on in explorer?

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Open A Open A Picture In Runtime By Dragging Into The Picturebox?

Sep 4, 2009

May i know how to code to enable users to drag picture into the picturebox and be able to open the picture automatically once the user let go of the mouse click event, but if the user leave up the mouse click button on the main form then a msgbox will pop up saying this is not the correct place to put in the picture and the form will not be able to open the picture.


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Open And Re-open A .doc File In The Rich Text Box Control?

Apr 28, 2011

I saved a file with the extension .doc. I use the RichText to write and save the text. I did not set any encoding type when I saved it. When I tried to open the file in the Richtextbox again, I got all the formatting characters in the RTF file. How do I correct this? How do I open and re-open a .doc file in the Rich Text box control without the formatting showing up in the box with the document contents?

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Open The Dialgue Box And Click The File And Open In My Pdf Reader

May 11, 2010

im having a slight problem with my open file dialogue box, i need to be able to open the dialgue box, and click the file and open in my pdf reader, or at least load it to my other form ive created. what ive go so far:


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Progressbars - App Open A Save Confirm Message Box Open

Jul 7, 2009

Questions regarding progress bars. to start i would like to say what i am trying to do: i am trying to have my app open a save confirm message box open. at this point if the user presses ok then a seperate form will open containing a progress bar to visually represent the status of the file saving. the following code is written in VB 2008

The following code says that if the ok button was clicked then show the form with the progress bar


Now this is the code that performs the actions of save... but i am getting an "IOException handler error" saying that the proccess is in use


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VS 2008 Open And Close Connection Every Second, Or Keep It Open All The Time??

Oct 21, 2009

In my program, I have a timer with a inteval set to 1000ms. The timer is executing a MySQL-command, and right now I'm opening and closing the connection each time.

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IDE :: Can't Open Code And Crash When Open Wpf Form

Oct 22, 2009

I'm try on Ultimate version and Express version. Reinstall many time from web install and offline install. What should I do ?

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Open Window Is Not Displaying To Open A File?

Jul 13, 2011

I like to open a file. The open option should be shown in a separate window. My code works fine but the open window is not displaying to open a file. Here is the code:

private void OpenMyFile()
string path = GetPath() + ViewState["fileopen"];


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If Folder Is Open Then Maximize - Else Open

May 20, 2011

I am a beginner using Visual Basic 2008 express and trying to get a folder to open if it isn't already, and if not then maximise it. Here's my


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Open As A New Window And Open As A New Tab In Own Browser?

Aug 6, 2009

I am making a browser and i have putted tabs in it too. But when i click "open in new window" in my browser the internet explorar pops up. I want my browser window to pop up. Secondly the "open in new tab" option is not avaliable when i right click a link. How to make it avaliable and the new tab should open in my browser(not internet explorar)

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Open Pop Ups And It Opens Ie And Doesent Open A New Tab?

Nov 2, 2010

on my webbrowser i open pop ups and it opens ie and doesent open a new tab? whats the code to open it in a new tab in my web browser??

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Anyway To Check Open MS Word Documents Filesize Of Open Document Before Saving Document?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a function on my program that allows a user to load a listbox filled with words that are matched with words inside a databank. The databank is filled with 2 string arrays and file of .jpg Pictures. The Arrays attached to each word inside the listbox are approximately one page. Each page is two paragraphs of Text(string Array) and one Picture(20Kbytes).My problem is this. When the user selects the option print all, the listbox with approximately 10255 words is selected and begins to fill a Microsoft Word Document.Because the alotted amount of space needed for the MS Word Document is approximately 5 Gbytes,I need to open about 10 Documents and insert the String Array's and Pictures into each document one at a time.Is there anyway to check the filesize of the Open Document before saving the document.This way I could check the open document inside the algorithm for 512 Mbytes of memory and save the document before the size gets above 512 Mbytes.[code]

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Checking If A Port Is Open - If It Is Open Then Return True, If It's Closed, Return False?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm making a Visual Basic GUI application to display whether a number of my ports are open for people to know whether things like my website and my Minecraft server are open.My problem is I have absolutely no idea how to do this in Visual Basic.Basically, I'm asking for something which sends a signal to an IP with a specific port, if it is open then return true, if it's closed, return false. Similar to: http:[url]....

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How To Open Multiple Files Using "open With" Command Line Arguments

May 15, 2012

I have an application that can read certain types of files, and I have it working so that if you do "open with" from windows, it automatically starts the application and opens the selected file.

Unfortnately, I cannot get it to work for more than one file.

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() contrains the following:
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(0) = name and path to the .exe
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(1) = name and path to the first file selected to be opened

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length is 2 when the user tries to open 1 file, which makes sense since the first argument is the .exe itself and the 2nd is the path to the file, but it does not increase to 3 if the user tries to open 2 files... meaning that System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(2) is never populated Here is some sample code that shows the problem: It will recognize no files or 1 file being opened, but if you try to open multiple it will only show the first.


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Forms :: Resize And Already Open Window To Automatically Accomodate A New Open Window?

Feb 24, 2009

if you guys have used office 2003 or better( i am sure all) then you would have seen that when the help window open it causes the active windows say of MS WORD to change accordingly so that this help windows fits with it along the right side and this functionality i want to implement in my VB windows application and have no idea how to do it Also i have seen this feature in GOOGLE DESKTOP GADGETS...

i want to implement that when my application opens which ever is the active window( of any application) snaps to the left and allows my application to fir in the right hand side i am developing my application in VS 2005 using Visual Basic.

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Open The Same Form In My Application One Time Only Cannot Open The Form Two Times?

Feb 23, 2009

How I Can open the same form in my application one time only can not open the form tow time in same time

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